typedef long MLong;
typedef float MFloat;
typedef double MDouble;
typedef unsigned char MByte;
typedef unsigned short MWord;
typedef unsigned int MDWord;
typedef void* MHandle;
typedef char MChar;
typedef long MBool;
typedef void MVoid;
typedef void* MPVoid;
typedef char* MPChar;
typedef short MShort;
typedef const char* MPCChar;
typedef MLong MRESULT;
typedef MDWord MCOLORREF;
typedef signed char MInt8;
typedef unsigned char MUInt8;
typedef signed short MInt16;
typedef unsigned short MUInt16;
typedef signed int MInt32;
typedef unsigned int MUInt32;
/*Define the image format space*/
typedef struct __tag_ASVL_OFFSCREEN{
MUInt32 u32PixelArrayFormat;
MInt32 i32Width;
MInt32 i32Height;
MUInt8* ppu8Plane[4];
MInt32 pi32Pitch[4];
// used for performance
static long long __attribute__((unused)) gettime(){
struct timeval time;
gettimeofday(&time, NULL);
return ((long long)time.tv_sec * 1000 + time.tv_usec / 1000);
VOID DumpYUVData(ASVLOFFSCREEN* pASLIn, UINT index, const CHAR* namePrefix, long long timestamp); //放到具体node类的private 中
#define DUMP_FILE_PATH "/data/vendor/camera/"
VOID XXXNode::DumpYUVData(ASVLOFFSCREEN* pASLIn, UINT index, const CHAR* namePrefix, long long timestamp){
CHAR filename[256];
memset(filename, 0, sizeof(CHAR) * 256);
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s%s_%llu_%d_%dx%d_%d.nv12",DUMP_FILE_PATH,namePrefix,timestamp,index,pASLIn->pi32Pitch[0],pASLIn->i32Height, 0);
int file_fd = open(filename,O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0777);
UINT bytes_write;
//存储第一个plane, Y, 长度是 所有像素的总个数,即像素图像的宽x高
bytes_write = write(file_fd,pASLIn->ppu8Plane[0],pASLIn->pi32Pitch[0] * pASLIn->i32Height);
//存储第二个plane, UV, UV长度是Y的长度的一半,所以是 像素图像的宽x高/2
bytes_write = write(file_fd,pASLIn->ppu8Plane[1],pASLIn->pi32Pitch[0] * (pASLIn->i32Height >> 1) );
ALOGE("fileopen error");
CDKResult XXXNode::ProcessRequest(CHINODEPROCESSREQUESTINFO* pProcessRequestInfo){
CHINODEBUFFERHANDLE hOutput = pProcessRequestInfo->phOutputBuffer[0];
CHINODEBUFFERHANDLE hInput = pProcessRequestInfo->phInputBuffer[0];
ASVLOFFSCREEN inputFrame, outputFrame;
long long t0 = gettime();
inputFrame.i32Width = hInput->format.width;
inputFrame.i32Height = hInput->format.height;
for(UINT j = 0; j < hInput->numberOfPlanes; j++) {
//nv12就两个plane,第个plane 是Y; 第二个plane 是UV
inputFrame.pi32Pitch[j] = hInput->format.formatParams.yuvFormat[0].planeStride; //每个plane的宽
inputFrame.ppu8Plane[j] = hInput->pImageList[0].pAddr[j]; //每个plane的数据首地址
outputFrame.i32Width = hOutput->format.width;
outputFrame.i32Height = hOutput->format.height;
for(UINT j = 0; j < hOutput->numberOfPlanes; j++) {
outputFrame.pi32Pitch[j] = hOutput->format.formatParams.yuvFormat[0].planeStride;
outputFrame.ppu8Plane[j] = hOutput->pImageList[0].pAddr[j];
DumpYUVData(&inputFrame, 0, "IMG", t0);
//CopyImage(pProcessRequestInfo->phOutputBuffer[i], pProcessRequestInfo->phInputBuffer[i]);
DumpYUVData(&outputFrame, 1, "IMG", t0);
if (hRAWIn == NULL) {
LOG_INFO(CamxLogGroupChi, "[AW_RAWNS] hRAWIn is NULL");
CHAR filename[128];
int written_len = 0;
memset(filename, 0 , sizeof(CHAR) * 128);
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/data/vendor/camera/%s_%dx%d.RAW", namePrefix, hRAWIn->format.formatParams.rawFormat.stride, hRAWIn->format.formatParams.rawFormat.sliceHeight);
LOG_INFO(CamxLogGroupChi, "[AW_RAWNS] try to open file : %s", filename);
int file_fd = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0777);
if (hRAWIn->planeSize[0] != 0) {
uint32_t index = 0;
void *data = NULL;
data = (void *)((uint8_t *)hRAWIn->pImageList[0].pAddr[0]);
written_len += write(file_fd, data, hRAWIn->planeSize[0]);
LOG_INFO(CamxLogGroupChi, "[AW_RAWNS] written number of bytes %zu\n", hRAWIn->planeSize[0]);
LOG_ERROR(CamxLogGroupChi, "[AW_RAWNS] fileopen error: %d", file_fd);
参数 CHINODEBUFFERHANDLE 在 chinode.h 中定义,高通代码自带,不需要添加
CDKResult ChiAWRawHdrNode::ProcessRequest(CHINODEPROCESSREQUESTINFO* pProcessRequestInfo)
if(property_get_int32("debug.vendor.camera.dumpawraw", 0))
CHAR filename[256];
long long timestamp = gettime();
memset(filename, 0 , sizeof(CHAR) * 256);
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "rawhdr_frame_%llu_input%d", timestamp,i);