Method cannot be a member of an @objc protocol because the type of the parameter 4 cannot be repr...

Swift option错误Method cannot be a member of an @objc protocol because the type of the parameter 2 cannot be represented in Objective-C解决方法


 enum moreType {

    case  moreshowUnBtnMoreType

    case  moreNoUnBtnMoreType

    case  unBtnMoreType


Method cannot be a member of an @objc protocol because the type of the parameter 2 cannot be represented in Objective-C“`

是因为该方法中的枚举moreType没有@objc,在moreType前加上@objc,并加上raw type:Int就可以了

@objc enum moreType:Int{

    case  moreshowUnBtnMoreType

    case  moreNoUnBtnMoreType

    case  unBtnMoreType


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