现在的轻量级网络 only focus on a specific or a small range of resource requirements
Is it possible to build a scalable detection architecture with both higher accuracy and better efficiency across a wide spectrum of resource constraints.
本文在 efficientNet 的基础上,
efficient bidirectional cross-scale connections and weighted feature fusion.
P 6 t d P_6^{td} P6td 表示 intermediate feature at level 6
(1)Softmax-based fusion
O = ∑ i e w i ε + ∑ j e w j O = \sum_i \frac{e^{w_i}}{\varepsilon + \sum_j e^{w_j}} O=i∑ε+∑jewjewi
(2)Fast normalized fusion
O = ∑ i w i ε + ∑ j w j O = \sum_i \frac{w_i}{\varepsilon + \sum_j w_j} O=i∑ε+∑jwjwi
效果和 Softmax-based fusion 差不多,速度快很多
金字塔采用的卷积都是 depthwise separable convolution
one-stage 的框架
(2)Compound Scaling
uses a simple compound coefficient φ to jointly scale up all dimensions of backbone network, BiFPN network, class/box network, and resolution.
2.1 主干网络的缩放采用的是 EfficientNet 的 B0~B6
2.2 BiFPN network 的缩放规则是
W 表示 width,也即通道数,D 表示 depth,也即重复的次数
2.3 Box/class prediction network 的缩放规则是
2.4 Input image resolution 的缩放规则是
use P2 for the final per-pixel classification
COCO validation set
(1)Disentangling Backbone and BiFPN
设计的 BiFPN 还是特别的猛
(2)BiFPN Cross-Scale Connections
weighted + BiFPN 最猛
(3)Softmax vs Fast Normalized Fusion
(4)Compound Scaling
一起 scale 效果最好
scale 也可以包含金字塔和头部结构一起