

yum install -y unzip
yum install -y libicu




systemctl stop firewalld


echo 1342177280 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
echo "kernel.shmmax = 1342177280" >>/etc/sysctl.conf
tail -1 /etc/sysctl.conf


yum install krb5-libs -y
yum install krb5-devel -y




cd /lis
tar -xvf IRISHealth-2021.1.2.338.0.21956-lnxrhx64.tar.gz


cd /lis/IRISHealth-2021.1.2.338.0.21956-lnxrhx64


chmod +x irisinstall




[root@localhost IRISHealth-2021.1.2.338.0.21956-lnxrhx64]# ./irisinstall

Your system type is 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux (x64)'.

Enter instance name <IRISHEALTH>: IRISHEALTH

Enter a destination directory for the new instance.
Directory: /intersystem
Directory '/intersystem' does not exist.
Do you want to create it <Yes>? y

Select installation type.
    1) Development - Install IRISHealth server and all language bindings
    2) Server only - Install IRISHealth server
    3) Custom
Setup type <1>? 1

How restrictive do you want the initial Security settings to be?
"Normal" is the least restrictive, "Locked Down" is the most secure.
    1) Normal
    2) Locked Down
Initial Security settings <1>? 1

What user should be the owner of this instance? root
An InterSystems IRIS account will also be created for user root.

Install will create the following IRISHealth accounts for you: 
_SYSTEM, Admin, SuperUser, root and CSPSystem. 
Please enter the common password for _SYSTEM, Admin, SuperUser and root: 
Re-enter the password to confirm it: 

Please enter the password for CSPSystem: 
Re-enter the password to confirm it: 

What group should be allowed to start and stop
  this instance? root

Do you want to install IRISHealth Unicode support <Yes>? y

IRISHealth did not detect a license key file

Do you want to enter a license key <No>? n

Please review the installation options:
Instance name: IRISHEALTH
Destination directory: /intersystem
IRISHealth version to install: 2021.1.2.338.0.21956
Installation type: Development
Unicode support: Y
Initial Security settings: Normal
User who owns instance: root
Group allowed to start and stop instance: root
Effective group for IRISHealth processes: irisusr
Effective user for IRISHealth SuperServer: irisusr
SuperServer port: 1972
WebServer port: 52773
JDBC Gateway port: 53773
Web Gateway: using built-in web server
Not installing IntegratedML

Confirm IRISHealth installation <Yes>? y

Starting installation
Starting up IRISHealth for loading...
../bin/irisinstall -s . -B -c c -C /intersystem/iris.cpf*IRISHEALTH -W 1 -g2 
Starting Control Process
Allocated 246MB shared memory: 32MB global buffers, 80MB routine buffers
Creating a WIJ file to hold 32 megabytes of data
IRIS startup successful.
System locale setting is 'zh_CN.UTF-8'
This copy of InterSystems IRIS has been licensed for use exclusively by:
Local license key file not found.
Copyright (c) 1986-2022 by InterSystems Corporation
Any other use is a violation of your license agreement


Start of IRIS initialization
Loading system routines
Updating system TEMP and LOCALDATA databases
Installing National Language support

Setting IRISTEMP default collation to IRIS standard (5)
Loading system classes
Updating Security database
Loading system source code
Building system indices
Updating Audit database
Updating Journal directory
Updating User database
Updating Interoperability databases
Loaded hsutil.xml successfully
Scheduling inventory scan
IRIS initialization complete

See the iboot.log file for a record of the installation.

Starting up IRISHealth...
Once this completes, users may access IRISHealth
Using 'iris.cpf' configuration file

Starting Control Process
Global buffer setting requires attention.  Auto-selected 25% of total memory.
Unable to allocate 1442 MB shared memory...
Allocated 1279MB shared memory: 828MB global buffers, 262MB routine buffers
Creating a WIJ file to hold 99 megabytes of data
This copy of InterSystems IRIS has been licensed for use exclusively by:
Local license key file not found.
Copyright (c) 1986-2022 by InterSystems Corporation
Any other use is a violation of your license agreement

2 alert(s) during startup. See messages.log for details.

You can point your browser to http://localhost.localdomain:52773/csp/sys/UtilHome.csp
to access the management portal.

Installation completed successfully


转码数据库文件,Windows用cmd运行安装目录/bin/cvendian.exe 执行要转码的数据库文件即可

//启库会报/dthealth/db/dthis/liscodes/ because it's created by different endian system
/intersystem/cache/bin/cvendian /dthealth/db/dthis/liscodes/CACHE.DAT
/intersystem/cache/bin/cvendian /dthealth/db/dthis/lissrc/CACHE.DAT


iris start IRISHEALTH

2.怎么知道安装的库实例(用iris list命令,还能看到每个实例运行情况)

[root@localhost IRISHealth-2021.1.2.338.0.21956-lnxrhx64]# iris list

Configuration 'IRISHEALTH'   (default)
	directory:    /intersystem
	versionid:    2021.1.2.338.0.21956
	datadir:      /intersystem
	conf file:    iris.cpf  (SuperServer port = 1972, WebServer = 52773)
	status:       down, last used Sat Jun 10 10:47:43 2023
	product:      InterSystems IRISHealth
[root@localhost IRISHealth-2021.1.2.338.0.21956-lnxrhx64]# 


iris stop IRISHEALTH


iris session IRISHEALTH



启动数据库:iris start IRISHEALTH
停止数据库:iris stop IRISHEALTH
iris状态:iris list
进入terminal:iris session irishealth



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