expedition (N-COUNT) 远征;探险 An expedition is an organized journey that is made for a particular purpose such as exploration. eg.Byrd's 1928 expedition to Antarctica. 伯德1928年前往南极洲的探险
hoot ① (V-ERG) 按(汽车喇叭);(汽车喇叭)鸣响 If you hoot the horn on a vehicle or if it hoots, it makes a loud noise on one note. ② (VERB) 高声大笑;(表示反对而)喊叫 If you hoot, you make a loud high-pitched noise when you are laughing or showing disapproval. ③ (VERB) (猫头鹰)发出鸣叫声 When an owl hoots, it makes a sound like a long 'oo'. ④ (N-SING) 滑稽可笑的人(或事物) If you say that someone or something is a hoot, you think they are very amusing. ⑤ (PHRASE) 毫不在乎;根本不在意 If you say that you don'tgive a hoot or don't care two hoots about something, you are emphasizing that you do not care at all about it.
a hoot and a half 非常有趣,意犹未尽
all but 几乎,差不多 eg.I'm all but certain there's a Nobel Prize in my future.
post hoc ergo propter hoc 休谟主张大多数人都相信只要一件事物伴随著另一件事物而来,两件事物之间必然存在著一种关联,使得后者伴随前者出现(post hoc ergo propter hoc—它在那之后而来,故必然是从此而来)。休谟在《人性论》以及后来的《人类理解论》一书中反驳了这个理论,他指出虽然我们能观察到一件事物随著另一件事物而来,我们并不能观察到任何两件事物之间的关联。而依据他怀疑论的知识论,我们只能够相信那些依据我们观察所得到的知识。休谟主张我们对于因果的概念只不过是我们期待一件事物伴随另一件事物而来的想法罢了。“我们无从得知因果之间的关系,只能得知某些事物总是会连结在一起,而这些事物在过去的经验里又是从不曾分开过的。我们并不能看透连结这些事物背后的理性为何,我们只能观察到这些事物的本身,并且发现这些事物总是透过一种经常的连结而被我们在想象中归类。”(Hume, 1740: 93)也因此我们不能说一件事物造就了另一件事物,我们所知道的只是一件事物跟另一件事物可能有所关联。休谟在这里提出了“经常连结”(constant conjunction)这个词,经常连结代表当我们看到某件事物总是“造成”另一事物时,我们所看到的其实是一件事物总是与另一件事物“经常连结”。因此,我们并没有理由相信一件事物的确造成另一件事物,两件事物在未来也不一定会一直“互相连结”(Popkin & Stroll, 1993: 268)。我们之所以相信因果关系并非因为因果关系是自然的本质,而是因为我们所养成的心理习惯和人性所造成的(Popkin & Stroll, 1993: 272)。
sass n. <美,口>唐突; 顶嘴; 无礼; 莽撞的行为;vt. 对…无礼,粗鲁对待;
in eskimo talk
memoir 美 [ˈmɛmˌwɑr, -ˌwɔr] (N-COUNT) 传记;传略 A memoir is a book or article that you write about someone who you have known well.
effusive (ADJ-GRADED) 热情洋溢的;奔放的;过分流露感情的 If you describe someone as effusive, you mean that they express pleasure, gratitude, or approval in a very enthusiastic way.
footnote 脚注,补充说明
care for 喜欢
plummet 美 [ˈplʌmɪt] ① (VERB) (数量、比率或价格)骤然下跌,暴跌 If an amount, rate, or price plummets, it decreases quickly by a large amount. ② (VERB) (通常指从高处)快速落下,陡直掉下 If someone or something plummets, they fall very fast towards the ground, usually from a great height.
core body temperature eg. Heat applied to the arms and legs forces cold blood back toward the heart, lungs and brain, causing the core body temperature to drop.
monopole 单极,磁单极子
obnoxious (ADJ-GRADED) 令人讨厌的;使人反感的;可憎的 If you describe someone as obnoxious, you think that they are very unpleasant.
dictator (N-COUNT) 独裁者;专政者 A dictator is a ruler who has complete power in a country, especially power which was obtained by force and is used unfairly or cruelly. eg.We felt quite impotent to resist the will of the dictator.
colon 美 [ˈkoʊlən] n. 冒号; <解>结肠; 科郎(哥斯达黎加货币单位)
static 美 [ˈstætɪk] ① (ADJ-GRADED) 静止的;不变化的 Something that is static does not move or change. eg.The number of young people obtaining qualifications has remained static or decreased. ② (N-UNCOUNT) 静电 Static or static electricity is electricity which can be caused by things rubbing against each other and which collects on things such as your body or metal objects. ③ (N-UNCOUNT) (广播、电视里的)静电噪声,静电干扰 If there is static on the radio or television, you hear a series of loud noises which spoils the sound.
temper with eg.1)Don't ~ other's business. 不要干涉别人的事。 2) Don't ~ my computer. I don't want to lose anything. 别动我的电脑,我可不想弄丢什么东西。
ridiculous 可笑的,荒谬的
deception (N-VAR) 欺骗;受骗 Deception is the act of deceiving someone or the state of being deceived by someone.
session 开会,会议; (法庭的)开庭; 会期,学期; (进行某活动连续的)一段时间;
repentance (N-UNCOUNT) 后悔;悔改;悔意;忏悔 If you show repentance for something wrong that you have done, you make it clear that you are sorry for doing it.
stride ① (VERB) 大步走;阔步行走 If you stride somewhere, you walk there with quick, long steps. ② (N-COUNT) 步幅;大步;一步(的距离) A stride is a long step which you take when you are walking or running. ③ (N-SING) 步态;步伐 Someone's stride is their way of walking with long steps. ④ (N-COUNT) (快速的)进展,进步,发展 If you make strides in something that you are doing, you make rapid progress in it. ⑤ (PHRASE) 进入状态;开始走上轨道;驾轻就熟 If you get into your stride or hit your stride, you start to do something easily and confidently, after being slow and uncertain.
set the record straight 弄清真相 eg.Let me set the record straight on the misconceptions contained in your article.
trooper ① (N-COUNT; N-TITLE) 骑兵;装甲团士兵 A trooper is a soldier of low rank in the cavalry or in an armoured regiment in the army. ② (N-COUNT) (美国)州警(察) In the United States, a trooper is a police officer in a state police force.
cheerleader ① (N-COUNT) (尤指体育赛事上的)拉拉队队员 A cheerleader is one of the people who leads the crowd in cheering at a large public event, especially a sports event. ② (N-COUNT) (事业或政客的)支持者,摇旗呐喊者 If you say that someone is a cheerleader for a particular cause or an individual politician, you mean that they are one of the chief supporters of this cause or politician and work hard to raise support for them.
slut 荡妇,懒妇,母狗
remotely ① (ADV) (用于否定句)丝毫,根本 You use remotely with a negative statement to emphasize the statement. eg.Nobody was remotely interested. ② (ADV-GRADED) 遥远地;偏远地 If someone or something is remotely placed or situated, they are a long way from other people or places.
buoy ① (N-COUNT) 浮标;航标 A buoy is a floating object that is used to show ships and boats where they can go and to warn them of danger. ② (VERB) 鼓舞;鼓励;使振奋 If someone in a difficult situation is buoyed by something, it makes them feel more cheerful and optimistic.
genital adj. [医]生殖的,生殖器的; n. 生殖器,外阴部;
proverbial 美 [prəˈvɜrbiəl] ① (ADJ) 谚语的;出自谚语的;常说的 You use pro- verbial to show that you know the way you are describing something is one that is often used or is part of a popular saying. ② (ADJ) 出名的;众所周知的 Something that is proverbial is very well-known by a lot of people.
trajectory n. [物]弹道,轨道; [几]轨线;
detour (N-COUNT) 绕道;绕路;迂回 If you make a detour on a journey, you go by a route which is not the shortest way, because you want to avoid something such as a traffic jam, or because there is something you want to do on the way.
scathing 美 [ˈskeðɪŋ] (ADJ-GRADED) 严厉的;尖锐的;刻薄的 If you say that someone is being scathing about something, you mean that they are being very critical of it.
retort (VERB) 反驳;回嘴 To retort means to reply angrily to someone.
doozy adj. <美俚>非常出色的人(物)的,非常显眼的
periodically 美 [pɪrɪˈɑdɪklɪ] (ADJ) 间发性的;定期的;周期的 Periodical events or situations happen occasionally, at fairly regular intervals.
catch a break 交好运
resignation ① (N-VAR) 辞职书;辞呈 Your resignation is a formal statement of your intention to leave a job or position. ② (N-UNCOUNT) 屈从;顺从;听任;勉强接受 Resignation is the acceptance of an unpleasant situation or fact because you realize that you cannot change it. eg.There was no grief in his expression, only deep resignation
hold your horses 不着急
heathen 美 [ˈhiðən] ① (ADJ) 不信教的;异教徒的 Heathen means having no religion, or belonging to a religion that is not Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. ② (N-COUNT) 没有宗教信仰的人 People sometimes refer to other people who have no religion as heathens, especially if they do not like the way they behave as a result of this.
turtleneck n. 高领绒衣; 高翻领,圆翻领;
tumbleweed 美 [ˈtʌmbəlˌwid] 风滚草
saloon 美 [səˈlun] (N-COUNT) 酒吧;酒馆 A saloon is a place where alcoholic drinks are sold and drunk.
blend in ① (PHRASAL VERB) 融入;与…融为一体;与…协调 If something blends into the background, it is so similar to the background that it is difficult to see or hear it separately. ② (PHRASAL VERB) 与…打成一片;成为…的一员;融入 If someone blends into a particular group or situation, they seem to belong there, because their appearance or behaviour is similar to that of the other people involved.
crutch 拐杖
take a shot = have a try
demon ① (N-COUNT) 魔鬼;恶魔 A demon is an evil spirit. ② (N-COUNT) 心魔;邪恶的事物 Sources of worry or conflict which trouble a person or group of people are sometimes referred to as demons . ③ (N-COUNT) 技艺出众的人;精力过人的人;高手;能手 If you approve of someone because they are very skilled at what they do or because they do it energetically, you can say that they do it like a demon . ④ (N-COUNT) 恶人;恶棍;魔头 If you refer to a powerful person such as a politician as a demon, you mean that you believe they are bad and might be dangerous.
creationist n. 神灵论者,上帝论者; 特创论者(即相信万物皆由上帝一次造成者)