
1、 [单选] 你的公司最近采用了Scrum方法,团队成员很沮丧,因为他们现在必须每天开15分钟的会。每日站会的目的是什么?
Your organization has recently adopted scrum methodology. Your team members are frustrated as they now must meet on daily basis for 15 minutes. What is the purpose of daily scrum?

  •  A:自我组织 To self-organize
  •  B:计划 To plan
  •  C:降低风险 To mitigate risks
  •  D:以上都对 All of the above

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:敏捷实践指南53页;每日站会的目的是工作内容的进展同步,不是为了解决问题;在每日站会上会讨论:①我昨天做了什么;②我今天将要做什么;- B选项正确③我遇到了什么障碍(风险或问题) - C选项正确要鼓励每个团队成员轮流组织每日站会,而不是由项目经理或领导来组织。 - A选项正确因此以上3个选项都对。答案选D

2、 [单选] 涉及一家全球公司10家分公司的项目即将完成,项目经理正在安排召开一次经验教训总结会议,项目经理应该邀请谁来参加会议?
A project that involves 10 branches of a global company is nearing completion.The project manager is scheduling a lessons learned meeting. Who should the project manager invite to the meeting?

  •  A:所有相关方 All stakeholders
  •  B:项目经理的业务部门主管 Head of the business unit of the project manager
  •  C:项目团队的所有成员 All members of the project team
  •  D:高级管理层 Senior management

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P128-组织过程资产更新。尽可能多的相关方参与到经验教训总结中,有助于今后的项目少走弯路。 选项BCD:都有可能参加经验教训总结会议,在选项A的范围之内。

5、 [单选] 在项目执行阶段,项目发起人直接与团队成员和分包商沟通。项目发起人偶尔向他们提供有关实施方法、工作技巧和任务排序的指导。项目经理应该怎么做?
During the project execution phase,project sponsors communicate directly with team members and subcontractors.Project sponsors occasionally provide them with guidance on implementation methods,work skills, and task sequencing.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:使用人际关系技能让项目发起人查阅沟通管理计划 Use interpersonal skills to let project sponsors view communication management plans
  •  B:更新相关方参与计划, 禁止项目发起人与团队和分包商直接沟通 Update the relevant parties to participate in the plan, prohibit project sponsors from communicating directly with teams and subcontractors
  •  C:更新执行、负责、 咨询和知情(RACI)矩阵 Update execution, responsibility,consulting and informed (RACI) Matrix
  •  D:将项目发起人与团队 和分包商的沟通更新到问题日志 Update the project sponsors and teams communication with subcontractors to the problem log

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


6、 [单选] 为了限制项目变更的数量,项目经理制定了一个严格的变更管理计划,该计划只允许批准减轻主要潜在风险或已实现风险的变更。团队成员提出一个范围变更,该范围变更将消除对落后于进度的外部项目的依赖。项目经理应该做什么?
To limit the number of project changes, the project manager establishes a strict change management plan that allows only changes that mitigate major potential or realized risks. Team members propose a scope change that will eliminate the dependency on external projects that are behind schedule. What should a project manager do?

  •  A:与发起人和外部项目经理讨论提议的变更 Discuss the proposed change with the sponsor and external project manager.
  •  B:拒绝该变更,因为根据变更管理计划应避免所有变更 Reject the change because all changes should be avoided according to the change management plan.
  •  C:接受该变更,因为这是一项预防措施 Accept the change,as it is a preventive action.
  •  D:同意该变更,因为这是一项纠正措施 Agree the change as this is a corrective action.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6 实施整体变更控制。要对变更请求进行评估,但是和“发起人和外部项目经理讨论”并不是很严谨,没有交代是否发起人和外部项目经理是否是CCB的成员。对于这道题目重点掌握整体变更控制流程,忽略瑕疵。 选项B:变更管理计划是对变更加以控制,而不是拒绝变更。 选项CD:根据选项A评估的结果,才能做出接受/同意/拒绝的决策。

7、 [单选] 项目经理计划在一个月内部署一个全球性项目。但是,多名经理联系项目发起人,表示缺乏对项目可交付成果的认识。规划期间,项目经理应完成下列哪一项?
A project manager plans to deploy a global project in one month. However, several managers have contacted the project sponsor indicating a lack of awareness of project deliverables. What should the project manager have done during planning?

  •  A:开展项目影响分析.安排进度活动并采取行动 Conducted a project impact analysis, scheduled activities, and taken actions
  •  B:审查项目章程澄清范围 Reviewed project charter to clarify scope
  •  C:安排每周风险审查会议 Scheduled weekly risk review meetings
  •  D:识别项目相关方,并将其包含进沟通管理计划中 Identified project stakeholders and included them in the communications management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


8、 [单选] 项目团队正在对一家制造公司的原型进行质量检查,在控制图上连续七个点落在平均线上方,但处于控制界限内。 质量过程的绩效水平是什么?
The project team is conducting a quality check on the prototype of a manufacturing company, seven consecutive points fall above the average line on the control chart, but within the control limits. What is the performance level of the quality process?

  •  A:在规格界限内 Within the specification limits
  •  B:在规格界限外 Out of the specification limits
  •  C:失控 Out of control
  •  D:处于控制当中 Under control

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P304-数据表现。七点连续在均值线同侧是典型的失控。 其他选项:BD不正确,严格来说,A的说法也对,但是问得是质量过程的绩效水平,而不是可交付成果的检查结果。因此,C正确。

10、 [单选] 项目发起人任命一位高级工程师到指导委员会,来帮助监督项目管理计划。该工程师经常不同意由项目团队制定的计划,并在提交标准之前对项目管理计划表达严重关切。项目经理应该怎么做?
The project sponsor appoints a senior engineer to the steering committee to help oversee the project management plan.The engineer often disagree with the plans produced by the project team,and expresses critical concerns about the project management plan before it is submitted for approval. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:通知项目发起人,该工程师延迟了规划过程 Inform the project sponsor that the engineer is delaying the planning process
  •  B:与指导委员会一起审查项目计划,并解决该工程师提出的任何问题 Review the project plan with the steering committee,and address any concerns that are raised by the engineer
  •  C:与工程师进行私下会议,了解并解决他关切的问题 Conduct a private meeting with the engineer to understand and address their concerns
  •  D:提交项目管理计划,并在以后通过遵循变更管理程序解决该工程师的关切问题 Submit the project management plan,and address the engineer's concerns at a better time by following change management procedures

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


11、 [单选] 任命的项目经理获悉,相关方对已识别到的项目问题和风险非常担心,他们对一个多月没有收到任何沟通表示不满。 项目经理应该怎么做?
A newly appointed project manager learns that stakeholders are concerned about identified project issues and risks. They are dissatisfied that for over a month no communications have been receive What should the new project manager do?

  •  A:实施现有沟通管理计划和相关方参与计划 Implement the existing communications management and stakeholder management plans.
  •  B:更新沟通管理计划和相关方参与计划,并立即向相关方提供有关问题和风险的信息 Update the communications management and stakeholder management plans and provide immediate communication regarding the issues and risks to the stakeholders.
  •  C:与相关方开会以确定沟通所需的频率,然后立即向他们提供有关这些问题和风险的信息 Meet with stakeholders to determine the frequency required for communications, then immediate provide them with information regarding the issues and risks.
  •  D:与关键相关方开会,然后更新沟通管理计划和相关方参与计划 Meet with the key stakeholders then update the communications management and stakeholder management plans.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P388-10.3监督沟通。信息的传递存在缺失,分析问题,如有必要更新沟通管理计划。所以选项D在选项B之前。 选项A:现有的沟通管理计划已经无法满足相关方对信息获取的需求。 选项C:对相关方沟通频率的期望,要先进行评估,然后整合进沟通管理计划。

12、 [单选] 在一个项目的结束阶段,项目经理和供应商对所交付的工作是否符合要求存在冲突。若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该查阅哪一份文件?
At a project ending phase , the project manager and a vendor are confiscate about whether the work delivered meets requirements. What should the project manager reference to resolve this ?

  •  A:项目章程 Project Charter
  •  B:建议邀请书(RFP) Request for proposal(RFP)
  •  C:工作说明书(SOW) Statement of work
  •  D:工作分解结构(WBS) Work breakdown structure(WBS)

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)477 采购工作说明书 工作说明书对将要包含在相关合同中的那一部分项目范围进行定义。它对可交付成果进行了详细的描述,相关的规格都在里面。其他选项:AD都是项目内部文件,B只用作招标。

13、 [单选] 某个特定采购商品的原料成本预计增加,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A planned increase in raw material costs for a specific procurement item occurs. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:通知发起人 Inform the sponsor
  •  B:执行储备分析 Perform a reserve analysis
  •  C:执行实施整体变更控制过程 Conduct the Perform Integrated Change Control process
  •  D:研究偏差的原因 Research the reasons for the deviation

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P456-数据分析-储备分析。储备分析是指在项目的任一时点比较剩余应急储备与剩余风险量,从而确定剩余储备是否仍然合理。可以用各种图形(如燃尽图)来显示应急储备的消耗情况。 成本有增加的风险,项目经理通过储备分析来确认应急储备是否足以应对。选项AC:通过储备分析如果有必要实施风险应对的话,再提交变更请求对基准进行更新,同时通知相关方。选项D:偏差分析通常用于分析在临界值区间是否有必要采取纠正或预防措施。

14、 [单选] 一位一直使用瀑布管理方式的新的产品负责人正在努力学习使用敏捷估算。作为Scrum主管,你需要告诉他敏捷估算和瀑布估算有什么不同。你会怎么说?
A new product owner who normally works with waterfall is struggling to use agile estimations. You as a Scrum Master must tell him how agile estimation is different from that of waterfall. What would you tell?

  •  A:瀑布估算是迭代的 Waterfall estimation is iterative
  •  B:敏捷估算是迭代的和及时的 Agile estimation is iterative and just in time
  •  C:在敏捷中,估算是预先完成的 In agile, estimation is done up front
  •  D:在瀑布中,估算是分阶段进行的 In waterfall, estimation is done in phases

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


15、 [单选] 项目经理A认识到需要额外资源来按时完成项目,并请求项目经理B提供资源方面的协助。 如果项目经理B同意,应审查哪一份文件?
Project manager A realizes that additional resources are required to complete their project on time and asks project manager B for assistance with resources.If project manager B agrees, what document should be reviewed?

  •  A:项目人员配备 Project staff assignment
  •  B:资源日历 Resource calendar
  •  C:项目组织图 Project organization chart
  •  D:团队绩效评估 Team performance assessments

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P323-项目文件-资源日历。资源日历识别了每种具体资源可用时的工作日、班次、正常营业的上下班时间、 周末和公共假期。在项目经理B同意之后,需要查看资源日历。查看哪些资源在项目期间可以进行协助。选项A:人员配备管理,指的是人员如何获取、培训、管理以及如何遣散,目前资源是否能够加入还没有明确,所以排除。选项C:项目组织图以图形方式展示项目团队成员及其报告关系。选项D:指团队实现预定目标的实际结果。

16、 [单选] 鲍勃是一名 Scrum 主管。他和敏捷团队与产品负责人一起为他们将要开发的新应用程序编写用户故事。为了进一步分析故事,鲍勃建议使用MoSCoW技术。MoSCoW 代表什么?
Bob is a scrum master. He and the agile team worked with product owner to write the user stories for the new application that they will be developing. To further analyze the stories, Bob recommended to use MoSCoW technique. MoSCoW stands for?

  •  A:必须有,应该有,可以有,不会有 Must have, Should Have, Could Have, Won’t Have
  •  B:必须有,应该有,可以有,将会有 Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, Would Have
  •  C:可能有,应该有,本来可以有,不会有 Might Have, Should Have, Could Have, Won’t Have
  •  D:可能有,应该有,可以有,将会有 Might Have, Should Have, Could Have, Would Have

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:MoSCoW 方法是一种用于管理、业务分析、项目管理和软件开发的优先级技术,旨在与利益相关方就交付每个要求的优先顺序达成共识,其含义是必须有,应该有,可能有,不会有。

17、 [单选] 一位新项目经理负责管理一个处于规划阶段之后的项目。新项目经理应该审查什么以确定团队的角色和职责?
A new project manager assumes a project after its planning phase, what should the new project manager review To identify the team's roles and responsibilities ?

  •  A:组织结构图 Organizational chart
  •  B:资源管理计划 Resource management plan
  •  C:项目章程 project charter
  •  D:工作分解结构(WBS) Work breakdown structure (WBS)

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P318-资源管理计划。资源管理计划中包括了角色与职责的分配。 选项A:组织结构图展现的是职位和相互关系。 选项C:项目章程记录了项目经理、项目管理团队的职责,因为项目团队成员还没有规划,所以项目章程中没有团队成员的角色和职责。 选项D:WBS中有工作包的负责人,但是不便于汇总查询成员详细信息。

19、 [单选] 公司聘用一名项目经理来协调一个期限紧迫的敏捷项目,项目经理和敏捷团队都由一位项目组合经理管理,该项目组合经理倾向于根据需要将开发人员重新分配给其他紧急事项,当项目经理与其接洽时,项目组合经理坚持认为他有权根据需要调动资源,项目经理应该怎么做?
A Company hires a project manager to coordinate an agile project with tight deadlines, The project managers and the agile team are all managed by a portfolio manager who has a tendency to reassigned developers to other urgent items as needed, when approached by the project manager , the portfolio manager is adamant that he  have the authority to more required, what should the project manager do?

  •  A:将此问题提升为问题日志中的问题 Raise this ad an issue in the issue log
  •  B:更新风险登记册 Update the risk register
  •  C:将此问题升级上报给项目组合经理的主管 Escalate it to the portfolio manager's supervisor
  •  D:请求额外的资源 Request additional resources

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


20、 [单选] 相关方已就项目可交付成果,关键里程碑以及角色与职责达成一致意见,项目经理与商业分析师开会,以评估项目的详细需求,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
Stakeholders have agreed on project deliverables, key milestones, and roles and responsibilities. The project manager meets with the business analyst to assess the project’s detailed requirements. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:安排需求评审会议 Arrange a requirements review meeting
  •  B:分享项目章程 Share the project charter
  •  C:制定范围管理计划 Develop the scope management plan
  •  D:审查工作分解结构(WBS) Review the work breakdown structure (WBS)

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P75-4.1制定项目章程。项目章程中记录了对项目可交付成果的约定、关键里程碑、角色和职责。 选项ACD:在选项B之后,有了项目章程,才有用于动员资源收集需求的权力。

22、 [单选] 项目经理得知,因为未得到足够的支持,一位团队成员无法满足指定的截止日期。原计划由另一个部门的职能经理直接管理的一位人员能支持该团队成员,但因其超负荷无法完成,组织内没有其他资源可用。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager learn member could not meet assigned deadline because adequate support was not receive An overloaded resource, who is directly managed by a functional manager in another department was scheduled to support this team member, but was unable,no other resources are available within the organization. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:联系该超负荷人员的职能经理,并审查该资源日程计划 Engage with the overloaded resource’s functional manager,and review the resource scheduling plan
  •  B:要求该团队成员与该超负荷人员联系,以解决该问题 Ask the team member to engage with the overloaded resource to resolve the problem
  •  C:要求该超负荷人员的职能经理解决该问题 Ask the overloaded resource’s functional manager to resolve the issue
  •  D:与团队开会,以解决该问题 Meet with the team to resolve the issue

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


23、 [单选] 一位具有独特和关键技能的主题专家(SME)不愿接受项目经理的指令,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A subject matter expert (SME) with unique and critical skills will not accept the authority of the project manager. What should the project manager do first ?

  •  A:与该主题专家的直线经理开会以解决该冲突 Meet with the SME line manager to resolve the conflict
  •  B:与该主题专家一起审查项目管理计划以核实所有团队角色 Review the project management plan with the SME to validate all team roles
  •  C:要求项目发起人替换该主题专家 Ask the project sponsor to replace the SME
  •  D:更新资源管理计划和风险登记册 Update the resource management plan and the risk register

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P319-团队章程。团队章程是为团队创建团队价值观、共识和工作指南的文件,其中包括团队价值观、沟通指南、冲突处理过程、团队共识等。 选项AC:首先尝试在团队内部解决问题,如果无法解决,再选择寻求职能部门经理介入或上报。 选项D:问题解决以后,看是否还存在着不确定性,或者是否对资源管理策略进行调整,再判断是否需要更新资源计划和风险登记册。

24、 [单选] 虽然某个可交付成果已遵循质量控制过程,但客户对其质量表示不满,项目经理首先应该做什么?
Although the quality control process was followed for a deliverable,the customers express displeasure with its quality. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:将该问题升级上报给合同经理 Escalate the issue to the contract manager.
  •  B:继续执行该项目,因为可交付成果已通过质量控制检查 Continue to execute the project because the deliverables have passed the quality control checks.
  •  C:审查内部质量控制流程 Review the internal quality control process
  •  D:将可交付成果的质量与验收标准进行比较 Compare the quality of deliverables with acceptance criteria

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P305-核实的可交付成果。遵循了质量控制过程,但是还不满意,需要看一下当时的验收是否有问题,所以要比较一下验收标准。 其他选项:A,没必要上报。B不能不管;C,先处理D再处理C。

25、 [单选] 在新项目启动会议期间,生产经理拒绝接受批准的章程,因为项目需要采购新设备。然而,项目经理通知项目发起人,由于生产经理缺席,章程未能包括设备采购。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During a new project’s kick-off meeting.a production manager refuses to accept the approved charter because the project will require the procurement of new equipment.The project manager then informs the sponsor that the charter failed to include equipment procurement because the production manager was absent.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:与客户一起审查生产经理关切的问题 Review the production manager’s concern with the client.
  •  B:记录生产经理关切的问题,并在项目启动大会之后获得他们的支持 Record the production manager’s concern and obtain their support after the kick-off meeting.
  •  C:开展另一项成本效益分析,包括生产经理的反馈 Conduct another cost-benefit analysis that includes the production manager’s feedback.
  •  D:向生产经理解释设备成本不会影响项目业务价值 Explain to the production manager that equipment costs will not impact project business value.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P86-会议。项目开工会议的目标在“传达项目目标、获得团队对项目的承诺,以及阐明每个相关方的角色和职责”。 选项A:包括在选项B中。 选项C:成本效益分析的结果是用来证明项目的可行性,起建议作用,无需在做。

26、 [单选] 一份设备报价邀请书(RFQ)在报纸上公布了。一些供应商要求举行投标前会议,一些供应商询问有关设备类型的问题,还有一家供应商提交的报价远低于公司估算的价格。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
A request for quotation(RFQ) for equipment is published in a newspaper.Some vendors request pre-bid conferences,some ask questions about the type of equipment,and one vendor submits a quote much lower than the company estimate.What should the project manager have done to avoid this?

  •  A:要求有更多此设备经验的供应商 Requested vendors with more experience with this equipment.
  •  B:延长提交报价的时间 Extended the time to submit quotations.
  •  C:遵循采购管理计划 Followed the procurement management plan.
  •  D:将所有详情包含进工作说明书(SOW)中 Included all details in the procurement statement of work(SOW).

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)477 采购工作说明书。 采购工作说明书里面确定了规格、数量、质量水平、绩效数据、履约时间、工作地点和其他要求等等。这些供应商因为对可交付成果的不了解,因此报价 千差万别,所以需要明确的SOW去规定。 其他选项:AB直接错误,C采购管理计划并没有可交付成果的相关具体描述

28、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个交付日期非常紧张的关键项目。由于某些团队成员位于其他国家/地区,因此项目经理希望确保明确定义角色、职责和工作日历。项目经理应该参考哪一个过程?
A project manager is leading a critical project with an aggressive delivery date. Since some project team members are located in other countries, the project manager wants to ensure that roles, responsibilities, and work calendars are will define. To what process should the project manager refer?

  •  A:规划进度管理 Plan schedule management
  •  B:规划资源管理 Plan resource management
  •  C:规划风险管理 Plan risk management
  •  D:规划沟通管理 Plan communication management

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P318-资源管理计划。资源管理计划中包括了角色与职责的分配,以及资源的控制。 选项ACD:情景中已经明确了“角色”、“职责”和“工作日历”。

29、 [单选] 项目第一阶段符合进度计划,且接近完成。第二阶段取决于第一阶段的完成。技术团队发现一个缺陷,且项目经理确定必须修补这个缺陷才能继续项目。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
Phase one of a project is on schedule and close to completion. Phase two is dependent upon phase one's completion. The technical team finds a defect and the project manager determines that the defect must be repaired before continuing the project. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:变更项目管理计划,在不影响进度计划的情况下包含缺陷修补工作 Update the project management plan to include the repair work without impacting the schedule.
  •  B:向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交变更请求,供其审查和批准 Submit a change request to be reviewed and approved by the change control board (CCB)
  •  C:与项目团队开会,审查发现结果,并确定所需的下一步行动 Meet with the project team to review the findings and determine the next action required
  •  D:将修补工作添加进风险登记册,并重新计算成功概率 Add repair work to the risk register and recalculate probability of success

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


30、 [单选] 在施工现场可被验收之前,正为一个关键项目活动寻求获得当地主管部门的批准,项目经理在为项目制定进度计划时应该做什么?
A key project activity is to seek approval from local authorities before a construction site can be accepted .What should the project manager do when scheduling the project?

  •  A:避免将该活动放在关键路径上 Avoid putting the activity on the critical path.
  •  B:执行确定和整合依赖关系 Perform dependency determination and integration.
  •  C:获得专家判断 Obtain expert judgment.
  •  D:在风险登记册中添加一个新风险 Add a new risk to the risk register.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P191-确定和整合依赖关系 。“当地主管部门的批准”属于外部依赖关系,外部依赖关系是项目活动与非项目活动之间的依赖关系,这些依赖关系往往不在项目团队的控制范围内。 选项A:要获得批准,即使不在关键路径上,浮动时间不足,同样会影响项目工期。 选项D:做为一个风险进行跟踪,但题干问的是“在制定进度计划时应该做什么”

31、 [单选] 项目经理需要从不同职能经理招募团队成员,项目经理应使用什么?
A project manager needs to acquire team members from various functional managers. What should the project manager use?

  •  A:资源日历 Resource calendars
  •  B:协商 Negotiation
  •  C:募集 Acquisition
  •  D:技能图 Skill mapping

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P323-估算活动资源输入-项目文件-资源日历。资源日历识别了每种具体资源可用时的工作日、班次、正常营业的上下班时间、 周末和公共假期。注意,这道题目容易导致误判,首先项目经理需要知道哪些资源可用,再和职能部门经理协商获取资源(选项B),如果无法获取,再考虑其他获取方式,例如招募(选项C)。

32、 [单选] 公司推出一项新产品,预估实施质量控制系统将花费100万美元,预期的故障和潜在维修成本估计为50万美元。项目经理应该提出什么建议?
A company launching a new product estimates that implementing a quality control system will cost $1 million, expected failures and potential repair costs are estimated at US$500,000. What should the project manager propose?

  •  A:在做出决定之前考虑声誉损失成本 Factoring in the loss of reputation costs before making A decision
  •  B:实施质量控制系统,因为这是质量成本(COQ) Implementing a quality control system, as this is the cost of quality (COQ)
  •  C:不实施质量控制系统,因为非一致性成本较低 Not implemented a quality control system, as the cost of nonconformance is less
  •  D:实施质量控制系统,因为质量控制是最佳实践 Implement a quality control system, as quality control is a best practice

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P282-数据分析-质量成本。题干中没有考虑到声誉损失等外部失败成本,因此项目经理应向公司提出需考虑外部失败成本的建议。 选项B:缺乏逻辑关系,排除。 选项CD:是否实施,要根据综合考虑的结果后决策。

33、 [单选] 一位新的产品负责人以前一直采用的是瀑布管理方式。他现在正在对比瀑布计划和敏捷计划的异同。敏捷计划与瀑布式计划有何不同?
A new product owner has been working previously with waterfall. He is comparing both waterfall and agile planning. How is agile planning different from that of waterfall?

  •  A:瀑布计划是迭代的 Waterfall planning is iterative
  •  B:敏捷计划是迭代且及时的 Agile planning is iterative and just in time
  •  C:在敏捷管理中,计划是预先完成的 In agile, planning is done up front
  •  D:在瀑布管理中,计划是分阶段完成的 In waterfall, planning is done in phases

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


34、 [单选] 项目发起人非常注意与用户/客户一起制定效益分析和范围。任命的项目经理后来按时按预算完成项目。项目发起人应该如何向用户/客户确保最终可交付成果达到预期目标?
A project sponsor takes great care to develop the benefit analysis and scope with the user/client.The assigned project manager later completes the project on time and under budget.What should the project sponsor do to assure the user/client that the final deliverable has achieved the desired objectives?

  •  A:查阅工作分解结构(WBS)确认所有工作包已经完成 Refer to the work breakdown structure(WBS) to confirm that all work packages were successfully complete
  •  B:向用户/客户指出,由于满足了进度计划和预算要求,该项目取得成功 Point out to the user/client that since schedule and budget requirements were met,the project is a success.
  •  C:要求分配的效益负责人在书面报告中提供他们的反馈以进行验证 Ask the assigned benefits owner to provide their feedback in a written report for verification.
  •  D:向用户/客户提供在项目结束时使用的一份清单,列出所有已解决的事项 Provide to the user/client a list that was used at the end of the project indicating all items address

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P163-5.5确认范围。项目的交付成果要获得正式验收,在通过验收后,进行移交程序。 选项A:属于内部的质量控制过程。 选项B:项目是否成功,由项目发起人依据项目章程中的项目成功标准判定。 选项D:已解决事项和遗留问题列表在验收后出具的项目最终报告中记录。

35、 [单选] —位新项目发起人习惯性地错过每周一次的状态会议,并经常找职能经理讨论项目的状态,定期向其发送会议纪要,但似乎一直未读,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A new project sponsor habitually misses weekly status meeting and frequently visits functional manager to discuss the project's, status,meeting minutes are regularly sent, but appear to remain unrea What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:指示职能经理拒绝讨论项目状态 Instruct the functional managers to refrain from discussing project status
  •  B:将沟通管理计划发送给该发起人 Send the communication management plan to the sponsor
  •  C:将每周会议纪要重新发送给该发起人 Resend the weekly meeting minutes to the sponsor
  •  D:与该发起人组织一对一会议 Organize a one-on-one meetings with the sponsor

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P523-13.3管理相关方参与。调整与相关方的沟通管理计划,需要从相关方分析入手,挖掘相关方的核心诉求。 选项A:武断的决策 选项BC:之前的信息已经发送 了,但是相关方并没有阅读,所以问题不在沟通管理计划的缺失上,先了解一下相关方的诉求。

36、 [单选] 在项目规划期间,项目经理希望将尽可能多的成本超支风险转移给供应商。项目经理应使用哪一个合同类型?
During the project planning,the project manager wants to transfer as many cost overrun risks as possible to the supplier.What type of contract should the project manager use?

  •  A:固定总价(FFP) Firm fixed price(FFP).
  •  B:总价加经济价格调整(FPEPA) Fixed price with economic price adjustment(FPEPA).
  •  C:成本加激励费用(CPIF) Cost plus incentive fee(CPIF).
  •  D:成本加固定费用(CPFF) Cost plus fixed fee(CPFF).

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P471-固定总价合同。 固定总价合同风险最小,卖家风险自担。 其他选项:对买家的风险排序,A小于B小于C小于D。

37、 [单选] 一位相关方要求更频繁、更详细地更新项目状态。该相关方也表示有兴趣协助该项目。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
A stakeholder requests more frequent and detailed updates on the project's status.The stakeholder also expresses interest in helping with the project. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:尽快发送详细的状态报告并更新相关方登记册 Send detailed status reports as soon as possible and update the stakeholder register
  •  B:将该相关方包含在所有详细的项目状态沟通中,并将该相关方的参与度更新为支持 Include this stakeholder in all detailed project status communications and update the stakeholder's engagement level to supportive
  •  C:与团队开会以审查相关方登记册并重新评估角色和报告要求 Meet with the team to review the stakeholder register and reassess the roles and reporting requirements
  •  D:更新具有同样参与程度的所有相关方的详细状态报告 Update the detailed status report for all stakeholders with the same engagement level

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P530-13.4监督相关方参与。监督项目相关方关系,并通过修订参与策略和计划来引导相关方合理参与项目的过程。 选项ABD:对项目沟通策略进行更新要根据对相关方分析的结果。

38、 [单选] 在创建质量管理计划时,项目经理确定预防和质量评估的成本非常高,然而,增加预算不会减少公司未来的故障维修费用。项目经理应该怎么做?
While creating a quality management plan, a project manager determines that the cost of prevention and quality assessment is very high, however, increasing the budget will not reduce the company's future failure repair costs. What should a project manager do?

  •  A:修改预算以增加预防和质量评估活动 Revise the budget to increase preventive and quality appraised activities
  •  B:保持当前的质量活动 Maintain current quality activities
  •  C:修改预算以解决故障成本问题 Revise the budget to address failure costs
  •  D:变更制造过程以减少缺陷 Change the manufacturing process to reduce defects

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P282-数据分析-成本效益分析。成本效益分析是用来估算备选方案优势和劣势的财务分析工具,以确定可以创造最佳效益的备选方案。从题干陈述的情景看,再多的投入并不能带来质量水平的显著提升,所以排除AC。 选项D:生产工艺流程的改造,也需要投入成本。

39、 [单选] 一个本地项目在不断扩大,现在将包括来自不同国家的相关方。为了有效管理这些全球相关方,项目经理必须调整哪些现有文件?
A local project is expanding and will now include stakeholders from different countries.what existing documentation must the project manager adjust to effectively manage these global stakeholders?

  •  A:组织沟通需求 Organization communication requirements.
  •  B:风险登记册 Risk register.
  •  C:变更控制程序 Change control procedures.
  •  D:沟通管理计划 Communication management plan.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


40、 [单选] 在授权资源分配之前,公司的项目管理办公室(PMO)要求项目经理出示批准的项目章程。 但是,项目发起人将在未来三周内休假,相关方希望项目尽快开始。 项目经理该怎么做?
Before authorizing resource assignments, a company’s project management office(PMO) requires that the project manager present the approved project charter. However, the project sponsor is on vacation for the next three weeks. Stakeholders want the project to start as soon as possible. What should the project manager do ?

  •  A:暂停项目,直到发起人批准项目章程为止 Hold the project until the sponsor approves the project charter.
  •  B:获得指导委员会的授权 Obtain authorization from the steering committee.
  •  C:找到可以非正式启动项目的资源,以避免延期 Find resources that can informally start the project to avoid delays.
  •  D:审查主要项目里程碑,识别潜在的任务压缩以避免延期 Review the main project milestones to identify potential task compression to avoid delays.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P77-4.1制定项目章程。“项目由项目以外的机构来启动,如发起人、项目集或项目管理办公室(PMO)、项目组合治理委员会主席或其授权代表”。现在发起人休假,可以由指导委员会授权启动。 选项A:项目的启动时间较为紧迫,等待发起人从时间上来不及。 选项C:项目未正式立项,无法动用资源。 选项D:启动阶段,没有进入规划阶段。

41、 [单选] 一个项目可交付成果已交付给客户,但未能满足质量标准,项目经理下一步应该做什么?
A project deliverable has been delivered to the client,but it falls to meet quality standards.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:审查可接受的公差水平 Review acceptable tolerance levels.
  •  B:调整下一个可交付成果的参数。 Adjust the parameters for the next deliverable.
  •  C:对可交付成果进行补救工作 Conduct remedial work on the deliverable.
  •  D:执行根本原因分析,并识别纠正方案 Perform a root analysis,and identify a corrective solution.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P303- 数据分析-根本原因分析。可交付成果有问题,先分析根本原因,再找解决方案。 其他选项:AB明显不对,C的没有D全面,还是要执行必要的分析。

42、 [单选] 项目经理通过将工作包分解到活动中去,识别并记录产生项目可交付成果的具体行动, 结果将产生哪一份文件?
A project manager identifies and documents the specific actions that produce project deliverables by breaking down work packages into activities. What document will be produced as a result?

  •  A:资源分解结构(RBS) Resource breakdown structure (RBS)
  •  B:活动资源需求 Activity resource requirements
  •  C:里程碑清单 Milestone list
  •  D:活动持续时间估算 Activity duration estimates

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P186-里程碑清单。将工作包分解到活动,我们定位到定义活动子过程。定义活动输出里程碑清单。 选项A:是选项D的输入 选项B:是6.5制定进度计划的输入 选项D:在定义活动之后。

43、 [单选] 在冲刺计划会议上,两名团队成员开始就用户故事、优先级和估算展开辩论,并慢慢转变为激烈的争论。作为 Scrum主管,你应该怎么做?
During a sprint planning meeting, two of the team members have started debating and arguing over a user story, its priority, and estimates. This debate is slowly moving towards a heated argument. What steps would you take as a Scrum Master?

  •  A:告诉团队休息5分钟再继续开会 Tell the team to take a coee break and then come back after 5 mins
  •  B:将此事上报给双方团队的经理 Escalate the matter to the respective people manager of both the team members
  •  C:干预并指导团队合作,专业地解决问题 Intervene and guide the team to resolve the matter collaboratively and professionally
  •  D:谴责两位团队成员在会上的行为如此不专业 Reprimand both the team members in the meeting for behaving so unprofessionally

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参见《敏捷实践指南》P41 团队促进者角色的描述。Scrum Master的职责包括了使得团队能紧密合作,使得团队个人具有多方面职能的工作能力;确保Scrum团队完成Scrum的实践及体现其价值。因此团队成员产生了激烈的争论,Scrum Master应该干预指导团队合作,专业地解决问题。选项C正确。A选项:并没有解决问题。B选项,团队内部没有进行尝试解决就上报不是最优选。D选项,冲刺计划会议的目的就是全员参与,在会议中,团队识别当前冲刺开发交付的产品待办事项中的故事。应允许不同声音的存在。

44、 [单选] 项目经理识别到一项需要特殊知识的任务,但团队成员都没有这方面的知识,项目经理认为即将开展的项目也会出现类似的情况。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
The project manager identifies a task that will require special knowledge but none of the team members have this knowledge. The project manager believes a similar situation will occur in an upcoming project. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:为团队准备一个培训课程,并考虑到成本和时间 Prepare a training session for the team, taking into consideration cost and time.
  •  B:请客户修改需要这些特殊知识的可交付成果 Ask the client to modify deliverables that require this special knowledge.
  •  C:将团队成员更换为更有经验的人员 Replace members of the learn with more experienced individuals.
  •  D:提交变更请求,以修改项目范围 Submit a change request to modify the project scope.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P342-培训。项目经理应该按资源管理计划中的安排来实施预定的培训,也应该根据管理项目团队过程中的观察、交谈和项目绩效评估的结果,来开展必要的计划外培训。 选项BD:首先尝试采用培训的方式来解决技能上的短板,而不能要求根据人员的能力来调整范围。 选项C:经过培训后,如果技能的短板不能弥补,再通过替换或招募的方式获取新资源。

45、 [单选] 你是一名 Scrum主管,团队的工作速度正在下降。你会用什么方法来处理这种情况?
You are a Scrum Master. Your team is facing a reduction in their velocity. What would be your approach to handle the situation?

  •  A:帮助团队清除工作过程中的障碍,并处理他们的行政事务 Help the team by removing the obstacles from their path and handling their administrative tasks
  •  B:与效率低下的成员交谈,要求他们提高生产力 Talk to the non productive members and ask them to enhance their productivity
  •  C:制定一个计划让团队回到正轨,并与团队共享该计划 Create a plan to bring the team back on track and share it with the team for action
  •  D:将问题交给团队,支持他们找到提高生产力的最佳解决方案。敏捷管理始终关注的是团队合作 Take the issue to the team and support them to find the best solution to enhance productivity. Agile is always about team eort and collaboration

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:《敏捷实践指南》P39页,“敏捷鼓励自我管理团队,由团队成员决定谁执行下一阶段定义的范围内的工作。团队集体对工作负责并共同拥有完成工作所需的必要技能。”团队遇到了工作速度正在下降的问题。开发团队是自组织和自我管理的团队,应该积极主动的自行解决团队所面临的问题。Scrum Master的职责是为团队起到教练的职责,支持团队解决问题进行帮助,而不是代为解决问题;A、B、C选项都是Scrum 主管直接代为解决问题,不选。

46、 [单选] 一位项目经理正在领导一个位于三个不同国家的多元文化项目团队。最近,任务延后变得很常见,团队成员经常发生争论而不合作。 若要减少潜在的冲突,并改善团队沟通和交付,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is leading a multi-culture project team based in different countries. Recently, task slippage has become common, and team members often argue rather than collaborate. What should the project manager do to reduce the urperlyin conflicts, and improve team communication and delivery?

  •  A:使用批准的虚拟工具安排每周一次的重新调整会议,以确保团队充分参与 Set up a weekly realignment meeting with an approved virtual tool to ensure full team participation.
  •  B:与每个团队安排一次电话会议,并进行团队建设练习 Schedule a conference call with each team, and conduct a team-building exercise.
  •  C:为团队成员发送一封电子邮件,鼓励他们一起工作 Email team members encouraging them to work together.
  •  D:将该问题升级上报给高级管理层 Escalate the issue to senior management.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


47、 [单选] 一位经验丰富的项目经理加入了一个已经执行六个月的项目。在与相关方的第一次会议期间,项目经理了解到客户担心他们的期望没有得到满足。 项目经理应该查阅哪一份文件来解决这个问题?
An experienced project manager joins a project that has been ongoing for six months.During their first meeting with stakeholder, the project manager learns of a customer concern that their expectations are not being met. What should the project manager refer to address this concern?

  •  A:项目章程 Project charter
  •  B:假设日志 Assumption log
  •  C:范围管理计划 Scope management plan
  •  D:相关方参与计划 Stakeholder engagement plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P558 相关方参与计划 相关方的担心,就要解决他的担心,相关的应对措施在相关方参与计划里。

48、 [单选] 一个具有多元文化的项目团队分布在不同的地理位置,这会带来挑战,因为密切沟通对团队的成功绩效非常关键,若要最大限度地减少团队的错误沟通,项目经理应该怎么做?
A multicultural project team is geographical distributed, This causes challenges, since close communication is key to the team、successful performance, what should the project manager do to minimize team miscommunication ?

  •  A:安排每日虚拟会议 Schedule daily virtual conferences
  •  B:制定并审查项目仪表板 Establish and review the project dashboards
  •  C:发送每日项目状态报告 Send daily project status report
  •  D:每天通过电子邮件与团队核对 Check in with the team daily via email

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P374-沟通方法。项目团队对沟通频次的要求较高,所以采取交互式沟通较好,建议安排每日虚拟会议。 选项B:拉式沟通,无法确保信息者获取了信息。 选项CD:推式沟通,推式沟通的特点是无法确保信息接收者对信息的理解。

49、 [单选] 项目经理正在制定相关方参与计划,并识别到一位权力等级较高但在项目中兴趣较低的相关方,项目经理应该如何对待该相关方?
A project manager is developing the stakeholder engagement plan and identifies a stakeholder with a high level of power and a low level of interest in the project. How should the project manager deal with this stakeholder?

  •  A:重点管理 Manage closely
  •  B:随时告知 Keep informed
  •  C:监督 Monitor
  •  D:令其满意 Keep satisfied

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:“权力重-利益低”的相关方需要令其满意,避免由于不满意而对项目动用权力施加负面影响。 选项A:重点管理,适用于权力大-利益重的相关方。 选项B:随时告知,适用于权力低-利益重的相关方。 选项C:监督,适用于权力小利益低的相关方。

50、 [单选] 你是软件开发项目的产品负责人。你的团队正在努力进行新的迭代。软件发布计划在月底进行,一切都在按计划进行。你刚接到客户的电话,他想彻底改变你的团队正在开发的功能,因为他认为这些功能不再重要。你需要更改计划以适应新的需求。什么时候可以在敏捷管理中更改计划?
You are the Product Owner of a software development project. Your team is working hard on the new iteration. The release is planned for the end of the month and all is going according to the plan. Just now, you get a call from the customer and he wants to completely change the functionality your team is working on, as he thinks that it is no longer relevant. You need to change the plan to accommodate the request. When can a plan be changed in Agile Management?

  •  A:在迭代结束时 At the end of the Iteration
  •  B:当我们发现新情况或需要改变现状时 When we find out something new or when we need to change something
  •  C:在每日站会上 At the daily standup meeting
  •  D:一旦做了计划便无法更改 You cannot change once the plan is prepared

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


51、 [单选] 项目经理通过每周一次的电子邮件与相关方沟通。在接下来的委员会管理会议上,一名相关方得知项目的状态感到很惊讶,并表明其从未收到任何更新。若要在将来避免这种情况,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager communicates with stakeholders via weekly E-mails. At the next board management meeting, a stakeholders is surprised to learn about the project’s status and states they have not received any updates. What should the project manager do to avoid this situation in the future?

  •  A:查阅项目章程 Refer to the project charter
  •  B:确保遵循沟通管理计划 Ensure the communication management plan is followed
  •  C:邀请该相关方参加未来的项目会议 Invite the stakeholder to future project meetings
  •  D:密切管理该相关方 Manage the stakeholder closely

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


52、 [单选] 一名工程师正在从事一个设施升级项目。在项目可交付成果目的说明会上,承包商询问了多个工程师无法回答的问题。会议结束后,工程师让承包商根据他们自已对可交付成果的理解提交建议书。若要获得更为明确的可交付成果愿景,项目经理应事先完成哪一项?
An engineer is conducting a facility upgrade project. During a meeting to explain the intent of the deliverable, contractors ask multiple questions that the engineer is unable to answer. At the end of the meeting, the engineer asks the contractors to submit proposals based on their own understanding of the deliverable. What should the project manager have completed to obtain a clearer vision of the deliverable?

  •  A:工作分解结构(WBS) Work breakdown structure(WBS)
  •  B:项目管理计划 Project management plan
  •  C:项目范围 Project scope
  •  D:项目章程 Project charter

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P154,项目范围说明书。 范围说明书对可交付成果进行详细的描述,承包商问了一堆问题,工程师都回答不了,说明对自己的项目范围不明确。若要获得更为明确的可交付成果,先完成项目范围说明书。 其他选项:A中没有WBS词典,对WBS的具体解释都在词典里。B太大了,D不够精细。C最全面且清晰。

53、 [单选] 一家公司有一位经常延迟付款的长期客户,该公司现在与该客户有一个新项目。项目经理应该确保使用哪份文件来为该项目记录延迟付款的信息?
A company has a longstanding client who is often late with payment.The company now has a new project with this client. What document should the project manager use to ensure that payment delay information is documented for this project?

  •  A:项目章程 Project charter
  •  B:历史信息和经验教训加知识库 Historical information and lessons learned repository
  •  C:假设日志 Assumption log
  •  D:风险管理计划 Risk management plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P81-假设日志。假设日志用于记录整个项目生命周期中的所有假设条件和制约因素。之前经常延迟付款,我们需要把这个假设情况记录在假设日志。 选项A:由于假设日志比项目章程更有针对性,所以此题选C不选A。 选项B:不是用来记录现项目制约信息的。 选项D:进入到规划阶段以后,要将客户延迟付款的风险记入风险登记册而不是风险管理计划。

55、 [单选] 在项目规划期间,项目经理识别到多个风险。为减轻这些风险的影响,项目经理应该怎么做?
During project planning, a project manager identifies several risks. What should the project manager do to mitigate the impact of these risks?

  •  A:将风险规避视为风险应对策略 Consider risk avoidance as A risk response strategy
  •  B:遵循先前项目的风险管理计划 Follow the risk management plan from previous projects
  •  C:执行储备分析 Conduct a reserve analysis
  •  D:执行决策树分析并让相关方参与应对措施选择过程 Perform a decision tree analysis and involve stakeholder in the response selection process

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P428-11.4风险定量分析。通过量化整体项目风险敞口,评估项目可能要面临的影响。根据评估结果制定应对策略。 选项A:是否采取规避的策略要根据风险评估的结果。 选项B:风险管理计划是定量分析的输入,但在这个过程最重要的任务是要对风险进行分析并进行决策,所以选D而不选B。 选项C:用于监督风险。

56、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理价值300万美元、涉及两个供应商的项目。项目经理为每名供应商创建了一份工作说明书(SOW)。下列哪一项需要SOW的信息?
The project manager is managing a $3 million project involving two vendors.The project manager created a Statement Of Work (SOW) for each supplier. Which of the following requires SOW information?

  •  A:风险管理计划 Risk management plan
  •  B:合同 Contract
  •  C:采购管理计划 Procurement management plan
  •  D:供应商范围说明书 Supplier scope statement

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P473-采购工作说明书。工作说明书会充分详细地描述拟采购的产品、服务或成果,以便潜在卖方确定是否有能力提供此类产品、服务或成果。 选项A:SOW不是制定风险管理计划的输入,但有可能是风险的来源。 选项C:采购管理计划是实施采购的输入。 选项D:供应商范围说明书与SOW重叠,但题干的问题是“哪一项需要SOW的信息”,所以合同是最需要SOW的。

57、 [单选] 一位敏捷团队成员在没有任何其他成员参与且未与产品负责人讨论优先级的情况下,独自探索处理新的需求。团队发现后,他告诉他们,客户与他联系,想知道新需求的可行性。他认为直接与客户合作符合敏捷价值观,他没有做错任何事情。你将如何处理?
An agile team member worked on exploring a new requirement without involving any of the team members or discussing prioritization with product owner. After the team found out, he informed them that the customer had approached him to find out the feasibility of the same. He believed that working directly with customer is an agile value and he didn’t do anything wrong. How would you handle it?

  •  A:与团队成员和产品负责人一起,讨论如果未来发生类似情况该如何妥协 Work with the team member and the product owner to find a compromise for any future incidents if any
  •  B:什么都不做,团队成员已经按照敏捷价值观和原则采取了行动,并且对客户做出了响应 Do nothing, team member has taken action as per the Agile values and principles and is being responsive to customer
  •  C:与客户沟通,向他解释产品负责人需知晓所有需求并参与相关沟通过程,因为他负责确保团队的交付物满足客户所需 Talk to the customer and explain that all requirements and conversations must include the Product, owner as it is his responsibility to ensure that team is delivering what customer needs
  •  D:与团队成员沟通,解释敏捷团队中不同角色的重要性和必要性。特别是产品负责人需全局掌握所有此类请求,这样团队才能始终朝着正确的方向前进 Talk to the team member and explain the importance and the need of the different roles on an agile team. It is critical that PO is on top of all such requests so that team is always moving towards the right vision

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


58、 [单选] 供应商沟通说,某个项目事项的交付将延迟2周时间。项目经理应该怎么做?
A vendor communicates that the delivery of a project item will be delayed by two weeks.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:实施整体变更控制过程 Implement the Perform Integrated Change Control process.
  •  B:执行偏差分析 Conduct a variance analysis.
  •  C:审查合同中的违约赔偿条款 Review the contract clause for liquidated damages.
  •  D:确定一种执行进度压缩的方法 Identify a way to conduct schedule compression,

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6实施整体变更控制流程。要对供应商延迟交付的变更请求进行评估,考察其对项目基准的影响。 选项B:通常用于确定偏离基准的程度和原因。 选项C:情景没有标注是一种违约行为。 选项D:如果问题确实发生,需要对进度进行压缩时,可能会做出赶工或者快速跟进的决策,目前未经评估,问题也未发生,所以不选。

59、 [单选] 由于突然和极端的汇率波动,进口项目设备的成本增加了27%。项目经理应该如何减轻这个成本超支问题?
Due to sudden and extreme exchange rate fluctuations,the cost of imported project equipment has increased by 27 percent.What should the project manager do to mitigate this cost overrun?

  •  A:使用变更控制程序来吸收额外成本 Absorb the additional cost using change control procedures.
  •  B:使用管理储备支付额外成本 Fund the additional cost using the management reserve.
  •  C:修改成本基准以反映当前状况 Revise the cost baseline to reflect current conditions
  •  D:采用应急储备补贴成本超支 Subsidize the cost overrun with the contingency reserve.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P252-数据分析。突然和极端的汇率波动属于未知-未知风险,需要使用管理储备。管理储备是为了管理控制的目的而特别留出的项目预算,用来应对项目范围中不可预见的工作,目的是用来应对会影响项目的“未知—未知”风险。选项D应急储备,针对的是“已知-未知”风险。一旦动用管理储备,成本基准随之调整 。注意AC选项的描述有误,A选项通过变更控制程序来获取额外的成本,说法有误;选项C动用管理储备要经过CCB的审批。

60、 [单选] 自项目开始以来,一些关键相关方因各种原因被替换,而又没有与项目团队适当地沟通这种情况,导致了项目团队产生挫败感,并将很快影响到项目结果。若要改善这种情况,项目经理应该怎么做?
Some key stakeholders have been replaced for various reasons since the project's beginning, this was not properly communicated to the project team, which is causing frustration and will soon impact project results. What should the project manager do to improve the situation?

  •  A:统一相关方的期望 Align stakeholder expectations
  •  B:向团队成员提供一份组织结构图 Provide the team with an organizational chart
  •  C:提升项目团队的兴趣 Promote the interest of the project team
  •  D:增加相关方对项目的承诺 Increase stakeholder commitment to the project

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6) P319 资源管理计划 项目组织图。项目组织图以图形方式展示项目团队成员及其报告关系。情景里面给出导致问题产生的根源原因“关键相关方被替换而未及时沟通”。 所以针对性分发组织结构图,能够让成员对项目组织关系清晰即可。排除ACD。

61、 [单选] 项目经理正在执行一个价值200,000美元项目的风险管理计划,该计划中提出的其中一个风险已经出现,项目经理按照风险管理计划执行,但是,他们担心尚未考虑到某些结果。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is following the risk management plan for a $200,000 project. One of the risks proposed in the plan has made realize And The project manager implements the plan as outlined, however,they are concerned that some outcomes have not been considere What should a project manager do?

  •  A:将该问题升级上报给相关方以做出决定 escalate the issue to the stakeholders for a decision
  •  B:使用专家判断来获得其他观点 Use expert judgment to obtain other perspectives
  •  C:应用头脑风暴技术来选择解决方案 Employ brainstorming techniques to choose a solution
  •  D:执行敏感性分析以了解风险应对的结果 Perform a sensitivity analysis to understand the outcome of the risk response

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P451-专家判断。在确认或修改(如必要)风险应对措施,以及决定如何以最有效率和最有效果的方式加以实施时,应征求具备相应专业知识的个人或小组的意见。 选项ACD:“按照风险管理计划执行”,分析的过程在此之前。

62、 [单选] 一家公司转向采用跨职能团队进行项目开发的敏捷方法,并将项目经理分配到一个关键的项目。项目经理应该如何避免员工辞职的可能性?
A company switches to an agile approach for project development with cross-functional teams,and assigns a project manager to a critical project.What should the project manager use to avoid any possibility of employees resigning?

  •  A:进行圆桌讨论、研讨会和一对一的会议 Conduct roundtable discussions,workshops,workshops,and one-on-one meetings.
  •  B:成立一个委员会来确定敏捷方法 Establish a committee to work on defining agile approaches.
  •  C:要求人力资源部门参与该项目以协助员工管理 Ask the human resource department to become involved in the project to assist with employee management.
  •  D:为所有项目团队成员协商更好的工资或项目奖金 Negotiate better salaries or project bounses for all project team members.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P342-会议。用会议来讨论和解决有关团队建设的问题,参会者包括项目经理和项目团队。会议类型包括但不限于:项目说明会、团队建设会议,以及团队发展会议。 选项B:问题聚焦在“如何避免员工辞职” 选项C:根据建设团队的结果可能会更新资源管理计划,是建设团队的输出。 选项D:建设团队过程中问题是不断暴露的,但是加薪长工钱不能是无休止的。可以做为建设团队的一项工具,但不能从在整个过程中控制员工离职的问题。

64、 [单选] 项目经理领导一支经验丰富的团队,该团队由职能员工和顾问组成,在一次特色全国性活动上为一项成功产品推出促销版本,该产品版本必须及时推出。制定风险管理计划时,项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager leads an experienced team of functional staff and consultants who release a promotional version of a successful product that must be releaseed in time for a unique national event. What should the project manager do when developing a risk management plan?

  •  A:采用风险共存方法来处理项目风险,因为这种产品版本将是短暂性的 Use risk coexistence methods to deal with project risks, as this product version will be transient
  •  B:执行预期货币价值(EMV)分析,确定成功概率 Perform Expected Monetary Value(EMV) analysis to determine the probability of success
  •  C:使用初始产品发布中的风险核对单 Use the risk checklist in the initial product release
  •  D:与团队一起头脑风暴识别风险 Brainstorming risk with the team to identify risks

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P401-11.1规划风险管理。制定风险管理计划时要借鉴组织过程资产,初始产品发布中的风险核对单是曾经出现过的问题,是可以借鉴的。 选项A,还没有进行风险评估,就选择接受风险,太过随意 选项B是风险定量分析。 选项D是识别风险过程。

65、 [单选] 敏捷团队里一位正在处理一个非常复杂和极其关键的特性的成员被调到另一个项目工作,因为另一个项目已进入关键期,客户威胁要从公司手上将项目收回。应该做些什么来避免这个问题?
One of the agile team members who was working on a highly complex and critical feature has been moved to another project, as the other project went into critical path and the customer was threatening to take the project back from the organization. What should have been done to avoid this roadblock?

  •  A:安排一个替补成员以结对编程模式工作,与其他正在处理关键特性的成员一起完成任务 Have a plan B resource working in pair programming mode with all the team members who are working on critical features
  •  B:什么都不做,这只是团队中发生的另一个变化。删除无法完成的特性,在下一次迭代计划中再考虑该特性 Do nothing, this is just another change that the team has introduced. The feature which cant be completed will be dropped and taken up again during next iteration planning
  •  C:在冲刺计划期间,团队应该与他们的经理重新确认可以获得哪些资源,以保证有更好的资源规划 During the sprint planning, the team should have re-confirmed the availability of all the resources with their managers to ensure better resource planning
  •  D:团队应加班加点来应对当前的困难 The team should have worked extra hours to overcome the setback caused by the situation

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


66、 [单选] 你是团队的Scrum主管,团队正处于为期2周的冲刺阶段。现在冲刺到了最后一天,尚有一些较小的测试工作未完成。根据团队的反馈,测试可以在当天完成。但冲刺评审按计划在30分钟内就要开始。团队接下来应该做什么?
You are a scrum master for a team working in 2 week sprints. You are on the last day of the sprint and have some minor testing work still pending to be finished. Per feedback from the team, this can be completed by the end of the day. You have sprint review scheduled in 30 mines. What should the team do next?

  •  A:演示冲刺的所有特性 Give a demo of all the features for the sprint
  •  B:延长冲刺时间以做完未完成的工作 Extend the sprint duration to complete the pending work
  •  C:向客户展示所有完成的特性的功能 Showcase to customer the functionality of all the fully completed feature set
  •  D:进行回顾,找出敏捷团队无法实现冲刺目标的原因 Conduct a retrospective to identify why the agile team couldn’t meet the sprint goal

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


67、 [单选] 项目经理正在为一个复杂的电子商务应用程序工作。客户同意在项目开始时向应用程序测试团队提供数据。但是,在用户验收测试(UAT)之前,客户数据将不可用。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A project manager is working on a complex e-commerce application. The client agrees to provide data to the test application team at beginning of the project. However, client data will be unavailable until user acceptance testing (UAT). What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:将该问题升级上报给客户 Escalate the issue to the client
  •  B:让团队创建用于测试的虚拟数据 Have the team create dummy data to use for testing
  •  C:评估影响,并将其提交给变更控制委员会(CCB) Evaluate the impact and raise it to the change control board (CCB)
  •  D:将该情况记录在风险登记册中 Note it in the risk register

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P409-11.2识别风险。已识别的风险要添加到风险登记册。另外注意,客户数据不可用不是一个变更请求,这道题目考察的是风险管理过程,排除C。 选项AB:做出什么样的应对计划,需要根据风险评估的结果。

68、 [单选] 不确定项目开发时间时,必须避免预算偏差方面的风险。这应该使用哪一个合同类型?
When developing a project during an uncertain times, risks regarding budget deviations must be avoide What type of contract should be used?

  •  A:总价加经济价格调整合同(FP-EPA) Fixed price with economic price adjustment contract (FP-EPA)
  •  B:工料合同(T&M) Time and Material (T&M)
  •  C:总价加激励费用合同(FPIF) Fixed price incentive fee (FPIF)
  •  D:成本加激励费用合同(CPIF) Cost plus incentive fee (CPIF)

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P471-组织过程资产-合同类型。 通常分为总价和成本补偿2大类,此外,还有混合类型工料合同。A 避免预算偏差,使用总价合同,但是开发时间不确定,面临的财务风险较大,适合采用总价加经济价格调整合同。B 工料合同,使用于无法编制出准确工作说明书情况下使用,需求未明,预算未定。C 总价加激励费用合同有一定的灵活性,允许一定的绩效偏差D 成本加激励费用合同规定达到根据绩效目标,不一定无预算偏差

69、 [单选] 两名团队成员拒绝一起参加同一个项目,两名团队成员的参与对实现项目目标是必要的。若要确保两名团队成员一起合作获得项目章程的签署,项目经理应该怎么做?
Two team members refuse to participate in the same project together.Parlicipalion of both team members is necessary to achieve project goals.What should the project manager do to ensure that both team members work together to obtain project charter sign-off.

  •  A:鼓励两位成员发挥团队精神,并在需要时获得职能经理的支持 Encourage team spirit between both members,and obtain support form their functional managers if neede
  •  B:让两位成员参阅团队章程,并在需要时获得职能经理的支持 Refer both team members to the team charter,and obtain support from their functional managers if neede
  •  C:鼓励两位团队成员从其职能经理那里获得支持 Encourage both team members to obtain support from their functional managers.
  •  D:鼓励团队成员自行解决冲突 Encourage the team members to resolve their conflict.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P319-团队章程。团队章程是为团队创建团队价值观、共识和工作指南的文件,其中包括团队价值观、沟通指南、冲突处理过程、团队共识等。 团队成员之间的矛盾是很难自我解决的,排除AD,并且鼓励不能确保冲突管理的结果。资源管理的责任在项目经理,完全推给职能经理也是不恰当的,排除C。

70、 [单选] 一个项目有五名主要发起人,其中三名常常向项目经理质疑项目的状态。项目经理应如何确保获取所有发起人的持续支持?
A project has five main sponsors,three of whom often challenge the project manager on the project’s status.What should the project manager do to ensure continuous support from all sponsors?

  •  A:将该问题记录在问题日志中 Document this in the issue log.
  •  B:将该问题上报给项目管理办公室(PM0)主管 Escalate the issue to the project management office(PMO) director.
  •  C:与发起人开会,以了解他们的期望 Meet with the sponsors to understand their expectations.
  •  D:与团队开会,以设定期望 Meet with the team to set expectations.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P527- 沟通技能。要想获得发起人的支持,需要当面沟通了解相关方的期望,并管理相关方的期望,使用沟通技能获得相关方的反馈很重要。 其他选项:A,不够主动,D,与团队开会没用,B没必要上报

71、 [单选] 一个数据项目中心项目发起人识别到一个通过升级设备技术降低运营成本的机会,这项升级将使项目成本增加12%。该发起人提交了变更请求并遵循变更管理计划,而且变更控制委员会(CCB)批准了该变更。但是在更新记录计划时,公司首席财务官要求项目经理放弃这项变更。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
The sponsor of a date center project identified an opportunity to reduce operating costs by upgrading equipment technology ,the upgrade will increase the project costs by 12 percent. The sponsor submitted a change request and followed the change management plan, and the change control board (CCB) approved the change. While updating the plan of record , the company CFO asks the project manager to discard the change. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:分配该变更进行实施,并遵循规划沟通管理过程 Distribute the change for implementation and follow the plan, communication management process
  •  B:放弃该变更,并与相关方沟通,不会釆取任何行动 Discard the change and communicate to stakeholders with there will be no action
  •  C:拒绝该变更,并要求首席财务官与变更控制委员会沟通此事 Reject the change and ask the CFO to communicate this to the CCB
  •  D:说服首席财务官,可以在不增加预算的情况下实施该变更 Convince the CFO that the change can be implemented without A budget increase

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)4.6 实施整体变更控制 该变更"变更控制委员会(CCB)批准了", 后面就是通知相关方,并开始执行变更, 而通知相关方需要按照沟通管理计划进行,A最合适 其他选项:BC都听了CFO的,不正确;D选项,题目已经明确说明了该变更将会增加成本,以不增加预算的理由说服CFO不切实际。

72、 [单选] 一个项目由五个任务组成。 --任务A将需要五天时间才能完成,且可以立即开始。 --任务B将需要四天才能完成,但只能在任务A完成后才能开始。 --任务C将需要三天才能完成,并且在开始之前独立于任何其他任务。 --任务D将需要七天才能完成,但只能在任务C完成后才能开始。 --任务E将需要五天才能完成,但只能在任务B和D完成后才能开始。项目的关键路径是什么?
A project consists of five tasks. -Task A will take five days to complete and can begin immediately. -Task B will take four days to complete, but can begin only after task A has finishe -Task C will take three days to complete, and is independent of any other tasks before it can begin. -Task D will take seven days to complete, but can begin only after task C is finishe -Task E will take five days to complete, but can begin only after both tasks B and D have finishe What is the project's critical path ?

  •  A:A—B—E A—B—E
  •  B:C—D—E C—D—E
  •  C:A—B—D—E A—B—D—E
  •  D:C—B—D—E C—B—D—E

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


73、 [单选] 在将项目投入生产之前,一名新项目经理加入团队,项目经理了解到运营问题妨碍任务按时完成。 项目经理应该审查哪个过程?
Prior to moving a project into production,a new project manager joins the team.The project manager learns that operational issues prevented tasks from being completed on time. what process should the project manager review?

  •  A:控制风险 Control Risks
  •  B:控制范围 Control Scope
  •  C:控制质量 Control Quality
  •  D:控制进度 Control Schedule

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P228- 6.6 控制进度 进度受到影响,应当控制进度,使用假设情景分析对风险的输出进行评估,以满足基准。 其他选项:A,风险只能监督,最终还是要回归到进度控制上来。BC与进度无关。

74、 [单选] 由于财务问题,客户取消了一个接近完成的项目。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
Due to financial issues, a customer canceled a project that is nearly complete. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:立即解散所有项目资源 Immediately release all project resources
  •  B:请求项目发起人批准停止工作 Request project sponsor approval to stop work
  •  C:记录经验教训 Document the lessons learned
  •  D:完成剩余任务 Complete the remaining tasks

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P121-4.7 结束项目或阶段。"取消了一个接近完成的项目",项目中止,进入结束项目阶段,要总结经验教训。其他选项:A工作在C之后,B客户确定项目价值,客户确定取消不需要再请示发起人。D项目中止,没有必要完成剩余的任务。

75、 [单选] 项目经理必须创建一个项目的工作分解结构(WBS),并分析项目范围的技术细节。项目经理应使用什么工具或技术?
The project manager must create a project's work breakdown structure (WBS) and analyze the technical details of the project scope. What tools or techniques should the project manager use?

  •  A:头脑风暴 Brainstorming
  •  B:亲和图 Affinity diagram
  •  C:专家判断 Expert judgement
  •  D:紧前关系绘图法 Precedence Diagramming Method(PDM)

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


76、 [单选] 一个虚拟团队正在为一个全球客户开发一个项目。由于组织重组,团队将从70人减少到58人,项目经理应该怎么做?
A virtual team is working on a project for a customer with global presence. Due to organizational restructuring, the team will be reduced from 70 to 58 members. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:将剩余的团队成员集中在一起办公,以提高他们作为团队执行工作的能力 Co-location the remaining team members to enhance their ability to perform as A team
  •  B:获得额外资金以改善沟通技术,以便在团队成员之间建立更好的共识 Obtain additional funds to improve communication technology to build better understanding among team members
  •  C:通过使用新的可用信息更新项目管理计划来采取预防措施 Take preventive actions by updating the project management plan with the newly available information
  •  D:更新工作分解结构(WBS)并确保所有活动按时完成 Update the work breakdown structure (WBS) and ensure that all activities are completed on time

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


77、 [单选] 项目经理正在为一个沟通项目制定—份进度计划。可用的项目信息很模糊,若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager is developing a schedule for a communication project. The available project information is vague. What should a project manager do to address this?

  •  A:增加所有活动的总浮动时间 Increase the total float of all activities
  •  B:使用三点估算确定活动持续时间 Determine activity durations using three-point estimating.
  •  C:为不确定的活动分配应急储备 Assign a contingency reserve for uncertain activities.
  •  D:与项目团队一起开会,估算活动持续时间 Meet with the project team to estimate activity durations.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P437-11.5规划风险应对。项目的可用信息很模糊,要解决这个问题,对风险评估,根据的评估的结果制定应急计划,并分配应急储备。对风险的评估并不局限于估算活动的持续时间。 选项A:没有对风险进行评估就做出决策是草率的。 选项BD:只估算了活动的持续时间,却忽视了信息模糊做为潜在风险带来的影响。

78、 [单选] 一个项目正处于在客户工厂的最终测试和验收阶段。若要满足项目期限,项目经理应使用哪一项?
A project is in the final testing and acceptance stages at a customer's factory.To meet the project deadline,What tool or technique should the project manager use?

  •  A:观察/对话 Observation/conversation
  •  B:集中办公 Co-location
  •  C:强迫/指导 Force/direct
  •  D:基本规则 Ground rules

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P340-集中办公。集中办公是指把许多或全部最活跃的项目团队成员安排在同一个物理地点工作,以增强团队工作 能力。 选项A:观察/对话常用于范围管理。 选项CD:情景突出的是要求团队具有高产出而非解决团队成员之间的摩擦,所以排除。

79、 [单选] 准备验收文件时,项目经理意识到未能包含两个功能。开发人员表示,虽然这些功能不完整,但客户不会注意到。公司需要为该开发项目开具发票并收取付款,以支付未来六个月的工资。项目经理应该怎么做?
While preparing the acceptance document, the project manager realized that two features failed to be include The Developer states that although these features are incomplete, the customers will not notice. The company needs to invoice and receive payments for this project to cover salaries for the next six months. What should a project manager do?

  •  A:根据开发人员的意见准备验收文件 Prepare the acceptance documents based on the developer’s comment
  •  B:在准备验收文件之前包含这些功能 Include the features prior to preparing the acceptance document
  •  C:审查需求管理计划 Review the requirements management plan
  •  D:提交变更请求 Submit a change requests

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P167- 5.6 控制范围。验收时发现范围没完成,需要提交变更来完成,这是职业道德问题。 其他选项:A,道德有问题。B在D后面,C不用审查。

80、 [单选] 一个大型团队正在开展一个快节奏的项目。 关键相关方直接向团队成员询问项目进度。项目经理应该做什么?
A large team is working on a fast-paced project.Key stakeholders are asking team members directly about the project progress. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:要求指导委员会向相关方提供更新 Ask the steering committee to provide stakeholder with updates.
  •  B:向相关方定期提供正式更新 Provide periodic formal updates to stakeholder.
  •  C:授权团队成员向相关方报告他们对项目详情的理解 Empower team members to report their understanding of project details to stakeholders.
  •  D:确保只有项目管理办公室(PMO)向相关方提供更新 Ensure that only the project management office(PMO)provides updates to stakeholders.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P377-沟通管理计划,沟通管理计划中包括:需沟通的信息、上报步骤、项目信息流向图等。 选项ACD:沟通管理的责任在项目经理身上。

81、 [单选] 一名相关方抱怨说未收到项目延期交付的通知,若要防止这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
A stakeholder complains that notification of the project's delayed delivery was not receive What should the project manager have done to prevent this?

  •  A:更新需求跟踪矩阵 Updated the requirements traceability matrix
  •  B:审查沟通管理计划 Reviewed the communications management plan
  •  C:审查风险管理计划 Reviewed the risk management plan
  •  D:更新相关方登记册 Updated the stakeholder register

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P388-10.3监督沟通。相关方没有收到通知,信息传递出现了问题,若要防止这个问题,项目经理应审查沟通管理计划。 选项AC:问题的焦点在信息的传递上。 选项D:问题的焦点在信息的传递上,所以事先应审查沟通过管理计划,如果审查的结果判断是由于对相关方的管理出现疏漏导致的,再更新相关方登记册。

82、 [单选] 在施工阶段,一座城市的高端基础设施项目隧道部分遇到排水问题,项目团队正处于寻找解决方案的过程。更新问题日志之后,项目经理应该做什么?
During the construction phase, the tunnel part of a city's high-end infrastructure project encountered drainage problems, and the project team was in the process of finding a solution. What should the project manager do after updating the issue log?

  •  A:请求预算补贴和延长进度计划 Request a budget allowance and schedule extension
  •  B:与指导委员会沟通该问题,并提供定期进度更新,直至解决为止 Communicate the issue to the steering committee,and periodic progress updates until it is resolve
  •  C:尽快解决问题,以避免进度计划延迟 fixing the problem to avoid a schedule delay as soon as possible
  •  D:聘请一位外部顾问,就如何高效和经济有效地解决问题提供专家意见 Employ an external consultant to provide an expert opinion on how to efficiently and cost-effectively resolve the problem

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


84、 [单选] 一个开发软件产品的项目包含几个不同的组件。在实施项目之前,项目经理审查了从之前的类似项目中汲取的经验教训。项目经理发现,质量保证团队经常要求开发团队对未达到验证标准的产品组件进行返工。项目经理应该在项目中加入什么来防止这种情况再发生?
A project to develop a software product consists of several different components. Before implementing the project, the project manager reviews the lessons learned from previous similar projects. Project managers have found that quality assurance teams often require development teams to rework product components that do not meet validation criteria. What should the project manager put into the project to prevent this from happening again?

  •  A:充足的质量保证团队资源,确保质量保证任务的执行更加高效 Adequate quality assurance team resources to ensure that the execution of quality assurance tasks is more efficient.
  •  B:进度计划中的充足时间,来完成所需的开发和质量保证任务 Sufficient time in the schedule to complete the required development and quality assurance tasks.
  •  C:质量管理计划,包含每个组件的开发任务、验收标准和质量保证任务 A quality management plan that incorporates development tasks,acceptance criteria,and quality assurance tasks foe each component.
  •  D:充足的开发团队资源,用于质量保证任务,确保以更高的质量交付产品 Sufficient development team resource for quality assurance tasks to ensure that the product is delivered with higher quality.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P286-质量管理计划。应该在项目早期就对质量管理计划进行评审,以确保决策是基于准确信息的。这样做的好处是,更加关注项目的价值定位,降低因返工而造成的成本超支金额和进度延误次数。 之前的项目总是返工,说明没有一个更好的质量管理计划。 其他选项:A单纯增加质量人员不能确保质量。B、D加人加时间只是被动地增加资源,还是要从根本上解决问题。

85、 [单选] 完成一项目任务所需的设备价格上涨了 50%。 项目经理首先应该怎么做?
The price of equipment required to complete a project task increases by 50 percent., What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:提交变更请求以批准额外资金 Submit a change request for the approval of additional funds.
  •  B:签发变更请求以减少范围,保持原始预算 Issue a change request to reduce the scope to maintain the original budget.
  •  C:进行成本效益分析,以确定对预算的影响 Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine the impact on the budget.
  •  D:与供应商协商一个较低的价格 Negotiate a lower price with the supplier.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P282-数据分析-成本效益分析。成本效益分析是用来估算备选方案优势和劣势的财务分析工具,以确定可以创造最佳效益的备选方案。首先要对价格上涨的影响进行分析,根据分析的结果做出决策。 选项ABD:依赖于评估的结果。

86、 [单选] 你正处于项目的执行阶段,利益相关方之间存在很多混乱。已记录的需求不是利益相关方现在想要的需求。在这种情况下,敏捷方法可以提供什么帮助?
You are in the execution stage of your project and there is a lot of chaos among stakeholders. Documented requirements are not the requirements that stakeholders are looking for. How can an agile approach help in this scenario?

  •  A:敏捷方法可助于消除对需求文档的使用。 It will help eliminate use of the requirements document.
  •  B:敏捷方法可助于提前完成项目。 Agile approach will help complete the project earlier than anticipated.
  •  C:敏捷方法有助于创建原型,不断完善需求。 It will help create prototypes which will refine the requirements from time to time.
  •  D:你将不再需要在项目上创建WBS。 You will not be required to create WBS on the project anymore.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK 147页原型法;在实际制造预期产品之前,先造出该产品的模型,并据此征求对需求的早期反馈。可以用来帮助应对题干帮助尽早验证和征集相关方对于收集到的需求的反馈。

87、 [单选] 你正在完成一个非常复杂的内部项目,该项目的需求可能会不断变化。但一旦产品准备就绪,你希望根据部门规模上线该产品。你过去曾管理过类似的上线任务。你推荐采用哪种生命周期?
You are working on a very complex internal project where requirements may change constantly. However, once the product is ready, you would like to roll it out based on department size. You have managed similar rollouts in the past. What approach would you recommend?

  •  A:预测型生命周期 Predictive Life Cycle
  •  B:迭代型生命周期 Iterative Life Cycle
  •  C:增量型生命周期 Incremental Life Cycle
  •  D:混合型生命周期 Hybrid Life Cycle

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


88、 [单选] 供应商不断延迟向项目管理团队提交状态报告。项目经理应该怎么做?
A supplier continuously delays submitting status reports to the project management team. What should the project manager do ?

  •  A:向该供应商发送一封警告信,并暂停向他们付款 Send the supplier a warning letter and withhold payments to them.
  •  B:修改检查和采购管理计划 Modify the inspections and procurement management plan.
  •  C:提交请求以变更供应商的范围 Submit a request to change the supplier's scope.
  •  D:制定风险应对计划 Develop a risk response plan.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P453-11.7监督风险。供应商不断延迟提交状态报告这个问题,可能对项目造成影响,将其识别为一项风险进行规划风险应对。 选项A:根据合同的约定向供应商发送违约函是正确的,但是暂停付款是不对的。 选项BC:是在对这个风险评估后可能做出的调整。注意前后流程顺序。

89、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,项目经理发现由于团队成员在可交付成果交付到期日之前休假而导致延期。为避免这个问题,应事先更新下列哪一项?
During project execution,the project manager discovers delays due to team members taking vacations before the deliverables due dates.What should have been updated to avoid this?

  •  A:资源管理计划 Resource management plan
  •  B:人员配备管理计划 Staffing management plan
  •  C:沟通管理计划 Communications management plan
  •  D:风险管理计划 Risk management plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


90、 [单选] 一个在地理位置上分散的团队正在从事一个IT项目,他们发现自己会改写彼此的代码,有时还会处理相同的功能,Scrum主管正在评估他们如何能够促进团队成员之间更加一致的沟通,从而避免这些问题,Scrum主管应该怎么做?
A geographically dispersed team working on an IT project find themselves overwriting each others’ code and sometimes working on the same features The Scrum master is assessing ways in which they can promote more consistent communication among team members to avoid these issues. What should the Scrum master do?

  •  A:举行冲刺评审 Hold a sprint review
  •  B:召开回顾总结会议 Convene a retrospective
  •  C:安排每日站会 Schedule a daily stand up
  •  D:开发一个任务分配系统 Develop a task allocation system

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


91、 [单选] 在项目章程获得批准,实施新的会计制度之后,项目经理试图了解会计部门的结构和流程。项目经理下一步应该创建什么?
Following project charter approval to implement a new accounting system.the project manager tries to understand the accounting department’s structure and processes.What should the project manager create next?

  •  A:项目基准 Project baseline
  •  B:范围管理计划 Scope management plan
  •  C:商业案例 Business case
  •  D:项目范围说明书 Project scope statement

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P173范围管理计划。 制定项目章程后,第一步是范围工作,范围工作的第一件事是制定范围管理计划。

92、 [单选] 项目经理必须制定相关方参与计划,以避免相关方之间发生利益冲突。项目经理应该使用什么来执行相关方分析?
A project manager must prepare a stakeholder engagement plan that avoids conflict of interests among stakeholders.What should the project manager use to perform a stakeholder analysis?

  •  A:执行、负责、咨询和知情(RACI)矩阵 Responsible,accountable,consult,and inform(RACI)chart
  •  B:计划-实施-检查-行动(PDCA)循环 Plan -do-check-act(PDCA)cycle
  •  C:数据收集技术 Data gathering technique
  •  D:优势、劣势,机会与威胁(SWOT)分析 Strengths,weaknesses,opportunities,and threats(SWOT)analysis

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P511,数据收集。分析相关方的工具有:专家判断、数据收集、收据分析、数据表现。选项A,RACI矩阵通常用于资源管理领域。选项B,PDCA通常用于质量管理领域。选项D,SWOT分析通常用于识别风险。

93、 [单选] Roger是一家医疗保健信息公司的Scrum主管,他几个月来一直致力于开发新冠肺炎追踪应用程序。前两个版本已获得成功。然而,在当前的冲刺中,许多工作并没有按计划进行。团队目前正忙于完成即将发布的版本,该版本有大量非常复杂的产品待办事项,此外,由于全国新冠疫情病例数量激增,以及产品负责人施加的压力,每个团队成员都为下一个版本感到担忧。考虑到Roger在该项目中的角色,你认为最好的行动方案是什么?
Roger, who is the scrum master for a healthcare informatics company, has been working for months to develop a COVID19 tracing app. The first two releases were successful. Nonetheless, in the current sprint, many things didn’t go as planned. The team is currently busy with the upcoming release that consists of a large number of highly sophisticated product backlog items, and every team member is worried about this next release due to the surging number of virus cases across the country and the pressure put by the product owner. Considering Roger’s role in the project,what do you think is the best course of action?

  •  A:将第三个版本延期至项目结束时发布,这样团队就有时间解决当前冲刺中的缺陷。 Make sure the third release is delayed until the end of the project so the team can have time to mitigate current sprint pitfalls
  •  B:按计划举行当前的冲刺回顾,确定冲刺中在流程、工具、交互等哪些方面做得好。讨论并发现改进的机会,并制定行动计划实现这些改进 Hold the current sprint retrospective as planned, identify what went well in the sprint, concerning interactions as processes, tools, etc. Discuss and discover opportunities for improvement, and put an action plan for implementing these improvements
  •  C:只关注下一个版本,取消这次冲刺回顾,为团队腾出更多时间,确保第三个版本获得成功。当大家都心知肚明什么地方进展不顺利时,还问这个问题是没有意义的 Focus on the next release only, cancel the current sprint retrospective to avail additional time for the team to get the third release successful. It makes no sense to question what didn’t go well when we all know it
  •  D:将当前的冲刺回顾与下一个冲刺回顾合并,并确保每个团队成员都有机会回答以下三个问题;你认为什么进展顺利?你想改变什么?我们应该如何实施这种改变? Merge the current sprint retrospective with the next sprint retrospective, and make sure every team member has the opportunity to answer the following three questions; What do you think went well?

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


94、 [单选] 一名新的关键相关方担心项目经理没有发送有关项目进度的重要更新。若要预防这个问题,项目经理应该遵循什么?
A new key stakeholder is concerned that the project manager failed to send an important update regarding the project schedule.what should the project manager have followed to prevent this?

  •  A:工作绩效报告 Work performance reports.
  •  B:项目沟通 Project communications.
  •  C:相关方沟通需求 Stakeholder communication requirements.
  •  D:沟通管理计划 Communications management plan.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P377-沟通管理计划,沟通管理计划中包括:需沟通的信息、上报步骤、项目信息流向图等。项目经理制定符合项目需求的沟通管理计划,并定期审核以做出必要的更新。在整个项目周期中,项目经理必须严格遵循沟通管理计划,以确保所有沟通顺畅而有效。 选项A:没有遵循工作绩效报告的说法; 选项B:项目沟通范围太大; 选项C:并不是所有相关方的沟通需求我们都需要遵循的。

95、 [单选] 一个项目收到项目发起人对范围、预算和进度计划的批准。若要确保项目相关方都能获得通知并参加,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project receives approval from the project sponsor for scope, budget, and schedule. What should the project manager do to ensure that project stakeholders are notified and participate?

  •  A:将项目计划发送给项目相关方进行反馈 Send project plans to project stakeholders for feedback
  •  B:与项目相关方开会,一起审查项目管理计划 Meeting with project stakeholders to review project management plans
  •  C:所有相关方一起召开项目启动大会 All relevant parties hold a project kick-off meeting together
  •  D:要求项目发起人与所有项目相关方沟通并获得他们的同意 Require project sponsors to communicate with all project stakeholders and obtain their consent

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P122-会议-开工会议。 开工会议,规划阶段结束,执行阶段开始之前的会议,能够获得相关方对项目的承诺。 其他选项:项目管理计划已经批准,ABD都已经完成了。接下来要开Kickoff会议了。

96、 [单选] —个更换关键应用程序的项目将影响多个内部和外部服务。在规划过程中,拥有这些服务的项目相关方未能承诺履行约定活动。项目经理应该如何改进项目相关方的参与程度?
A project that replaces critical applications will affect multiple internal and external services. During the planning process, project stakeholders with these services fail to commit to carrying out the agreed activities. How should the project manager improve the participation of the project stakeholders?

  •  A:用谈判和沟通 To negotiate and communicate
  •  B:将这种情况上报给指导委员会 To report this to the Steering Committee
  •  C:准备一份概率和影响矩阵 To prepare a Probability and Impact Matrix
  •  D:将这种情况记录在问题日志中 To record this situation in the Issue Log

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P527-人际关系与团队技能。通过冲突管理、谈判、观察和交谈等技能来管理相关方参与项目。 选项B:监督相关方参与是PM的职责。 选项C:管理相关方参与的过程中,如果暴露出来的问题有引发风险的可能,要将其视为风险进行管理。 选项D:题干中问到了该如何改进,直接找在这个过程中可能使用的工具和技术,而不是先把问题记录在问题日志当中。

97、 [单选] 一家组织正在完成一个住宅物业施工过程的一个很重要里程碑,该项目由政府全力赞助。在这个关键项目阶段完成前十天,受影响的社区成员开始为期四天的抗议活动,导致项目被搁置。项目经理应该怎么做?
An organization is completing a critical milestone during the construction of residential properties. The project is fully sponsored by the government. Ten days prior to completion of this key project phase, affected community members begin a four-day protest,causing the project to be put on hold. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:减轻风险 Mitigate the risk.
  •  B:为项目付出更多努力 Increase effort on the project.
  •  C:审查时间表 Review the timeline.
  •  D:将该问题升级上报给项目发起人 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P442-威胁应对策略-上报。“很重要里程碑”、“在这个关键项目阶段完成前十天,项目被搁置”。项目延期的影响大于项目经理的权力范围,此时采取上报策略。 选项A:项目延期的影响大于项目经理的权力范围,此时采取上报策略优于项目经理尝试去减轻风险。 选项B:这句话的范围太广。 选项C:评估风险时要评估风险对基线的影响,但这道题目考察的是风险应对策略,所以不选C。

99、 [单选] 敏捷教练不应该参与以下哪项活动?
Out of the following activities listed, which is the one that an Agile Coach should not get involved in?

  •  A:监督敏捷团队的开发,以确保交付给客户的是最大价值的产品 Oversee the development of agile teams to ensure maximum value is delivered to the customer
  •  B:确保团队整体表现出色,且不断进步 Focus on ensuring that team is collaboratively performing well and improving continuously
  •  C:像催化剂一样推动公司成长 Act like a catalyst for the organization's growth
  •  D:衡量团队成员的个人表现 Measuring team members' individual performance

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


100、 [单选] 与供应商签订合同,开发一个对公司整体市场份额至关重要的软件包。在交付软件后,一位相关方通知项目经理需求未得到满足。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
A vendor contracted to develop a software packages that is key to company's overall market share.Upon delivery of the software, a stakeholder informed the project manager that requirements were unmet. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?

  •  A:将该供应商包含在需求开发中,并让他们签署需求文件 Included the vendor in the requirements development and made them sign the requirements document
  •  B:根据采购管理计划监控供应商的活动 Monitor the vendor's activities according to the purchasing management plan
  •  C:聘请资源在内部生产产品,以确保完全控制输出 Hired resources to produce the product internally to ensure complete control of the output
  •  D:为供应商的公司分配一名人员,以确保在整个开发过程中遵循需求 Assigned a resource to the vendor's company to ensure that requirements were followed throughout the development

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P492-12.3控制采购。控制采购是管理采购关系,监督合同绩效,实施必要的变更和纠偏,以及关闭合同的过程。 选项A:供应商已经在范围管理当中 选项C:供应商属于外部资源 选项D:属于控制采购可能执行的活动,但这样描述极为清晰的选项通常不是正确答案。

101、 [单选] 项目经理已经完成识别相关方的工作。之前,由于没有对项目经理和相关方的影响力或职权方面规定区别,项目经理在管理相关方方面有困难,在相关方登记册中需要包含哪一些信息?
A project manager has completed the identification of stakeholders.Previously,the project manager had difficulty managing stakeholders because no distinctions were made among them regarding influence or authority. What information needs to be included in the stakeholder register?

  •  A:更新相关方的变更请求 Change requests for new stakeholders
  •  B:相关方效益管理计划 Stakeholder benefits management plan
  •  C:相关方参与计划 Stakeholder engagement plan
  •  D:相关方分类 Stakeholder classification

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P514-相关方登记册。相关方登记册中记录关于已识别相关方的信息,包括身份信息、评估信息和相关方分类等。 选项ABC:不记录在相关方登记册中。

102、 [单选] 首席执行官宣布一个新项目,该项目具有成本和时间限制目标,商业论证尚未最终确定。根据经验,项目经理强烈感觉将不能实现这些目标。若要确保项目成功,项目经理应该怎么做?
A CEO announces a new project with cost and time constraint targets.The business case is not yet finalizeBased on experience,the project manager feels strongly that these targets will not be met. What should the project manager do to ensure the project's success?

  •  A:与项目团队协商承诺长时间工作,并快速跟进该项目 Negotiate with the project team to commit to working long hours,and fast track the project.
  •  B:与首席执行官会面,并强调可以实现的目标 Meet with the CEO,and highlight what is achievable.
  •  C:修改项目章程以适应首席执行官的期望 Revise the project charter to accommodate the CEO's expectations.
  •  D:将首席执行官的假设条件更新到假设日志中 Update the assumption log with the CEO's assumptions.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P80会议,制定项目章程工具与技术。与关键相关方举行会议的目的是识别项目目标、成功标准、主要可交付成果、高层级需求、总体里程碑和其他概述信息。新项目商业论证尚未最终确定说明属于制定项目章程阶段过程,要确保项目成功那就要就项目成功标准与关键相关方(首席执行官)举行会议讨论,最终形成一致意见。 选项A:尚未正式立项,项目团队成员还没有加入到团队。 选项CD:在与首席执行官共同明确项目范围后进行。 (题干中没有描述有分歧,只是感觉不能实现目标,不是对目标有不同意见。通过开会细化标准,看看有哪些制约因素,是否能实现等等)

104、 [单选] 一个设施改善项目即将完成。客户提供了批准,但注意到一些小缺陷并激活保修程序,客户现在对已移交的设备要求额外批准的范围。项目经理即将开始额外范围的工作。由于保修程序已生效,项目经理应查阅哪一份计划?
A facility improvement project is near completion. The client provided, but noted some minor defects and activated the warranty. The client now requests additional approved scope to equipment that has already been handed over. The project manager is about to start work on the additional scope. Since the warranty is in effect, what plan should the project manager consult?

  •  A:质量管理计划 Quality management plan.
  •  B:变更管理计划 Change management plan.
  •  C:采购管理计划 Procurement management plan.
  •  D:需求管理计划 Requirement management plan.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:说明解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6实施整体变更控制。额外批准的范围,要遵循整体变更控制流程。 选项A:描述述如何实施适用的政策、程序和指南以实现质量目 标。 选项C:采购管理计划包含要在采购过程中开展的各种活动。 选项D:描述将如何分析、记录和管理项目和产品需求。

105、 [单选] 公司的标准政策是为项目预算中的每个单项增加5%的应急费用,财务部门要求对某一特定单项增加10%的应急费用,因为它涉及一个新的可交付成果,该单项的主题专家(SME)认为15%的应急费用更为合适,发起人要求项目经理将预算中的平均应急费用降低到3%,项目经理应该为该特定单项增加多少百分比的应急费用?
The company's policy is to add a 5 percent contingency to each line item in the project budget, the financial department requirements a 10 percent contingency on a specific line item because it involves a new deliverables. A subject matter expert (SME) for this line item believes that a 15 percent contingency is more appropriate.The sponsor asks the project manager to reduce the average contingency across the budget to 3 percent,what contingency percentage should the project manager add to the specific line item?

  •  A:3% 3 percent
  •  B:5% 5 percent
  •  C:10% 10 percent
  •  D:15% 15 percent

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


107、 [单选] 你正在参加冲刺评审会议并展示增量。在评审结束时,你将获得一份已获批准的交付物清单和一份未获批准需要更改的交付物清单。由谁来提供这些信息?
You are in a sprint review meeting and showcasing the increment. At the end of the review, you will get an approved list of deliverables and list of changes required for the ones that are not approved. Who is going to provide this information?

  •  A:Scrum主管 Scrum Master
  •  B:首席架构师 Lead Architect
  •  C:产品负责人 Product Owner
  •  D:发起人 Sponsor

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:关键词:冲刺评审会参见《敏捷实践指南》P55 5.2.5 展示/评审 PO接受或拒绝故事。PO负责最终确定工作是否完成。A选项,Scrum Master要确保Scrum团队遵循Scrum的理论、实践和规则。B选项,首席架构师与题目场景无关。D选项,这些信息不由发起人来提供。

108、 [单选] 一个软件开发项目的截止日期即将来临,只有在产品通过质量控制测试之后才能交付产品,但是由于与质量控制团队的关系不佳,开发人员反对测试。项目经理应该怎么做?
A software development project deadline is approaching, the product cannot be delivered until it has been tested and passes by quality control.However, the developers are resisting the tests as they have a poor relationship with the quality control team. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:分析即将发生的延迟影响并通知客户 Analyze the impact of the impending delays and inform the client
  •  B:立即与两个团队开会,以确保达到质量标准 Immediately meet with both teams to ensure that quality standards are met
  •  C:聘请分包商进行质量管理任务 Hire a subcontractor for to quality management tasks
  •  D:根据团队意见更新质量管理计划 Update the quality management plan based on team inputs

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)348-人际关系与团队技能。“关系不佳”,属于冲突管理范畴。 选项ACD:首先要尝试以“合作”的方式来解决冲突,如果不能解决,再寻他策。

109、 [单选] 一个敏捷团队拥有11名集中办公的团队成员,他们以一个稳定的速度执行工作,在第九次迭代中,有些团队成员离职,并由分布在不同地理位置的成员代替。敏捷项目管理者应对新团队有何期待?
One agile team has 11 team members who work together. They implement the work stably. In the ninth iteration, some team members quit the job and are taken over by the members in different geographical locations. What expectations should agile practitioner place on the new team?

  •  A:团队将经历形成阶段,并将以之前项目团队的相同的速度水平执行工作 The team will experience the stage of formation and implement work at the speed the same with that of the previous project team
  •  B:在团队以稳定的速度执行工作之前,团队将经历震荡阶段,并在更为频繁的沟通中规范化 Before the team implements work stably, the team will experience the stage of fluctuations and become standardized in the more frequent communication
  •  C:团队将处理和解决所发生的任何团队冲突 The team will handle and solve any possible team conflicts
  •  D:团队成员将关注他们自己的可交付成果和进度 Team members will focus on their deliverable results and progress

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P338-建设团队-塔克曼阶梯理论。分布在不同地理位置的新团队成员的加入,需要项目团队重新磨合以适应相互之间的工作方式和工作习惯,会回退到震荡阶段。 选项A:新团队成员刚刚加入就以团队相同的速度水平工作不现实。 选项C:冲突管理的责任在项目经理身上,必要时要寻求资源所属职能部门经理的协助。 选项D:震荡阶段团队成员的摩擦,让团队成员难以完全聚焦在可交付成果和进度上。

110、 [单选] 敏捷团队非常注重自我、团队、项目与环境的持续改进。通过持续不断的改进,敏捷团队成员能收获什么启示?
On agile teams, lot of focus is on continuous improvement of self, team, project, surroundings. By having a separate and continuous focus on improvement, what does this tell to the agile team members involved?

  •  A:只要我们从错误中吸取教训,不重蹈覆辙,错误就不是坏事 Mistakes are not bad as long as we are learning from them and not repeating them
  •  B:这说明公司的整体业绩在增长 it tells that the overall performance of the company is increasing
  •  C:持续关注自动化和流程改进将减少项目中的浪费 A constant focus on automation and process improvement will reduce waste in the project
  •  D:它让人们专注于发现有问题的代码并清理它 It keeps people focused to find problematic code and work on cleaning it

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


111、 [单选] 在一个为期五年的项目执行一年后,项目经理得知,团队人员流动率高的原因在于团队没有收到与正在从事同一个项目的其他团队相同的财务津贴。项目经理预测,因为较高的人员流动率,该项目将遭受两年半的延期。支付额外补偿的金额未包含在合同中,项目发起人不愿意谈判。 项目经理应该怎么做?
By the end of the first year of a five-year project,the project manager realizes that the reason for high team turnover is very high due to the team does not receive the same financial allowances as other teams that are working on the same project.The project manager forecasts that with this high staff turnover rate,the project will suffer a two-and-a-half-year delay.The amount to cover additional disbursements was not included in the contract,and the project sponsor is unwilling to renegotiate. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:向项目发起人提出一个减少范围的变更请求 Present a change request to reduce scope to the project sponsor,
  •  B:使用预算储备支付补偿 Pay disbursements using budget reserves.
  •  C:将该问题升上报给组织的项目集成或项目组合管理办公室 Escalate the problem to the organizatiion’s program or portfolio management office(PMQ).
  •  D:请求延长工期 Request a schedule extension.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P442-威胁应对策略。上报。如果项目团队或项目发起人认为某威胁不在项目范围内,或建议的应对措施超出了项目经理的权限,就应该采用上报策略。被上报的风险将在项目集层面、项目组合层面或组织的其他相关部门加以管理。”支付额外补偿的金额为包含在合同中,发起人不愿意谈判“说明超出了项目经理的权限范围,需要上报更上层的项目层面去处理。 选项ABD:属于后续可能做出的决策。

112、 [单选] 新发现的任务可能需要花费很长时间,无法在迭代期间完成。可能需要减少故事的特性或完全放弃一个故事。在这种情况下,团队应该与谁讨论可能的解决方案?
It is possible that the newly discovered tasks may take long enough that they cannot be completed during the iteration. They may need to reduce the functionality of a story or drop oneentirely. With whom should the team discuss the possible solutions in this situation?

  •  A:产品负责人 Product Owner
  •  B:Scrum主管 Scrum Master
  •  C:高层经理 Upper Management
  •  D:利益相关方 Stakeholders

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


113、 [单选] 当前项目共有10名项目相关方,而之前完成的项目只有5名相关方。当前项目增加了多少个沟通渠道?
A current project has a local of 10 stakeholders,while a previously completed project had only five.How many communication channels have been added to the current project?

  •  A:35
  •  B:45
  •  C:55
  •  D:10

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


114、 [单选] 决定在任何工作进度下不能出现超过特定数量的项目,以便在周期从开始到结束期间更好发现效率不足的情况,这种做法叫什么?
What is the practice called when it is decided that not more than a particular number of items can be present in any particular state in order to identify ineciencies in a cycle from start to finish?

  •  A:群集 Swarming
  •  B:限制在制品 Limiting Work In Progress
  •  C:结对编程 Pair programming
  •  D:持续整合 Continuous Integration

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


115、 [单选] 在一个项目的用户验收阶段,一些用户抱怨他们的期望未得到满足,项目经理事先应该釆取哪一个不同做法?
During a project's user acceptance stage,some users complain that their expectations have been unmet.What should the project manager have done differently?

  •  A:考虑相关方的反馈 Considered stakeholder feedback
  •  B:执行风险评估 Conducted risk assessments
  •  C:实施冲突管理技术 Implemented conflict management techniques
  •  D:与用户建立一种专业关系 Established a professional relationship with the users

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P523-13.3管理相关方参与。管理相关方参与是与相关方进行沟通和协作以满足其需求与期望、处理问题,并促进相关方合理参与的过程。相关方对项目抱有抵制的态度,说明忽视了相关方对于项目的期望。 选项B:管理相关方参与的过程中,如果暴露出来的问题有引发风险的可能,要将其视为风险进行管理。在选项A之后。 选项C:用户对项目组抱怨,而不是用户之间存在着不同意见,所以问题聚焦在相关方管理上。 选项D:不一定。

117、 [单选] 在生产某个新产品时,确定某个过程的两个数据点超出控制界限上限。由于这个过程是项目管理计划中其它活动的依赖,所以如果没有得到适当控制,整个项目的绩效都将会受到影响。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During the production of a new product, it is identified that two data points of a process are above the upper control limit. Since this process is a dependency of other activities in the project management plan, performance of the overall project could be impacted not properly controller. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:将这个过程与其他类似产品的过程进行标杆对照,以提高绩效 Benchmark this process to others of similar products to improve performance
  •  B:使用实验设计(DOE)方法来确定这些偏差的根本原因 Use the design of experiments(DOE)method to identify the root cause of these deviations
  •  C:创建石川图来确定这些问题的根本原因 Create an Ishikawa diagram to determine the root cause of these problems
  •  D:审查这一过程的强制性依赖关系,以评估对项目的影响 Review the mandatory dependencies of this process to assess the impact on the project

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P304-因果图(石川图)。”两个数据点超出控制界限上限“说明已经失控。控制图失控以后,第一件事应该是分析原因,然后再采取措施。 其他选项:AB都不是控制质量的工具,D只评估对进度影响不合适。

119、 [单选] 项目经理在天气条件不稳定的区域启动一个项目,这可能会导致项目进度延迟,项目发起人要求项目经理消除所有可能的威胁,以避免延迟处罚,若要满足该发起人的请求,项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager starts a project in an area with unstable weather conditions that may cause a delay in the project schedule,The project sponsor asks the project manager to eliminate all possible threats to avoid delay penalty. What should the project manager do to fulfill the sponsor’s request?

  •  A:执行一份协议以将该威胁的所有权和责任转移给第三方 Execute an agreement to transfer ownership and liability of the threat to A third party
  •  B:聘用额外的检查员以确保遵守所有标准 Hire additional inspectors to ensure that all standards are followed
  •  C:确保所有资源都了解可能的项目威胁 Ensure all resources understand the possible project threats
  •  D:通过确认威胁并制定单独的应急预算来接受风险 Accept risks by acknowledging the threats and establishing a separate contingency budget

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P442-威胁应对策略-转移。由于项目发起人对风险的态度极其“厌恶”,所以风险出去,由第三方来处理相对较好。 选项B:属于减轻策略。 选项C:与题目无关。 选项D:属于接受策略。

120、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个为期五年,价值2亿美元的项目,程序文件管理被列为项目发起人的主要需求,优先级甚至超过了设计本身。在以文件化设计的形式确定关键可交付成果后,项目经理与文件管理员签订合同。在这种情况下,项目经理风险管理计划的关键组成部分是哪份计划?
A project manager is working on a five-year, US$200 million project. Procedural document management is listed as the sponsor’s main requirement, prioritized even above the design itself. After identifying key deliverables in the form of documented designs, the project manager contracts a document controller. In this case, what plan is the key component of the project manager's risk management plan?

  •  A:需求管理计划 Requirements management
  •  B:成本管理计划 Cost management
  •  C:资源管理计划 Resource management
  •  D:质量管理计划 Quality management

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P401-11.1规划风险管理。“程序文件管理被列为发起人的主要需求”,所以在制定风险管理计划时要重点关注需求管理计划。 选项B:描述将如何规划、安排和控制项目成本。 选项C:是关于如何分类、分配、管理和释放项目资源的指南。 选项D:描述如何实施适用的政策、程序和指南以实现质量目标。

121、 [单选] 在项目启动阶段,项目发起人得知一项新的政府规定可能要求更改项目的现有采购计划。项目发起人要求项目经理提供能够说服高级管理层继续该项目的相关信息。项目经理可以从哪里找到这个信息?
At the kick-off phase of the project, the project sponsor is informed that a new government regulation may require an existing procurement plan to change the project. The project sponsor asks the project manager to provide information that would convince the senior management of continuing the project. Where can the project manager find this information?

  •  A:商业论证 Business case
  •  B:项目章程 Project Charter
  •  C:项目批准要求 Project Approval Requirements
  •  D:组织过程资产 Organizational Process Assets

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P30-项目商业论证。项目商业论证指文档化的经济可行性报告,用来对尚缺乏充分定义的所选方案的收益进行有效论证。商业论证论证“值不值”得做的问题,同时要对此进行效益分析。 选项B:项目章程中记录项目的高层次需求和制约因素,没有体现最新的规定。 选项C:经过评估,如有必要时,发起变更请求,通过批准要去对采购管理计划更新。 选项D:组织过程资产中记录的是往期项目的经验得失,没有新规定的影响。经过此事,收集经验教训后纳入组织过程资产。

122、 [单选] 一个至关重要的项目增加了一个新的相关方。该相关方与每位团队成员联系,以获取有关项目目标和状态的信息。项目经理应该如何为该相关方提供这些信息?
A crucial important project adds a new stakeholder,This stakeholder approaches each team member to obtain information about the project’s objectives and status, what should the project manager do to provide the stakeholder with this information ?

  •  A:邀请该相关方参加定期的项目状态会议 Invite the stakeholder to regular project status meetings
  •  B:将项目章程通过电子邮件发送给该相关方,然后通过电话跟进 Email the project charter to the stakeholder then follow up with a phone call
  •  C:要求该相关方与职能经理和项目发起人交谈 Ask the stakeholder to speak with the functional manager and project sponsor
  •  D:确保该相关方从团队成员那里收到所有必要的信息 Ensure that the stakeholder receives all required information from team members

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


123、 [单选] 一位项目团队成员决定,如果所有功能都已经交付那么让客户参与一些替代设计是不必要的,整个团队决定只让技术部门参与进行最好的产品设计。用户验收测试后,客户对所选的设计有所抱怨。为了确保客户接受项目可交付成果,项目经理应该做什么?
A project team member decides that engaging the customer on some alternative designs is unnecessary if all functionalities are delivered. The entire team decides only to engage the technical department on the designing for best product. After user acceptance testing, the customer complains about the selected design. To ensure that the customer accepts the project deliverables, what should the project manager do?

  •  A:与客户沟通产品设计是由技术团队决定的 Communicate to the customer that the project design is determined by the technical team.
  •  B:要求客户接受项目可交付成果,因为它们符合所有约定的功能要求 Ask the customer to accept the project deliverables, as they meet all agreed functional requirements.
  •  C:确保客户和技术团队协作选择新产品设计 Ensure that both the customer and technical team collaboratively selects the new product design.
  •  D:将设计问题更新到问题日志中并继续执行项目 Update the issues long with the design issue and continue with project execution.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P145-人际关系与团队技能-质量功能展开(QFD)。 选项AB:“客户的声音”在设计环节缺失了。 选项D:只是只记录,问题还是没有得到解决。

124、 [单选] 作为新团队的敏捷教练,你正在解释不同的角色及其对应的职责。你正在谈论自己当前的角色,并告诉他们,别人期望你这个角色做什么工作,哪项工作不包括在内?
As an agile coach for a new team, you are explaining the roles and associated responsibilities of those roles. You are talking about your own role at present and telling them what is expected out of you. Which activity is not expected from you?

  •  A:确保团队理解产品和项目的愿景 Ensure team's understanding of the product and project vision
  •  B:为团队成员提供培训和资源 Provide trainings and resources to the team members
  •  C:消除团队前进路上的障碍和干扰 Remove impediments and distractions from the team's path
  •  D:在冲突开始时处理冲突 Handle conflicting situations as and when they start

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


125、 [单选] 在创建采购管理计划时,项目经理发现组织内部存在的某些资源正在为其他项目效力,项目经理应该怎么做来满足这种需求?
While creating a procurement management plan, a project manager discovers that certain resources that exist within the organization are committed to other projects. What should the project manager do to meet this need?

  •  A:开展自制或外购分析 Perform a make-or-buy analysis.
  •  B:创建工作分解结构(WBS) Create a work breakdown structure(WBS).
  •  C:制定风险登记册 Develop a risk register.
  •  D:开始人员分配谈判 Start negotiations for staff assignments.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


127、 [单选] 一个系统成功发布并且已平稳运行超过两周时间,项目经理要求相关方正式验收,但是利益相关方希望做出他们认为易于实施的轻微变更。 项目经理应该如何才能获得该变更的正式验收?
A system launched successfully and has been running smoothly for more than two weeks. The project manager requests formal acceptance from stakeholder, but one stakeholder wants to make a slight change they believe will be easy to implement. What should the project manager do to gain formal acceptance of the change?

  •  A:将该变更升级上报给项目发起人进行验收 Escalate the change to the project sponsor for acceptance.
  •  B:更新变更日志,并开始实施 Update the change log and start implementing.
  •  C:保持约定的验收标准,并请求相关方批准 Maintain the agreed-upon acceptance criteria, and request stakeholder approval.
  •  D:与团队开会评估该请求 Meet with the team to evaluate the request.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6实施整体变更控制。“轻微变更”也是变更,仍然要按照整体变更控制流程执行。 选项AC:要解决变更请求后才能够申请验收。 选项B:未经批准前不能实施变更请求。

128、 [单选] Maria是项目经理。她想让她的项目适应并开始应用敏捷方法。她正在举行每日站会,她向团队成员了解他们在她专门制定的计划表中的最新进度。但团队成员并不那么上心。为什么会产生这种情况?
Maria is a project manager. She wants to adapt Agile for her project and to start, she is holding a daily standup meeting in which she is taking status update from her team members on the plan she created for them. But the team is not so inclined. What is causing issues?

  •  A:每日站会上团队不积极,是因为大家想做实际的工作而不是把时间浪费在又一次会议上 The daily standup is not eective as the team wants to do their real work and not waste time on another meeting
  •  B:如果一些团队成员在某些问题上卡壳了无法继续,他们在每日站会上就会感到尴尬 The daily standup is causing embarrassment to some of the team members if they got stuck on some issues and couldn’t proceed
  •  C:计划是Maria自己制定的,没有听取团队意见。而且会议侧重于获取进度更新而不是合作 The plan was made by Maria on her own which leads to lack of buy-in from the team. The meeting is also focused on getting status updates instead of collaboration
  •  D:这个方法没有问题。是团队不理性、不情愿。他们需要改变心态 There is no issue with this approach. The team is being irrational and reluctant. They need to x their mindset

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参见《敏捷实践指南》P53 5.2.4 每日站会。 迭代待办事项列表中选择的用户故事和拆分的任务应该是由项目团队成员共同选择和拆分的,不能是由项目经理自己进行制定。而且站会中常见的一个反模式是,站会变成了状态报告会议。题中项目经理的做法侧重于获取进度更新,很容易把站会变成状态报告会议。 A选项,每日站会是敏捷的5个仪式之一,不存在团队不积极是因为开会浪费时间。 B选项,每日站会的目的之一就是为了解团队成员当前遇到的问题。 D选项,计划应该团队成员共同制定的,而非个人制定。

129、 [单选] 项目经理负责管理一个项目,该项目旨在推出一项新服务,项目经理得知,技术部门对于使用已提供的培训来操作这项服务感到不自信。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A project manager is working on a project to launch a new service. The project manager realizes that the technical department does not feel confident about operating the service the training they have been given.What should the project manager do firs

  •  A:完成一项变更控制要求并将该问题纳入经验教训中 Complete a change control requirement and include the lessons learned
  •  B:建议团队与指定的相关方一起审查验收标准 Advise the team to review the acceptance criteria with the assigned stakeholders
  •  C:将可交付成果转移给对操作这项服务更有信心的另一团队 Transfer the deliverables to another team who ice Is more confident in operating the service
  •  D:停止项目以确认操作员对接受的培训感到满意 Stop the project to verify that the operators fed comfortable with the training received

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


131、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个进度紧张的项目。团队成员位于全国各地,非常繁忙,对关注经验教训登记册并不感兴趣。 若要确保准备、管理并跟踪经验教训,项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager is leading a project with tight schedules.Team members,who are located in different regions across the country,are busy and uninterested in focus on the lessons learned register. What should the project manager do to ensure that the lessons learned are prepared,managed,and tracked?

  •  A:安排定期电话会议,以收集信息并更新经验教训登记册 Organize regular conference calls to collect information and update the lessons learned register
  •  B:组织项目结束会议,以便团队成员可以报告问题并应用最佳实践 Organize an end-of-project meeting so that team members can report issues and applied best practices
  •  C:要求每个团队成员在有时间时更新经验教训登记册 Require each team member to update the lessons learned register when they have time
  •  D:分配一名资源用问题日志来准备和更新经验教训登记册 Assign a resource to prepare and update the lessons learned register using the issue log

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


132、 [单选] —个项目的规模已经大到由指导委员会取代单一的项目发起人。项目经理应该怎么做来适应这种新发展?
A project has become to large that the single sponsor is replaced by a steering committee.What should the project manager do to accommodate the new development?

  •  A:认识到相关方结构发生了变化,并量身定做与这个团队的沟通 Recognize that there is a change in stakeholders structure and tailor communications to this group
  •  B:按照最初的计划继续工作,同时认识到该项目现在包括其他相关方 Continue to work according to the initial plan while recognizing that the project now includes additional stakeholders.
  •  C:为团队组织一次与新的指导委员会一起召开的会议,继续进行项目工作 Organize a meeting for the team with the new steering committee and continue work on the project
  •  D:与新的委员会分享当前的状态报告 Share the current status report with the new committee

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


133、 [单选] 你正在使用敏捷方法管理软件项目。该团队将通过多次迭代扩大产品范围。你应该何时确定和批准具体的产品范围?
You are managing a software project with an agile approach. The team will develop the product scope over multiple iterations. When do you define and approve a detailed scope?

  •  A:在项目一开始时 Once at the beginning of project
  •  B:在项目一结束时 Once at the end of the project
  •  C:在每次迭代开始时 At the beginning of each iteration At the end of each iteration
  •  D:在每次迭代结束时 At the end of each iteration

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


134、 [单选] 项目经理收到设备采购的两份标书。采购部门坚持接受最低报价,而制造部门更愿意选择性能最好但价格更高的设备。为了满足项目预算,项目经理选择最便宜的报价。项目经理使用的是哪种冲突管理技巧?
A project manager receives two bids for the purchase of equipment.The procurement department insists on accepting the least expensive bid while the manufacturing department prefers to choose the best performing,but more expensive equipment.To meet the project budget,the project manager selects the least expensive biWhat conflict management technique did the project manager use?

  •  A:妥协/调解 Compromise/reconcile
  •  B:撤退/回避 Withdraw/avoid
  •  C:缓和/包容 Smooth/accommodate
  •  D:强迫/命令 Force/direct

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


135、 [单选] 你正在与客户进行冲刺评审会议。这样做的目的是什么?
You are conducting Sprint Review meeting with the customer. What is the purpose of this?

  •  A:确保交付的故事规模合适 To ensure that the right size stories are being delivered
  •  B:确保对交付的每一个故事做出了正确的估计 To ensure that right estimations are in place for each of the stories delivered
  •  C:确保交付的故事对客户有价值,并且记录可能提出的新需求 To ensure that the stories delivered are valuable to the customer and note new requirements if any
  •  D:了解团队如何改进交付和开发方法 To learn about how the team can improve on their deliveries and their approach towards development

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


136、 [单选] 项目经理应使用什么工具来向客户证明最终产品需求满足业务需求?
What tool should the project manager use to demonstrate to the customer that the final product meets the business needs?

  •  A:工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure
  •  B:项目范围说明书 Project scope statement
  •  C:需求跟踪矩阵 Requirements tractability matrix
  •  D:项目管理计划 Project management plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P148需求跟踪矩阵。 确定可交付成果有没有满足需求,需求跟踪矩阵就对了。 其他选项:AB都起不了跟踪需要的作用,D太大了。

137、 [单选] 项目经理正在开展一个内部项目,需要一个新的销售点(POS)交易系统,项目经理发现这个系统有个问题,不仅可能延迟这个项目,而且还会影响到依赖于这个系统的其他一些项目。这个问题未包含在风险登记册中,因为之前的试验认为该系统没有缺陷。项目经理应该联系谁来解决这个问题?
A project manager is working on an internal project that requires a new point of sale(POS) transaction system.The project manager discovers an issue with the system that may not only delay this project,but also a number of other projects dependent upon this system. This issue was not include in the risk register,because previous trials deemed the system free of flaws Who should the project manager contact about this issue?

  •  A:IT部门 IT department
  •  B:受影响的发起人 Sponsors who were affected
  •  C:受影响的项目经理 Project managers who were affected
  •  D:运营团队 Operations team

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P442-威胁应对策略。IT系统的控制权力归属IT部门,暴露出来的问题已经超出了项目经理的控制范围,需要上报。 上报的相关方取决于权力范围,所以在上报过程中,首选直接归属部门,而不是选择受影响的相关方,不是寻求“同病相必,心有戚戚焉”。

138、 [单选] 敏捷管理非常强调迭代时间应该要短。使用短迭代的主要优势是什么?
Agile places a very heavy emphasis on keeping the iterations short. What is the primary advantage of using short iteration?

  •  A:短迭代使团队能够更快地完成任务并快速发布软件 Short iterations enable the team to finish the things faster and release software quickly
  •  B:短迭代使团队、产品负责人和客户能够定期开会讨论项目进度 Short iterations enable the team, the product owner, and the customer to regularly come together and talk about project progress
  •  C:短迭代使团队更有效率,避免发生学生症候群 Short iterations enable the team to be more productive and avoid student syndrome
  •  D:短迭代使团队能够从利益相关方那里获得更早的需求反馈,从而更早满足利益相关方需求 Short iterations enable the team to get an early feedback and hence early adaptation as per stakeholder needs

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:《敏捷实践指南》P9、25《敏捷宣言》十二原则:1、我们的最高目标是,通过尽早持续交付有价值的软件来满足客户的需求;3、要经常交付可用的软件,周期从几周到几个月不等,且越短越好。客户满意度将随着有价值产品的早期交付和持续交付不断提升。A选项 - 迭代是在时间箱内完成一定量的用户故事,每次迭代的速率是相对稳定的。B选项 - 敏捷的信息发射源(例如燃尽图、任务板等)一般都放在公开的位置,想要了解进度的任何相关方都可以去信息发射源了解。C选项 - 敏捷倡导的是团队自组织,团队成员共同决策,团队成员自己领取任务并做出承诺。(学生症候群 指的是无论时限多长,总是将工作、作业、已制定的计划拖延到截止日期前的最后一刻,才甘愿将任务完成的情况。)

139、 [单选] 一个分包商虽然工作速度非常快,但却未能完成项目可交付成果的正式验收程序。客户的质量团队检查了可交付成果,并创建了一份很长的缺陷清单。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
A subcontractor,working at a very fast pace,falls to complete official acceptance procedures for project deliverables.The client's team inspects the deliverables and creates a long list of defects.What should the project manager have done to avoid this?

  •  A:经常与客户举行状态会议 Held frequent status meetings with the client.
  •  B:让一个内部质量团队检查可交付成果 Had an internal quality team check the deliverables.
  •  C:实施质量管理计划 Implemented a quality management plan.
  •  D:要求客户提供原型 Requested a prototype from the client.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P286-质量管理计划。 应该在项目早期就对质量管理计划进行评审,以确保决策是基于准确信息的。这样做的好处是,更加关注项目的价值定位,降低因返工而造成的成本超支金额和进度延误次数。 题目提到事先做什么,质量管理计划是事先做好的规划 其他选项:ABD都是有效地措施,这些措施理论上都可以纳入C进行事前规划

140、 [单选] 团队根据原型评审会上的客户反馈意见实施了一项变更,一位关键相关方现在担心项目可交付成果不符合验收标准。 项目经理应该如何防止再次发生这种情况?
A team implemented a change based on client feedback from the prototype review. A key stakeholder is now concerned that a project deliverable fails to meet the acceptance criteria. What should the project manager do to prevent this from reoccurring?

  •  A:检查工作分解结构(WBS)以确定哪些相关方的可交付成果受到影响 Check the work breakdown structure ( WBS ) to identify which stakeholder’s deliverable is being impact
  •  B:评审相关方参与过程并利用相关信息更新相关方参与计划 Review the stakeholder engagement process and update the stakeholder engagement plan with relevant information.
  •  C:与发起人讨论制定相关方参与计划的相关事宜 Have a discussion with the sponsor about developing the stakeholder engagement plan.
  •  D:使用一个来自以前类似项目的相关方参与过程 Use the stakeholder engagement process from a similar, previous project.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P558 相关方参与计划 相关方的担心,就要解决他的担心,相关的应对措施在相关方参与计划里。 其他选项:C与发起人讨论的意义不大。A不是相关方的处理措施。D只是B的一项输入。

141、 [单选] 一个建筑项目的施工过程已经完成,项目经理希望结束该项目,一些团队成员已经被分配到一个新项目,剩余团队成员不确定在收尾报告中要收集什么信息。 项目经理应该怎么做?
The construction process for a building project is complete and the project manager wants to close the project.Some team members are already assigned to a new project and the remaining team members are unsure about what to capture in the close-out report. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:使用从以前类似项目中收集的经验教训完成该报告 Complete the report using the lessons learned from previous similar projects.
  •  B:召集已重新分配的团队成员,并立即举行收尾会议 Convene team members who have been reassigned and immediately close the meeting
  •  C:与剩余团队成员一起进行项目收尾工作 Conduct the project close-out work with the remaining team members
  •  D:将项目收尾阶段交给负责新项目的项目经理 Hand over the project close-out phase to the project manager working on the new project.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P123-4.7结束项目或阶段。项目或阶段行政收尾所需的必要活动包括:为达到阶段或项目的完工或退出标准所必须的行动和活动。例如:根据组织政策编制详尽的最终项目报告。所以,在项目结束时,进行行政收尾,根据组织政策确定在收尾报告中要收集什么信息。 选项A:要总结当前项目的经验教训,而不是从组织过程中复制一份。 选项B:部分团队成员已经被分配到了其他项目,脱离了项目经理的管理范围,所以重新召集不现实。 选项D:当前项目的管理职责由项目经理承担。

142、 [单选] 客户联系一名高级团队成员请求变更,该团队成员忽略变更管理过程并开始执行变更。另一名团队成员通知项目经理,因为他们担心对预算和进度有影响。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A client approaches a senior team member and request change,the team member ignored the change management process and begins the changes. Another team member informs the project manager as they are concerned about the impact on the budget and schedule. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:评估该变更对预算和进度计划的影响 Assess the impact of the changes on the budget and schedule
  •  B:变更项目范围并与团队沟通该变更 Change the project scope and communicate it to the team
  •  C:立即通知该高级团队成员停止执行变更,并表示不会容忍此类行为 Immediately advise the senior team member to discontinues the changes and communicate that the type of behavior will not be tolerated
  •  D:为客户和项目发起人完成所需的变更管理文档 Complete the required change management documentation for the client and project sponsors

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)4.6 实施整体变更控制。一个变更直接实施了,先分析这个直接实施变更的影响,必要时提出正式的变更。 其他选项:B直接变更不对,D只更新文档不对。C,要先处理事务,再处理人员的问题。

143、 [单选] 一个工厂扩建项目已接近完成50%,这时一群当地居民组成一个维权组织来抗议该项目。项目经理应该怎么做?
An factory expansion project is nearly 50 percent complete,when a group of local residents forms an activist group to protest it.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:执行相关方分析,并相应调整相关方参与计划 Perform a stakeholder analysis,and adjust the stakeholder engagement plan accordingly
  •  B:通知项目发起人,该维权组织体现了项目进度的一个风险 Inform the project sponsor that the activist group represents a risk to the project schedule
  •  C:与该维权组织开会,将其需求添加到该项目中 Meet with the activist group to add its requirements to:the project
  •  D:教育该维权组织,让其了解该项目将为社区带来的好处 Educate the activist group on the benefits that the project will bring to the community

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P530-13.4监督相关方参与。监督项目相关方关系,并通过修订参与策略和计划来引导相关方合理参与项目的过程。 选项B:管理相关方参与的过程中,如果暴露出来的问题有引发风险的可能,要将其视为风险进行管理,在A选项之后。 选项CD:是相关方参与计划中可能出现的方案。

145、 [单选] 在项目测试阶段检测到一个故障。在未通知项目经理的情况下,测试人员分析该故障,并与开发团队一起合作解决该故障。由于缺乏沟通,项目经理继续遵循初始定义的测试时限。项目经理现在应该怎么做?
A failure is detected during the project testing phase. Without notifying the project manager, the testing professional analyzes the failure and works with the development team to solve the failure. Due to inadequate communication, the project manager continues to follow the initial defined test timeframe. What should the manager do now?

  •  A:更新问题日志,并确定纠正措施 To update the Problem Log and determine corrective actions
  •  B:忽略该故障,因为已经解决了 To ignore this failure because it has been solved
  •  C:签发变更请求,并遵循变更过程 To issue a change request and follow the change process
  •  D:打印更新后收尾测试计划,并确定纠正措施 To print the updated test plan and determine corrective actions

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


146、 [单选] 你正在与客户进行冲刺评审会议。以下哪项不是这次会议的目的?
You are conducting a Sprint Review meeting with the customer. Which is not the purpose of this meeting?

  •  A:确定交付的故事是否满足客户期望 Find whether the stories delivered meets customer expectation
  •  B:确保对交付的每一个故事做出了正确的估计 To ensure that right estimations are in place for each of the stories delivered
  •  C:讨论即将到来的冲刺和应完成的故事 to discuss the upcoming sprint and the stories that should go in it
  •  D:确定交付的故事是否需要更改 Determine any changes in the stories delivered

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:敏捷实践指南 55页评审会上团队会演示已经完成的迭代工作,产品负责人接受或拒绝用户故事。产品负责人和团队需要接收利益相关方的反馈,以防止他们朝着错误的方向前进。如果有需要的话在评审会上提出的变更会加入到产品待办事项列表中。对于用户故事的的估算是否准确的评估可以再回顾会上进行回顾总结。

149、 [单选] 一个矩阵型组织的项目经理注意到一个资源正在进行大量的加班工作来完成项目任务。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project manager in a matrix organization notice that a resource is working a significant amount of overtime to complete project assignments. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:将该问题上报给项目发起人 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.
  •  B:将该信息更新到问题日志中 Update the issue long with this information.
  •  C:与资源经理讨论这种情况 Discuss the situation with the resource’s manager.
  •  D:将该信息更新到风险登记册中 Update the risk register with this information.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P358项目文件更新-问题日志。在本过程中出现的新问题应该记录到问题日志中。“资源大量加班”属于问题,需要先记录在问题日志并考虑如何解决。 选项A:排在选项D之后,如果风险的评估结果超过了项目经理的权力范围,需要上报组织。 选项C:排在选项B之后。 选项D:排在选项B之后,如果问题未来存在不确定性,要视为风险,记录到风险登记册。

150、 [单选] 项目团队在交付产品增量时遇到困难,项目经理安排一次回顾总结会议以找出差错。谁应该参加这次会议?
A project team is experiencing difficulties in delivering product increments.The project manager schedules a retrospective to identify gaps. Who should attend this meeting?

  •  A:指导委员会成员 Steering committee members
  •  B:所有直接参与项目生产进度工作的成员 All members directly involved in producing progress work fir the project
  •  C:项目管理办公室(PMO)的负责人和项目经理 The head of the project management office (PMO)and the project manager
  •  D:参与该项目的每个团队的团队领导 The team leaders of each team involved in the project

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:敏捷实践 回顾总结会是项目团队成员参加的敏捷项目管理团队会议。对这次迭代进行回顾。 其他选项:ACD都加了领导,没有必要

151、 [单选] 一家公司计划扩大其公司网站的服务范围。项目经理开始根据批准的项目章程收集详细的需求。 项目经理应该怎么做才能就项目的可交付成果达成一致意见?
A company plans to expand the service scope of its corporate website. The project manager starts to collect detailed requirements based on the approved project charter. What should the project manager do to reach a group consensus on the project's deliverabies?

  •  A:与相关方和主题专家(SMEs)—起召开焦点小组会议 Conduct a focus group with stakeholders and subject matter experts(SMEs).
  •  B:与关键相关方一起使用引导技术 Use facilitation skills with key stakeholders.
  •  C:与相关方一起进行头脑风暴 Brainstorm with the stakeholders.
  •  D:访谈关键相关方和发起人,以获取有关需求的更多信息 Interview key stakeholders and sponsors to obtain additional information about requirements.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P145-人际关系与团队技能-引导。研讨会可用于快速定义跨职能需求并协调相关方的需求差异。有效引导的研讨会有助于参与者之间建立信任、改进关系、改善沟通,从而有利于相关方达成一致意见,题干问的是达成一致意见, 使用引导式研讨会。 选项ACD:头脑风暴和访谈获得的需求,也需要通过引导技术来达成共识。

152、 [单选] 在审查进度计划时,项目经理发现由于一个意外问题导致存在严重的范围蔓延。项目经理应该怎么做?
While reviewing the schedule, the project manager discovers is sigfiiflcant scope creep due to an unforeseen issue. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:停止与该问题相关的工作,并通知项目发起人 Stop the work related to the issue, and imform the project sponsor.
  •  B:更新风险登记册并通知发起人 Update the risk register, and notify the project spolsor.
  •  C:向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交变更请求,并更新项目基准 Submit a change request to the change control board(CCB), and update the project baseline.
  •  D:使用因果图执行根本原因分析,并更新风险管理计划 Perform a root cause analysis using a causc-and-effect diagram, and update the risk

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P170 -变更请求。分析项目绩效后,可能会就范围基准和进度基准,或项目管理计划的其他组成部分提出变更请求,变更请求需要经过实施整体变更控制过程的审查和处理。”范围蔓延”是未经控制的范围扩大,因此需要走变更流程进行范围控制。 选项A:是否停工要查看风险登记册上预设的应急计划。 选项B:是否通知发起人要看预设的应急计划和沟通管理计划。 选项D:风险管理计划是风险管理的策略,更新风险管理计划有误。

153、 [单选] 正在准备一个大型战略项目的组织雇佣了在该领域有丰富经验的一家国际公司。该公司使用不同的语言,并有文化差异。项目经理知道沟通是项目失败的主要原因,并担心他们缺乏与外国相关方打交道的经验。 若要正确管理信息流,项目经理应该做什么?
An organization preparing for a large strategic project hires an international company with experience in this area.This company speaks a different language and has cultural differences.The project manager knows that communication is a primary reason that projects fail,and is concerned about their lack of experience with foreign stakeholders. What should the project manager do to properly manage the information flow?

  •  A:利用外国公司的经验与相关方进行沟通 Leverage the experience of the foreign company to communicate with the
  •  B:制定沟通战略,以满足项目及其相关方的需求 Develop a communication strategy that addresses the needs of both the
  •  C:遵循书面沟通的最佳实践 Follow best practices of written communication
  •  D:聘请会说当地语言和外语的专业人士 Hire professionals who speak both the local and foreign language

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P366-10.1规划沟通管理。信息的传递遇到阻碍,需要提前制定沟通管理计划。 选项A:可以借鉴行业经验,但是不能照搬。 选项CD:采用何种沟通方式要遵循沟通管理计划。

155、 [单选] 项目发起人要求项目经理确保在预算范围内交付产品,项目经理应使用什么技术?
A project sponsor ask a project manager to ensure that a product is delivered within budget. What technique should the project manager use?

  •  A:成本效益分析 cost-benefit analysis
  •  B:预防成本 Prevention costs
  •  C:面向X的设计 Design for X
  •  D:统计抽样 Statistical sampling

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P295- 面向X的设计。 这题相当于项目最高优先级的目标是成本不超预算。但是四个选项都是质量工具,从成本角度来讲,ABC与成本有关,排除D。A成本效益分析是对备选方案进行选择,排除。B质量成本中的预防成本并不能控制成本。C面向X(DFx)的设计比较合适,其中可以选择低成本设计(DFC),在满足用户需求的前提下,尽可能地降低成本

156、 [单选] —个相关方认为最近一个项目的可交付成果没有实现,若要获得该相关方的批准,项目经理应该怎么做?
A stakeholder believes that a recent project's deliverables were not achieve.What should the project manager do to gain this stakeholder's approval?

  •  A:分析该相关方的需求和期望并审查项目范围 Analyze this stakeholder's needs and expectations and review the project scope.
  •  B:与该相关方一起审查项目章程 Review the project charter with this stakeholder.
  •  C:与该相关方一起审查质量管理计划 Examine the quality management plan with this stakeholder.
  •  D:获得该相关方的新需求并执行风险分析 Obtain the stakeholder's new requirements and perform a risk analysis

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


157、 [单选] 为了监控项目进度,一个敏捷团队计划选择一个工具来显示在某个时间已经处理了多少工作。哪个工具可以实现这个目的?
In order to monitor their project progress, an agile team is planning to pick a tool to show how much work is being handled at a particular time. Which tool would do that?

  •  A:工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure
  •  B:看板面板 Kanban Board
  •  C:工作进度结构 Work Progress Structure
  •  D:区块链 Blockchain

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:《敏捷实践指南》P105页看板面板利用列进入和退出策略以及限制在制品等制约因素,可提供一目了然的工作流、瓶颈、阻碍和整体状态信息,能够满足题干中所提出的需求。选项B正确A选项 - 工作分解结构(WBS)为预测性项目管理工具,PMBOK 5.4;C、D选项非相关术语。

158、 [单选] 采购部门通知项目经理项目管理软件已更新。团队成员没有使用此更新过的软件经验,但需要此项技能来完成项目。项目经理应该怎么做?
A procurement department notifies a project manager that the project management software has been updated.Team members have no experience working with this update,but will need the skills to complete the project.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:请求额外的时间来培训资源 Request additional time to train resources.
  •  B:更新资源管理计划 Update the resource management plan.
  •  C:聘请熟悉这项更新的外部资源来完成工作 Hire an external resource familiar with the update to complete the job
  •  D:要求供应商提供主题专家(SME)来培训团队 Ask the vendor to supply a subject matter expert(SME)to train the team.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


159、 [单选] 一个项目跨越不同国家,且时间紧迫,公司未来的成功取决于是否满足最后期限。项目经理应该使用什么工具或技术来提高团队执行能力?
A project spans different countries and has a tight schedule.The company’s future success depends on meeting the deadline. What tool or technique should the project manager use to enhance the team's ability to perform?

  •  A:基本规则 Ground rules
  •  B:集中办公 Collocation
  •  C:虚拟团队 Virtual teams
  •  D:培训 Training

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


161、 [单选] 在规划中,项目团队识别到一个质量不合格风险,并为这个风险准备了一份行动计划。若要避免项目执行过程中的不合格,项目经理应进行下列哪一项?
During the planning process, a project team identifies a risk of quality nonconformance prepares an action plan for this risk. To avoid nonconformance during project execution, the project manager should do which of the following?

  •  A:风险评估 Risk assessment
  •  B:风险减轻 Risk mitigation
  •  C:进行风险优先排序 Risk prioritization
  •  D:风险转移 Risk transference

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P453-11.7监督风险。质量不合格的风险需要持续的跟踪和评估。 选项B:11.5规划风险应对 选项C:11.3风险定性分析 选项D:11.5规划风险应对

162、 [单选] 你的发起人希望你在项目上使用混合型方法,并在项目执行阶段使用敏捷方法。你将这些迭代划分为为期2-3周的周期。这个迭代可以被称为什么?
Your sponsor wants you to use a hybrid approach on your project where you will be using agile methodology for execution stage of the project. You will divide these iterations into cycles of 2-3 weeks. What could this iteration be called?

  •  A:滚动式规划 Rolling Wave Planning
  •  B:史诗 Epics
  •  C:用户故事 User Stories
  •  D:冲刺 Sprints

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:《敏捷实践指南》P154冲刺它描述敏捷开发中的时间盒迭代。所以迭代也可以成为冲刺。选项A:滚动式规划 - 详细规划近期要做的,粗略规划远期要做的,在创建WBS和定义活动时使用;选项B:史诗Epic为敏捷中需求的高层级需求(Epic -> Feature -> User Story);选项C:它是针对特定用户的可交付成果价值的简要描述。

163、 [单选] 你是一名敏捷教练,被分配到公司的一个新团队,目的是向他们介绍并教他们使用看板。 你已要求团队在会议室集合,就在看板开始工作的问题进行初步讨论。团队应该做的首要工作是什么?
You are an agile coach who has been assigned to a new team in your organization with the purpose of introducing and training them on Kanban. You have asked the team to assemble in the conference room for an initial discussion about starting activities in Kanban. What would be the first and foremost activities that the team should work on?

  •  A:请直属经理绘制当前工作流程图并进行分析,并请他介绍新流程 Have the line manager map the current workflow, analyze, and ask him to introduce the new process
  •  B:由于是你来负责确保团队正确使用看板方法,所以你聘请了专业培训师和分析师为团队提供正式培训 Since you are responsible for ensuring correct use of Kanban methodology, you hire a professional trainer and analyst to provide formal training to the team
  •  C:与团队合作,指导他们绘制现有工作流程,以便他们能够自己识别流程可改进的地方 Work with the team, guiding them to map their existing workflow so that they can identify improvements in the process themselves
  •  D:与直线经理一起绘制当前工作流程图,估算每个阶段的限量,并要求团队成员开始使用新流程 Work with line manager and map the current workflow, estimate limits for each stage and ask team members to start using the new process

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:《敏捷实践指南》P35页、39页,敏捷教练作为团队促进者,将帮助每个人各尽所能地思考和工作。促进者鼓励团队参与、理解,并对团队输出共同承担责任。促进者帮助团队创建可接受的解决方案。看板要将工作流程可视化、建立显示化规则;应该由团队共同制定才符合敏捷的价值观和原则。(个体和互动高于流程和工具、“自组织”原则 - 最好的需求、架构和设计出自自组织团队),因此在看板开始工作之前要先跟团队合作绘制现有的工作流程图,选项C正确。

167、 [单选] 在批准一位团队成员的紧急请假请求之前,项目经理需要确保计划的项目活动不会被延迟。项目经理首先应该审查哪份文件?
Before approving a team member's request for an urgent leave, a project manager needs to ensure that scheduled activities will not be delaye What should the project manager first review?

  •  A:责任分配矩阵(RAM) Responsibility assignment matrix(RAM)
  •  B:资源日历 Resource calendars
  •  C:资源分解结构(RBS) Resource breakdown structure(RBS)
  •  D:项目进度计划 Project schedule plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P222-6.6控制进度。资源日历发生变化,要结合进度基准评估团队成员请假的影响。当然,评估不局限于进度基准。 选项ABC:注意,情景中强调了“确保计划的项目活动不会延迟”,所以要首先审查项目进度计划。

168、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,由于行业趋势下滑和产品价格下降,客户重新协商定价,这导致项目预算减少,项目经理确定必须大大改造类似项目中遵循的业务流程才能使项目取得成功。项目经理应该做些什么来确定改进的领域?
During project execution,the client renegotiates pricing due to a downward industry trend and falling prices for their product,this results in a decrease in the project's budget, the project manager determines that business processes followed in similar projects must be dramatically improved for the success of this one.What should the project manager do to identify areas for improvement?

  •  A:检查风险报告 Examine the risk report
  •  B:审查经验教训 Review the lessons learned
  •  C:使用精益六西格玛方法 Use the lean six sigma method
  •  D:执行成本效益分析 Perform a cost-benefit analysis

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P296-质量改进方法-六西格玛。精益六西格玛是最常用于分析和评估改进机会的质量改进工具。它要解决的问题不仅是控制一个过程的产品一次通过率,还要优化整个生产流程,简化某些动作,缩短生产提前期 。项目经理要改造类似项目中遵循的业务流程才能使项目取得成功,可使用精益六西格玛方法。 选项A:属于风险管理的行目档案。 选项B:通常用于借鉴,情景聚焦在“如何确定”。 选项D:成本效益分析针对投入成本和质量水平之间的关系。

169、 [单选] 在组织企业资源规划(ERP)系统中实施税务相关变更的一个项目正在进行中。在验收测试期间,财务组用户担心发票没有数字签名,财务组的主管坚持认为这种情况必须得到解决。但是,实施合作伙伴认为,这一需求未包含在工作说明书(SOW)中。 项目经理应该怎么做?
A project to implement tax-related changes in the organization of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is underway, during the acceptance test, the Finance team users were concerned that the invoice was not digitally signed and the head of the Finance Group insisted that this situation must be resolve However, implementation partners believe that this requirement is not included in the Statement of Work (SOW). What should the project manager do?

  •  A:根据工作说明书的需求完成项目 Complete the project according to the SOW requirements.
  •  B:要求实施合作伙伴在不增加成本的情况下包含数字签名需求 Ask the implementation partners to include the digital signature requirement at no additional cost.
  •  C:与相关方一起审查工作说明书,并在适当的情况下提出变更请求 Review the statement of work with the relevant parties and request a change if appropriate.
  •  D:询问财务组的主管为什么没有在项目规划期间沟通这项需求 Ask the head of the finance team why4he requirements were not communicated during project planning.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)477 采购工作说明书 工作说明书对可交付成果进行了详细的描述,发票带数字签名也是一种可交付成果,因此有争议先过一下此文件,必要时提出变更。 其他选项:ABD都直接采取了不合适的措施

170、 [单选] Charlie是他所在公司的项目经理,该公司正在逐步过渡到敏捷环境。最近,Charlie拿到了一个新项目,该项目与他过去的两个项目非常相似,需求也很简单。你会推荐Charlie采用哪种生命周期?
Charlie is a project manager in his organization which is slowly transitioning to agile environment. Recently, Charlie got a new project which is very much like two of his past projects. Requirements are also straightforward. Which technique would you recommend Charlie to adopt?

  •  A:预测型生命周期 Predictive Life Cycle
  •  B:迭代型生命周期 Iterative Life Cycle
  •  C:增量型生命周期 Incremental Life Cycle
  •  D:混合型生命周期 Hybrid Life Cycle

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


171、 [单选] 业务开发经理识别到一个机会,通过向现有产品添加一个新功能来扩大市场份额。下一步应该怎么做?
Business development manager identifies an opportunity to increase the market share by adding a new feature to existing product. What should he do in the next step?

  •  A:任命一名项目经理让项目正式化 To appoint a project manager to formalize the project
  •  B:开展成本效益分析 To perform cost-benefit analysis
  •  C:开展优势、劣势、机会与威胁(SWOT)分析 To perform the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis
  •  D:制定项目章程 To lay down the Project Charter

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P133-项目效益管理计划。商业论证论证“值不值”得做的问题,已经在题干中有了答案-“扩大市场份额”。接下来要对“能不能”的问题进行论证,要进行成本效益分析。 选项A:项目章程正式确立时,分配项目经理,在选项D之后。 选项C:通常用在11.2识别风险过程。 选项D:在选项B之后进行。

172、 [单选] 一项批准的项目变更将需要一名IT部门的专用资源。该资源的经理没有空提供批准,但马上需要该资源以确保项目保持进度。 项目经理应该怎么做?
An approved project change will require dedicated resources from an IT department. The resource’s manager is unavailable to provide approval, but the resource is needed immediately to ensure that the project stays on schedule. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:将新工作分配给现有团队成员 Assign the new work to existing team members.
  •  B:寻求项目发起人的指导 Seek guidance from the project sponsor.
  •  C:告诉该资源开始工作,并在经理有空时获得批准 Tell the resource to start working and get approval when the manager is available.
  •  D:查阅变更管理计划 Refer to the change management plan.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P318-资源管理计划。资源管理计划中涵盖了获取资源的策略。职能部门经理负责提供资源,如果不能提供且不能进行协商的时候,项目经理要上报给项目发起人寻求支持。 选项A:专用资源,超过了现有团队成员的能力范围。 选项C:越权 选项D:变更请求已经在流转签批过程中,变更管理流程是有效的。

173、 [单选] IT团队之前发送了有关如何访问项目沟通所采用的新工具的信息。现在,一些相关方提出一些问题,让项目经理认为他们没有利用新工具。项目经理应该怎么做?
An IT team sent out information on how to access a new tool adopted for project communications,Now, some stakeholders are asking questions that lead the project manager to believe they are not leveraging the new tool. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:放弃新工具并恢复以前用于沟通更新的方法 Abandon the new tool and revert to previous methods for communicating updates
  •  B:重新发送有关如何访问新工具的信息 Resend the information on how to access the new tool
  •  C:与相关方讨论这些问题,并提供新工具的相关培训 Discuss these concerns with stakeholders and offer to provide training on the new tool
  •  D:与IT团队开会,获得有关如何强制使用新工具的想法 Meet with the IT team to obtain ideas on how to enforce the use of the new tool

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P339-10.2管理沟通。管理沟通过程会涉及与开展有效沟通有关的所有方面,包括使用适当的技术、方法和技巧。 选项AD:强制放弃还是强制使用,都过于武断。 选项B:只是下发通知无助于解决技能短板。

174、 [单选] 项目经理希望为一个新项目进行风险评估。项目经理应该如何收集所有相关信息?
A project manager wants to facilitate a risk assessment for a new project. How should the project manager collect all relevant information?

  •  A:标杆对照 Benchmarking
  •  B:焦点小组会议 Focus group
  •  C:多标准决策分析 Multicriteria decision analysis
  •  D:思维导图 Mind mapping

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P416-会议。为了开展风险识别工作,项目团队可能要召开专门的会议,通常称为风险研讨会。 选项A:俗称的对标,常用于收集需求确定产品功能。 选项C:用于决策,例如确定项目的目标。 选项D:与头脑风暴结合,常用于收集创意。

175、 [单选] 一个项目正处于执行阶段。你通过浏览一系列图像的敏捷方法收集了项目需求。你在收集需求时可能使用了哪种方法?
A project is in the execution stage. You collected the requirements using an agile technique where you navigated through a series of images. Which technique might you have used while collecting the requirements?

  •  A:亲和图 Affinity Diagrams
  •  B:思维导图 Mind Mapping
  •  C:故事版 Storyboarding
  •  D:上下文关系图 Context Diagrams

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


177、 [单选] 项目经理正在多个国家领导一项产品部署工作,最终部署时间非常紧迫,项目经理必须快速准备估算,项目经理应该使用什么估算技术?
A project manager is leading a product deployment effort in several countries. The final deployment has a tight schedule and the project manager must prepare an estimate quickly.what estimating technique should the project manager use?

  •  A:类比估算 Analogous estimating
  •  B:参数估算 Parametric estimating
  •  C:自下而上估算 Bottom-up estimating
  •  D:三点估算法 Three-point estimating

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


178、 [单选] 项目经理正在核实所有项目可交付成果文件已更新,且所有问题均已解决。这描述了什么过程?
A project manager is verifying that all project-deliverable documents are updated and all issues are resolve What process does this decision?

  •  A:管理项目知识 Manage project knowledge
  •  B:结束项目或阶段 Close project or phase
  •  C:监控项目工作 Monitor and control project work
  •  D:实施整体变更控制 Perform integrated change control

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


179、 [单选] 项目经理为一个为期12周的项目安排一次启动大会。两名相关方表示他们无法参加会议。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager schedules a kick-off meeting for a 12-week project. Two stakeholders indicate they are unable to attend the meeting. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:将会议重新安排在每个人都有空的时间 Reschedule the meeting for a time when everyone is available.
  •  B:在开始启动大会之前分别与两名相关方开会,以收集他们的意见和承诺 Meet separately with the two stakeholders prior to the kick-off meeting to capture their comments and commitment.
  •  C:按计划继续开会,并将会议记录发送给两位缺席的相关方 Continue with the meeting as planned and send the meeting minutes to the two absent stakeholders.
  •  D:将该问题升级上报给项目发起人,已获得缺席相关方的承诺 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor that obtains confirmations from the absent stakeholdrs.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P86-会议。项目开工会议的目标在“传达项目目标、获得团队对项目的承诺,以及阐明每个相关方的角色和职责”。 选项AC:需要获得相关方的承诺,并不仅仅是开个会的问题。 选项D:相关方缺席,承诺从何而来?

180、 [单选] 在创建组织业务计划的项目期间,项目经理促成与高级管理层一起召开优势、劣势、机会与威胁(SWOT)分析研讨会。项目经理正在实施的是哪一个过程?
During a project to create an organizational business plan,the project manager facilitates strengths,weaknesses,opportunities,and threats(SWOT) analysis workshop with senior management.What progress is the project manager implementing?

  •  A:实施定性风险分析 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis.
  •  B:制定风险响应计划 Plan Risk Responses.
  •  C:规划风险管理 Plan Risk Management.
  •  D:识别风险 Identify Risk.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P415-数据分析-SWOT分析。对项目的优势、劣势、机会和威胁 (SWOT) 进行逐个检查,考察对11.2识别风险工具的掌握。


3、 [单选] —位新团队成员加入一个项目。项目经理的纪律严明,并期待按时参加每周会议。这位新成员来自一个文化自由的组织,习惯性参加各种会议迟到,当被问到为什么迟到,该团队成员回应说他们忙于处理可交付成果,他们认为应该优先处理可交付成果。项目经理应该怎么做?
A new team member joins a project.The project manager is highly disciplined and expects timely participation in weekly meetings. The new member comes from an organization with a liberal culture and,out of habit is continually late for meetings.When asked why,the team member responds that they are busy working on deliverables,which they believe have priority.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:暂停该团队成员的工作并解释这种行为是不允许的 Suspend the team member and explain that this behavior is not permitted
  •  B:再次与该团队成员会面,解释守时至关重要 Meet with the team member again to explain that punctuality is crucial.
  •  C:忽略这种行为,因为这名团队成员正在确保工作不受影响 Ignore the behavior,as this team member is ensuring that work is not affected,
  •  D:强调基本规则并影响团队,以便所有人都了解并遵守这些规则 Highlight ground rules and influences the team so that these rules arc understood and followed by all.

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P319-团队章程。 团队章程对项目团队成员的可接受行为确定了明确的期望。尽早认可并遵守明确的规则,有助于减少误解,提高生产力;讨论诸如行为规范、沟通、决策、会议礼仪等领域,团队成员可以了解彼此重要的价值观。团队的基本规则,即团队章程,是解决文化不同的成员的重要文件。 其他选项:ABC本质上都没有从根本上解决问题,在建议团队之前,要与团队共同讨论,制定团队章程

4、 [单选] 一个新的政府法规将要求对一个处于开发阶段的产品进行变更。项目团队在项目开始时修订项目管理计划以实施新的需求,而非在后期添加需求。这应该使用什么类型的变更请求?
A new government regulation will require changes to a product under development. The project team revises the project management plan at the start of the project to implement new requirements rather than add requirements later. What type of change request should be used?

  •  A:纠正措施 Corrective action
  •  B:主动措施 Active action
  •  C:预防措施 Preventive action
  •  D:更新措施 Update action

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P96- 变更请求。更新措施是指对正式受控的项目文件或计划等进行的变更,以反映修改或增加的意见或内容。因此题干中的修订项目管理计划,属于变更请求中的“更新”类型。选项A:通常用于对绩效不佳进行纠偏。选项B:没有这种说法。选项C:为确保项目工作的未来绩效符合项目管理计划,而进行的有目的的活动。 

9、 [单选] 在举行每日站会时, Scrum主管的重点应该是什么?
What should the focus be of the Scrum Master while holding a daily standup meeting?

  •  A:重点应该是从所有人那里获取进度更新 The focus should be to get status updates from all
  •  B:重点应是了解与项目计划差多少 The focus should be to identify deviations from the project plan
  •  C:重点应是了解是否出现无法赶上时间表的进度落后现象 The focus should be to identify the delays that will lead to not meeting the timelines
  •  D:重点应该是与团队一起制定每日计划,并协助他们更积极地完成工作 The focus should be to create a daily plan with the team and to assist them to do their work more eectively

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:关键词:每日站会;参见《敏捷实践指南》P53 5.2.4 每日站会;P33 4.2 仆人式领导为团队赋权。每日站会的目的是团队成员对彼此做出小的承诺,发现问题,并确保团队工作顺利进行。Scrum Master要确保每日站会的正常举行和按规则进行,重点应该在于同步当前进展和暴露问题;以便于在每日站会后帮助团队成员排除困难和解决问题。答案D正确。

18、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,团队识别到几个变更请求,其中包括项目成功所需的功能,这些功能未能包含在需求跟踪矩阵中。若要避免这种情况,项目经理事先应该做什么?
During project execution, the learn identifies several change requests that include functionality needed for project success. These failed to be included the requirements traceability matrix. To avoid this, what should the project manager do beforehand?

  •  A:创建工作分解结构(WBS) Created a work breakdown structure (WBS)
  •  B:定义范围 Defined the scope
  •  C:确认范围 Validated the scope
  •  D:控制范围 Controlled the scope

正确答案:B 你的答案:C


21、 [单选] 一个项目落后于进度,并超出预算。由于相关方压力增大,项目团队是在高压下工作,这导致了质量与生产经理之间的冲突,每一方都为项目延误和成本超支而指责对方。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project is behind schedule and over budget. As a result of increased stakeholder pressure, the project team has been placed under serious duress. This causes a conflict between the quality and production managers, with each blaming the other for the delays and cost overruns. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:与两位经理会面,并要求他们立即结束冲突,以避免对项目造成负面影响 Meet with both managers, and ask them to immediately and end the conflict to avoid negatively impacting the project.
  •  B:与相关方讨论该情况,并遵照他们的建议处理冲突 Discuss the situation with the stakeholders, and follow their suggestions for dealing with the conflict.
  •  C:与两位经理的主管会面,讨论可能的行动 Meet with the managers' supervisors to discuss possible actions.
  •  D:查阅团队章程以了解如何处理这个冲突的指导方针 Refer to the team charter for guidelines on how to deal with this conflict.

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)527-人际关系与团队技能。人际关系与团队技能包括且不限于冲突管理、制定决策、情商、影响力、领导力等。 选项A:直接采取强迫的方式进行处理,过于武断,排除。 选项B:冲突的能解决由项目经理主导,所以遵循相关方的建议来处理冲突也是不恰当的。 选项D:团队章程面对的是团队内部的冲突,但是生产经理和质量经理不属于项目团队内部,因此此处不适用

27、 [单选] 在为一个有预算限制的项目生成状态报告时,项目经理发现该项目比进度计划落后一周。若要将项目拉回正轨,项目经理应该怎么做?
While generating the status report for a budget-constrained project, the project manager identifies that the project is one week behind schedule. What should the project manager do to bring the project back on track?

  •  A:重新分配关键路径活动的团队成员 Reallocate team members on critical-path activities.
  •  B:向项目发起人要求额外的时间 Request additional time from the project sponsor.
  •  C:请求项目管理办公室(PMO)增加团队成员。 Ask the project management office (PMO) for additional team members.
  •  D:执行资源优化 Perform resource optimization.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P215-进度压缩-赶工。通过增加资源来压缩进度工期。选项C,团队成员是由职能部门经理提供的。选项B要求增加额外的时间,不解决项目进度滞后的问题。 选项D:资源优化包含了资源平衡。资源平衡会使项目进度延长,不可选。

54、 [单选] 一家组织在一个发展中国家启动一个大型项目。项目经理同时也是当地的一位相关方,非常支持这个项目。在项目执行期间,该项目经理调到另一个国家工作,新项目经理对该项目的支持较少,因为该项目使用了许多专注于其他日常职责的当地资源。项目经理应该审查哪份文件?
An organization initiates a large project in a developing country. The project manager, who is also the local stakeholder, is very supportive of this project. During project execution, the project manager is transferred to another country. The new project manager is less supportive of the project because it uses many local resources that could be focusing on other daily responsibilities. What document should the project manager review?

  •  A:组织过程资产 Organizational process assets
  •  B:相关方参与评估矩阵 Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
  •  C:项目管理计划 Project management plan
  •  D:相关方参与计划 Stakeholder engagement plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P521-数据表现-相关方参与度评估矩阵。新项目经理支持较少,项目经理将当前参与水平与期望参与水平比较一下,看看新项目经理的支持程度 其他选项:AC与相关方关系不大,D选项,因为项目经理已经调走,查看相关方参与计划意义不大,项目经理作为相关方,审查一下新项目经理的参与程度。

63、 [单选] 一个大型项目包含将由分包商执行的许多阶段。团队成员各自负责一个阶段。项目经理应该使用什么来执行质量管理计划?
A large project contains many phases that will be performed by subcontractors. Individual team members are each responsible for one phase. What should the project manager use to enforce the quality management plan?

  •  A:质量测量指标 Quality metrics
  •  B:质量审计 Quality audits
  •  C:根本原因分析 Root cause analysis
  •  D:因果分析 Cause-and-effect analysis

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P294-审计。审计是用于确定项目活动是否遵循了组织和项目的政策、过程与程序的一种结构化且独立的过程。 选项A:质量测量指标定义了如何衡量质量水平。 选项CD:通常用于针对具体问题的分析。

83、 [单选] 根据一个工程项目的合同条款,付款与项目总体进度的百分比挂钩,项目经理必须提交月度进度报告,以促进发票开具流程,在项目团队成员每月报告其分配的活动时,项目经理应该如何保持健康的现金流?
Per an engineering project's contract terms, payment are linked to the project's percentage of the overall progress. The project manager must submit monthly progress reports to facilitate the invoicing process. As project team members report monthly on their assigned activities,what should the project manager do to maintain a healthy cash flow?

  •  A:分配一位团队成员来整合数据 Assign A team member to integrate the data
  •  B:提供项目报告 Provide project reports
  •  C:执行定量分析 Perform a quantitative analysis
  •  D:应用挣值(EV)原则 Apply earned value (EV) principle

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


98、 [单选] 项目经理正在领导一个全球虚拟团队,在一次每周项目状态会议上,项目经理意识到来自不同地方的两名团队成员正在执行同一个任务,而不是按计划分别执行独立的任务。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project manager is leading a global virtual team.During a weekly project status meeting,the project manager realizes that two team members from different locations have been working on the same assignment,rather than separate assignments as planned What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:依照人员分配工具重新培训整个团队并更新项目进度计划 Retrain the entire team on the staff assignment tool and update the project schedule
  •  B:修订风险登记册以显示这对项目管理计划的影响 Revise the risk register to show this impact on the project management plan
  •  C:通知项目相关方,这将影响项目进度 Notify project stakeholders that this will impact the project schedule
  •  D:通知项目发起人并更新资源管理计划 Inform the project sponsor and update the resource management plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P453-11.7监督风险。风险发生,查阅风险登记册,看是否已记录,如果属于新风险,进行评估,根据结果制定应急计划。 选项ACD:依赖风险评估的结果,在选项B之后。

103、 [单选] 项目经理被任命管理一个现有项目,需要了解项目可交付成果,项目经理应该参考下列哪一份文件?
A project manager is assigned to an existing project and needs to understand the project deliverables. The project manager should refer to which of the following?

  •  A:项目章程 Project charter
  •  B:项目需求规范 Project requirements specification
  •  C:项目范围说明书 Project scope statement
  •  D:项目进度表 Project schedule

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P161-范围基准。项目范围说明书包括对项目范围、主要可交付成果、假设条件和制约因素的描述。 选项A:项目章程中记录的是高层次需求。 选项B:需求规划了描述了如何收集和记录需求。 选项D:项目进度表主要描述进度上的规划。

106、 [单选] 项目经理正在规划一项举措,必须交付给之前没有交付经验的世界上某些地方。若要识别全球范围的项目制约因素,项目经理能够做什么?
The project manager is planning an initiative that must be delivered to some parts of the world that have not previously delivered experience. What can a project manager do to identify global project constraints?

  •  A:审查经验教训 To review lessons learned
  •  B:与项目发起人一起召开实况调查会议 To hold a fact-finding meeting with the project sponsor
  •  C:与全球项目相关方头脑风暴 To brainstorm with global project stakeholders
  •  D:研究事业环境因素 To research the business environmental factors

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:解析:P79- 事业环境因素。能够影响制定项目章程过程的事业环境因素包括:法律法规要求和制约因素;组织文化和政治氛围等。“识别全球范围的项目制约因素”,属于事业环境因素。全球范围涉及不同的政治氛围、文化、法律等因素,都需要考虑。 选项A:审查经验教训是制定项目章程的输入,但问题的重点在“项目制约因素”,所以不选。 选项B:在选项D之后。 选项C:同全球项目相关方开会不现实。

116、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,项目团队发现一个供应商的可交付成果重复出现缺陷。项目经理应该怎么做?
During project execution, the project team finds repeated defects with a supplier's deliverables. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:执行质量审计 Perform a quality audit.
  •  B:与该供应商的高级管理层讨论该问题 Discuss the problem with the supplier’s senior management.
  •  C:审查采购协议 Review the procurement agreement.
  •  D:与供应商一起创建变更请求 Create a change request with the supplier.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P498-数据分析-绩效审查。对照协议,对质量、资源、进度和成本绩效进行测量、比较和分析,以审查合同工作的绩效。其中包括确定工作包提前或落后于进度计划、超出或低于预算,以及是否存在资源或质量问题。 注意情景是针对的甲乙双方之间履约的问题,所以不选A。 选项BD:后续如何处理该问题,需要根据评估的结果做决策。

118、 [单选] 一家组织的管理委员会希望看到偏离进度计划的任何关键里程碑,项目经理应该在项目状态 报告中包含的最关键工作是什么?
An organization’s management board wants to see any key milestones that have deviated from the schedule. What is the most critical fact that the project manager should include in the project status report?

  •  A:进度基准 Schedule baseline
  •  B:偏差分析 Variance analysis
  •  C:工作绩效信息 Work performance information
  •  D:挣值分析(EVA) Earned value analysis(EVA)

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P109-工作绩效信息。在工作执行过程中收集工作绩效数据,再交由控制过程做进一步分析。将工作绩效数据与项目 管理计划组件、项目文件和其他项目变量比较之后生成工作绩效信息。通过这种比较可以了解项目的执行情况。 工作绩效信息相对挣值分析和偏差分析更适宜于汇报。 选项A:是用于测量项目执行状态的基线之一。 选项BD:挣值分析用于评估当前执行状态,偏差分析用于预测项目未来执行状况。挣值分析和偏差分析的结果要汇总到工作绩效信息,用以汇报。

126、 [单选] 公司进行重组,导致项目团队发生变化。项目经理应该怎么做?
A company restructures, which results in changes to the project team. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:与新的团队成员确认商业论证 Validate the business case with the new team members.
  •  B:参阅组织分解结构(OBS) Reference the organizational breakdown structure(OBS)
  •  C:执行相关方分析 Perform a stakeholder analysis.
  •  D:与新的团队成员审查项目需求 Review the project requirements with the new team members.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)PMBOK(6)P536- 项目文件更新-相关方登记册。 公司重组、换人、项目进入不同阶段,优先进行相关方分析,然后更新相关方登记册

130、 [单选] 一个新项目完工所需成本的不确定性很高。项目经理应该用什么方法来确定预期成本?
A new project has high uncertainly in the cost required for completion.What approach should the project manager use to determine the expected costs?

  •  A:类比估算 Analogous estimating
  •  B:统计技术估算 Statistical techniques estimating
  •  C:参数估算 Parametric estimating
  •  D:三点估算 Three-Point estimating

正确答案:D 你的答案:A


144、 [单选] 一位项目主题专家(SME)发现供应商产品中存在重大缺陷并请求采取纠正措施,一位关键相关方强烈反对,项目经理与该相关方和该主题专家讨论了这一情况。 项目经理下一步应该做什么?
A project subject master expert(SME)identifies a major flaw in a vendor's product and requests a corrective action.A key stakeholder disagrees strongly.The project manager discussed the situation with the stakeholder and the SME.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:继续进行纠正措施 Project with the corrective action
  •  B:与整个项目团队讨论该问题 Discuss the issue with the entire project team
  •  C:将该问题升级上报给项目发起人解决 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor for resolution
  •  D:获得另一位主题专家的其他意见 Obtain a second opinion from another SME

正确答案:B 你的答案:C


147、 [单选] 项目经理正在为一个新项目制定项目进度计划,根据项目经理的经验,该项目需要两年才能完成。然而,公司总监要求该项目在18个月内完成。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager has prepared project schedule for a new project. According to the project manager’s experience, the project will take two years to complete. However, the company director requests that the project is to be completed in 18 months. What should  the project manager do?

  •  A:根据总监的要求修订项目进度计划 Revise the project schedule based on the director's request.
  •  B:使用资源平衡,来平均项目团队成员的任务 Use resource leveling to even out project team member tasks.
  •  C:减少项目范围以满足修订的项目进度计划 Reduce the project scope to meet the revised project schedule.
  •  D:保持项目进度计划不变,但显示这种变更对其他制约因素的影响 Keep the project schedule unchanged, but show the impact this change would have on other constraints.

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


148、 [单选] 在一个IT基础设施设备项目的执行阶段,IT经理要求提供比预算中最初包含的服务器更昂贵的服务器,项目经理应该怎么做?
During the execution phase of an IT infrastructure project,the IT manager requests a more expensive server than the one that was initially included in the budget.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:执行风险评估 Conduct a risk assessment
  •  B:提出变更请求 Initiate a change request
  •  C:在范围说明书中核实该请求 Validate the request with a scope statement
  •  D:批准该请求 Approve the request

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6实施整体变更控制。将“更昂贵的服务器”视为变更请求,在变更管理流程中对这个变更请求进行分析和评估。变更请求未或批准前,仍按原计划执行。 选项ACD:在选项B之后。

154、 [单选] 在项目的规划阶段,一位关键相关方通知项目经理在制定项目章程过程中未考虑一项需求,这一新需求极大地改变关键可交付成果。 项目经理应该做什么?
During a project's planning stage,a key stakeholder informs the project manager that a requirement failed to be considered during project charter development.This new requirement greatly diverts from the key deliverable. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:收集有关该需求的更多详细信息,并启动一个新项目来解决该需求 Gather more details on the requirement,and initiate a new project to address them
  •  B:向该相关方保证将考虑他们的意见,并保证他们参与项目 Assure the stakeholder that their input will be considered,and guarantee their involvement in the project
  •  C:告知该相关方该需求超出范围 Inform the stakeholder that the requirement is out of scope
  •  D:通知发起人并添加该需求 Notify the sponsor and add the requirement

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P81- 项目章程,项目章程是由项目启动者或发起人发布的,正式批准项目成立,并授权项目经理使用组织资源开展项目活动的文件。它记录了关于项目和项目预期交付的产品、服务或成果的高层级信息,例如:高层级需求、主要可交付成果题干中提到“规划阶段、项目章程”,已经为项目圈定了范围。项目经理需要做的就是带领团队实现项目目的和范围,且不能超过项目章程。此题选A,体现了对关键相关方意见的重视,因为已经超过了项目章程,因此收集需求为启动新项目做准备。选项B,考虑意见和保证参与,均无法改变“未考虑一项需求”的现状和影响,还有可能因为空头保证造成后续该相关方管理的不良后果。选项C,直接拒绝且不给出解决方案,不是好的管理相关方的方法。选项D,新的需求需要进行分析、评估后,由发起人来决定是否修改项目章程。项目经理无权修改项目章程。因此BCD都不能选。

160、 [单选] 在项目的质量审查期间,团队讨论了对当前质量管理计划的必要变更,以满足相关方的期望,目前的计划包括产品的特定事项和特征,但缺少一个重要方面。若要完成质量管理计划,项目经理应该怎么做?
During a project's quality review , the team discusses necessary changes to the current quality management plan to meet stakeholder expectations. The current plan includes product-specific items and characteristic, but is missing a vital aspect. What should the project manager do to complete the quality management plan?

  •  A:评估交付团队的绩效 Evaluate the delivery team's performance
  •  B:评估产品的性能 Assess the product's performance
  •  C:考虑产品等级 Consider the product grade
  •  D:分析提供给客户的价值 Analyze the value provided to the customer

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P286-质量管理计划。质量管理计划中阐述了项目采用的质量标准,质量标准与产品的特定事项、特征和产品等级相关。 选项A:属于资源管理领域 选项B:属于质量控制过程 选项D:制定项目章程

164、 [单选] 项目分包商的一位关键资源需求是一个制造过程的技术专家。在项目的早期阶段,很明显分包商的员工缺乏足够的专业知识来满足质量标准。项目经理应该怎么做?
A key resource requirement for a project subcontractor is a technical expert on a manufacturing process.During the early stages of the project,it becomes clear that the subcontractor's staff has inadequate expertise to meet the quality standards. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:更新风险登记册 Update the risk register.
  •  B:为项目团队指定一名主题专家(SME) Appoint a subject matter expert(SME)to ihc project team
  •  C:对分包商执行质量审计 Perform a quality audit of the subcontractor.
  •  D:审查合同中的任何相关罚款条款 Review the contract for any relevant penalty clause.

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P409-11.2识别风险。“缺乏足够的专业知识来满足质量标准”属于识别出来的风险,需要更新到风险登记册。 选项B:属于对风险进行评估后可能制定的应急计划,在先选个A之后。 选项C:对供应商进行的是采购绩效审查,而不是质量审计。 选项D:情景中还未明确供应商违约。

165、 [单选] 客户需要批准的产品指南,以便在新的站点实施已完成的项目解决方案。但是,客户却无法实施解决方案,因为可交付成果不能按照已批准需求的规范执行。 若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
Customer needs the approved product guidelines to implement a completed project solution at a new site. However, the customer cannot implement the solution because the deliverables fail to be executed in accordance with the specifications of the approved requirements. To avoid this problem, what should the project manager do in advance?

  •  A:完成统计抽样分析 To complete the statistical sampling analysis
  •  B:应用质量检查 To use the quality check
  •  C:执行质量审计 To perform the quality audit
  •  D:核实变更 To verify changes

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P294- 质量审计。把题目翻译一下,就是客户需要产品的说明(guideline),且这个新需求经过了变更批准。结果发现说明书与产品对不上。有可能是当时的变更过程有问题,通过审计来审计当时的变更过程。 其他选项:A,一个可交付成果不需要抽样。B,过程有问题,检查不出来,检查是针对可交付成果的。D,事后核实变更,事先安排审计

166、 [单选] 在启动阶段,项目经理意识到主要里程碑与范围不一致,这可能导致误解,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During the initiating stage,a project manager realizes that main milestones are misaligned with the scope,which may cause misinterpretation.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:在项目管理计划中详细说明范围和可交付成果 Detail the scope and deliverables in the project management plan.
  •  B:提出一项变更请求,以修改范围和可交付成果 Submit a change request to modify the scope and deliverables.
  •  C:在项目章程中规定范围和可交付成果 Specify the scope and deliverables in the project charter.
  •  D:在问题日志中记录误解范围和可交付成果的可能性 Document the possibility of scope and deliverables misinterpretation in the issue log.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P81- 项目章程记录包括:可测量的项目目标和相关的成功标准;高层级项目描述、边界定义以及主要可交付成果;总体里程碑进度计划等。题干中说“启动阶段”。答案选C,启动阶段里包括制定项目章程,如果有信息不明确可能导致误解,可以在项目章程中添加记录。选项A是规划阶段的,可以排除,选项B和选项D是执行和监控阶段发生的,也可以排除。并且变更的前提是有基准,启动阶段尚未形成基准,无需变更。同样排除B。

176、 [单选] 项目经理发现没有关于需要哪些部门资源的信息,应该在哪一份文件中更新该信息?
A project manager discovers that there is no information on what department resources are required. what document should be updated with this information?

  •  A:项目章程 Project charter
  •  B:组织结构图 Organizational chart
  •  C:项目管理计划 Project management plan
  •  D:风险管理计划 Risk management plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P318-资源管理计划。资源管理计划提供了关于如何分类、分配、管理和释放项目资源的指南。因此要更新资源的信息,需要更新在资源管理计划,项目管理计划包含资源管理计划。 选项A:项目章程中记录的是动用资源的权力,详细的资源信息要查阅资源管理计划。 选项B:组织结构图展现的是职位和相互关系。 选项D:风险管理计划中记录的是在风险管理过程中可以动用的资源,例如资金。
