An understanding easily article which elaborate how to deal with masturbation addiction.

Mybay the author's viewpoints were fault and defect,but, you konw,   I am just share with you a overall new perspective.  Mabay acctept a new perspective have better impact for you.

An ideal solution about how to get rid of the annoyance and anxiety of masturbation addiction.

And the folllowing is the article, many easy words and undstand his meaning conveniently.

Harmful effects of masturbation:

Note- please read this answer completely.

You can read or listen all over internet and via other people that masturbation is healthier. Most of people lie about it, and other don't know about it.

I heard a dialog in Pursuit of happyness movie - Will Smith says to his son - "People can't do some thing themselves, they want to tell you, you can't do it". And this is absolutely correct.

Most people can't control their urges and masturbation addiction, that's why they tell you,- frequently masturbation is good for health. I know they give you some examples of scientist research, which says masturbation is healthier. It is just like one smoker says to another smoker, to smoke a cigarette and tell him smoking one or two cigarette is good for remove stress from your mind and also good for skin.

But masturbation is NOT good for health. Period.

Here I am not going to tell you that masturbation is healthier or not, and what are the bad effects of masturbation. And all the information is based on my personal knowledge and experience. I gain this knowledge by myself and by watching other people's life.

1. Effect on body health - Actually semen takes 4 to 8 days(depend on person to person) to produce in body and to produce small amount of good quality semen, you need to eat lot of healthier food, protein and minerals etc. If you do not ejaculate your semen though sexual activities, it will give strength to your body, make your muscles and bones stronger. If you continue waste you semen just for fun and enjoy several times in week then it will make your health dull. So please stop masturbation addiction.

2. Effects on bones- If you do extreme masturbation (8 to 10 times in week) and continue this habit for long time like for six month then this will make harmful effects on your bones. When person try to masturbate lot in short amount of time then he or she started to ejaculate type of white part of bone which include phosphorus, carbon and other minerals which are extracted from bones.

If you masturbate lot then you feel your knees and elbow joints start to make sound on moving, just like very old person.

3. Effect on your face - By watching a person's face you can tell that how much he masturbate or include in sexual activities. And even you can tell which hand he use mostly to masturbate. Those who masturbate lot, their cheeks started to shrink, narrow and go inside, (like just opposite of chubby). Pimples are natural in young age but those who masturbate, for them pimples and acne create big problems. They increase in numbers and make bigger in size on face. Make spots on face. By that face look ugly. Masturbation also make asymmetric your face for example if person masturbate lot from his right hand then his face will be narrow and asymmetric from right side.

4. Effects on your life- Those who masturbate lot they not be able to focus on their work and their social life. Person can't able to talk to other by making eye contact because of lack of confidence. People those who masturbate lot, try to live lonely and can't able to live happy.

You can learn from animals. Most of animals (Dogs, cats, lion, etc) do not masturbate and do their sexual activities as per their season. They live fit and healthy.

Students with this habit can't focus on study. Students, mostly in exam time, try to reduce stress of exam by masturbating and after completion of masturbation they feel guilty. So, masturbation is not a solution for stress, if they study hard and give more focus on study, then by reducing of syllabus/work load, stress will automatically reduced.

5. Effects on buttocks - By watching person butts you can tell how much he or she masturbate. By masturbating lot buttocks gone inside from side part and by slowly slowly you found that most of part and size of buttocks will be reduce or disappear. It take months to years but he/she can feel that their butts not look like their teen age. (This effect info is little bit awkward but its true). Their butts are started to look like pornstar's butts.

6. Effect on penis - Masturbation makes penis curvy because most of people mostly masturbate by their one favorite hand and that's particular hand's finger grip make his penis curvy from that particular side. I hope you understand what I am trying to say here. And most of people

do not use lubricant during masturbation which also do harmful effect on penis. Actually god make penis for vagina and god already provide lot of lube glands inside wall of vagina. (I think may be god don't know human will start masturbation from hand).

7. Effect on your sports and physical activities - Coach of national teams like boxing, gymnastic, runner teams give advice to their players, not to masturbate or sex month before their competitions and championships. Because they know masturbation will reduce their lot of energy and stamina. After masturbation you feel like lack of energy and feel like you need a long sleep rest.

8. Effects on cloths, walls, bedsheets, pillow, your presence in home - If person masturbate lot then whenever he/she see any little amount of sexual thing or activity like cleavage, girls in bikini, kiss or bla bla in movies then he just started leaking little amount of seamen through his penis because his mind is highly addicted to this kind of things.

Funny stuff - ya by masturbation sometime you make dirty your cloths, wall, bedsheets and seamen stain sometime not be able to wash easily and sometime make you embarrass in front of you parents.

And sometime your parents feels bad for you when you keep yourself locked yourself in room whole day. Actually they know everything by seeing your face and daily habits and they are waiting for caught you someday in action.

So do not masturbate, if you do not agree with me, lets do this - just do not masturbate for one month then tell me how you feel.

If you do not masturbate for one year then I am sure that you will feel like superman and feel like you can capable to do any thing this world. Just keep your self busy and eat proper diet, do exercise and do not masturbate for one year and compare yourself (current your pic) with after one year personality (your pic after one year). I am 100 percent sure that after one year with this schedule, you can feel these changes after one year --> more healthier, more symmetrical shiny and glorious face, more fat but not at belly or stomach, look fit, better fitness, more confident, more happy, more focused, more successful etc.

Tips for- stop masturbation addiction:

Below given principles and points, will help you to stop masturbation addiction.

1. Stop watching porn - Porn is the biggest reason for masturbation habit. Most of people masturbate during watching porn. So stop watching porn.

· Keep your computer in public - Use your computer in that room, where other family members or friends can see you. I hope you are the person who can't masturbate in front of his father. :) :)

· Keep your mobile phone clean - I know you have multimedia smart phone but you should use this tech device for your benefit and make your life better. So remove all your fantasy porn videos from your phone.

· Use anti porn software - Use anti porn software in your computer and phone. Lot of these software are free available on net. These software are stops you to open a porn website. These software are password protected, so input any random password during installation of these software and do not remember that password. So when ever you will try to open a porn website these software stops you and you can't uninstall or bypass the software if you don't know the password.

· Burn all your physical porn collection - Take 1 liter petrol from your bike and use this petrol to burn all your porn DVDs and CDs.

· Do not watch those movies which have lots of sexual scenes. Keep yourself away from sexual books and adult video games.

2. Keep yourself busy - Keep yourself busy in some productive and useful work. Lot of people masturbate when they don't have anything to do.

If you don't have any useful work to do then-

· Play mario, counterstrike, call of duty, NFS, angry bird etc on your pc.

· Play any outdoor sport. This will help you to identify your inside's Ronaldo, pale, Tigerwoods, Sachin, Bolt etc.

· Find some interesting Hobby - Try to learn- guitar , sing, write, code, cook, find any. And just do it. You can even help your mom to clean your house.

3. Maintain your time table -

· Wake up early in morning. Between 4 AM to 6 AM is best time to wake up. Leave your bed between 4 AM to 6 AM. Wake up early also helpful for those people who has nightfall(wet dreams ejaculation) problems because nightfall mostly happens late in morning.

· Sleep early at night. You should sleep before 11 PM. Most of people masturbate 90% in night. Reason behind this - They are free in night and nobody is watching them. That's why they masturbate in night. So sleep between 10 PM to 11 PM. Take 7 to 8 hour sleep.

· Do not sleep in day time. If you sleep in day time then it will hard for you to sleep at right time in night.

4. Do physical Exercise - We all have two choices suffer from the pain of discipline or suffer from the pain of regret. So if you want to became a obese, fatty and unhealthy person then sit all day on couch, watch TV, drink soda and die early. Or you can change this, if you want to live healthy life style, keep yourself fit and do physical exercise daily.

· Hit the gym, walk up early, run on road with rising sun. This will help you to build your confidence and increase your will power to quit masturbation.

· When you feel the need to masturbate, take a brisk walk or jog. Always try to occupy yourself when the urge arises.

· Exercise more and get out of the house. This is a great way to take your mind off everything.

· Do exercise daily in the evening, this will make you tired at night. And since masturbation is often done at night, so when you are exhausted, you will give preference to sleep early in night.

5. Make a plan for avoiding masturbation. If you have problems before going to bed or in the shower, refrain from any temptation to masturbate. For instance, if it's a problem late at night, then, drop to the floor and do push-ups until you're too exhausted to do anything but fall asleep. If you find shower time too tempting, start using ice cold water only — you won't want to be in there for long.

· If you always masturbate when you get home from school, make sure to have a solid plan to stave off any boredom you may feel. If you have so little to do that your mind frequently wanders to sexual thoughts, occupy your schedule. You'll find it gets easier to avoid masturbation if you're too busy or tired to spare any energy for distractions.

· If you're tempted to masturbate in the morning, try to sleep with more than just one layer of clothing so touching yourself is more of an effort.

5. Eat - Eat healthy and eat lot. If you do exercise daily then healthy food will help you to build your muscles. Eat lot of fruits, whole grains, vegetables, drink milk.

Note - My personal suggestion is that eat vegan. Do not eat meat and animals. Your stomach is not a graveyard. If you eat dead, oily, greasy, and processed food your body will act dead and greasy. Taking the rotting bloody carcass of a dead animal and spicing it up with kitchen tricks and cooking hocus-pocus does not make it food. If you want to stop masturbating then stop eating anything with a penis or vagina. So go vegan. This is my personal view and don't take it in any religious way.

6. Quit it now - Some people say that, they can't masturbation habit in one day and they are quitting this habit slowly slowly, day by day. THIS IS BIG BULLSHIT. If you want to quit masturbation, then QUIT IT NOW. JUST QUIT IT.

Story related to this - Once there was a king in japan. At that time japan got his freedom from British empire few days before. Seven days after freedom of japan from Britain, new king asked his commander which language our country is currently using to run this country. Commander said, English. King asked again - "And how many days it took to Japanese language become a official language. Commander said "Lord king, if your want to see every document and paperwork in Japanese then it will take approximate 8 to 10 years. Now king thought for 5 minute and then said to commander - "You have only two days. Send my official orders to every district of country - After two day, if I will found any single document in English in that district then I will kill every officer of that district". And you know what AFTER TWO DAYS JAPANESE WAS A OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF JAPAN.

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