Real-Time Rendering——6.4 Texture Animation纹理动画 6.5 Material Mapping材料映射

6.4 Texture Animation纹理动画

The image applied to a surface does not have to be static. For example, a video source can be used as a texture that changes from frame to frame.

应用于表面的图像不必是静态的。例如,视频源 可用作逐帧变化的纹理。

The texture coordinates need not be static, either. The application designer can explicitly change the texture coordinates from frame to frame, either in the mesh’s data itself or via functions applied in the vertex or pixel shader. Imagine that a waterfall has been modeled and that it has been textured with an image that looks like falling water. Say the v-coordinate is the direction of flow. To make the water move, one must subtract an amount from the v-coordinates on each successive frame.Subtraction from the texture coordinates has the effect of making the texture itself appear to move forward.


More elaborate effects can be created by applying a matrix to the texture coordinates.In addition to translation, this allows for linear transformations such as zoom,rotation, and shearing [1192, 1904], image warping and morphing transforms [1729],and generalized projections [638]. Many more elaborate effects can be created by applying functions on the CPU or in shaders.


By using texture blending techniques, one can realize other animated effects. For example, by starting with a marble texture and fading in a flesh texture, one can make a statue come to life [1215].


6.5 Material Mapping材料映射

A common use of a texture is to modify a material property affecting the shading equation. Real-world objects usually have material properties that vary over their surface. To simulate such objects, the pixel shader can read values from textures and use them to modify the material parameters before evaluating the shading equation.The parameter that is most often modified by a texture is the surface color. This texture is known as an albedo color map or diffuse color map. However, any parameter can be modified by a texture: replacing it, multiplying it, or changing it in some other way. For example, in Figure 6.25 three different textures are applied to a surface,replacing the constant values.


Real-Time Rendering——6.4 Texture Animation纹理动画 6.5 Material Mapping材料映射_第1张图片

Figure 6.25. Metallic bricks and mortar. On the right are the textures for surface color, roughness (lighter is rougher), and bump map height (lighter is higher). (Image from three.js example webgl tonemapping [218].) 


The use of textures in materials can be taken further. Instead of modifying a parameter in an equation, a texture can be used to control the flow and function of the pixel shader itself. Two or more materials with different shading equations and parameters could be applied to a surface by having one texture specify which areas of the surface have which material, causing different code to be executed for each. As an example, a metallic surface with some rusty regions can use a texture to indicate where the rust is located, conditionally executing the rusty part of the shader based on that texture lookup and otherwise executing the shiny metal shader (Section 9.5.2).


Shading model inputs such as surface color have a linear relationship to the final color output from the shader. Thus, textures containing such inputs can be filtered with standard techniques, and aliasing is avoided. Textures containing nonlinear shading inputs, such as roughness or bump mapping (Section 6.7), require a bit more care to avoid aliasing. Filtering techniques that take account of the shading equation can improve results for such textures. These techniques are discussed in Section 9.13.

