

mikel-brostrom/yolov8_tracking: Real-time multi-object tracking and segmentation using YOLOv8 with DeepOCSORT and OSNet (github.com)icon-default.png?t=N176https://github.com/mikel-brostrom/yolov8_tracking


GitHub - ultralytics/ultralytics at 15b3b0365ab2f12993a58985f3cb7f2137409a0cNEW - YOLOv8 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite - GitHub - ultralytics/ultralytics at 15b3b0365ab2f12993a58985f3cb7f2137409a0chttps://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/tree/15b3b0365ab2f12993a58985f3cb7f2137409a0c2.该跟踪网络可以选择自行选择BoT-sort、Bytetrack、Deepocsort、Ocsort和Strongsort作为跟踪网络。我自己使用下来感觉Deepocsort和Bytetrack效果最好。

3.里面还有一个重识别网络也叫Reid网络,是用来匹配轨迹和检测框中国物体的外观特征的。里面的权重模型在下面的链接进行下载。其中market1501是清华大学的行人数据集,我用了之后发现效果不好(可能是数据集太老的原因)。msmt17数据集效果很不错,推荐下该数据集的预训练模型。模型越大,特征提取效果越好,一般使用osnet也够用,如果想要效果更好就推荐Resnet50,或者自己用更好的图像分类网络在msmt17上预训练。Model Zoo — torchreid 1.4.0 documentationicon-default.png?t=N176https://kaiyangzhou.github.io/deep-person-reid/MODEL_ZOO




pip install -r requirements.txt


pip install lap








import os

import cv2

video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter("result.mp4", cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"mp4v"), 30, (1920, 1080))
images_path = "..."
images_list = os.listdir(images_path)

for image_name in images_list:
    image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(images_path, image_name))
    show = cv2.resize(image, (1280, 720))
    cv2.imshow("test", show)
    if cv2.waitKey(10) != ord('q'):




    This script is adopted from the SORT script by Alex Bewley [email protected]
from __future__ import print_function

import pdb
import pickle

import cv2
import torch
import torchvision

import numpy as np
from .association import *
from .embedding import EmbeddingComputer
from .cmc import CMCComputer
from reid_multibackend import ReIDDetectMultiBackend

def k_previous_obs(observations, cur_age, k):
    if len(observations) == 0:
        # 若轨迹的观测数为0
        return [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
    for i in range(k):
        dt = k - i
        if cur_age - dt in observations:
            return observations[cur_age - dt]
    max_age = max(observations.keys())
    return observations[max_age]

def convert_bbox_to_z(bbox):
    Takes a bounding box in the form [x1,y1,x2,y2] and returns z in the form
      [x,y,s,r] where x,y is the centre of the box and s is the scale/area and r is
      the aspect ratio
    w = bbox[2] - bbox[0]
    h = bbox[3] - bbox[1]
    x = bbox[0] + w / 2.0
    y = bbox[1] + h / 2.0
    s = w * h  # scale is just area
    r = w / float(h + 1e-6)
    return np.array([x, y, s, r]).reshape((4, 1))

def convert_bbox_to_z_new(bbox):
    w = bbox[2] - bbox[0]
    h = bbox[3] - bbox[1]
    x = bbox[0] + w / 2.0
    y = bbox[1] + h / 2.0
    return np.array([x, y, w, h]).reshape((4, 1))

def convert_x_to_bbox_new(x):
    x, y, w, h = x.reshape(-1)[:4]
    return np.array([x - w / 2, y - h / 2, x + w / 2, y + h / 2]).reshape(1, 4)

def convert_x_to_bbox(x, score=None):
    Takes a bounding box in the centre form [x,y,s,r] and returns it in the form
      [x1,y1,x2,y2] where x1,y1 is the top left and x2,y2 is the bottom right
    w = np.sqrt(x[2] * x[3])
    h = x[2] / w
    if score == None:
        return np.array([x[0] - w / 2.0, x[1] - h / 2.0, x[0] + w / 2.0, x[1] + h / 2.0]).reshape((1, 4))
        return np.array([x[0] - w / 2.0, x[1] - h / 2.0, x[0] + w / 2.0, x[1] + h / 2.0, score]).reshape((1, 5))

def speed_direction(bbox1, bbox2):
    cx1, cy1 = (bbox1[0] + bbox1[2]) / 2.0, (bbox1[1] + bbox1[3]) / 2.0
    cx2, cy2 = (bbox2[0] + bbox2[2]) / 2.0, (bbox2[1] + bbox2[3]) / 2.0
    speed = np.array([cy2 - cy1, cx2 - cx1])
    norm = np.sqrt((cy2 - cy1) ** 2 + (cx2 - cx1) ** 2) + 1e-6
    return speed / norm

def new_kf_process_noise(w, h, p=1 / 20, v=1 / 160):
    Q = np.diag(
        ((p * w) ** 2, (p * h) ** 2, (p * w) ** 2, (p * h) ** 2, (v * w) ** 2, (v * h) ** 2, (v * w) ** 2, (v * h) ** 2)
    return Q

def new_kf_measurement_noise(w, h, m=1 / 20):
    w_var = (m * w) ** 2
    h_var = (m * h) ** 2
    R = np.diag((w_var, h_var, w_var, h_var))
    return R

class KalmanBoxTracker(object):
    This class represents the internal state of individual tracked objects observed as bbox.

    count = 0

    def __init__(self, bbox, cls, delta_t=3, orig=False, emb=None, alpha=0, new_kf=False):
        Initialises a tracker using initial bounding box.

        # define constant velocity model
        if not orig:
            from .kalmanfilter import KalmanFilterNew as KalmanFilter
            from filterpy.kalman import KalmanFilter
        self.cls = cls
        self.conf = bbox[-1]
        self.new_kf = new_kf
        if new_kf:
            self.kf = KalmanFilter(dim_x=8, dim_z=4)
            self.kf.F = np.array(
                    # x y w h x' y' w' h'
                    [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
                    [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            self.kf.H = np.array(
                    [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            _, _, w, h = convert_bbox_to_z_new(bbox).reshape(-1)
            self.kf.P = new_kf_process_noise(w, h)
            self.kf.P[:4, :4] *= 4
            self.kf.P[4:, 4:] *= 100
            # Process and measurement uncertainty happen in functions
            self.bbox_to_z_func = convert_bbox_to_z_new
            self.x_to_bbox_func = convert_x_to_bbox_new
            self.kf = KalmanFilter(dim_x=7, dim_z=4)
            self.kf.F = np.array(
                    # x  y  s  r  x' y' s'
                    [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                    [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                    [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
                    [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            self.kf.H = np.array(
                    [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
            self.kf.R[2:, 2:] *= 10.0
            self.kf.P[4:, 4:] *= 1000.0  # give high uncertainty to the unobservable initial velocities
            self.kf.P *= 10.0
            self.kf.Q[-1, -1] *= 0.01
            self.kf.Q[4:, 4:] *= 0.01
            self.bbox_to_z_func = convert_bbox_to_z
            self.x_to_bbox_func = convert_x_to_bbox

        self.kf.x[:4] = self.bbox_to_z_func(bbox)

        self.time_since_update = 0
        # 每有一个卡尔曼轨迹id就加一
        self.id = KalmanBoxTracker.count
        KalmanBoxTracker.count += 1
        self.history = []
        self.hits = 0
        self.hit_streak = 0
        self.age = 0
        NOTE: [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] is a compromising placeholder for non-observation status, the same for the return of 
        function k_previous_obs. It is ugly and I do not like it. But to support generate observation array in a 
        fast and unified way, which you would see below k_observations = np.array([k_previous_obs(...]]), let's bear it for now.
        # Used for OCR
        self.last_observation = np.array([-1, -1, -1, -1, -1])  # placeholder
        # Used to output track after min_hits reached
        self.history_observations = []
        # Used for velocity
        self.observations = dict()
        self.velocity = None
        self.delta_t = delta_t

        self.emb = emb

        self.frozen = False

    def update(self, bbox, cls):
        Updates the state vector with observed bbox.
        if bbox is not None:
            self.frozen = False
            self.cls = cls
            if self.last_observation.sum() >= 0:  # no previous observation
                previous_box = None
                for dt in range(self.delta_t, 0, -1):
                    if self.age - dt in self.observations:
                        previous_box = self.observations[self.age - dt]
                if previous_box is None:
                    previous_box = self.last_observation
                  Estimate the track speed direction with observations \Delta t steps away
                self.velocity = speed_direction(previous_box, bbox)
              Insert new observations. This is a ugly way to maintain both self.observations
              and self.history_observations. Bear it for the moment.
            self.last_observation = bbox
            self.observations[self.age] = bbox

            self.time_since_update = 0
            self.history = []
            self.hits += 1
            self.hit_streak += 1
            if self.new_kf:
                R = new_kf_measurement_noise(self.kf.x[2, 0], self.kf.x[3, 0])
                self.kf.update(self.bbox_to_z_func(bbox), R=R)
            self.frozen = True

    def update_emb(self, emb, alpha=0.9):
        self.emb = alpha * self.emb + (1 - alpha) * emb
        self.emb /= np.linalg.norm(self.emb)

    def get_emb(self):
        return self.emb.cpu()

    def apply_affine_correction(self, affine):
        m = affine[:, :2]
        t = affine[:, 2].reshape(2, 1)
        # For OCR
        if self.last_observation.sum() > 0:
            ps = self.last_observation[:4].reshape(2, 2).T
            ps = m @ ps + t
            self.last_observation[:4] = ps.T.reshape(-1)

        # Apply to each box in the range of velocity computation
        for dt in range(self.delta_t, -1, -1):
            if self.age - dt in self.observations:
                ps = self.observations[self.age - dt][:4].reshape(2, 2).T
                ps = m @ ps + t
                self.observations[self.age - dt][:4] = ps.T.reshape(-1)

        # Also need to change kf state, but might be frozen
        self.kf.apply_affine_correction(m, t, self.new_kf)

    def predict(self):
        Advances the state vector and returns the predicted bounding box estimate.
        # Don't allow negative bounding boxes
        if self.new_kf:
            if self.kf.x[2] + self.kf.x[6] <= 0:
                self.kf.x[6] = 0
            if self.kf.x[3] + self.kf.x[7] <= 0:
                self.kf.x[7] = 0

            # Stop velocity, will update in kf during OOS
            if self.frozen:
                self.kf.x[6] = self.kf.x[7] = 0
            Q = new_kf_process_noise(self.kf.x[2, 0], self.kf.x[3, 0])
            if (self.kf.x[6] + self.kf.x[2]) <= 0:
                self.kf.x[6] *= 0.0
            Q = None

        self.age += 1
        if self.time_since_update > 0:
            self.hit_streak = 0
        self.time_since_update += 1
        return self.history[-1]

    def get_state(self):
        Returns the current bounding box estimate.
        return self.x_to_bbox_func(self.kf.x)

    def mahalanobis(self, bbox):
        """Should be run after a predict() call for accuracy."""
        return self.kf.md_for_measurement(self.bbox_to_z_func(bbox))

    We support multiple ways for association cost calculation, by default
    we use IoU. GIoU may have better performance in some situations. We note 
    that we hardly normalize the cost by all methods to (0,1) which may not be 
    the best practice.
    "iou": iou_batch,
    "giou": giou_batch,
    "ciou": ciou_batch,
    "diou": diou_batch,
    "ct_dist": ct_dist,

class OCSort(object):
    def __init__(
        # reid模型的权重文件
        # 是否需要半精度
        # 检测框的置信度阈值
        # 轨迹的最大生命,轨迹每预测一次,
        # trk.time_since_update就加一,知道大于max_age后被删除
        # 轨道的最小连击值,卡尔曼滤波每更新一次,hit_streak就加一
        # 检测框和轨迹之间IOU的最小阈值
        # 检测框和轨迹之间计算IOU的方式
        # vdc_weight权重
        Sets key parameters for SORT
        self.max_age = max_age
        self.min_hits = min_hits
        self.iou_threshold = iou_threshold
        self.trackers = []
        self.frame_count = 0
        # 检测框的置信度阈值
        self.det_thresh = det_thresh
        self.delta_t = delta_t
        self.asso_func = ASSO_FUNCS[asso_func]
        self.inertia = inertia
        self.w_association_emb = w_association_emb
        self.alpha_fixed_emb = alpha_fixed_emb
        self.aw_param = aw_param
        # 初始化id为0
        KalmanBoxTracker.count = 0
        # embedder为reid提取出来的特征
        self.embedder = ReIDDetectMultiBackend(weights=model_weights, device=device, fp16=fp16)
        # CMC为累积匹配特性,用于评价reid的
        self.cmc = CMCComputer()
        self.embedding_off = embedding_off
        self.cmc_off = cmc_off
        self.aw_off = aw_off
        self.new_kf_off = new_kf_off

        self.s = 0

    def update(self, dets, img_numpy, tag='blub'):
          dets - a numpy array of detections in the format [[x1,y1,x2,y2,score],[x1,y1,x2,y2,score],...]
        Requires: this method must be called once for each frame even with empty detections (use np.empty((0, 5)) for frames without detections).
        Returns the a similar array, where the last column is the object ID.
        NOTE: The number of objects returned may differ from the number of detections provided.
        xyxys = dets[:, 0:4]
        scores = dets[:, 4]
        clss = dets[:, 5]
        classes = clss.numpy()
        xyxys = xyxys.numpy()
        scores = scores.numpy()
        dets = dets[:, 0:6].numpy()
        # 当检测框的置信度大于阈值时
        remain_inds = scores > self.det_thresh
        # 检测框dets为大于阈值的检测框
        dets = dets[remain_inds]
        self.height, self.width = img_numpy.shape[:2]

        # Rescale
        #scale = min(img_tensor.shape[2] / img_numpy.shape[0], img_tensor.shape[3] / img_numpy.shape[1])
        #dets[:, :4] /= scale

        # Embedding
        if self.embedding_off or dets.shape[0] == 0:
            # 如果不提取特征或没有超过阈值的检测框
            dets_embs = np.ones((dets.shape[0], 1))
            # (Ndets x X) [512, 1024, 2048]
            #dets_embs = self.embedder.compute_embedding(img_numpy, dets[:, :4], tag)
            # 输入为检测出来的框和原图的numpy
            # 输出为检测框对应原图的特征
            dets_embs = self._get_features(dets[:, :4], img_numpy)

        # CMC
        # CMC用来评估匹配成功的概率
        if not self.cmc_off:
            transform = self.cmc.compute_affine(img_numpy, dets[:, :4], tag)
            for trk in self.trackers:
        # (检测框的score-检测框置信度阈值)/(1-检测框置信度阈值)
        trust = (dets[:, 4] - self.det_thresh) / (1 - self.det_thresh)
        af = self.alpha_fixed_emb
        # From [self.alpha_fixed_emb, 1], goes to 1 as detector is less confident
        dets_alpha = af + (1 - af) * (1 - trust)

        # get predicted locations from existing trackers.
        # 从现存的轨迹预测位置
        # 生成一个trackers行,5列的数组
        trks = np.zeros((len(self.trackers), 5))
        trk_embs = []
        to_del = []
        ret = []
        for t, trk in enumerate(trks):
            # 用轨迹去预测位置
            pos = self.trackers[t].predict()[0]
            # 用预测的位置放入生成的轨迹
            trk[:] = [pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], 0]
            # np.any()对矩阵所有元素做或运算,存在True则返回True
            # np.isnan(x)函数可以判断x是否为空值,然后输出布尔类型的变量
            if np.any(np.isnan(pos)):
                # 若预测的位置不存在,则添加到to_del中
                # 存在则将该轨迹的特征添加到轨迹特征列表中
        trks = np.ma.compress_rows(np.ma.masked_invalid(trks))

        if len(trk_embs) > 0:
            # np.vstack():在竖直方向上堆叠
            # np.hstack():在水平方向上平铺
            # np.vstack()输入为元组,返回堆叠后的新数组
            trk_embs = np.vstack(trk_embs)
            trk_embs = np.array(trk_embs)

        for t in reversed(to_del):
            # 从轨迹中删除预测的位置为空的轨迹

        # 如果轨迹的速度不是None,velocities为轨迹的速度
        velocities = np.array([trk.velocity if trk.velocity is not None else np.array((0, 0)) for trk in self.trackers])
        # 最新的框为轨迹的last_observation
        last_boxes = np.array([trk.last_observation for trk in self.trackers])
        k_observations = np.array([k_previous_obs(trk.observations, trk.age, self.delta_t) for trk in self.trackers])

            First round of association
        # (M detections X N tracks, final score)
        if self.embedding_off or dets.shape[0] == 0 or trk_embs.shape[0] == 0:
            stage1_emb_cost = None
            # @表示矩阵乘法
            # 检测框的特征乘轨迹的特征得到代价矩阵
            stage1_emb_cost = dets_embs @ trk_embs.T
        # 第一次匹配
        matched, unmatched_dets, unmatched_trks = associate(
        # m0是检测框,m1是轨迹
        for m in matched:
            # 更新该轨迹的检测框
            self.trackers[m[1]].update(dets[m[0], :5], dets[m[0], 5])
            # 更新该轨迹的人物特征
            self.trackers[m[1]].update_emb(dets_embs[m[0]], alpha=dets_alpha[m[0]])

            Second round of associaton by OCR
        # 第二次匹配
        # 如果还有剩下的检测框和轨迹没有匹配的,进行第二次匹配
        if unmatched_dets.shape[0] > 0 and unmatched_trks.shape[0] > 0:
            left_dets = dets[unmatched_dets]
            left_dets_embs = dets_embs[unmatched_dets]
            left_trks = last_boxes[unmatched_trks]
            left_trks_embs = trk_embs[unmatched_trks]

            # print(dets.shape) # (9, 6)
            # print(left_dets.shape) # (1, 6)
            # print(left_trks.shape) # (1, 5)
            iou_left = self.asso_func(left_dets, left_trks)
            # TODO: is better without this
            emb_cost_left = left_dets_embs @ left_trks_embs.T
            if self.embedding_off:
                emb_cost_left = np.zeros_like(emb_cost_left)
            iou_left = np.array(iou_left)
            # 如果留下的检测框和轨迹的iou大于阈值
            if iou_left.max() > self.iou_threshold:
                NOTE: by using a lower threshold, e.g., self.iou_threshold - 0.1, you may
                get a higher performance especially on MOT17/MOT20 datasets. But we keep it
                uniform here for simplicity
                rematched_indices = linear_assignment(-iou_left)
                to_remove_det_indices = []
                to_remove_trk_indices = []
                for m in rematched_indices:
                    det_ind, trk_ind = unmatched_dets[m[0]], unmatched_trks[m[1]]
                    if iou_left[m[0], m[1]] < self.iou_threshold:
                    # 在之前没有匹配成功的轨迹上添加再匹配成功的检测框
                    self.trackers[trk_ind].update(dets[det_ind, :5], dets[det_ind, 5])
                    self.trackers[trk_ind].update_emb(dets_embs[det_ind], alpha=dets_alpha[det_ind])
                # 从匹配失败的检测框和轨迹列表中删除再次匹配成功的
                unmatched_dets = np.setdiff1d(unmatched_dets, np.array(to_remove_det_indices))
                unmatched_trks = np.setdiff1d(unmatched_trks, np.array(to_remove_trk_indices))

                    third round of associaton by OCR

        # 遍历匹配失败的轨迹,将他们置0
        for m in unmatched_trks:
            # self.s = self.s + 1
            # print("匹配失败的轨迹为" + self.s)
            # self.s = self.s + 1
            # if self.s > 150:
            self.trackers[m].update(None, None)

        # create and initialise new trackers for unmatched detections
        # 遍历匹配失败的检测框,生成新的轨迹
        for i in unmatched_dets:
            trk = KalmanBoxTracker(
                dets[i, :5], dets[i, 5], delta_t=self.delta_t, emb=dets_embs[i], alpha=dets_alpha[i], new_kf=not self.new_kf_off
        i = len(self.trackers)
        # 遍历轨迹的逆序序列
        for trk in reversed(self.trackers):
            if trk.last_observation.sum() < 0:
                d = trk.get_state()[0]
                this is optional to use the recent observation or the kalman filter prediction,
                we didn't notice significant difference here
                d = trk.last_observation[:4]
            if (trk.time_since_update < 1) and (trk.hit_streak >= self.min_hits or self.frame_count <= self.min_hits):
                # +1 as MOT benchmark requires positive
                ret.append(np.concatenate((d, [trk.id + 1], [trk.cls], [trk.conf])).reshape(1, -1))
            i -= 1
            # remove dead tracklet
            # 如果轨迹的生命大于阈值则删除
            if trk.time_since_update > self.max_age:
        if len(ret) > 0:
            return np.concatenate(ret)
        return np.empty((0, 5))
    def _xywh_to_xyxy(self, bbox_xywh):
        x, y, w, h = bbox_xywh
        x1 = max(int(x - w / 2), 0)
        x2 = min(int(x + w / 2), self.width - 1)
        y1 = max(int(y - h / 2), 0)
        y2 = min(int(y + h / 2), self.height - 1)
        return x1, y1, x2, y2
    def _get_features(self, bbox_xywh, ori_img):
        im_crops = []
        for box in bbox_xywh:
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = self._xywh_to_xyxy(box)
            im = ori_img[y1:y2, x1:x2]
        if im_crops:
            features = self.embedder(im_crops).cpu()
            features = np.array([])
        return features

    def update_public(self, dets, cates, scores):
        self.frame_count += 1

        det_scores = np.ones((dets.shape[0], 1))
        dets = np.concatenate((dets, det_scores), axis=1)

        remain_inds = scores > self.det_thresh

        cates = cates[remain_inds]
        dets = dets[remain_inds]

        trks = np.zeros((len(self.trackers), 5))
        to_del = []
        ret = []
        for t, trk in enumerate(trks):
            pos = self.trackers[t].predict()[0]
            cat = self.trackers[t].cate
            trk[:] = [pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], cat]
            if np.any(np.isnan(pos)):
        trks = np.ma.compress_rows(np.ma.masked_invalid(trks))
        for t in reversed(to_del):

        velocities = np.array([trk.velocity if trk.velocity is not None else np.array((0, 0)) for trk in self.trackers])
        last_boxes = np.array([trk.last_observation for trk in self.trackers])
        k_observations = np.array([k_previous_obs(trk.observations, trk.age, self.delta_t) for trk in self.trackers])

        matched, unmatched_dets, unmatched_trks = associate_kitti(

        for m in matched:
            self.trackers[m[1]].update(dets[m[0], :])

        if unmatched_dets.shape[0] > 0 and unmatched_trks.shape[0] > 0:
            The re-association stage by OCR.
            NOTE: at this stage, adding other strategy might be able to continue improve
            the performance, such as BYTE association by ByteTrack.
            left_dets = dets[unmatched_dets]
            left_trks = last_boxes[unmatched_trks]
            left_dets_c = left_dets.copy()
            left_trks_c = left_trks.copy()

            iou_left = self.asso_func(left_dets_c, left_trks_c)
            iou_left = np.array(iou_left)
            det_cates_left = cates[unmatched_dets]
            trk_cates_left = trks[unmatched_trks][:, 4]
            num_dets = unmatched_dets.shape[0]
            num_trks = unmatched_trks.shape[0]
            cate_matrix = np.zeros((num_dets, num_trks))
            for i in range(num_dets):
                for j in range(num_trks):
                    if det_cates_left[i] != trk_cates_left[j]:
                        For some datasets, such as KITTI, there are different categories,
                        we have to avoid associate them together.
                        cate_matrix[i][j] = -1e6
            iou_left = iou_left + cate_matrix
            if iou_left.max() > self.iou_threshold - 0.1:
                rematched_indices = linear_assignment(-iou_left)
                to_remove_det_indices = []
                to_remove_trk_indices = []
                for m in rematched_indices:
                    det_ind, trk_ind = unmatched_dets[m[0]], unmatched_trks[m[1]]
                    if iou_left[m[0], m[1]] < self.iou_threshold - 0.1:
                    self.trackers[trk_ind].update(dets[det_ind, :])
                unmatched_dets = np.setdiff1d(unmatched_dets, np.array(to_remove_det_indices))
                unmatched_trks = np.setdiff1d(unmatched_trks, np.array(to_remove_trk_indices))

        for i in unmatched_dets:
            trk = KalmanBoxTracker(dets[i, :])
            trk.cate = cates[i]
        i = len(self.trackers)

        for trk in reversed(self.trackers):
            if trk.last_observation.sum() > 0:
                d = trk.last_observation[:4]
                d = trk.get_state()[0]
            if trk.time_since_update < 1:
                if (self.frame_count <= self.min_hits) or (trk.hit_streak >= self.min_hits):
                    # id+1 as MOT benchmark requires positive
                    ret.append(np.concatenate((d, [trk.id + 1], [trk.cls], [trk.conf])).reshape(1, -1))
                if trk.hit_streak == self.min_hits:
                    # Head Padding (HP): recover the lost steps during initializing the track
                    for prev_i in range(self.min_hits - 1):
                        prev_observation = trk.history_observations[-(prev_i + 2)]
                                        [trk.id + 1],
                            ).reshape(1, -1)
            i -= 1
            if trk.time_since_update > self.max_age:

        if len(ret) > 0:
            return np.concatenate(ret)
        return np.empty((0, 7))

    def dump_cache(self):

