收集Windows 10“周年纪念版”键盘快捷键

收集Windows 10“周年纪念版”键盘快捷键_第1张图片

I'm a big fan of keyboard shortcuts.


There's a fantastic list of Windows 10 shortcuts *inside* the Windows 10 Insiders "Feedback Hub" app. The in-app direct link (not a web link) is here but I think the list is too useful not to share so I don't think they will mind if I replicate the content here on the web.

Windows 10 Insiders的“ Feedback Hub”应用程序*内部*拥有大量的Windows 10快捷方式列表。 应用程序内直接链接(不是Web链接)在这里,但我认为该列表太有用了,无法共享,因此我认为如果我将内容复制到Web上,他们不会介意。

There is also a nice support page that includes a near-complete list of Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 7, 8.1 and 10.

还有一个不错的支持页面,其中包括Windows 7、8.1和10的键盘快捷键的几乎完整的列表。

"We asked our engineers on the team to share some of their favorite (and lesser-known) keyboard shortcuts for Windows 10. Here is the list!"

“我们要求团队中的工程师分享他们最喜欢的(和鲜为人知的)Windows 10键盘快捷键。这就是清单!”

注意: [NEW]表示Windows 10周年更新中引入的新键盘快捷键。 (Note: [NEW] denotes a new keyboard shortcut introduced in the the Windows 10 Anniversary Update. )

Quick access to basic system functions:


  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Opens Task Manager.

    Ctrl + Shift + Esc:打开任务管理器。
  • WIN + F: Opens the Feedback Hub with a screenshot attached to your feedback. 

    WIN + F:打开“反馈中心”,并在屏幕上附加您的反馈截图。
  • WIN + I: Opens the Settings app. 

    WIN + I:打开“设置”应用程序。
  • WIN + L: Will lock your PC. 

    WIN + L:将锁定您的PC。
  • WIN + X: Opens a context menu of useful advanced features.

    WIN + X:打开有用的高级功能的上下文菜单。
  • WIN + X and A: Opens Command Prompt with administrative rights. 

    WIN + X和A:使用管理权限打开命令提示符。
  • WIN + X and P: Opens Control Panel. 

    WIN + X和P:打开控制面板。
  • WIN + X and M: Opens Device Manager.

    WIN + X和M:打开设备管理器。
  • WIN + X and U then S: Puts your PC to sleep. 

    WIN + X,然后U:S:使您的PC进入睡眠状态。
    • Scott: Or just push the power button on most laptops or close the lid


  • WIN + Down: Minimizes an app. 

    WIN + DOWN:最小化一个应用程序。
  • WIN + Up: Maximizes an app. 

    WIN + Up:最大化应用程序。

Capturing what’s on your screen:


  • Alt + PrtScrn: Takes a screenshot of open window and copies to your clipboard. 

    Alt + PrtScrn:拍摄打开窗口的屏幕快照并将其复制到剪贴板。
  • WIN + PrtScrn: Takes a screenshot of your entire desktop and saves it into a Screenshots folder under Photos in your user profile. 

    WIN + PrtScrn:拍摄整个桌面的屏幕快照,并将其保存到用户个人资料中“照片”下的“屏幕快照”文件夹中。
  • WIN + Alt + R: Start/stop recording your apps & games. 

    WIN + Alt + R:开始/停止录制您的应用和游戏。

Mastering File Explorer:


  • Alt + D in File Explorer or browser: Puts you in the address bar. 

    在文件资源管理器或浏览器中按Alt + D:将您置于地址栏中。
  • F2 on a file: Renames the file. 

  • Shift + Right-click in File Explorer: Will give you option to launch Command Prompt with whatever folder you are in as the starting path. 

  • Shift + Right-click on a file: “Copy as path” is added to the context menu.

    Shift +右键单击文件:“复制为路径”已添加到上下文菜单。
    • Scott: These two are gold. Copy as path has been around for years and is super useful.

      斯科特:这两个是金。 复制为路径已经存在多年了,非常有用。

For the taskbar:


  • WIN + : Opens whatever icon (app) is in that position on the taskbar. 

    WIN + <数字>:打开任务栏上该位置的任何图标(应用程序)。
  • [NEW] WIN + Alt + D: Opens date and time flyout on the taskbar.  

    [NEW] WIN + Alt + D:在任务栏上打开日期和时间弹出窗口。

    • Scott: I love the new calendar stuff in Windows 10. You just click the clock in the corner and you get not only clock and calendar but also your agenda for the day from your calendar. I think Windows 10 should include more stuff like this going forward - integrating your mail, calendar, plan, trips, commutes, directly in the OS and not just in Apps. That's one of the reasons I like Live Tiles. I like to see information without launching formal apps.  I like widgets on iOS and Android.

      斯科特:我喜欢Windows 10中的新日历。您只需单击角落的时钟,您不仅可以获取时钟和日历,还可以从日历中获得当天的议程。 我认为Windows 10应该会包含更多类似的内容-将邮件,日历,计划,行程,通勤直接集成在OS中,而不仅仅是在Apps中。 这就是我喜欢Live Tiles的原因之一。 我喜欢在不启动正式应用的情况下查看信息。 我喜欢iOS和Android上的小部件。

  • WIN + S: Search for apps and files. Just type the app name (partially) or executable name (if you know it) and press Enter. Or Ctrl + Shift+ Enter if you need this elevated.

    WIN + S:搜索应用程序和文件。 只需键入应用程序名称(部分)或可执行文件名称(如果知道),然后按Enter。 或按Ctrl + Shift + Enter(如果需要此功能)。
  • WIN + Shift + : Opens a new window of whatever icon (app) is in that position on the taskbar (as will Shift + Click on the icon). 

    WIN + Shift + <数字>:打开一个新窗口,显示任务栏上该位置的任何图标(应用程序)(Shift +单击该图标)。
  • WIN + Shift + Ctrl + : Opens a new window of whatever icon (app) is in that position on the taskbar with administrative rights. 

    WIN + Shift + Ctrl + <数字>:打开一个新窗口,显示具有管理权限的任务栏上该位置的任何图标(应用程序)。

Remote Desktop and Virtual Desktop:


  • CTRL + ALT + Left Arrow: VM change keyboard focus back to host.   

    CTRL + ALT +左箭头:VM将键盘焦点更改回主机。
  • CTRL + ALT + HOME: Remote Desktop change keyboard focus back to host.

    CTRL + ALT + HOME:远程桌面将键盘焦点更改回主机。

For example, in a VM, CTRL + ALT + Left Arrow then ALT + TAB lets you get focus back and switch to an app on your dev machine besides the VM.

例如,在VM中,先按CTRL + ALT +向左键,再按ALT + TAB,可以重新获得焦点并切换到开发机上除VM之外的应用程序。



  • [NEW] WIN + Shift + C: Opens Cortana to listen to an inquiry. 

    [NEW] WIN + Shift + C:打开Cortana收听查询。

Other neat keyboard shortcuts:


  • Alt + X in WordPad: Using on a selected character or word in WordPad will show/hides the Unicode.

    写字板中的Alt + X:在写字板中选择的字符或单词上使用将显示/隐藏Unicode。
  • Alt + Y on a UAC prompt: Automatically chooses yes and dismisses the prompt. 

    UAC提示上的Alt + Y:自动选择“是”并关闭该提示。
  • Ctrl + mouse scroll-wheel: Scrolling will zoom and un-zoom many things across the OS. Middle clicking on the mouse scroll-wheel will dismiss tabs, open windows in taskbar, and notifications from the Action Center (new). 

    Ctrl +鼠标滚轮:滚动将在整个OS中缩放和取消缩放许多内容。 在鼠标滚轮上单击鼠标中键将关闭选项卡,在任务栏中打开窗口,并从操作中心发出通知(新)。
  • Shift + F10: Will open the context menu for whatever is in focus. 

    Shift + F10:将打开焦点菜单。

Here are some useful keyboard shortcuts on Surface devices: 


  • Fn + Left arrow: Home

    Fn +左箭头:主页
  • Fn + Right arrow: End

    Fn +右箭头:结束
  • Fn + Up arrow: Page Up

    Fn +向上箭头:向上翻页
  • Fn + Down arrow: Page Down

    Fn +向下箭头:Page Down
  • Fn + Del: Increases screen brightness.

    Fn + Del:增加屏幕亮度。
  • Fn + Backspace: Decreases screen brightness.

    Fn +退格键:降低屏幕亮度。
  • Fn + Spacebar: Takes a screenshot of the entire screen or screens and puts it into your clipboard. 

    Fn +空格键:截取整个屏幕的屏幕截图,并将其放入剪贴板。
  • Fn + Alt + Spacebar: Takes a screenshot of an active window and puts it into your clipboard.

    Fn + Alt +空格键:截取活动窗口的屏幕截图,并将其放入剪贴板。

What are YOUR favorite keyboard shortcuts for Windows?


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/collecting-windows-10-anniversary-edition-keyboard-shortcuts
