

China-Indochina Peninsula Economics Corridor

China and the indochina Peninsula are connected by land and sea,with close geographical,cultural,and people-to-people ties.The indochina Peninsula is an important link on the Belt and Road.

The China-Indochaina Peninsula Economic Corridor (CICPEC)extends from China's Pearl River Delta westward along the Nanchong-Guang'an Expressway and the Nanning-Guangzhou High-speed Railway via Nanning and Pingxiang to Hanoi and Singapore.

This land bridge links China with the indochian Peninsula and crosses Vietnam,laos,Cambodia,Thailand,Myanmat and is expected to boost China's cooperation with the ASEAN countries.

The CICPEC project aims to better connect cities in this region with a network of railway and highways to facilitate the flow of people,goods,capital and information.It will open up new opportunities for strategic cooperation,and create a regional economy bolstered by complementary strengths to ensure sound regional develepoment.By creating new regional growth drivers,it will help achieve common prosperity on the peninsula,and strengthen the ChinaASEAN community of a shared future.
