Promethues + grafana 监控splunk 证书

1: 背景:

不仅仅是splunk 含有服务证书,其它的service 也有证书,下面就利用promethues+ grafana 来监控splunk 的证书:

1: 准备工作:

1.1 安装 promethues

1.2: 安装grafana

1.3 去splunk server 上安装node-cert-exporter:


You should now have the node-cert-exporter executable on your instance.

Move this executable to your /usr/local/bin folder and make it executable, at least for the owner of the file.

$ sudo mv node-cert-exporter-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin
$ sudo chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/node-cert-exporter-linux-amd64

Create a user for the node-cert exporter.

$ sudo useradd -rs /bin/false node-cert-exporter

Make the node-cert-exporter user the owner of the exporter executable.

$ sudo chown
