【2020雅思大作文写作讲坛002】 如何写主体段?



一、段落中心是什么?(Main idea?)



四、结果/后果怎样?(So what?/If not?/Bigger impact?)




In some countries, the criminal trials are shown on the TV and the general public can watch them. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (2020/1/4)

The portrayals of court proceedings on TV has become a familiar scene in a number of countries nowadays.(注:这句话我对话题做了一个笼统的转述。)Some people believe that televised criminal trial has more benefits than drawbacks due to its educational and  deterrent value, however in my view, the cons of airing the criminal trials on TV to the general public outweighs the pros by distorting the truth-seeking process of a criminal trial and impairing the authority of the justice system.(注:这是我的主旨句。在这句话里我回应了问题并提出了自己的观点和核心理由。)


Admittedly TV trial can serve the purpose of educating the public about legal knowledge and bringing down the crime rate.(起) Through watching live broadcasting of legal cases in front of TV at home people can gain a handy and vivid access of law issues, better informed about the justice system and rule of law. (因1)As a result, they can know how to better protect themselves and their family members in case their own civil right is under threat through legal weapons.(果)In addition, allowing camera into the courtroom and meting out justice to the offenders in real time can help curb crime in the community to some extent by making potential criminals more ashamed of themselves and aware of the possible consequences of breaking the laws, and therefore withdrawing from committing criminal acts, such as burglar, drug-dealing or drunk driving so on and so forth.(因2+果2+例)


On the other hand, filming court trials exerts considerable negative effects on nearly all the stockholders like the lawyers, judges, prosecutors, plaintiffs or defendants in the judicial proceedings and thus undermine the judicial system. (起)To begin with, the presence of a TV camera inside the courtroom may make all parties of the trial become self-conscious and fail to perform their due obligations, particularly the judges who may play for the video camera and concern more with their own external personal image and  being a legal celebrity in uniform instead of bringing the guilty ones to justice and clear the name of  the innocent people. (因1)Besides, the media who is involved in the live show might sway the public opinion of little expertise in one way or another and so hinder the jury and judges from making the right decision about the innocence of the suspect.(因2) In addition, it may degrade the sanctity and dignity of court trial down be a form of entertainment like a reality TV show or circus show. Accordingly, people may harbor some contempt for the judicial institutions and ignore law and order. (因3)What's more, it may violate the right to privacy of the defendants and may even put the life of witnesses or police informants in danger so they become reluctant in giving witness in court and lead to the interference with the judge and jury's deliver of a impartial verdict in the end.(因4)Last but not least, it may even promote crime occurrence through glorifying the criminal and cause uneasiness of the audience by exposing too many horrible and gruesome details about the criminal acts like murdering, kidnapping or defrauding.(因5)



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