Caretta 利用 eBPF 实现 Kubernetes 应用网络拓扑


Caretta 是一种轻量级的独立工具,快速展示集群中运行的服务可视化网络图。

Caretta 利用 eBPF 有效地展示 K8s 集群中的服务网络交互图,并利用 Grafana 查询和可视化收集的数据。科学家们早就知道,海龟和许多动物一样,通过感应磁场中看不见的线在海上航行,类似于水手使用纬度和经度的方式。

Caretta 利用 eBPF 实现 Kubernetes 应用网络拓扑_第1张图片


内核允许使用 eBPF 的开发人员将他们的程序附加到各种类型的探测器 - 放置在内核或应用程序的代码中,当到达时,将在执行其原始代码之前或之后运行附加到它们的程序。Caretta 利用 eBPF 获取网络数据,通过 Prometheus 汇聚数据,并且通过 grafana 大盘展示。Caretta 是基于 tcplife 的启发,它是一个使用 eBPF 计算 TCP 生命周期统计数据和信息的好工具。

"tcplife" 插件可以用于监视和分析 TCP 连接的各个阶段和事件,比如连接建立、数据传输、连接关闭等。它可以捕获和记录关于 TCP 连接的相关信息,如连接持续时间、数据包统计、延迟等,并提供一些有用的指标和分析结果。这对于网络故障排除、性能优化以及网络安全分析等方面都很有用。关键词:tcp_set_state、tcp_data_queue 等。

为什么 tcp_data_queue 函数?

原理:网络数据收集机制原理 - 探测 tcp_data_queue 以观察网络套接字在其已建立状态下更新其统计信息,并探测 tcp_set_state 以跟踪其生命周期。使用此函数的优点是 tcp_set_state 和大多数内核 TCP 函数一样,它的第一个参数是一个 struct sock 对象。



有一个 Grafana 实例查询 VictoriaMetrics (caretta-vm) 代理(并在其 Web UI 上显示此地图);

Victoria agent 从 caretta daemonset 中抓取指标;

Victoria 代理和 Caretta 都使用了 Kubernetes 服务公开的 kubernetes API;

Caretta 利用 eBPF 实现 Kubernetes 应用网络拓扑_第2张图片

下面是 Caretta Agent 发布的时间序列指标示例:

caretta_links_observed{client_id="1074587981",client_kind="Deployment",client_name="checkoutservice",client_namespace="demo-ng",link_id="198768460",role="1",server_id="1112713827",server_kind="Service",server_name="productcatalogservice",server_namespace="demo-ng",server_port="3550"} 2537

在此连接中,我们可以看到 checkoutservice 向名为 productcatalogservice 的服务发送 2537 个字节。请注意,某些标签的生成完全符合 Grafana 期望显示节点图的格式。

Caretta 整体流程如下所示:

Caretta 利用 eBPF 实现 Kubernetes 应用网络拓扑_第3张图片



  • Linux 内核版本 >= 4.16。

  • 支持 CO-RE。可见 CORE,(Compile Once – Run Everywhere)。

Couldn't load probes - error loading BPF objects from go-side. field HandleSockSetState: program handle_sock_set_state: apply CO-RE relocations: load kernel spec: no BTF found for kernel version 3.10.0-1160.83.1.el7.x86_64: not supported


Caretta 利用 eBPF 实现 Kubernetes 应用网络拓扑_第4张图片

 部署 Caretta 组件

helm repo add groundcover

helm repo update

helm install caretta --namespace caretta --create-namespace groundcover/caretta

Caretta 常见指标

Caretta 的 helm chart 使用 Caretta 自带的数据发布了一个带有预定义仪表板的 Grafana 实例。此仪表板包含一些示例来演示 Caretta 指标的用法。

使用提供的 Grafana 实例:

kubectl port-forward --namespace caretta  3000:3000

抓取 Caretta 的指标:

Caretta 的主要指标是 caretta_links_observed (Gauge)。 它使用以下标签来表示通过集群的特定连接(网络套接字):

  • client_name - kubernetes 实体的名称(如果已解析)、外部域(如果已解析)或 IP 地址。

  • client_namespace - kubernetes 实体的命名空间,或“节点”,或“外部”。

  • client_kind - kubernetes 实体的种类,或“节点”,或“外部”。

  • server_name - kubernetes 实体的名称(如果已解析)、外部域(如果已解析)或 IP 地址。

  • server_namespace - kubernetes 实体的命名空间,或“节点”,或“外部”。

  • server_kind - kubernetes 实体的种类,或“节点”,或“外部”。

  • server_port - 服务器使用的端口。

  • role - 1(客户端)或 2(服务器)。

k8s 应用网络拓扑图如下所示:

Caretta 利用 eBPF 实现 Kubernetes 应用网络拓扑_第5张图片

Caretta 利用 eBPF 实现 Kubernetes 应用网络拓扑_第6张图片

 Caretta 利用 eBPF 实现 Kubernetes 应用网络拓扑_第7张图片

Caretta 利用 eBPF 实现 Kubernetes 应用网络拓扑_第8张图片

删除 Caretta 组件

helm delete caretta --namespace caretta


内核 eBPF 代码:

#include "core_structures.h"
#include "arm_support.h"
#include "ebpf_utils.h"
#include "epbf_shared_types.h"
#include "ebpf_internel_types.h"

char __license[] SEC("license") = "Dual MIT/GPL";

// internal kernel-only map to hold state for each sock observed.
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") sock_infos = {
    .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH,
    .key_size = sizeof(struct sock *),
    .value_size = sizeof(struct sock_info),
    .max_entries = MAX_CONNECTIONS,

// the main product of the tracing - map containing all connections observed,
// with metadata and throughput stats.
// key is a whole identifier struct and not a single id to split the constant
// and dynamic values and to resemble as closely as possible the end result in
// the userspace code.
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") connections = {
    .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH,
    .key_size = sizeof(struct connection_identifier),
    .value_size = sizeof(struct connection_throughput_stats),
    .max_entries = MAX_CONNECTIONS,

// helper to convert short int from BE to LE
static inline u16 be_to_le(__be16 be) { return (be >> 8) | (be << 8); }

static inline u32 get_unique_id() {
  return bpf_ktime_get_ns() % __UINT32_MAX__; // no reason to use 64 bit for this

// function for parsing the struct sock
static inline int
parse_sock_data(struct sock *sock, struct connection_tuple *out_tuple,
                struct connection_throughput_stats *out_throughput) {

  if (sock == NULL) {
    return BPF_ERROR;

  // struct sock wraps struct tcp_sock and struct inet_sock as its first member
  struct tcp_sock *tcp = (struct tcp_sock *)sock;
  struct inet_sock *inet = (struct inet_sock *)sock;

  // initialize variables. IP addresses and ports are read originally
  // big-endian, and we will convert the ports to little-endian.
  __be16 src_port_be = 0;
  __be16 dst_port_be = 0;

  // read connection tuple

  if (0 != bpf_core_read(&out_tuple->src_ip, sizeof(out_tuple->src_ip),
                      &inet->inet_saddr)) {
    return BPF_ERROR;

  if (0 != bpf_core_read(&out_tuple->dst_ip, sizeof(out_tuple->dst_ip),
                      &inet->inet_daddr)) {
    return BPF_ERROR;

  if (0 != bpf_core_read(&src_port_be, sizeof(src_port_be), &inet->inet_sport)) {
    return BPF_ERROR;
  out_tuple->src_port = be_to_le(src_port_be);

  if (0 != bpf_core_read(&dst_port_be, sizeof(dst_port_be), &inet->inet_dport)) {
    return BPF_ERROR;
  out_tuple->dst_port = be_to_le(dst_port_be);

  // read throughput data

  if (0 != bpf_core_read(&out_throughput->bytes_received,
                      &tcp->bytes_received)) {
    return BPF_ERROR;
  if (0 != bpf_core_read(&out_throughput->bytes_sent,
                      sizeof(out_throughput->bytes_sent), &tcp->bytes_sent)) {
    return BPF_ERROR;

  return BPF_SUCCESS;

static inline enum connection_role get_sock_role(struct sock* sock) {
  // the max_ack_backlog holds the limit for the accept queue
  // if it is a server, it will not be 0
  int max_ack_backlog = 0;
  if (0 != bpf_core_read(&max_ack_backlog, sizeof(max_ack_backlog),
                &sock->sk_max_ack_backlog)) {

  return max_ack_backlog == 0 ? CONNECTION_ROLE_CLIENT : CONNECTION_ROLE_SERVER;      

// probing the tcp_data_queue kernel function, and adding the connection
// observed to the map.
static int handle_tcp_data_queue(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
  // first argument to tcp_data_queue is a struct sock*
  struct sock *sock = (struct sock *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx);

  struct connection_identifier conn_id = {};
  struct connection_throughput_stats throughput = {};

  if (parse_sock_data(sock, &conn_id.tuple, &throughput) == BPF_ERROR) {
    return BPF_ERROR;

  // skip unconnected sockets
  if (conn_id.tuple.dst_port == 0 && conn_id.tuple.dst_ip == BPF_SUCCESS) {
    return BPF_SUCCESS;

  // fill the conn_id extra details from sock_info map entry, or create one
  struct sock_info *sock_info = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&sock_infos, &sock);
  if (sock_info == NULL) {
    // first time we encounter this sock
    // check if server or client and insert to the maps

    enum connection_role role = get_sock_role(sock);

    struct sock_info info = {
        .pid = 0, // can't associate to pid anyway
        .role = role,
        .is_active = true,
        .id = get_unique_id(),
    bpf_map_update_elem(&sock_infos, &sock, &info, BPF_ANY); =; =;
    conn_id.role = info.role;
    throughput.is_active = true;

    bpf_map_update_elem(&connections, &conn_id, &throughput, BPF_ANY);

    return BPF_SUCCESS;
  } = sock_info->pid; = sock_info->id;
  conn_id.role = sock_info->role;
  if (!sock_info->is_active) {
    return -1;
  throughput.is_active = sock_info->is_active; 
  bpf_map_update_elem(&connections, &conn_id, &throughput, BPF_ANY);

  return BPF_SUCCESS;

static inline int handle_set_tcp_syn_sent(struct sock* sock) {
  // start of a client session
  u32 pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32;

  struct sock_info info = {
      .pid = pid,
      .is_active = true,
      .id = get_unique_id(),

  bpf_map_update_elem(&sock_infos, &sock, &info, BPF_ANY);

  return BPF_SUCCESS;

static inline int handle_set_tcp_syn_recv(struct sock* sock) {
  // this is a server getting syn after listen
    struct connection_identifier conn_id = {};
    struct connection_throughput_stats throughput = {};

    if (parse_sock_data(sock, &conn_id.tuple, &throughput) == BPF_ERROR) {
      return BPF_ERROR;

    struct sock_info info = {
        .pid = 0, // can't associate to process
        .is_active = true,
        .id = get_unique_id(),

    bpf_map_update_elem(&sock_infos, &sock, &info, BPF_ANY);

    // probably the dst ip will still be unitialized
    if (conn_id.tuple.dst_ip == 0) {
      return BPF_SUCCESS;
    } =; =;
    conn_id.role = info.role;

    bpf_map_update_elem(&connections, &conn_id, &throughput, BPF_ANY);

    return BPF_SUCCESS;

static inline int handle_set_tcp_close(struct sock* sock) {
  // mark as inactive
  struct connection_identifier conn_id = {};
  struct connection_throughput_stats throughput = {};

  if (parse_sock_data(sock, &conn_id.tuple, &throughput) == BPF_ERROR) {
    return BPF_ERROR;

  struct sock_info *info = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&sock_infos, &sock);
  if (info == NULL) { = get_unique_id(); = 0; // cannot associate to PID in this state
    conn_id.role = get_sock_role(sock);
  } else { = info->id; = info->pid;
    conn_id.role = info->role;
    bpf_map_delete_elem(&sock_infos, &sock);

  throughput.is_active = false;
  bpf_map_update_elem(&connections, &conn_id, &throughput, BPF_ANY);

  return BPF_SUCCESS;

static int handle_sock_set_state(struct set_state_args *args) {
  struct sock *sock = (struct sock *)args->skaddr;

  switch(args->newstate) {
    case TCP_SYN_RECV: {
      return handle_set_tcp_syn_recv(sock) == BPF_ERROR;
    case TCP_SYN_SENT: {
      return handle_set_tcp_syn_sent(sock) == BPF_ERROR;
    case TCP_CLOSE:  {
      return handle_set_tcp_close(sock);

  return BPF_SUCCESS;

使用 Go 加载 ebpf 代码:

func LoadProbes() (Probes, *ebpf.Map, error) {
	if err := rlimit.RemoveMemlock(); err != nil {
		return Probes{}, nil, fmt.Errorf("error removing memory lock - %v", err)

	objs := bpfObjects{}
	err := loadBpfObjects(&objs, &ebpf.CollectionOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		var ve *ebpf.VerifierError
		if errors.As(err, &ve) {
			fmt.Printf("Verifier Error: %+v\n", ve)
		return Probes{}, nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading BPF objects from go-side. %v", err)
	log.Printf("BPF objects loaded")

	// attach a kprobe and tracepoint
	kp, err := link.Kprobe("tcp_data_queue", objs.bpfPrograms.HandleTcpDataQueue, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return Probes{}, nil, fmt.Errorf("error attaching kprobe: %v", err)
	log.Printf("Kprobe attached successfully")

	tp, err := link.Tracepoint("sock", "inet_sock_set_state", objs.bpfPrograms.HandleSockSetState, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return Probes{}, nil, fmt.Errorf("error attaching tracepoint: %v", err)
	log.Printf("Tracepoint attached successfully")

	// We are done with loading kprobes - clear the btf cache

	return Probes{
		Kprobe:     kp,
		Tracepoint: tp,
		BpfObjs:    objs,
	}, objs.Connections, nil

解析工作负载 trace 链路拓扑图:

// a single polling from the eBPF maps
// iterating the traces from the kernel-space, summing each network link
func (tracer *LinksTracer) TracesPollingIteration(pastLinks map[NetworkLink]uint64) (map[NetworkLink]uint64, map[NetworkLink]uint64) {
	// outline of an iteration -
	// filter unwanted connections, sum all connections as links, add past links, and return the new map
	unroledCounter := 0
	loopbackCounter := 0

	currentLinks := make(map[NetworkLink]uint64)
	var connectionsToDelete []ConnectionIdentifier

	var conn ConnectionIdentifier
	var throughput ConnectionThroughputStats

	entries := tracer.connections.Iterate()
	// iterate the map from the eBPF program
	itemsCounter := 0
	for entries.Next(&conn, &throughput) {
		itemsCounter += 1
		// filter unnecessary connection

		if throughput.IsActive == 0 {
			connectionsToDelete = append(connectionsToDelete, conn)

		// skip loopback connections
		if conn.Tuple.SrcIp == conn.Tuple.DstIp && isAddressLoopback(conn.Tuple.DstIp) {

		// filter unroled connections (probably indicates a bug)
		link, err := tracer.reduceConnectionToLink(conn)
		if conn.Role == UnknownConnectionRole || err != nil {
		currentLinks[link] += throughput.BytesSent


	// add past links
	for pastLink, pastThroughput := range pastLinks {
		currentLinks[pastLink] += pastThroughput

	// delete connections marked to delete
	for _, conn := range connectionsToDelete {
		tracer.deleteAndStoreConnection(&conn, pastLinks)
	return pastLinks, currentLinks


1、Navigate your way to production bliss with Caretta

