import scanpy as sc
常用的文件格式有两种,分别是h5ad和10X mtx
# read h5ad
adata = sc.read()
# read 10X mtx
adata = read_10x_mtx()
UMI(unique molecular identifiers),用来给mRNA计数
The UMI counts per cell should generally be above 500, that is the low end of what we expect. If UMI counts are between 500-1000 counts, it is usable but the cells probably should have been sequenced more deeply.
什么是novelty score
We can evaluate each cell in terms of how complex the RNA species are by using a measure called the novelty score. The novelty score is computed by taking the ratio of nGenes over nUMI. If there are many captured transcripts (high nUMI) and a low number of genes detected in a cell, this likely means that you only captured a low number of genes and simply sequenced transcripts from those lower number of genes over and over again. These low complexity (low novelty) cells could represent a specific cell type (i.e. red blood cells which lack a typical transcriptome), or could be due to an artifact or contamination. Generally, we expect the novelty score to be above 0.80 for good quality cells.
novelty score公式
This value is quite easy to calculate, as we take the log10 of the number of genes detected per cell and the log10 of the number of UMIs per cell, then divide the log10 number of genes by the log10 number of UMIs. The novelty score and how it relates to complexity of the RNA species, is described in more detail later in this lesson.
This metric can identify whether there is a large amount of mitochondrial contamination from dead or dying cells. We define poor quality samples for mitochondrial counts as cells which surpass the 0.2 mitochondrial ratio mark, unless of course you are expecting this in your sample.
Considering any of these QC metrics in isolation can lead to misinterpretation of cellular signals. For example, cells with a comparatively high fraction of mitochondrial counts may be involved in respiratory processes and may be cells that you would like to keep. Likewise, other metrics can have other biological interpretations. A general rule of thumb when performing QC is to set thresholds for individual metrics to be as permissive as possible, and always consider the joint effects of these metrics. In this way, you reduce the risk of filtering out any viable cell populations.
Two metrics that are often evaluated together are the number of UMIs and the number of genes detected per cell. Here, we have plotted the number of genes versus the number of UMIs coloured by the fraction of mitochondrial reads. Jointly visualizing the count and gene thresholds and additionally overlaying the mitochondrial fraction, gives a summarized persepective of the quality per cell.
Good cells will generally exhibit both higher number of genes per cell and higher numbers of UMIs (upper right quadrant of the plot). Cells that are poor quality are likely to have low genes and UMIs per cell, and correspond to the data points in the bottom left quadrant of the plot. With this plot we also evaluate the slope of the line, and any scatter of data points in the bottom right hand quadrant of the plot. These cells have a high number of UMIs but only a few number of genes. These could be dying cells, but also could represent a population of a low complexity celltype (i.e red blood cells).
Normalize each cell by total counts over all genes, so that every cell
has the same total count after normalization.
Logarithmize the data matrix.
Seurat, Cell Ranger and Seurat v3
Regress out (mostly) unwanted sources of variation.
Scale data to unit variance and zero mean.
也就是z-score normalization,别称Standardization
在这一步中,我们也可以使用其他方法来代替PCA,这些方法多是使用算法求得整个表达矩阵的embedding,以这些embedding来代替表示表达矩阵,从而达到batch remove的效果。
Compute a neighborhood graph of observations.
细胞类型标注,这一步有两种方法,一种是基于marker gene对细胞进行标注,一种是利用机器学习的方法对细胞进行自动标注,如single r。
Preprocessing and clustering 3k PBMCs