
class Usdtpay{

    public function index(){
		$data = $this->request->param();
        $uid= $data['uid'] ?? '';
        $token= $data['token'] ?? '';
        $type= $data['type'] ?? '';
        $changeid= $data['changeid'] ?? '';
        $coin= $data['coin'] ?? '';
        $money= $data['money'] ?? '';

        if( !$uid || !$token || !$type || !$changeid || !$coin || !$money || checkToken($uid,$token)==700 ){
			$this->assign('reason', $reason);
			return $this->fetch(':error');

		$charge = DB::name("usdt_charge_rules")->where(['id'=>$changeid])->find();

		if(!$charge || $charge['money']!=$money || ($charge['coin']!=$coin  && $charge['coin_ios']!=$coin && $charge['coin_paypal']!=$coin)){

			$this->assign('reason', $reason);
			return $this->fetch(':error');




		$result= Db::name("usdt_charge_user")->insert($orderinfo);

			$this->assign('reason', $reason);
			return $this->fetch(':error');

		}else if($type=='transfer'){

		$params_json = json_encode($params,320);

		$usdt_merchant_no=''; //商户号
		$merchant_key=''; //密钥


			$this->assign('reason', $reason);
			return $this->fetch(':error');



		$data['sign'] = $this->get_sign($data, $merchant_key);


		$response = $this->http($payurl, 'POST', $data);//post参数提交,获取数据处理 Post parameter submission, get data processing
        $result = json_decode($response, true);//转换为数组 Convert to array

        $code = isset($result['code']) ? $result['code'] : 404;
        $message = isset($result['message']) ? $result['message'] : 'errorMsg:'.(string)$response;

        if ($code == 200) {
            //下单成功,跳转支付链接 The order is successfully placed, jump to the payment link
            $params = json_decode($result['params'],true);
            $payurl = isset($params['payurl']) ? $params['payurl'] : '';//支付链接 Payment link
            header("Location:{$payurl}");//跳转支付链接 Jump payment link

            //使用二维码 Use QR code
//            include 'phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php';
//            $qrcode = isset($params['qrcode']) ? $params['qrcode'] : '';
//            QRcode::png($qrcode, 'qrimg.png');
//            $html = '


';//Scan code to pay // exit($html); } else { //exit('下单失败,返回错误信息:'.$message);//The order fails and an error message is returned $reason='下单失败,返回错误信息:'.$message; $this->assign('reason', $reason); return $this->fetch(':error'); } } public function get_sign($data = array(), $key = '') { //组装签名字段 签名 MD5(merchant_no+params+sign_type+timestamp+Key)-说明key 是商户秘钥 //Assemble the signature field Signature MD5 (merchant_no+params+sign_type+timestamp+Key)-indicating that the key is the merchant secret key $merchant_no = isset($data['merchant_no']) ? $data['merchant_no'] : ''; $params = isset($data['params']) ? $data['params'] : ''; $sign_type = isset($data['sign_type']) ? $data['sign_type'] : ''; $timestamp = isset($data['timestamp']) ? $data['timestamp'] : ''; $sign_str = $merchant_no . $params . $sign_type . $timestamp . $key; $sign = md5($sign_str);//MD5签名 不区分大小写 MD5 signature is not case sensitive return $sign; } //post参数提交,可根据自己情况修改换成别的函数 Post parameter submission, you can modify and replace it with other functions according to your own situation public function http($url = '', $method = 'POST', $postData = array(), $header = array()) { $data = ''; if (!empty($url)) { try { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); //30秒超时 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // 信任任何证书 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); // 检查证书中是否设置域名 if ($header) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); } if (strtoupper($method) == 'POST') { $curlPost = is_array($postData) ? http_build_query($postData) : $postData; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curlPost); } $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } catch (Exception $e) { $data = ''; } } return $data; } //异步回调 public function notify_usdt() { //params的参数 //merchant_ref 是 string 商户订单号 //system_ref 是 string 平台订单号 //amount 是 string 金额 //pay_amount 是 string 实际支付金额 //fee 是 string 手续费 //status 是 integer 订单状态:0:Unpaid;1:Paid //success_time 是 integer 成功支付时间(时间戳) $merchant_key=''; //密钥 $request = $_POST; //POST参数 POST parameters $this->logusdt("data:".json_encode($request)); $mysign = $this->get_sign($request, $merchant_key); //生成签名 Generate signature $params = isset($request['params']) ? json_decode($request['params'],true) : array(); $sign = isset($request['sign']) ? $request['sign'] : ''; if ($sign == $mysign) { //验签 Verify signature //订单状态,0:待支付,1:支付成功 Order status, 0: Unpaid, 1: paid $status = isset($params['status']) ? (int)$params['status'] : 0; if ($status == 1) { //处理订单成功的逻辑 The logic of processing the order successfully $where=[ 'orderno'=>$params['merchant_ref'], 'type'=>8 ]; $this->logusdt("where:".json_encode($where)); $orderinfo = Db::name("usdt_charge_user")->where($where)->find(); if(!$orderinfo){ $text = "FAIL"; exit($text); return; } if($orderinfo['status'] !=0){ $text = "SUCCESS"; exit($text); return; } $usdt=$orderinfo['coin']+$orderinfo['coin_give']; Db::name("user")->where(['id'=>$orderinfo['touid']])->inc("usdt",$usdt)->update(); $data=[ 'status'=>1, 'trade_no'=>$params['system_ref'] ]; $this->logusdt("update:".json_encode($data)); Db::name("usdt_charge_user")->where(['id'=>$orderinfo['id']])->update(); $text = "SUCCESS"; //处理成功,返回的标识 The processing is successful, the returned ID } else { $text = "FAIL"; //处理失败 Processing failed } } else { $text = "SIGN_ERROR"; //签名失败 Signature failed } exit($text); } public function return_url() { //params的参数 //merchant_ref 是 string 商户订单号 //system_ref 是 string 平台订单号 //amount 是 string 金额 //fee 是 string 手续费 //status 是 integer 入金订单状态:0:Unpaid;1:Paid //success_time 是 integer 成功支付时间(时间戳) $configpri=getConfigPri(); $merchant_key=$configpri['usdt_merchant_key']; $request = $_GET;//GET parameters $mysign = $this->get_sign($request, $merchant_key); //生成签名 Generate signature $params = isset($request['params']) ? json_decode($request['params'],true) : array(); $sign = isset($request['sign']) ? $request['sign'] : ''; if ($sign != $mysign) { //验签 Verify signature //订单状态,0:待支付,1:支付成功 Order status, 0: Unpaid, 1: paid $status = isset($params['status']) ? (int)$params['status'] : 0; if ($status == 1) { //展示成功页面 Show success page $text = 'pay success'; } else { //展示处理失败页面 Display the failed page $text = 'pay fail'; } } else { //展示错误信息页面 签名失败 Display error message page Signing failed $text = 'sign_error'; } exit($text); } public function logusdt($msg){ file_put_contents(CMF_ROOT.'log/think/appapi/usdtpay/logusdt_'.date('Y-m-d').'.txt',date('Y-m-d H:i:s').' msg:'.$msg."\r\n",FILE_APPEND); } }
