;经过一番努力终于完成了所有的功能,哈哈哈 .model small student struct id db 4 dup(?) score db 4 dup(?) rank db 4 dup(?) student ends .data str0 db ' Welcome to the student information management system',10,13,'$' str1 db ' *************Menu******************',10,13,'$' str3 db ' 1 **addition**',10,13,'$' str11 db ' 2 **View**',10,13,'$' str12 db ' 3 **delete**',10,13,'$' str13 db ' 4 **insert**',10,13,'$' str14 db ' 5 **find**',10,13,'$' str4 db ' 6 **exit**',10,13,'$' str5 db 'Please input file-path name!',10,13,'$' str6 db 'Please input id:',10,13,'$' str7 db 'Please input score:',10,13,'$' str8 db 'continue or not(y/n)',10,13,'$' str9 db 'ID score rank',10,13,'$' str10 db ' $' str2 db 'Find Results:',10,13,'$' str15 db 'NOT Find!',10,13,'$' str16 db 'Deleted successfully!',10,13,'$' str17 db 'Not Find,delete failed!',10,13,'$' file_path db 100,?,100 dup(?) temp db 5,?,5 dup(?) handle dw ? person student 30 dup(<>) person1 student <> count dw 0 temp1 db ? direction db ? is_find db ? .code ;程序功能:delete ;入口参数: ;出口参数: delete proc push ax push bx push cx push dx cmp count,0 jz over lea dx,str6 mov ah,09h int 21h call input mov direction,1 call read mov cx,count mov di,0 mov is_find,0 @@: xor ah,ah mov al,temp+1 mov bx,0 mov temp1,0 p131: mov dl,temp[bx+2] cmp dl,person[di+bx] jnz p132 inc bx dec al cmp al,0 jnz p131 mov temp1,1 p132: cmp temp1,0 jz p133 inc is_find jmp p134 p133: add di,0ch loop @B p134: cmp is_find,0 jnz p135 lea dx,str17 mov ah,9h int 21h jmp over p135: mov ax,di mov cx,count mov bh,12 div bh xor ah,ah sub cx,ax dec cx cmp cx,0 jz p137 p136: call move add di,12 loop p136 p137: dec count lea dx,str16 mov ah,9h int 21h call sort call write over: pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret delete endp ;程序功能:移动学生数据 ;入口参数:di要移动的数据的地址,direction移动反向(1向前/0向后) ;出口参数: move proc push ax push bx push cx cmp direction,0 jnz @F mov cx,12 mov bx,0 s1: mov al,person[di][bx] mov person[di+12][bx],al inc bx loop s1 jmp exit @@: mov cx,12 mov bx,0 s2: mov al,person[di+12][bx] mov person[di][bx],al inc bx loop s2 exit: pop cx pop bx pop ax ret move endp ;程序功能:find ;入口参数: ;出口参数: find proc push ax push bx push cx push dx cmp count,0 jz p35 lea dx,str6 mov ah,09h int 21h call input lea dx,str2 mov ah,09h int 21h call read mov cx,count mov di,0 mov is_find,0 @@: xor ah,ah mov al,temp+1 mov bx,0 mov temp1,0 p31: mov dl,temp[bx+2] cmp dl,person[di+bx] jnz p32 inc bx dec al cmp al,0 jnz p31 mov temp1,1 p32: cmp temp1,0 jz p33 inc is_find lea dx,person[di].id mov ah,09h int 21h call ttab lea dx,person[di].score mov ah,09h int 21h call ttab lea dx,person[di].rank mov ah,09h int 21h call tap jmp p34 p33: add di,12 loop @B p34: cmp is_find,0 jnz p35 lea dx,str15 mov ah,09h int 21h p35: pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret find endp ;程序功能:成绩排名 ;入口参数:学生人数count ;出口参数:无 sort proc push cx push bx mov di,4 mov bx,count @@: mov cx,count call compare add di,8 dec bx jnz @B pop bx pop cx ret sort endp ;程序功能:rank compare ;入口参数:cx,di ;出口参数:无 compare proc push bx push dx mov si,4 mov bl,1 p11: call cmp1 cmp dl,0 jge p12 inc bl p12: add si,12 loop p11 add di,4 call data_str pop dx pop bx ret compare endp ;程序功能:数字转化为字符 ;入口参数:bl ;出口参数:person[di].rank data_str proc push ax push bx push cx push dx .IF bl<10 mov cl,1 .else mov cl,2 .endif mov dl,cl @@: mov al,bl mov ah,0 mov bh,10 div bh xchg ah,al mov bl,ah mov ah,0 add al,'0' push ax loop @B mov bx,0 mov cl,dl @@: pop ax mov person[di+bx],al inc bx loop @B mov al,'$' mov person[di+bx],al pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret data_str endp ;程序功能:比较大小 ;入口参数:person.score,di,si ;出口参数:cx cmp1 proc push ax push bx push cx mov bx,0 mov al,person[di+bx] .while al!='$' inc bx mov al,person[di+bx] .endw mov cl,bl mov bx,0 mov al,person[si+bx] .while al!='$' inc bx mov al,person[si+bx] .endw cmp cl,bl jl p1 jg p2 mov bx,0 @@: mov al,person[di+bx] cmp al,person[si+bx] jl p1 jg p2 inc bx loop @B mov dl,0 jmp p3 p1: mov dl,-1 jmp p3 p2: mov dl,1 jmp p3 p3: pop cx pop bx pop ax ret cmp1 endp ;程序功能:show ;入口参数:person ;出口参数:无 ttab proc push ax push dx lea dx,str10 mov ah,09h int 21h pop ax pop dx ret ttab endp ;程序功能:show ;入口参数:person ;出口参数:无 show proc push ax push bx push cx push dx cmp count,0 jz over2 call read lea dx,str9 mov ah,09h int 21h mov cx,count mov di,0 @@: lea dx,person[di].id mov ah,09h int 21h call ttab lea dx,person[di].score mov ah,09h int 21h call ttab lea dx,person[di].rank mov ah,09h int 21h call tap add di,12 loop @B over2: pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret show endp ;程序功能:inpue ;入口参数:temp ;出口参数:temp input proc push ax push dx lea dx,temp mov ah,0ah int 21h call tap pop dx pop ax ret input endp ;程序功能:tmpe->person ;入口参数:temp,person ;出口参数:- copy proc push ax push bx push cx push dx mov al,12 mov bx,count mul bl mov si,ax bg: lea dx,str6 mov ah,09h int 21h call input mov bx,0 mov cl,temp+1 @@: mov al,temp[bx+2] mov person[si+bx],al inc bx loop @B mov al,'$' mov person[si+bx],al lea dx,str7 mov ah,09h int 21h call input mov bx,0 mov cl,temp+1 add si,4 @@: mov al,temp[bx+2] mov person[si+bx],al inc bx loop @B mov al,'$' mov person[si+bx],al inc count add si,8 lea dx,str8 mov ah,09h int 21h mov ah,01h int 21h call tap cmp al,'y' jz bg call sort call write pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret copy endp ;程序功能:回车换行 ;入口参数:无 ;出口参数:只在显示器上显示 tap proc push ax push dx mov dl,0ah mov ah,2h int 21h mov dl,0dh mov ah,2h int 21h pop dx pop ax ret tap endp ;程序功能:输出菜单信息 ;入口参数:菜单信息的首地址放在DX中 ;出口参数:只在显示器上显示 outstr proc push ax mov ah,9h int 21h call tap pop ax ret outstr endp ;程序功能:菜单信息 ;入口参数:无 ;出口参数:无 menu proc push dx lea dx,str0 call outstr lea dx,str1 call outstr lea dx,str3 call outstr lea dx,str11 call outstr lea dx,str12 call outstr lea dx,str13 call outstr lea dx,str14 call outstr lea dx,str4 call outstr xor al,al call choice pop dx ret menu endp ;程序功能:创建文件 ;入口参数:无 ;出口参数:无 choice proc push ax mov ah,01h int 21h call tap .if al=='1' ;add call copy .elseif al=='2' ;show call show .elseif al=='3' call delete .elseif al=='4' call copy .elseif al=='5' call find .elseif al=='6' ;exit jmp over1 .endif call menu over1: pop ax ret choice endp ;程序功能:创建文件 ;入口参数:无 ;出口参数:无 creatfile proc @@: lea dx,str5 mov ah,9h int 21h lea dx,file_path mov ah,0ah int 21h call tap mov bl,file_path+1 cmp bl,0 jz @B xor bh,bh mov file_path[bx+2],0 lea dx,file_path+2 mov cx,0 mov ah,3ch int 21h mov handle,ax call close ret creatfile endp ;程序功能:open文件 ;入口参数:无 ;出口参数:无 open proc push ax push cx push dx mov cx,3 mov ah,3dh lea dx,file_path+2 int 21h mov handle,ax pop dx pop cx pop ax ret open endp ;程序功能:close文件 ;入口参数:无 ;出口参数:无 close proc mov bx,handle mov ah,3eh int 21h ret close endp ;程序功能:read文件 ;入口参数:cx,person ;出口参数:无 read proc push ax push bx push cx push dx call open mov ax,count mov bx,12 mul bx mov cx,ax mov bx,handle lea dx,person mov ah,3fh int 21h call close pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret read endp ;程序功能:write文件 ;入口参数:cx,person ;出口参数:无 write proc push ax push bx push cx push dx call open mov ax,count mov bx,12 mul bx mov cx,ax mov bx,handle lea dx,person mov ah,40h int 21h call close pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret write endp .startup call creatfile call menu .exit end