
uniq 命令用于检查及删除文本文件中重复出现的行列,一般与 sort 命令结合使用。

uniq 可检查文本文件中重复出现的行列。


uniq [-c/d/D/u/i] [-f Fields] [-s N] [-w N] [InFile] [OutFile]


-c: 在每列旁边显示该行重复出现的次数。

-d: 仅显示重复出现的行列,显示一行。

-D: 显示所有重复出现的行列,有几行显示几行。

-u: 仅显示出一次的行列

-i: 忽略大小写字符的不同

-f Fields: 忽略比较指定的列数。

-s N: 忽略比较前面的N个字符。
-w N: 对每行第N个字符以后的内容不作比较。

[InFile]: 指定已排序好的文本文件。如果不指定此项,则从标准读取数据;

[OutFile]: 指定输出的文件。如果不指定此选项,则将内容显示到标准输出设备(显示终端)。


# uniq.txt

My name is Delav
My name is Delav
My name is Delav
I'm learning Java
I'm learning Java
I'm learning Java
who am i
Who am i
Python is so simple
My name is Delav
That's good
That's good
And studying Golang

1. 直接去重

uniq uniq.txt 


My name is Delav
I'm learning Java
who am i 
Who am i 
Python is so simple
My name is Delav
That's good 
And studying Golang

2. 显示重复出现的次数

uniq -c uniq.txt 


      3 My name is Delav
      3 I'm learning Java
      1 who am i 
      1 Who am i 
      1 Python is so simple
      1 My name is Delav
      2 That's good 
      1 And studying Golang

你会发现,上面有两行 ”My name is Delav ” 是相同的。也就是说,当重复的行不相邻时,uniq 命令是不起作用的。所以,经常需要跟 sort 命令一起使用。

sort uniq.txt | uniq -c


      1 And studying Golang
      3 I'm learning Java
      4 My name is Delav
      1 Python is so simple
      2 That's good 
      1 who am i 
      1 Who am i 

3. 只显示重复的行,并显示重复次数

uniq -cd uniq.txt


      3 My name is Delav
      3 I'm learning Java
      2 That's good 

显示所有重复的行,不能与 -c 一起使用

uniq -D uniq.txt 


My name is Delav
My name is Delav
My name is Delav
I'm learning Java
I'm learning Java
I'm learning Java
That's good 
That's good 

4. 忽略第几列字符

下面这里 -f 1 忽略了第一列字符,所以"who am i" 和 "Who am i" 判定为重复

uniq -c -f 1 uniq.txt


      3 My name is Delav
      3 I'm learning Java
      2 who am i 
      1 Python is so simple
      1 My name is Delav
      2 That's good 
      1 And studying Golang

5. 忽略大小写

下面这里 -i 忽略了大小写,所以"who am i" 和 "Who am i" 判定为重复

uniq -c -i uniq.txt 


      3 My name is Delav
      3 I'm learning Java
      2 who am i 
      1 Python is so simple
      1 My name is Delav
      2 That's good 
      1 And studying Golang

6. 忽略前面N个字符

下面这里 -s 4 表示忽略前面四个字符,所以"who am i" 和 "Who am i" 判定为重复

uniq -c -s 4 uniq.txt


      3 My name is Delav
      3 I'm learning Java
      2 who am i 
      1 Python is so simple
      1 My name is Delav
      2 That's good 
      1 And studying Golang

7. 忽略第N个字符后的内容

uniq -c -w 2 uniq.txt 
