

本次设计主要以220V工频正弦波逆变器控制系统设计应用作为研究背景,运用MATLAB仿真工具搭建相应的仿真模型。该模型利用MATLAB软件中的模块库,建立了工频正弦波逆变器在电力系统应用中的系统仿真模型,通过 MATLAB仿真软件搭建仿真模型,运行仿真,并对工频正弦波逆变器的仿真结果进行了分析。利用MATLAB软件Simulink工具箱中模块针对三相Z源逆变器最大升压SPWM技术搭建了仿真模型。最后针对实例进行仿真验证,理论计算值和仿真结果的一致性证明了所搭建仿真模型的正确性,从而为同行从业人员或学习者提供可靠的参照。

关键词:工频正弦波逆变器,SPWM,建模与仿真 ,MATLAB


Compared with traditional inverters, power frequency sine wave inverters have the advantage of low capacitance voltage stress. However, the power frequency sine wave inverter has the defects of high voltage stress and high switching frequency. The SPWM modulation strategy is applied to the power frequency sine wave inverter, and the maximum modulation system is realized without current ripple, which can not only reduce the voltage stress of the switching device, but also reduce the switching frequency. The maximum constant through-through time and its relation with the modulation system under SPWM modulation are deduced, and the through-through injection method is given. Simulation and experimental results show that the maximum constant boost modulation strategy of SPWM is effective.

Power frequency sine wave inverter is widely used, such as electronic equipment, power system, industry and other industries, will be used to power frequency sine wave inverter system or tools. The power frequency sine wave inverter with higher efficiency and higher precision has always been the focus of research. In our daily life, the power frequency sine wave inverter can be seen everywhere, because compared with other control methods, stable operation and higher control precision advantages, the most important is the power frequency sine wave inverter has a good advantage in grid-connected control. With the continuous innovation of automatic control technology and microelectronic technology, the current technical level for the realization of power frequency sine wave inverter regulation control to lay a solid foundation, provide a solid theoretical basis.

This design mainly uses 220V power frequency sine wave inverter control system design and application as the research background, using MATLAB simulation tools to build the corresponding simulation model. This model uses the module library of MATLAB software to establish the system simulation model of the application of power frequency sine wave inverter in the power system. The simulation model is built by MATLAB simulation software, and the simulation results of the power frequency sine wave inverter are analyzed. A simulation model for maximum boost SPWM technology of three-phase Z-source inverter was built by using the module of MATLAB software Simulink toolbox. Finally, the simulation is verified by an example. The consistency between the theoretical calculation values and the simulation results proves the correctness of the simulation model, so as to provide a reliable reference for fellow practitioners or learners.

Key words: Power frequency sine wave inverter, SPWM, Modeling and simulation, MATLAB


  ................................................................................................. 1

第一章 绪论.................................................................................... 5

1.1  概述...................................................................................... 5

1.2  课题研究的现状............................................................... 6

1.3  课题研究的意义............................................................... 7

1.4  仿真工具MATLAB/Simulink简介............................ 7

1.5  课题的研究内容及章节安排...................................... 10

第二章 逆变器的拓扑结构及工作原理.............................. 12

2.1  传统逆变器的局限性................................................... 12

2.2  三相逆变器的拓扑结构.............................................. 12

2.3  三相逆变器的工作原理.............................................. 13

第三章 SPWM的工作原理及特点...................................... 14

3.1  SPWM的工作原理........................................................ 14

3.2  SPWM逆变器的特点................................................... 14

第四章  MBC调制方法的基本原理与算法..................... 16

4.1  最大升压控制的基本原理.......................................... 16

4.2  三次谐波注入升压调制............................................... 17

第五章 工频正弦波逆变器Simulink建模与仿真.......... 20

5.1   工频正弦波逆变器系统建模..................................... 20

5.2 仿真输出波形及分析..................................................... 21

5.3 本章小结............................................................................. 23

第五章  结束语.......................................................................... 25

参考文献........................................................................................ 26

致    谢........................................................................................ 30

第一章 绪论

1.1  概述

随着新能源产业的扩大与发展, 新能源发电已经逐步走向大众的日常生活。由于新能源电池所发出来的电均为直流电, 要想应用于电视机、电冰箱、或者户用交流照明灯等家庭负载, 需要将直流电转换成220 V50 Hz的工频交流电, 这就需要转换装置逆变器。传统的逆变器绝大多数为方波逆变器和准正弦波逆变器。这两种逆变器虽然电路结构简单, 但输出的电能质量较差, 谐波分量大。而数字化正弦波逆变器成本较高, 因此,需要一种结构简单, 谐波畸变率低的纯正弦波实现方案。




1.2  课题研究的现状

所谓逆变器,是指整流器的逆向变换器,其作用是通过半导体功率开关器件的开通和关断作用,把直流电能变换成交流电能的一种电力电子变换器。逆变器的应用将越来越重要。21 世纪是能源开发、资源利用与环境保护互相协调发展的世纪,能源的优化利用与清洁能源的开发,是能源资源与环境可持续发展战略的重要组成部分。具有世界三大能源之称的石油、天然气和煤等化石燃料将逐渐被耗尽,氢能源与再生能源将逐渐取代化石燃料而成为人类使用的主体能源,这种能源的变迁将迫使发电方式产生一次大变革,使用氢能源与再生能源的高效低污染燃料电池发电方式,将成为主体发电方式。因此,逆变技术在新能源的开发和利用领域有着至关重要的地位。


