


.model small

student struct

    id db 4 dup(?)

    score db 4 dup(?)

    rank db 4 dup(?)

student ends


str0 db ' Welcome to the student information management system',10,13,'$'

str1 db ' *************Menu******************',10,13,'$' 

str3 db ' 1 **addition**',10,13,'$'

str11 db ' 2 **View**',10,13,'$'

str12 db ' 3 **delete**',10,13,'$'

str13 db ' 4 **insert**',10,13,'$'

str14 db ' 5 **find**',10,13,'$'

str4 db ' 6 **exit**',10,13,'$'

str5 db 'Please input file-path name!',10,13,'$'

str6 db 'Please input id:',10,13,'$'

str7 db 'Please input score:',10,13,'$'

str8 db 'continue or not(y/n)',10,13,'$'

str9 db 'ID score rank',10,13,'$'

str10 db ' $'

str2 db 'Find Results:',10,13,'$'

str15 db 'NOT Find!',10,13,'$'

str16 db 'Deleted successfully!',10,13,'$'

str17 db 'Not Find,delete failed!',10,13,'$'

file_path db 100,?,100 dup(?)

temp db 5,?,5 dup(?)

handle dw ?

person student 30 dup(<>)

person1 student <>

count dw 0

temp1 db ?

direction db ?

is_find db ?





delete proc

    push ax

    push bx

    push cx

    push dx

    cmp count,0

    jz over

    lea dx,str6

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h

    call input

    mov direction,1

    call read

    mov cx,count

    mov di,0

    mov is_find,0


    xor ah,ah

    mov al,temp+1

    mov bx,0

    mov temp1,0


    mov dl,temp[bx+2]

    cmp dl,person[di+bx]

    jnz p132

    inc bx

    dec al

    cmp al,0

    jnz p131

    mov temp1,1


    cmp temp1,0

    jz p133

    inc is_find

    jmp p134


    add di,0ch

    loop @B


    cmp is_find,0

    jnz p135

    lea dx,str17

    mov ah,9h

    int 21h

    jmp over


    mov ax,di

    mov cx,count

    mov bh,12

    div bh

    xor ah,ah

    sub cx,ax

    dec cx

    cmp cx,0

    jz p137


    call move

    add di,12

    loop p136


    dec count

    lea dx,str16

    mov ah,9h

    int 21h

    call sort

    call write


    pop dx

    pop cx

    pop bx

    pop ax


delete endp




move proc

    push ax

    push bx

    push cx

    cmp direction,0

    jnz @F

    mov cx,12

    mov bx,0


    mov al,person[di][bx]

    mov person[di+12][bx],al

    inc bx

    loop s1

    jmp exit


    mov cx,12

    mov bx,0


    mov al,person[di+12][bx]

    mov person[di][bx],al

    inc bx

    loop s2


    pop cx

    pop bx

    pop ax


move endp




find proc

    push ax

    push bx

    push cx

    push dx

    cmp count,0

    jz p35

    lea dx,str6

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h

    call input

    lea dx,str2

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h

    call read

    mov cx,count

    mov di,0

    mov is_find,0


    xor ah,ah

    mov al,temp+1

    mov bx,0

    mov temp1,0


    mov dl,temp[bx+2]

    cmp dl,person[di+bx]

    jnz p32

    inc bx

    dec al

    cmp al,0

    jnz p31

    mov temp1,1


    cmp temp1,0

    jz p33

    inc is_find

    lea dx,person[di].id

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h

    call ttab

    lea dx,person[di].score

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h

    call ttab

    lea dx,person[di].rank

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h

    call tap

    jmp p34


    add di,12

    loop @B


    cmp is_find,0

    jnz p35

    lea dx,str15

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h


    pop dx

    pop cx

    pop bx

    pop ax


find endp




sort proc

    push cx

    push bx

    mov di,4

    mov bx,count


    mov cx,count

    call compare

    add di,8

    dec bx

    jnz @B

    pop bx

    pop cx


sort endp

;程序功能:rank compare



compare proc

    push bx

    push dx

    mov si,4

    mov bl,1


    call cmp1

    cmp dl,0

    jge p12

    inc bl


    add si,12

    loop p11

    add di,4

    call data_str

    pop dx

    pop bx


compare endp




data_str proc

    push ax

    push bx

    push cx

    push dx

    .IF bl<10

    mov cl,1


    mov cl,2


    mov dl,cl


    mov al,bl

    mov ah,0

    mov bh,10

    div bh

    xchg ah,al

    mov bl,ah

    mov ah,0

    add al,'0'

    push ax

    loop @B

    mov bx,0

    mov cl,dl


    pop ax

    mov person[di+bx],al

    inc bx

    loop @B

    mov al,'$'

    mov person[di+bx],al

    pop dx

    pop cx

    pop bx

    pop ax


data_str endp




cmp1 proc

    push ax

    push bx

    push cx

    mov bx,0

    mov al,person[di+bx]

    .while al!='$'

    inc bx

    mov al,person[di+bx]


    mov cl,bl

    mov bx,0

    mov al,person[si+bx]

    .while al!='$'

    inc bx

    mov al,person[si+bx]


    cmp cl,bl

    jl p1

    jg p2

    mov bx,0


    mov al,person[di+bx]

    cmp al,person[si+bx]

    jl p1

    jg p2

    inc bx

    loop @B

    mov dl,0

    jmp p3


    mov dl,-1

    jmp p3


    mov dl,1

    jmp p3


    pop cx

    pop bx

    pop ax


cmp1 endp




ttab proc

    push ax

    push dx

    lea dx,str10

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h

    pop ax

    pop dx


ttab endp




show proc

    push ax

    push bx

    push cx

    push dx

    cmp count,0

    jz over2

    call read

    lea dx,str9

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h

    mov cx,count

    mov di,0


    lea dx,person[di].id

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h

    call ttab

    lea dx,person[di].score

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h

    call ttab

    lea dx,person[di].rank

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h

    call tap

    add di,12

    loop @B


    pop dx

    pop cx

    pop bx

    pop ax


show endp




input proc

    push ax

    push dx

    lea dx,temp

    mov ah,0ah

    int 21h

    call tap

    pop dx

    pop ax


input endp




copy proc

    push ax

    push bx

    push cx

    push dx

    mov al,12

    mov bx,count

    mul bl

    mov si,ax


    lea dx,str6

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h

    call input

    mov bx,0

    mov cl,temp+1


    mov al,temp[bx+2]

    mov person[si+bx],al

    inc bx

    loop @B

    mov al,'$'

    mov person[si+bx],al

    lea dx,str7

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h

    call input

    mov bx,0

    mov cl,temp+1

    add si,4


    mov al,temp[bx+2]

    mov person[si+bx],al

    inc bx

    loop @B

    mov al,'$'

    mov person[si+bx],al

    inc count

    add si,8

    lea dx,str8

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h

    mov ah,01h

    int 21h

    call tap

    cmp al,'y'

    jz bg

    call sort

    call write

    pop dx

    pop cx

    pop bx

    pop ax


copy endp




tap proc

    push ax

    push dx

    mov dl,0ah

    mov ah,2h

    int 21h

    mov dl,0dh

    mov ah,2h

    int 21h

    pop dx

    pop ax


tap endp




outstr proc

    push ax

    mov ah,9h

    int 21h

    call tap

    pop ax


outstr endp




menu proc

    push dx

    lea dx,str0

    call outstr

    lea dx,str1

    call outstr

    lea dx,str3

    call outstr

    lea dx,str11

    call outstr

    lea dx,str12

    call outstr

    lea dx,str13

    call outstr

    lea dx,str14

    call outstr

    lea dx,str4

    call outstr

    xor al,al

    call choice

    pop dx


menu endp




choice proc

    push ax

    mov ah,01h

    int 21h

    call tap

    .if al=='1' ;add

    call copy

    .elseif al=='2' ;show

    call show

    .elseif al=='3'

    call delete

    .elseif al=='4'

    call copy

    .elseif al=='5'

    call find

    .elseif al=='6' ;exit

    jmp over1


    call menu


    pop ax


choice endp




creatfile proc


    lea dx,str5

    mov ah,9h

    int 21h

    lea dx,file_path

    mov ah,0ah

    int 21h

    call tap

    mov bl,file_path+1

    cmp bl,0

    jz @B

    xor bh,bh

    mov file_path[bx+2],0

    lea dx,file_path+2

    mov cx,0

    mov ah,3ch

    int 21h

    mov handle,ax

    call close


creatfile endp




open proc

    push ax

    push cx

    push dx

    mov cx,3

    mov ah,3dh

    lea dx,file_path+2

    int 21h

    mov handle,ax

    pop dx

    pop cx

    pop ax


open endp




close proc

    mov bx,handle

    mov ah,3eh

    int 21h


close endp




read proc

    push ax

    push bx

    push cx

    push dx

    call open

    mov ax,count

    mov bx,12

    mul bx

    mov cx,ax

    mov bx,handle

    lea dx,person

    mov ah,3fh

    int 21h

    call close

    pop dx

    pop cx

    pop bx

    pop ax


read endp




write proc

    push ax

    push bx

    push cx

    push dx

    call open

    mov ax,count

    mov bx,12

    mul bx

    mov cx,ax

    mov bx,handle

    lea dx,person

    mov ah,40h

    int 21h

    call close

    pop dx

    pop cx

    pop bx

    pop ax


write endp


    call creatfile

    call menu


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