Java ~ Reference ~ SoftReference【源码】



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一 SoftReference(软引用)类源码及机制详解


    SoftReference(软引用)类是Reference(引用)抽象类的四大子类之一,只被软引用所持有的对象被称为软可达(softly reachable)对象。在Java中关于软引用的定义是:如果一个对象只存在软引用,则其在空闲内存充裕的情况下不一定会被GC回收,具体情况视回收策略而定。而如果GC回收后空闲内存依旧不足,便会强制回收软可达对象以避免OOM。虚拟机在抛出OOM错误前会保证清理所有的软可达对象。



 * Soft reference objects, which are cleared at the discretion of the garbage
 * collector in response to memory demand.  Soft references are most often used
 * to implement memory-sensitive caches.
 * 软引用对象,垃圾收集器根据内存需求自行清除这些对象。软引用最常用于实现对内存敏感的缓存。

* Suppose that the garbage collector determines at a certain point in time * that an object is softly * reachable. At that time it may choose to clear atomically all soft * references to that object and all soft references to any other * softly-reachable objects from which that object is reachable through a chain * of strong references. At the same time or at some later time it will * enqueue those newly-cleared soft references that are registered with * reference queues. * 假设垃圾收集器在某个时间点确定一个对象是软可达的。那时,它会选择性的自动清除对该对象的所有软引用, * 以及对任何其它软可达对象的所有软引用,而该对象可以通过强引用链访问。在同一时间或稍后的某个时间, * 它将对那些注册在引用队列中的新清除的软引用进行入队。 *

* All soft references to softly-reachable objects are guaranteed to have * been cleared before the virtual machine throws an * OutOfMemoryError. Otherwise no constraints are placed upon the * time at which a soft reference will be cleared or the order in which a set * of such references to different objects will be cleared. Virtual machine * implementations are, however, encouraged to bias against clearing * recently-created or recently-used soft references. * 对软可达对象的所有软引用保证在虚拟机抛出OOM之前已被清除。 * 虽然对清除软引用的时间或清除对不同对象的这类引用集合的顺序没有任何约束。 * 但鼓励虚拟机实现不清除最近创建或最近使用的软引用。 *

* Direct instances of this class may be used to implement simple caches; * this class or derived subclasses may also be used in larger data structures * to implement more sophisticated caches. As long as the referent of a soft * reference is strongly reachable, that is, is actually in use, the soft * reference will not be cleared. Thus a sophisticated cache can, for example, * prevent its most recently used entries from being discarded by keeping * strong referents to those entries, leaving the remaining entries to be * discarded at the discretion of the garbage collector. * 该类的直接实例可以用来实现简单的缓存;这个类或派生子类也可以在较大的数据结构中使用, * 以实现更复杂的缓存。只要软引用的所指对象是存在强引用的,也就是说,它实际上正在使用中,软引用就不会被清除。 * 因此,一个复杂的缓存可以通过保持对这些条目的强引用来防止最近使用的条目被丢弃,其余的条目则由垃圾收集器自行决定是否丢弃。 * * @author Mark Reinhold * @since 1.2 */ public class SoftReference<T> extends Reference<T> { ... }


    clock(时钟) —— 静态变量,由全局共享。本质是上次GC回收的时间戳,该值由GC负责更新。

 * Timestamp clock, updated by the garbage collector
static private long clock;

    timestamp(时间戳) —— 当通过get()方法获取所指对象且所指对象不为null时该值会被更新为clock(时钟)字段值。该值被作为软可达(softly reachable)对象是否被GC回收的判断依据,具体做法是将clock(时钟)字段值减去timestamp(时间戳)字段值的差作为软可达(softly reachable)对象上次使用距离当前时间的近似值,并判断该值是否大于最大间隔,是则回收,否则保留。

 * Timestamp updated by each invocation of the get method.  The VM may use
 * this field when selecting soft references to be cleared, but it is not
 * required to do so.
private long timestamp;


    public SoftReference(T referent) —— 只设置所指对象而不设置引用队列,因此可知SoftReference(软引用)类可不搭配引用队列使用。

 * Creates a new soft reference that refers to the given object.  The new
 * reference is not registered with any queue.
 * @param referent object the new soft reference will refer to
public SoftReference(T referent) {
    // 时间戳和时钟的初始值都是0。
    this.timestamp = clock;

    public SoftReference(T referent, ReferenceQueue q) —— 同时设置所指对象及引用队列。

 * Creates a new soft reference that refers to the given object and is
 * registered with the given queue.
 * @param referent object the new soft reference will refer to
 * @param q        the queue with which the reference is to be registered,
 *                 or null if registration is not required
public SoftReference(T referent, ReferenceQueue<? super T> q) {
    super(referent, q);
    this.timestamp = clock;


    public T get() —— 获取所指对象 —— 获取SoftReference(软引用)类对象的所指对象。当所指对象不为null时更新timestamp(时间戳)字段值为clock(时钟)字段值,作为GC判断软可达(softly reachable)对象是否回收的依据。

 * Returns this reference object's referent.  If this reference object has
 * been cleared, either by the program or by the garbage collector, then
 * this method returns null.
 * @return The object to which this reference refers, or
 * null if this reference object has been cleared
 * @Description: 获取所指对象
public T get() {
    T o = super.get();
    // 当所指对象不为空且时间戳不等于时钟时,更新时间戳的值。
    if (o != null && this.timestamp != clock)
        this.timestamp = clock;
    return o;
