hive 本地数据_用Hive(和提供程序)在Flutter中存储本地数据

hive 本地数据

One of the most important parts of app development is data storage and manipulation, and the same is true for flutter apps. There are many ways to store local data in flutter apps, but in this article, we will learn about just one — Hive.

应用程序开发中最重要的部分之一是数据存储和处理,对于Flutter应用程序也是如此。 有多种方法可以在flutter应用程序中存储本地数据,但是在本文中, 我们将仅介绍一种-Hive

Hive is a fast, lightweight, NoSQL database, for flutter and dart apps. Hive is really useful if you want a simple key-value database, without many relations, and really easy to use.

Hive是一个快速,轻量级的NoSQL数据库,适用于FlutterDart应用程序。 如果您想要一个简单的键值数据库,没有很多关系,并且确实易于使用,那么Hive真的很有用。

In this article, we’ll go over these steps to build a simple CRUD app with hive:

