
那你真的是他 上帝?

So, you're really him, aren't you?


You want more proof? I haven't done the pillar of salt thing in a while.

好吧,我相信你 我只是不明白你为什么选中我

That's right. I believe you. I just ... I don't understand why you chose me.

因为你想要改变世界 孩子

You want to change the world, son


So do I.

什么? 那为什么要造方舟呢?我认为方舟是为了抵御洪水的

What? Well,why an ark? I mean, that's like flood territory.

你不会再让洪水淹没世界吧 你不会那样做的 你会吗?

You wouldn't do that again. You wouldn't do that. Would you do that?

无论我做什么 都是出于我爱你们

Let's just say that whatever I do, I do because I love you.

那你也该明白 造方舟的事 并不在我的计划内

Well, then you have to understand that this whole building-an-ark thing

is really not part of my plans.

我需要安置好我的家人 在工作上做出成绩

I need to settle into my house. I need to make a good impression at work.

我们在讨论方舟 对吗? 造方舟?

We're talking about an ark, right? I mean, an ark?

造方舟是个大工程! 我都不知道该从哪儿着手!

An ark is huge! I don't even know where I would begin!


Well, I hear that a lot.

人们想改变世界 却不知道从哪做起

People want to change the world, don't know how to begin.

你想知道怎样改变世界 孩子?

You want to know how to change the world, son?


One act of random kindness at a time.


Build me ark.

告诉你吧 你造方舟 而我将方舟填满

I'll tell you what.  You build it, I'll fill it

如果有人问起 你就告诉他们洪水要来了

If anybody asks, tell them a flood's coming.




谁知道呢?who knows?
