What to Do When People Don’t Support Your Next Career Move(2)当你的事业不被支持,你应该做什么(2)

Understand their concerns.


The truth is, your colleagues are right to be skeptical. Most new businesses do fail, and many women who take time off work to raise children have a hard time returning to the career track. You may be an exception to the rule, but your friends are right to express some concern.



*concern [kən'sɜːn] n.担心;忧虑 

the truth is 事实情况是 

*skeptical [‘skeptɪkəl] adj.怀疑的

do fail 确实会失败(do用于强调动词)

*raise [reɪz] v.举起;募集;提及;抚养

*track [træk] n.踪迹;轨道;路线

*exception [ɪk'sepʃ(ə)n] n.例外

In order to turn them into allies, you have to assure them that you’re taking them seriously by listening carefully to their concerns rather than making glib(油嘴滑舌的;未经思考的) assumptions. 



ally [‘ælaɪ] n.盟友;支持者

*assure [ə'ʃʊə] v.使确信

( *assure sb. that/of sth. 使某人确信某事 )

take sb./sth. seriously 认真对待... 

*assumption [ə’sʌm(p)ʃ(ə)n] n.假定,假设

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