

  • 在 go 项目中创建了一个脚本,编写了一个 main 函数
  • 其中用到了一个 model github.com/link1st/go-stress-testing/stress
import (
    // "github.com/dji/go-stress-testing/stress"
  • 在执行 go run xxx.go 的时候,报错
queries.go:6:2: no required module provides package github.com/link1st/go-stress-testing/stress; to add it:
        go get github.com/link1st/go-stress-testing/stress
  • 提示使用 go get github.com/link1st/go-stress-testing/stress 命令去下载缺少的模块
  • 果不其然,执行之后依旧报错
go: github.com/link1st/go-stress-testing/stress: no matching versions for query "upgrade"
  • 表示该模块没有可用的更新版本
  • 指定版本:go get github.com/link1st/go-stress-testing/stress@latest
  • 依旧报错 获取不到目标版本


  • 搜索技巧 language:go model_name 如下
    • 记录一次go项目踩坑记录_第1张图片
  • 查看模块版本信息
  • 记录一次go项目踩坑记录_第2张图片


go get github.com/link1st/go-stress-testing/stress@v1.0.5
  • 事情总不会顺利,依旧报错
    • go: github.com/link1st/go-stress-testing/[email protected]: invalid version: unknown revision stress/v1.0.5


  • 经过查阅资料,可以手动build项目来安装模块,类似于maven项目中的二方库

  1. 首先搞清楚,go项目的依赖模块都安装在了什么位置
    1. $GOPATH/pkg/mod/ 目录下
    2. 类似于 maven 本地仓库的 .m2 目录。模块的存储结构也是类似的
  2. 然后下载 github.com/link1st/go-stress-testing/stress 的项目源码
    1. clone下来的代码默认是 master 分支
    2. git checkout v1.0.5
  3. 接下来进行 go build
    • -o: 指定输出文件的名称和路径。
    • -v: 打印出被编译的 Go 包的名称。
    • -a: 强制重新编译所有的包,而不使用缓存中的结果。
    • -race: 启用数据竞争检测器,以识别并报告 Go 程序中的数据竞争问题。
    • -tags: 指定要使用的构建标记。
  4. 完整命令 go build -o /Users/duzhihao/go/pkg/mod/github.com/link1st/go-stress-testing/[email protected] main.go
    1. 然而依旧还是不行


  1. 需要的包是 github.com/link1st/go-stress-testing/stress
  2. 清楚如何解释这个包
    1. github.com:模块来源于 github
    2. link1st:作者是 link1st
    3. go-stress-testing:归属于项目 go-stress-testing
    4. stress:项目下的 stress 模块
  3. 去github的项目上找一找这个模块
  4. 记录一次go项目踩坑记录_第3张图片
  5. 好家伙,压根没有 stress 这个模块,怪不得折腾来,折腾去都搞不定




package stress

import (

// Task represents a stress testing task, which consists of a name, a RunFunc function and optional StopFunc function
type Task struct {
    Name      string
    RunFunc   func() error
    StopFunc  func() error
    Context   context.Context
    Cancel    context.CancelFunc

// Run runs the Task and returns a TestResult
func (t *Task) Run() *TestResult {
    var requests uint64
    var errors uint64

    for {
        select {
        case <-t.Context.Done():
            return &TestResult{
                Requests: requests,
                Errors:   errors,
            if err := t.RunFunc(); err != nil {

// NewTask returns a new Task with the given name and RunFunc function
func NewTask(name string, runFunc func() error) *Task {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    return &Task{
        Name:     name,
        RunFunc:  runFunc,
        Context:  ctx,
        Cancel:   cancel,

// NewTimedTask returns a new Task with the given name, RunFunc function and duration
func NewTimedTask(name string, runFunc func() error, duration int) *Task {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), Duration(duration)*time.Second)
    return &Task{
        Name:     name,
        RunFunc:  runFunc,
        StopFunc: cancel,
        Context:  ctx,
        Cancel:   cancel,

// Stop stops the Task
func (t *Task) Stop() error {
    if t.StopFunc == nil {
        return errors.New("Stop function is not defined")

    return t.StopFunc()


package stress

import (

// Scene represents a stress testing scene, which consists of multiple tasks
type Scene struct {
    Name        string
    Frequency   time.Duration
    Duration    time.Duration
    SetupFunc   func() error
    CleanupFunc func() error
    tasks       []*Task

// AddTask adds a new Task to the Scene
func (s *Scene) AddTask(task *Task) {
    s.tasks = append(s.tasks, task)

// Run runs the Scene and returns a TestResult
func (s *Scene) Run() *TestResult {
    resCh := make(chan *TestResult)
    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}


    for _, task := range s.tasks {
        go func(task *Task) {
            defer wg.Done()
            resCh <- task.Run()

    if s.SetupFunc != nil {
        if err := s.SetupFunc(); err != nil {

    ticker := time.NewTicker(s.Frequency)
    stop := make(chan bool)

    go func() {

    var requests uint64
    var errors uint64

    for {
        select {
        case <-ticker.C:
            for _, task := range s.tasks {
                for i := 0; i < requestsPerTask; i++ {
                    if err := task.RunFunc(); err != nil {
                        atomic.AddUint64(&errors, 1)
                    atomic.AddUint64(&requests, 1)
        case res := <-resCh:
            atomic.AddUint64(&requests, res.Requests)
            atomic.AddUint64(&errors, res.Errors)
        case <-stop:
            break loop


    if s.CleanupFunc != nil {
        if err := s.CleanupFunc(); err != nil {


    elapsed := time.Duration(requests) * time.Second / time.Duration(rps)
    return &TestResult{
        Requests: requests,
        Errors:   errors,
        Rps:      rps,
        Elapsed:  elapsed,

// NewScene returns a new Scene with the given name and default settings
func NewScene(name string) *Scene {
    return &Scene{
        Name:      name,
        Frequency: time.Second,
        Duration:  10 * time.Second,
        SetupFunc: func() error {
            return nil
        CleanupFunc: func() error {
            return nil


package stress

import "time"

// TestResult represents the result of a stress test
type TestResult struct {
    Requests uint64
    Errors   uint64
    Rps      uint64
    Elapsed  time.Duration


package stress

import "time"

const (
    requestsPerTask = 100
    rps             = 100

// Duration is an int that can be used with the time package
type Duration int

func (d Duration) String() string {
    return time.Duration(d * time.Second).String()

