git help

  • work zoom:本地看到的代码
  • index zoom:英文叫 stage 或 index。一般存放在 .git 目录下的 index 文件(.git/index)中,所以我们把暂存区有时也叫作索引(index)。
  • local repository :本地仓库,对应记录在 .git 下,.git不是work zoom内容。
  • remote repository: 远程仓库

// add code to index

 git add .


git remote -v

# add a new remote
git remote add origin_c  [email protected]:xxx1

# modify a remote to new addr
git remote set-url origin_c [email protected]:xxx1

# push to remote bname_local:bname_remote
git push origin_c master:master

# del远端关联
git remote remove 

# new create a branch
git branch "new branch name"

# 新建一个本地分支,和远程关联
git checkout -b bname_local origin/bname_remote
