解决Faceswap报错CRITICAL An unexpected crash has occurred.You MUST provide this file if seeking assistan

使用Faceswap训练人脸(train)时,异常中止,并提示错误:CRITICAL An unexpected crash has occurred. Crash report written to ‘xxx.log’. You MUST provide this file if seeking assistance. Please verify you are running the latest version of faceswap before reporting(即:发生了严重的意外崩溃。崩溃报告写入“xxx.log”。如果需要帮助,必须提供此文件。在报告之前,请验证您正在运行最新版本的faceswap)

问题分析:可能是因为input dir或output dir 目录设置有问题,注意不能含有中文;也可能是因为版本不是最新版导致的。


解决办法: 下载安装最新的依赖,但是一定要注意要去全部安装完,有红字就说明失败!
步骤:Help →Update Faceswap
解决Faceswap报错CRITICAL An unexpected crash has occurred.You MUST provide this file if seeking assistan_第1张图片
解决Faceswap报错CRITICAL An unexpected crash has occurred.You MUST provide this file if seeking assistan_第2张图片
解决Faceswap报错CRITICAL An unexpected crash has occurred.You MUST provide this file if seeking assistan_第3张图片

ImportError: This version of TensorFlow Probability requires TensorFlow version >= 2.8; Detected an installation of version 2.7.0. Please upgrade TensorFlow to proceed.

按照错误日志提示重新升级TensorFlow version >= 2.8即可。

pip install tensorflow==2.8  -i https://pypi.doubanio.com/simple
