GitHub 认证学生身份艰辛历程(被拒15次)

最近由于想试试Github Copilot,所以开始搜索相关的词条,发现认证学生身份可以免费使用,遂开始认证。


You are unlikely to be verified until you have completed your GitHub user profile with your full name as it appears in your academic affiliation document plus a short bio.

You appear not to be near any campus location for the school you have selected. If you are a distance learner then your school-provided academic affiliation documentation must state so.

Have you completed your GitHub user profile with all your relevant information, such as your full name as it appears in your image and a short bio?

The image you selected does not appear to contain your school name. You may include multiple documents in your image, so long as they are legible. For example, if your original document is not in English then you might take a photo of the original next to an English translation.

Your document does not appear to include a date demonstrating current academic affiliation. For countries utilizing non-standard calendars, you may need to capture the original document beside one with a converted date. You may include multiple documents in your image, so long as they are legible.


把个人的用户名,姓名,个人简介,url,地址改了一下,不过F12修改教务系统界面的时候怎么拍照还是提示各种错误。然后我又看到有篇文章说把学信网的学籍验证转成英文PDF,拍照上传,虽然之前试过了,也失败了,但是我想到之前我用浏览器插件翻译之后,有几行乱了,我就用F12重新排版了一下,我个人认为的重点来了:最重要的是学籍上要明确清晰地显示你的学习方式(在校但始终认证不成功或者不在校的可以借鉴一下)要是 Part-time以及其他的比如学生状态,注册时间等等,这样可能比较容易过,然后我就通过了。还有就是拍照的时候,用手机登陆github拍,电脑的像素可能不太行。不知道是不是我失败太多了,官网嫌我烦了,还是我这么改是对的,大家可以适当借鉴一下上面我给的参考网址里的排版。


GitHub 认证学生身份艰辛历程(被拒15次)_第1张图片
