【哈利波特精读】Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(Chapter 10)

Chapter Ten Halloween 万圣节


“That's a broomstick,” he said, throwing it back to Harry with a mixture of jealousy and spite on his face. “You'll be in for it this time, Potter, first years aren't allowed them.”

spite  [spaɪt]

n. 不顾;恶意;怨恨

vt. 刁难;使恼怒

Harry and Ron headed upstairs, smothering their laughter at Malfoy's obvious rage and confusion.

smother  ['smʌðə]

vt. 使窒息;抑制;(用灰等)闷熄;忍住

vi. 窒息;被抑制;闷死

n. 窒息状态;令人窒息的浓烟

Sleek and shiny, with a mahogany handle, it had a long tail of neat, straight twigs and Nimbus Two Thousand written in gold near the top.

sleek  [sliːk]

adj. 圆滑的;井然有序的

vt. 使…光滑;掩盖vi. 打扮整洁;滑动

mahogany  [mə'hɒgənɪ]

n. 桃花心木,红木;红褐色

“Three Chasers try and score with the Quaffle; the Keeper guards the goal posts; the Beaters keep the Bludgers away from their team,” Harry reeled off.

reel  [riːl]

vi. 卷;眩晕;蹒跚地走;退缩vt. 卷;使旋转

n. 蹒跚;眩晕;旋转

A game of Quidditch only ends when the Snitch is caught, so it can go on for ages — I think the record is three months, they had to keep bringing on substitutes so the players could get some sleep.

substitute  ['sʌbstɪtjuːt]

n. 代用品;代替者

vi. 替代vt. 代替

“That Quidditch Cup'll have our name on it this year,” said Wood happily as they trudged back up to the castle.

trudge  [trʌdʒ]

vi. 跋涉;步履艰难地走vt. 跋涉

n. 长途跋涉;沉重的步伐

On Halloween morning they woke to the delicious smell of baking pumpkin wafting through the corridors.

waft  [wɒft; wɑːft]

vt. 使飘荡;吹送vi. 飘荡

n. 飘荡;吹拂

A thousand live bats fluttered from the walls and ceiling while a thousand more swooped over the tables in low black clouds, making the candles in the pumpkins stutter.

stutter  ['stʌtə]

vi. 结结巴巴地说话vt. 结结巴巴地说出

n. 口吃,结巴

Harry was just helping himself to a baked potato when Professor Quirrell came sprinting into the hall, his turban askew and terror on his face.

askew  [ə'skjuː]

adj. 歪斜的

adv. 歪斜地,斜地

Everyone stared as he reached Professor Dumbledore's chair, slumped against the table, and gasped, “Troll — in the dungeons — thought you ought to know.”

slump  [slʌmp]

vi. 下降,衰落;倒下;大幅度下降,暴跌

vt. 使降低;使衰落;使倒下

n. 衰退;暴跌;消沉

“Percy!” hissed Ron, pulling Harry behind a large stone griffin.

griffin  ['grɪfɪn]

n. 希腊神话中半狮半鹫的怪兽

Harry sniffed and a foul stench reached his nostrils, a mixture of old socks and the kind of public toilet no one seems to clean.

stench  [sten(t)ʃ]

n. 恶臭;臭气

vt. 使…散发恶臭vi. 发恶臭

Twelve feet tall, its skin was a dull, granite gray, its great lumpy body like a boulder with its small bald head perched on top like a coconut.

boulder /ˈbəʊldə(r)/ 

n. 卵石,大圆石;巨砾

It waggled its long ears, making up its tiny mind, then slouched slowly into the room.

slouch /slaʊtʃ/ 

n. 下垂;笨拙的人,懒散的人;懒散的样子

vi. 没精打采地站;耷拉vt. 使下垂

Wheeling around, they sprinted back to the door and turned the key, fumbling in their panic.

fumble  ['fʌmb(ə)l]

vt. 摸索;笨拙地做;漏接vi. 摸索;笨拙地行动;漏球

n. 摸索;笨拙的处理;漏球

It lumbered around, blinking stupidly, to see what had made the noise.

lumber /ˈlʌmbə(r)/ 

v. 笨重地行动,缓慢地移动;(非正式)拖累;伐木;乱堆;逢场作戏地结识;迫使担负(职责等);烦扰

n. 木材; 废旧家具,废物,无用的杂物

The troll swayed on the spot and then fell flat on its face, with a thud that made the whole room tremble.

thud  [θʌd]

n. 砰的一声;重击

vi. 砰的一声掉下;发出砰声vt. 砰地击中

A moment later, Professor McGonagall had come bursting into the room, closely followed by Snape, with Quirrell bringing up the rear.

rear  [rɪə]

vt. 培养;树立;栽种vi. 暴跳;高耸

adv. 向后;在后面adj. 后方的;后面的;背面的

n. 后面;屁股;后方部队

Quirrell took one look at the troll, let out a faint whimper, and sat quickly down on a toilet, clutching his heart.

whimper  ['wɪmpə]

n. 呜咽声;啜泣声;牢骚;怨声

vi. 呜咽;啜泣;低声抱怨vt. 呜咽着说;啜泣着说


Hermione was now refusing to speak to Harry and Ron, but she was such a bossy know-it-all that they saw this as an added bonus.


“Don't worry, the Weasleys are more than a match for the Bludgers — I mean, they're like a pair of human Bludgers themselves.”


“I went looking for the troll because I — I thought I could deal with it on my own — you know, because I've read all about them.”

Ron dropped his wand. Hermione Granger, telling a downright lie to a teacher?


But from that moment on, Hermione Granger became their friend. There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.


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