happened-before in JMM










Simply put

Memory consistency model refers to the set of rules that govern how memory operations are performed and how they appear to be executed by a parallel computing system. It defines the order in which memory operations appear to execute in a multi-threaded environment.

The memory consistency model is important for ensuring correct synchronization between threads in a multi-threaded environment. It provides a way to reason about the ordering of memory operations and ensures that the results of one thread’s actions are visible to other threads in the correct order.

The design and implementation of a memory consistency model involves defining the set of rules that govern how memory operations are performed and how they appear to be executed by the system. This includes identifying the set of memory operations that need to be supported by the system, defining the order in which these operations can be executed, and implementing the rules in the system through hardware and software components.


In Java Memory Model (JMM), happened-before is a concept that defines the ordering of memory operations in a multi-threaded environment. It is a relationship between two events where one event happens before another event.

The happened-before relationship is established by the following:

  1. Program order: Operations in a single thread are executed in program order, which means that the order of execution is the same as the order in which they appear in the code.

  2. Volatile variables: If a write operation to a volatile variable happens before a read operation of the same variable in another thread, then the write operation is said to have happened before the read operation.

  3. Synchronized blocks: If a thread executes a synchronized block and then another thread executes a synchronized block on the same monitor, then the first thread’s actions are said to have happened before the second thread’s actions.

  4. Thread start: The start of a thread happens-before any actions in the started thread.

  5. Thread join: Any actions in a thread happen-before any other thread calling join() on that thread.

The happened-before relationship is important for ensuring correct synchronization between threads in a multi-threaded environment. It provides a way to reason about the ordering of memory operations and ensures that the results of one thread’s actions are visible to other threads in the correct order.
