you dont always get all the things in the bag. 你并不能得到所有你想要的东西。
that you selected from the menu in the delivsry surface.
That is life 这就是生活,
you get what you get.命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求
especially if you try to carry it all at once.当你与熊掌都想要时尤其如此。
part of growing up and moving in to new chapters of your life .成长并进入人生新篇章的一部分。
is about catch and release 是关于抓住与放手。
What i mean by that is 我的意思是
Knowing what things to keep and what things to release. 直到哪些东西要抓牢,那些东西要防守。
You can.'t carry all things 你不是把所有事都放在心上
Decide what is yours to hold and let therest go。 想好什么事情是绝不能放手的,剩下的就顺其自然吧。
Never be ashamed of trying 永远不要为自己的努力而感到羞耻。
Effortless is a myth。不劳而获只是神话。
it was all centered around the idea 我的一切行为都是围绕着这样一个想法。 that mistakes equal faliure 错误等于失败。
and ultimately 最终
the loss of any chance at a happy or rewarding life. 犯错会让我失去所有快乐以及有意义的生活。
This has not been my experience.。 但我的真实生活不是这样的。
My experience has been 我的真实经历是
that my mistakes led to the best things in my life。我犯的错误给我带来了一生中最美好的事情。
And being embarrassed when you mess up …应为搞砸一件事而感到尴尬
it’s part of the human sxperience. 这是人之常情
Getting back up. 跌倒了就站起来
dusting yourself off 掸去身上的灰尘
and seeing who still wants to hang out with you afterward 看看还有谁仍然陪伴在你身边
and laugh about it 然后一笑了之
That’s a gift 。这明明是一份礼物
in your will inevitably miss peak, trust the wrong person 在你的生活中, 你不可避免地会说错话。相信错误的人
Over think ,not think at all,self sabotage。 思所太多,掉以轻心,自暴自弃。
create areality where only your experience exists.。幻想一个以你自己为中心的世界。
ruin perfectly good moments for yourself and others. 回调自己和他人的美好时光。
deng ang wrong doing, not take the steps to make it right.否认错过,不思悔改 feel very guilty.感到内疚。
let the guilty eat at you 任凭内倾侵蚀内心
hit rock bottpm. 跌到谷底
finally. address the pain you caused 最后为你一手造成的痛苦负责
try to do better next time. rinse.repeat. 下次试着做的更好,重新来过。
There will be times in life where you need to stand up for yourself.
Times when the right thing is actually to back down and apologize 有时候正确的做法是让步和道歉
Times when the right thing is to fight 。有时候正确的做法是抗争到底。
Times when the right thing is to turn and run, 有时候走为上策。
times to hold on with all you have, 有时候正确的做法是全力以赴地坚持。
and times to let go with grace, 有时候则是优雅的放手
Some times the right thing to do is to throw out the old schools of thought 有时候正确的做法是以进步和改革的名义。
in the name of progress and reform 抛弃旧的思想。
Some times the right thing to do is to sit and listen to the wisodm of those who have come before us。
How will you konw what the right choice is in these crucial moments? 在关键时刻,你怎么直到什么是正确的选择呢?
You wont.你不能 How do I give advice to this many people about their life choices? 我怎么能为这么多人给出人生建议呢?
I wont 我不能
The scary news is youre on your own now。坏消息是现在开始你要靠自己了。
But the cool news is you re on your own now.但好消息也是现在开始你可以靠自己了。
We are led by our get instincts. our intuition。我们被本能,直觉。
our desires and fears.our sccurs and our dreams。 还有欲望,恐惧,伤疤和梦想所影响着。
And you will screw it up somrtimes so well ! 你有时搞砸一切我也会。
and when i do,you will must likely read about it on the internet 。只不过我搞砸的时候很可能会在网上被公开处刑。
any way,hard things will happen to us 。不管咋样,我们的确会遇到许多困难。
We will recover ,we will learn form it .但我们可以走出来,可以吸取教训。
We will grow more resilient because of it 可以因此变得更加坚毅。
and as long as We are fortunate enough to be breathing。只要我们有幸还活着。