From Calcite to Tampering with Flink SQL

今天为组内同学做了题为「From Calcite to Tampering with Flink SQL」的分享,将Markdown版讲义贴在下面。

本次分享信息量极大,涵盖Calcite基础、Blink Planner执行原理、优化器与优化规则等。之后会择重点专门写文章二次讲解。

From Calcite to Tampering with Flink SQL

August 26th, 2021

For NiceTuan Real-Time Team


  • Basic understanding of
    • Flink DataStream runtime (3-layered DAGs, stream partition, etc.)
    • Database system concepts
    • SQL queries
    • Scala language, just in case

(Review) Some Relational Algebra

  • Textbook - Database System Concepts 6th Edition [Abraham Silberschatz et al. 2011]

  • But Wikipedia is fairly enough

    • Relational algebra is a theory that uses algebraic structures with a well-founded semantics for modeling data, and defining queries on it
    • The theory was introduced by Edgar F. Codd

  • Projection (Π)

  • Selection (σ)
  • Rename (ρ)
  • Natural join (⋈) & Equi-join
  • Left outer join (⟕)
  • Right outer join (⟖)

Calcite In A Nutshell

What is it

  • As you already knew, "Flink does not reinvent the wheel, but leverages Apache Calcite to deal with most SQL-related works"

  • Apache Calcite is a foundational software framework that provides query processing, optimization, and query language support to many popular open-source data processing systems such as Apache Hive, Apache Storm, Apache Flink, Druid, and MapD


  • From Apache Calcite: A Foundational Framework for Optimized Query Processing Over Heterogeneous Data Sources [Edmon Begoli et al. SIGMOD 2018]

Fundamental Concepts

  • Catalog - A metadata store & handler for schema, tables, etc.

  • SqlNode - A parsed SQL tree (i.e. AST)

    • SqlLiteral - Constant value (1, FALSE, ...)
    • SqlIdentifier - Identifier
    • SqlCall - Call to functions, operators, etc.
    • SqlSelect / SqlJoin / SqlOrderBy / ...

  • RelNode - A relational (algebraic) expression

    • LogicalTableScan
    • LogicalProject
    • LogicalFilter
    • LogicalCalc
    • ...

  • RexNode - A (typed) row-level expression

    • RexLiteral
    • RexVariable
    • RexCall
    • ...

  • RelTrait & RelTraitDef - A set of physical properties & their definitions carried by a relational expression

    • Convention - Working scope, mainly a single data source
    • RelCollation - Ordering method of data (and sort keys)
    • RelDistribution - Distribution method of data

  • RelOptPlanner - A query optimizer, which transforms a relational expression into a semantically equivalent relational expression, according to a given set of rules and a cost model

    • HepPlanner - RBO, greedy, heuristic
    • VolcanoPlanner - CBO, dynamic programming, Volcano-flavored

  • RelOptRule - A (usually empirical) rule which defines the transformation routine for RBO

    • RelOptRuleOperand - Used by the rule to determine the section of RelNodes to be optimized
    • RuleSet - Self-explanatory

  • RelOptCost - An interface for optimizer cost in terms of number of rows processed, CPU cost, and I/O cost

  • RelMetadataProvider - An interface for obtaining metadata about relational expressions to support optimization process

    • Min / max row count
    • Data size
    • Expression lineage
    • Distinctness / uniqueness
    • ...

  • RelOptCluster - The environment during the optimization of a query

Process Flow

A Quick Calcite Show

Prepare Schema and SQL

SchemaPlus rootSchema = Frameworks.createRootSchema(true);

rootSchema.add("student", new AbstractTable() {
  @Override public RelDataType getRowType(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) {
    RelDataTypeFactory.Builder builder = new Builder(DEFAULT_TYPE_FACTORY);

    builder.add("id", new BasicSqlType(DEFAULT_TYPE_SYSTEM, SqlTypeName.BIGINT));
    builder.add("name", new BasicSqlType(DEFAULT_TYPE_SYSTEM, SqlTypeName.VARCHAR));
    builder.add("class", new BasicSqlType(DEFAULT_TYPE_SYSTEM, SqlTypeName.VARCHAR));
    builder.add("age", new BasicSqlType(DEFAULT_TYPE_SYSTEM, SqlTypeName.INTEGER));


rootSchema.add("exam_result", new AbstractTable() {
  @Override public RelDataType getRowType(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) {
    RelDataTypeFactory.Builder builder = new Builder(DEFAULT_TYPE_FACTORY);

    builder.add("student_id", new BasicSqlType(DEFAULT_TYPE_SYSTEM, SqlTypeName.BIGINT));
    builder.add("score1", new BasicSqlType(DEFAULT_TYPE_SYSTEM, SqlTypeName.FLOAT));
    builder.add("score2", new BasicSqlType(DEFAULT_TYPE_SYSTEM, SqlTypeName.FLOAT));


String sql = /* language=SQL */
  "SELECT,, SUM(b.score1 * 0.7 + b.score2 * 0.3) AS total_score " +
  "FROM student a " +
  "INNER JOIN exam_result b ON = b.student_id " +
  "WHERE a.age < 20 AND b.score1 > 60.0 " +
  "GROUP BY,";


FrameworkConfig frameworkConfig = Frameworks.newConfigBuilder()

SqlParser parser = SqlParser.create(sql);
SqlNode originalSqlNode = parser.parseStmt();

--- Original SqlNode ---
SELECT `A`.`ID`, `A`.`NAME`, SUM(`B`.`SCORE1` * 0.7 + `B`.`SCORE2` * 0.3) AS `TOTAL_SCORE`
WHERE `A`.`AGE` < 20 AND `B`.`SCORE1` > 60.0


Properties cxnConfig = new Properties();

CalciteCatalogReader catalogReader = new CalciteCatalogReader(
  new CalciteConnectionConfigImpl(cxnConfig)

SqlValidator validator = new SqlValidatorImpl1(

SqlNode validatedSqlNode = validator.validate(originalSqlNode);

--- Validated SqlNode ---
SELECT `A`.`ID`, `A`.`NAME`, SUM(`B`.`SCORE1` * 0.7 + `B`.`SCORE2` * 0.3) AS `TOTAL_SCORE`
INNER JOIN `EXAM_RESULT` AS `B` ON `A`.`id` = `B`.`student_id`
WHERE `A`.`age` < 20 AND `B`.`score1` > 60.0
GROUP BY `A`.`id`, `A`.`name`


RelOptCluster relOptCluster = RelOptCluster.create(new VolcanoPlanner(), new RexBuilder(DEFAULT_TYPE_FACTORY));

SqlToRelConverter relConverter = new SqlToRelConverter(

RelRoot relRoot = relConverter.convertQuery(validatedSqlNode, false, true);
RelNode originalRelNode = relRoot.rel;

--- Original RelNode ---
LogicalProject(ID=[$0], NAME=[$1], TOTAL_SCORE=[$2])
  LogicalAggregate(group=[{0, 1}], TOTAL_SCORE=[SUM($2)])
    LogicalProject(id=[$0], name=[$1], $f2=[+(*($5, 0.7:DECIMAL(2, 1)), *($6, 0.3:DECIMAL(2, 1)))])
      LogicalFilter(condition=[AND(<($3, 20), >($5, 60.0:DECIMAL(3, 1)))])
        LogicalJoin(condition=[=($0, $4)], joinType=[inner])


  • Predicate (filter) pushdown past join into table scan using HepPlanner and FILTER_INTO_JOIN rule

σR.aθa' ^ S.bθb' (R ⋈ S) = (σR.aθa' R) ⋈ (σS.bθb' S)

  • HepProgram defines the order of rules to be attempted
HepProgram hepProgram = new HepProgramBuilder()

HepPlanner hepPlanner = new HepPlanner(hepProgram);
RelNode optimizedRelNode = hepPlanner.findBestExp();

--- Optimized RelNode ---
LogicalProject(ID=[$0], NAME=[$1], TOTAL_SCORE=[$2])
  LogicalAggregate(group=[{0, 1}], TOTAL_SCORE=[SUM($2)])
    LogicalProject(id=[$0], name=[$1], $f2=[+(*($5, 0.7:DECIMAL(2, 1)), *($6, 0.3:DECIMAL(2, 1)))])
      LogicalJoin(condition=[=($0, $4)], joinType=[inner])
        LogicalFilter(condition=[<($3, 20)])
        LogicalFilter(condition=[>($1, 60.0:DECIMAL(3, 1))])
  • Rules can do a lot more...

Dive Into Blink Stream Planner


  • Parsing & validation
  • Logical planning
  • All-over optimization w/ physical planning
  • Execution planning & codegen (only a brief today)

SQL for Example

  • Will not cover sophisticated things (e.g. sub-queries, aggregate functions, window TVFs) for now
  • Just an ordinary streaming ETL process, which will be optimized later
INSERT INTO expdb.print_joined_result
  FROM_UNIXTIME(a.ts / 1000, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') AS tss, 
  a.userId, a.eventType, 
  a.siteId, b.site_name AS siteName
FROM expdb.kafka_analytics_access_log_app 
/*+ OPTIONS('scan.startup.mode'='latest-offset',''='DiveIntoBlinkExp') */ a
LEFT JOIN rtdw_dim.mysql_site_war_zone_mapping_relation 
FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF a.procTime AS b ON CAST(a.siteId AS INT) = b.site_id
WHERE a.userId > 3 + 4;

Parsing & Validation

  • Build the flink-sql-parser module, and you'll get the exact parser for Flink SQL dialect
  • Call stack
// parse
parse:54, CalciteParser (org.apache.flink.table.planner.parse)
parse:96, ParserImpl (org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation)
executeSql:722, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)

// validation
-- goes to org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.FlinkCalciteSqlValidator#validate()
org$apache$flink$table$planner$calcite$FlinkPlannerImpl$$validate:150, FlinkPlannerImpl (org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite)
validate:108, FlinkPlannerImpl (org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite)
convert:201, SqlToOperationConverter (org.apache.flink.table.planner.operations)
parse:99, ParserImpl (org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation)
executeSql:722, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)
  • SqlNode tree
    • Note that FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF syntax is translated to a SqlSnapshot node

Logical Planning

  • Call stack
    • Obviously, these are a bunch of recursive processes
-- goes to Calcite SqlToRelConverter
org$apache$flink$table$planner$calcite$FlinkPlannerImpl$$rel:168, FlinkPlannerImpl (org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite)
rel:160, FlinkPlannerImpl (org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite)
toQueryOperation:967, SqlToOperationConverter (org.apache.flink.table.planner.operations)
convertSqlQuery:936, SqlToOperationConverter (org.apache.flink.table.planner.operations)
convert:275, SqlToOperationConverter (org.apache.flink.table.planner.operations)
convertSqlInsert:595, SqlToOperationConverter (org.apache.flink.table.planner.operations)
convert:268, SqlToOperationConverter (org.apache.flink.table.planner.operations)
parse:99, ParserImpl (org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation)
executeSql:722, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)
  • Logical planning in Flink SQL yields a tree of Operations (e.g. ModifyOperation, QueryOperation)

    • Just wrappers of RelNodes

  • RelNode tree

    • SqlJoinLogicalCorrelate (in Calcite this means nested-loop join)
    • SqlSnapshotLogicalSnapshot
    • etc.
  • Output of EXPLAIN statement
-- In fact this is the original logical plan
== Abstract Syntax Tree ==
LogicalSink(table=[hive.expdb.print_joined_result], fields=[tss, userId, eventType, siteId, siteName])
+- LogicalProject(tss=[FROM_UNIXTIME(/($0, 1000), _UTF-16LE'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')], userId=[$1], eventType=[$2], siteId=[$6], siteName=[$10])
   +- LogicalFilter(condition=[>($1, +(3, 4))])
      +- LogicalCorrelate(correlation=[$cor0], joinType=[left], requiredColumns=[{6, 8}])
         :- LogicalProject(ts=[$0], userId=[$1], eventType=[$2], columnType=[$3], fromType=[$4], grouponId=[$5], siteId=[$6], merchandiseId=[$7], procTime=[PROCTIME()])
         :  +- LogicalTableScan(table=[[hive, expdb, kafka_analytics_access_log_app]], hints=[[[OPTIONS inheritPath:[] options:{, scan.startup.mode=latest-offset}]]])
         +- LogicalFilter(condition=[=(CAST($cor0.siteId):INTEGER, $0)])
            +- LogicalSnapshot(period=[$cor0.procTime])
               +- LogicalTableScan(table=[[hive, rtdw_dim, mysql_site_war_zone_mapping_relation]])

All-Over Optimization w/ Physical Planning

  • Call stack
    • CommonSubGraphBasedOptimizer is a Flink-implemented optimizer that divides logical plan into sub-graphs by SinkBlocks, and reuses common sub-graphs whenever available
    • For most scenarios, the logical plan is merely a single tree (optimizeTree)
-- goes to org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.optimize.program.FlinkChainedProgram#optimize()
optimizeTree:163, StreamCommonSubGraphBasedOptimizer (org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.optimize)
doOptimize:79, StreamCommonSubGraphBasedOptimizer (org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.optimize)
optimize:77, CommonSubGraphBasedOptimizer (org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.optimize)
optimize:284, PlannerBase (org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation)
translate:168, PlannerBase (org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation)
translate:1516, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)
executeInternal:738, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)
executeInternal:854, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)
executeSql:728, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)
  • FlinkChainedProgram breaks down to several FlinkHepPrograms (resemble to HepProgram), which defines the order of rules to be attempted with HepPlanner

    • This time a lot more rules of course
    • Flink SQL handles entire physical planning process with RelOptRules, along with logical/physical optimization

  • All RuleSets are presented in FlinkStreamRuleSets, some of them are shipped natively with Calcite

  • FlinkStreamProgram actually build up the program sequence
    • The names are quite straightforward though
    • At the end of LOGICAL, specialized ConverterRules will convert Calcite RelNode into FlinkLogicalRel
      • e.g. LogicalCalcFlinkLogicalCalcConverterFlinkLogicalCalc
      • i.e. Converted the convention to FLINK_LOGICAL
      • Logical optimization phase is somewhat hard to observe
  • The optimized StreamPhysicalRel tree
    • Physical planning rules are almost all ConverterRules
      • FlinkLogicalRelStreamPhysicalRel, convention FLINK_LOGICALSTREAM_PHYSICAL
      • e.g. FlinkLogicalCalcStreamPhysicalCalcRuleStreamPhysicalCalc

    • HepRelVertex is the wrapper of RelNode in HepPlanner
  • Output of EXPLAIN statement
== Optimized Physical Plan ==
Sink(table=[hive.expdb.print_joined_result], fields=[tss, userId, eventType, siteId, siteName])
+- Calc(select=[FROM_UNIXTIME(/(ts, 1000), _UTF-16LE'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') AS tss, userId, eventType, siteId, site_name AS siteName])
   +- LookupJoin(table=[hive.rtdw_dim.mysql_site_war_zone_mapping_relation], joinType=[LeftOuterJoin], async=[false], lookup=[site_id=siteId0], select=[ts, userId, eventType, siteId, siteId0, site_id, site_name])
      +- Calc(select=[ts, userId, eventType, siteId, CAST(siteId) AS siteId0], where=[>(userId, 7)])
         +- TableSourceScan(table=[[hive, expdb, kafka_analytics_access_log_app]], fields=[ts, userId, eventType, columnType, fromType, grouponId, siteId, merchandiseId], hints=[[[OPTIONS options:{, scan.startup.mode=latest-offset}]]])
  • Pick two rules for some explanation

  • TEMPORAL_JOIN_REWRITE - LogicalCorrelateToJoinFromLookupTableRuleWithFilter

This rule matches

+- LogicalCorrelate
   :- [RelNode related to stream table]
   +- LogicalFilter(condition)
      +- LogicalSnapshot(time_attr)
         +- [RelNode related to temporal table]

and transforms into

+- LogicalJoin(condition)
   :- [RelNode related to stream table]
   +- LogicalSnapshot(time_attr)
      +- [RelNode related to temporal table]
  • PHYSICAL - StreamPhysicalLookupJoinRule - SnapshotOnTableScanRule

This rule matches

+- FlinkLogicalJoin(condition)
   :- [RelNode related to stream table]
   +- FlinkLogicalSnapshot(time_attr)
      +- FlinkLogicalTableSourceScan [w/ LookupTableSource]

and transforms into StreamPhysicalLookupJoin

Execution Planning & Codegen

  • Call stack
-- goes to separate FlinkPhysicalRel#translateToExecNode()
generate:74, ExecNodeGraphGenerator (org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.exec)
generate:54, ExecNodeGraphGenerator (org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.exec)
translateToExecNodeGraph:312, PlannerBase (org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation)
translate:164, PlannerBase (org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation)
translate:1518, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)
executeInternal:740, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)
executeInternal:856, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)
executeSql:730, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)

-- goes to separate ExecNodeBase#translateToPlan() & StreamExecNode#translateToPlanInternal()
translateToPlan:70, StreamPlanner (org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation)
translate:165, PlannerBase (org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation)
translate:1518, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)
executeInternal:740, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)
executeInternal:856, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)
executeSql:730, TableEnvironmentImpl (org.apache.flink.table.api.internal)
  • The ExecNodeGraph DAG
    • JSON representation of this DAG can be acquired or executed by tableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].getJsonPlan(sql) / executeJsonPlan(plan)
  • Output of EXPLAIN statement
== Optimized Execution Plan ==
Sink(table=[hive.expdb.print_joined_result], fields=[tss, userId, eventType, siteId, siteName])
+- Calc(select=[FROM_UNIXTIME((ts / 1000), _UTF-16LE'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') AS tss, userId, eventType, siteId, site_name AS siteName])
   +- LookupJoin(table=[hive.rtdw_dim.mysql_site_war_zone_mapping_relation], joinType=[LeftOuterJoin], async=[false], lookup=[site_id=siteId0], select=[ts, userId, eventType, siteId, siteId0, site_id, site_name])
      +- Calc(select=[ts, userId, eventType, siteId, CAST(siteId) AS siteId0], where=[(userId > 7)])
         +- TableSourceScan(table=[[hive, expdb, kafka_analytics_access_log_app]], fields=[ts, userId, eventType, columnType, fromType, grouponId, siteId, merchandiseId], hints=[[[OPTIONS options:{, scan.startup.mode=latest-offset}]]])
  • StreamExecNodeTransformation → Generated DataStream Operator / Function code

    • e.g. StreamExecCalcOneInputStreamTransformationOneInputStreamOperator / FlatMapFunction

  • Generated code will be dynamically compiled into Java class files through Janino

    • You can view all generated code by setting debug output of CompileUtils
    • Too long, refer to

  • We'll leave detailed explanation of this part for the next lecture

Get Our Hands Dirty


  • Are there any hidden trouble in the simple example program shown above?
  • Try focus on the LookupJoin and consider its cache locality
    • In extreme conditions, a lookup-ed KV can be re-cached N times

Define An Option

  • Distributing lookup keys (according to hash) to sub-tasks seems better

  • In ExecutionConfigOptions...

@Documentation.TableOption(execMode = Documentation.ExecMode.STREAMING)
public static final ConfigOption TABLE_EXEC_LOOKUP_DISTRIBUTE_BY_KEY =
    .withDescription("Specifies whether to distribute lookups to sub-tasks by hash value of lookup key.");

Customize A Rule

  • When to apply this rule? --- After physical planning

  • What should we do? --- Insert a hash-by-key operation before StreamPhysicalLookupJoin

    • FlinkRelDistribution will do the work
    • Physical redistribution means StreamPhysicalExchange node

  • Note that there are 5 kinds of RelTrait in Flink SQL

class HashDistributedLookupJoinRule extends RelOptRule(
  operand(classOf[StreamPhysicalLookupJoin], any()),
  "HashDistributedLookupJoinRule") {

  override def matches(call: RelOptRuleCall): Boolean = {
    val tableConfig = call.getPlanner.getContext.unwrap(classOf[FlinkContext]).getTableConfig

  override def onMatch(call: RelOptRuleCall): Unit = {
    val originalLookupJoin: StreamPhysicalLookupJoin = call.rel(0)
    val joinInfo = originalLookupJoin.joinInfo
    val traitSet = originalLookupJoin.getTraitSet

    val requiredDistribution = FlinkRelDistribution.hash(joinInfo.leftKeys)

    val hashDistributedTraitSet = traitSet

    val hashDistributedInput = new StreamPhysicalExchange(

      originalLookupJoin.copy(originalLookupJoin.getTraitSet, util.Arrays.asList(hashDistributedInput))

object HashDistributedLookupJoinRule {
  val INSTANCE: RelOptRule = new HashDistributedLookupJoinRule
  • There's a helper method FlinkExpandConversionRule#satisfyDistribution() (also used in two-stage aggregation), how lucky
val hashDistributedInput = FlinkExpandConversionRule.satisfyDistribution(

Put Into Rule Set

  • At the tail of FlinkStreamRuleSets
val PHYSICAL_REWRITE: RuleSet = RuleSets.ofList(
    // hash distributed lookup join rule
    // optimize agg rule
    // incremental agg rule
    // optimize window agg rule

Have A Try

  • Rebuild flink-table-api-java & flink-table-planner-blink module
  • SET table.exec.lookup.distribute-by-key=true
== Optimized Physical Plan ==
Sink(table=[hive.expdb.print_joined_result], fields=[tss, userId, eventType, siteId, siteName])
+- Calc(select=[FROM_UNIXTIME(/(ts, 1000), _UTF-16LE'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') AS tss, userId, eventType, siteId, site_name AS siteName])
   +- LookupJoin(table=[hive.rtdw_dim.mysql_site_war_zone_mapping_relation], joinType=[LeftOuterJoin], async=[false], lookup=[site_id=siteId0], select=[ts, userId, eventType, siteId, siteId0, site_id, site_name])
      +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[siteId0]])
         +- Calc(select=[ts, userId, eventType, siteId, CAST(siteId) AS siteId0], where=[>(userId, 7)])
            +- TableSourceScan(table=[[hive, expdb, kafka_analytics_access_log_app]], fields=[ts, userId, eventType, columnType, fromType, grouponId, siteId, merchandiseId], hints=[[[OPTIONS options:{, scan.startup.mode=latest-offset}]]])

== Optimized Execution Plan ==
Sink(table=[hive.expdb.print_joined_result], fields=[tss, userId, eventType, siteId, siteName])
+- Calc(select=[FROM_UNIXTIME((ts / 1000), _UTF-16LE'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') AS tss, userId, eventType, siteId, site_name AS siteName])
   +- LookupJoin(table=[hive.rtdw_dim.mysql_site_war_zone_mapping_relation], joinType=[LeftOuterJoin], async=[false], lookup=[site_id=siteId0], select=[ts, userId, eventType, siteId, siteId0, site_id, site_name])
      +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[siteId0]])
         +- Calc(select=[ts, userId, eventType, siteId, CAST(siteId) AS siteId0], where=[(userId > 7)])
            +- TableSourceScan(table=[[hive, expdb, kafka_analytics_access_log_app]], fields=[ts, userId, eventType, columnType, fromType, grouponId, siteId, merchandiseId], hints=[[[OPTIONS options:{, scan.startup.mode=latest-offset}]]])

The End

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