【有生之年不得不听的1001张唱片】0006 | Duke Ellington | Ellington At Newport1956 (1956)

【有生之年不得不听的1001张唱片】0006 | Duke Ellington | Ellington At Newport1956 (1956)_第1张图片

After a spell in the doldrums when swing bands wentout of fashion,Duke Ellington’s performance at theNewport Jazz Festival on July 7,1956, heralded adramatic resurgence in his popularity. The irony is thatthe record rushed out by Columbia to capitalize on theconcert was not really recorded at Newport at all.

lnformed that the concert recording was flawed,Columbia executives sent Ellington into a New Yorkstudio to re-record the set on the Monday after the gig.The resulting album is a patched-together fusion of liverecordings,studio retakes,and canned applause. ltbecame the biggest selling record of Duke’s career.

However, a brilliant 1999 reissue finally set the recordstraight.The original release is included, but thanks to acomplicated piece of post-production work using theoriginal masters and a long-lost radio recording, it alsopresents the actual concert in full, and at last offersinsight as to why the show was received so rapturously.The three-part Newport Jazz Festival Suite—so new, saysEllington, “We haven’t even had time to title it yet”—offers some typically squealing trumpet work by CatAnderson.But the concert’s reputation, and that of thealbum, rests on the fizzing blues of “Diminuendo AndCrescendo In Blue,” and specifically on tenor saxophonistPaul Gonsalves’ staggering.reputation-making 27-chorusturn in the spotlight, among the most famous solos injazz history.
然而,一张1999年的精彩再版终于纠正了这个问题。这张再版专辑中包含了最初的发行版本,但由于采用了原始母带和一段久违的广播录音进行复杂的后期制作,它还完整地呈现了实际的音乐会,并最终揭示了为什么这场演出受到如此热烈的欢迎。这张专辑的名声以及音乐会的名声都建立在《Diminuendo And Crescendo In Blue》中充满活力的布鲁斯音乐上,尤其是花腔萨克斯风手保罗·贡萨尔维斯令人惊叹的27段独奏,堪称爵士乐史上最著名的独奏之一。
