A Typical Office Day in an MNC

A typical office day is: arriving at the entrance of the building at around 9 am, but then queueing to swipe the Entrance Permit and finally squeezing into the elevator without appearing rude or haphazad may take 3-5 minutes, then entering the office at nearly 09:10 am, starting the PC, getting tea made may take another 5 minutes. Greetings and small talk or a joke or some mere plesantries among colleagues can take 3-5 minutes.

Finally it is time to concentrate on what to do immediately and for today, but wait! You see your inbox getting many emails. Scrolling down, one is a quarterly newsletter, which you can ignore for the day, another is a senior managing stepping down, yet another may be just a SPAM. Finally you decide to focus on two emails, which may require quite some deliberation and may affect how you will have to adapt your weekly or monthly plan, but then at 9.30 am all are ushered to log onto a conference, with the Regional leader hearing out each and everyone report on his or her achievement and immediate plans for the rest of the day or week - quite boring and irrelevant to you. Who cares what others did and do? And you can feel free to dose off or to swipe on the smart phone. 

Finally the Regional leader will talk on what he has achieved last week, and what we need to focus this week - yet you cannot help but challenge what he means by "achievement", and what is the practical sense and feasibility of those tasks and assignments. Then you realize the online meeting has lasted nearly an hour. It's around 10.30 am. Putting down the phone, you decide to continue on addressing that tricky email.  

Out of nowhere, your buddies came along and ask you to go out to puff and smoke, which may take 10-15 minutes while you inhale and exhale and share some gossip or concerns. Oops! You realize it's approaching 11 am.

Getting back to the seat and resume on the PC, and in the midst of getting rather focussed on the day's work finally, you hear some hectic footsteps skirmishing along or behind you, and the whirring and Dings and Bangs of the microwave oven, and almost immediate aroma of lunches assailing your nose. You get distracted.... and you too have to be busy with your lunch.

But what have you done in the whole morning!


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