Cadence IRUN仿真编译选项


1. 仿真编译选项

  -64bit                     Invoke 64bit version
  -a_ext <ext>               Override extensions for archive files
  -abv2copt                  Enable optimization on 2 cycle assertions
  -abvcoveron                Enable cover directives
  -abvevalnochange           Revert back expression change optimization
  -abvfailurelimit <Number>  Limit failure count for assert/assume directives
  -abvfinishlimit <Number>   Limit finish count for cover directives
  -abvglobalfailurelimit <Number> Limit global failure count
  -abvnorangeopt             Disable optimization on assertions with Range
  -abvnostatechange <State>|all Suppress consecutive assertion state changes
  -abvoff <list_of_assertions> Completely stop specified assertions
  -abvrangelimit             Treat range as unbounded above specified limit
  -abvrecordcoverall         Record all finishes for cover directives
  -abvrecorddebuginfo        Enhance debug message for concurrent assertions
  -abvrecordvacuous          Enable recording of vacuous and attempts counts
  -access <+/-rwc>           Turn on read, write and/or connectivity access
  -accessreg <+/-rwc>        Turn on rwc access for registers
  -accu_path_delay           Enable the enhanced timing features
  -accu_path_verbose         Enable warnings during ETO characterization
  -add_seq_delay <arg>       Update undelayed sequential UDPS to have delays
  -addievlic                 Add IEV license in the promotion order 
  -afile <file>              Specify an access file to be used
  -alias_module              Enable aliasing of formal ports
  -allowredefinition         Allow multiple files to define the same object
  -always_trigger            Enable always trigger mode
  -ampscript <script file>   Run the script on the file
  -ams                       Force Verilog-AMS and VHDL-AMS compilation
  -amsconnrules <cellname>   specify connect rules to use
  -amsdir <arg>              Raw results directory for AMS
  -amsfastspice              Enable Fast SPICE simulator (UltraSim)
  -amsformat <format>        AMS database format settings.
  -amsmatlab                 Dynamically link vpi code for AMS/Matlab
  -amsoptie                  Enable IE Optimization
  -amspartinfo [<file>]      Mixed-signal partition information
  -amssie                    Enables SIE (strength-based IE) functionality
  -amsvhdl_ext <ext>         Override extensions for VHDL AMS sources
  -amsvivalog                To generate runObjFile
  -amsvlog_ext <ext>         Override extensions for Verilog-AMS sources
  -analogcontrol <arg>       Specify analog simulation control file
  -anno_simtime              Enable delay annotation at simulation time
  -append_key                Append keystrokes to existing key file
  -append_log                Append output log to existing log
  -aps_args <arg>            introduce options to be used by aps
  -armfm <CPU core>          Allow simulation of given Fast Model from ARM
  -armfmhome <ARM Fast Models install root directory> Specify location of ARM Fast
                             Models installation
  -arr_access                Allow tf_nodeinfo access to Verilog arrays
  -as_ext <ext>              Override extensions for assembly files
  -asext <ext>               Add extensions to assembly sources
  -assert                    Enable PSL language features
  -assert_count_traces       Use trace-based counting for assertions
  -assert_logging_error_off  Change default severity for assertion failures
  -assert_sc                 Enable PSL language features
  -assert_vhdl               Enable PSL language features
  -assert_vlog               Enable PSL language features
  -atstar_lsp                Use longest static prefix rule for @*
  -atstar_selftrigger        Self-triggering behavior of always@(*)
  -autoprotect               Autoprotect input source files
  -batch                     Run simulation in batch mode, this is the default
  -bb_celldefine             Blackbox all verilog modules within `celldefine
  -bb_gen                    Generates list of modules that will be blackboxed
  -bb_list <arg>             File containing list of modules to be blackboxed
  -bb_nonsynth               Blackbox unsynthesizable modules in halsynth
  -bb_sigsize <arg>          Signal greater than specified size is blackboxed
  -bb_unbound_comp           Ignore unbounded component for synthesis checks
  -bb_vital                  Blackbox design-units containing VITAL constructs
  -bbcell <lib.cell:view>    Black Box Cell
  -bbconnect                 Preserve BBcell instantiation and port map info
  -bbinst <Hierarchical Instance name> Black box instance name
  -bblist <filename>         List of instances which will be black boxed
  -bbox_create <arg>         Copied all dependents to corresponding tmp dir
  -bbox_link <arg>           Copied all dependents to corresponding tmp dir
  -bbox_overwrite            overwrite the content of the tmp directory
  -bbverbose                 Verbose output of BBINST option
  -bind_top <arg>            List of bind top modules
  -binding <bind>            Force explicit submodule or unit L.C:v binding
  -c_ext <ext>               Override extensions for C sources
  -catcxx                    Positional option used to combine C++ sources
  -catcxxsize <size>         Sets the CATCXX partition size for large groups
  -categories                List the categories and their descriptions
  -catroot <arg>             Specify Model Catalog search path
  -cbprofile                 Enable VPI callbacks profiler
  -cbproflib <lib>           Specify shared library for callbacks profiler
  -cbprofout <lib>           Specify outfile file name for callbacks profiler
  -ccargs                    Pass arguments to the C compiler
  -ccext <ext>               Add extensions to C sources
  -cd_lexpragma              Process preprocessor directive before lex pragmas
  -cdn_vip_root <dir>        Set the location of the VIPCAT installation
  -cdn_vip_svlib             Load the libcdnsv library
  -cds_implicit_tmpdir       Specify location for design data storage
  -cds_implicit_tmponly      Force tools to read design data only from tmpdir
  -cds_vip_noauto            Do not automatically process VIP files
  -cdslib <arg>              Specify a cds.lib file to be used
  -cedriversloads            Generate TCL file to verify VHDL-SPICE CE
  -ceprobes                  Generate TCL file to verify VHDL-SPICE CE
  -cereport                  Generate VHDL-SPICE conversion element report
  -ceverbose                 Generate detailed VHDL-SPICE CE report
  -check <arg>               Specify checks and categories of checks
  -check_sem2009_impact      Check for impact of LRM 2009 scheduling semantics
  -checkargs                 Check command-line arguments for validity
  -checktasks                Check that all $tasks are built-in system tasks
  -chkdigdisp                Perform digital net's discipline compatibility
  -clean                     Deletes previous INCA_libs directory if it exists
  -cleanlib                  Deletes all pak files found with cds.lib
  -cleanlib_listall          Displays all pakfiles with -cleanlib
  -cleanlibscript            Creates a script to remove pak files
  -cleanlibverify            Deletes pak files from cds.lib after verification
  -comb_depth                Enable Logic Depth calculation
  -compcnfg                  Allow compilation of Verilog configuration in HDL
  -compile                   Parse only, do NOT elaborate
  -compile_sw                Specify HVL source files to compile by IES
  -conffile <file_name>      Generate a configuration file with the given name
  -confflat                  Requires -CONFFILE, generate a VHDL flat config
  -confhier                  Requires -CONFFILE, gen VHDL hierarchical config
  -confname <arg>            Requires -CONFFILE, specify output config name
  -conn_status_log <arg>     Generates assertion status for connectivity
  -connectivity <file>       Generate assertions for connectivity verification
  -controlassert <arg>       Specifies a file containing assertion controls
  -controlrelax <arg>        Enable specific relaxed VHDL interpretation
  -cov_cgoptmatch            To enable covergroup match sampling optimization
  -cov_nocgsample            Disable covergroup sampling
  -covbaserun <string>       Select coverage base run name
  -covcleanworkdir           Remove coverage working directory
  -covdb <arg>               Path of database for coverage unreachability
  -covdesign <string>        Select coverage design name
  -covdut <string>           Select DUT for Coverage
  -coverage <string>         Enable coverage instrumentation
  -covfile <file>            Specify coverage instrumentation control file
  -covfirstbinmatch          Sample the first hit for a coverpoint/cross bin
  -covmodeldir <string>      Specify path to coverage model
  -covnomodeldump            Disable coverage design database (model) dumping
  -covoverwrite              Enable overwrite of coverage output files
  -covscope <string>         Select coverage scope name
  -covtest <string>          Select coverage test name
  -covworkdir <string>       Select coverage workdir
  -cpost                     Compile C files after elaboration
  -cpp_ext <ext>             Override extensions for C++ sources
  -crshell                   Create shell files for import mode
  -cxxext <ext>              Add extensions to C++ sources
  -D<macro>                  Define a macro for the C and C++ compiler
  -date                      Print date and time when each engine is invoked
  -debug                     Equivalent to -access +rw, Specman debug
  -debugscript <arg>         Specify a debug script file name
  -default_delay_mode <mode> Delay mode {Zero,PUnit,Unit,Path,Distr,Def,None}
  -default_ext <fileType>    Override the default extension map
  -default_spice_oomr        Use default value for Spice OOMR
  -define <macro>            Define a macro from command line
  -defineall <macro>         Define macro from command line for all compilers
  -defparam <arg>            Redefine the value of a Verilog parameter
  -delay_mode <mode>         Delay mode {Zero,PUnit,Unit,Path,Distr,None}
  +delay_mode_distributed    Use distributed delay mode
  +delay_mode_none           Specify no commandline delay modes
  +delay_mode_path           Use path delay mode
  +delay_mode_punit          Use precision unit delay mode
  +delay_mode_unit           Use unit delay mode
  +delay_mode_zero           Use zero delay mode
  -delay_trigger             Delay triggering of @ waiters
  -delay_udp_ncinitialize    Initialize UDP after one delta cycle
  -delta_sequdp_delay        Add delta delay to zero-delay sequential UDP's
  -denalipath <dir>          Set the location of the Denali installation
  -design_facts_file <arg>   Generate design facts during structural checks
  -design_info <arg>         Design Information file
  -design_top <design_top>   Specifies top design unit for design-top comp
  -disable_afa               Disables the creation of AFA checks
  -disable_block             Disables the creation of block checks
  -disable_bus               Disables the creation of bus checks
  -disable_conditional_block Disables Block checks for conditionals.
  -disable_conditional_deadcode Disables DeadCode checks for conditionals. 
  -disable_deadcode          Disables the creation of deadcode checks
  -disable_enht              Disable enhanced timing features
  -disable_eto_pulse         Disable ETO pulse modeling
  -disable_fsm               Disables the creation of FSM checks
  -disable_option <arg>      disable a feature
  -disable_rangeoverflow     Disables the creation of Range Overflow checks
  -disable_xassignment       Disables the creation of Xchecks
  -disable_xprop             Disables the creation of X propagation checks
  -disableoig                Disable the auto processing of OIG files
  -discapf                   Disable the capital F input file mode
  -discipline <disciplineName> Discipline to use for undisciplined digital wires
  -disres <resType>          Set discipline resolution
  -distcomp                  Option used to turn distributed compilation on
  -distcompargs,<args>       Pass user specified argument to distributed comp
  -distcompjobs <number>     Number of parallel distributed compiles to run
  -distplat <lsf>            Specify underlying platform used for distrib comp
  -dpi                       Add appropriate build options for dpi designs
  -dpi_void_task             Return value of export/import tasks will be VOID.
  -dpiheader [<file>]        Create DPI header file for export functions
  -dpiimpheader <arg>        generate the header file for import functions
  -dresolution               Sets discipline resolution to '-disres detailed'
  -dssdrivers <number-of-drivers> Max number of drivers for a snapshot boundary net
  -dumpports_format <arg>    Specify EVCD format flag for $dumpports
  -dumptiming <arg>          Dump timing information to the given file
  -dut_prof <file>           Profiler report contains summary for design unit
  -dutinst <arg>             Top level instance name enabled for coverage
  -dynamic                   Build a shared object for simulation
  -dynlib_ext <ext>          Override extensions for dynamic library files
  -dynvhpi                   Enable user to create VHDL drivers at run time
  -e                         Enable std input editing
  -e_ext <ext>               Override extensions for e sources
  -e_uvmpkg <arg>            UVM Package name or dcf file for UVM checks
  -efence                    Debug ncsim with Electric Fence.
  -efenceelab                Debug ncelab with Electric Fence
  -efencepfree               Instruct efence to protect free memory
  -elab_compile              Requires -CONFFILE, compile configuration file
  -elaborate                 Parse and elaborate, do NOT simulate
  -elabprofile               Generate a run-time profile of the elaboration
  -enable_afa_clock          Enables AFA clock optimization
  -enable_eto_pulse          Enable ETO pulse modeling 
  -enable_togglecheck        Enables the creation of Toggle checks
  -enableoig                 Enable the auto processing of OIG files
  -end                       Terminate the list of files
  -endfilemap                Terminate a filemap collection
  -endlib                    Terminate the list of library files
  -endprim                   Terminate list of tops in the primary snapshot
  -endsnstage                Terminate the list of e stage files
  -enterprise                Run formalbuild for enterprise version
  -epulse_neg                Filter canceled events (negative pulses) to e
  -epulse_no_msg             Suppress e-pulse error message
  -epulse_noneg              Do not filter negative pulses to E
  -epulse_ondetect           Use on-detect filtering of error pulses
  -epulse_onevent            Use on-event filtering of error pulses
  -errfile <arg>             File containing messages to be reported as error 
  -errormax <arg>            Specify the maximum number of errors processed
  -errtcl_verbose            Output Tcl command that produced the error
  -escapedname               Print out escaped names in logfile
  -esw <CPU core>            Specify cores running ESW
  -exclude_file <file>       Instance file to be excluded for initialization
  -exit                      Exit simulation instead of issuing a TCL prompt
  -expand                    Force expansion of all vector nets
  -extassertmsg              Prints Extended Assert message Information 
  -extbind <arg>             Option for SV binds in textfile.
  -extend_replay <arg>       Enables replay extension by <N> cranks
  -extend_tcheck_data_limit <val> Relax timing check data limit
  -extend_tcheck_reference_limit <val> Relax timing check reference limit
  -extendsnap <snapshot>     Extend snapshot with source files
  -F <filename>              Scan file for args relative to file location
  -f <filename>              Scan file for args relative to irun invocation
  -faccess <+/-rwc>          Overrides any -access option
  -fault_file <file>         Specify fault specification file
  -fault_id <num>            Specify fault id to select specific fault node(s)
  -fault_logfile <file>      Specify a log file for fault injection
  -fault_num_nodes <num>     Specify number of faultable nodes to apply fault
  -fault_seed [<num>]        Specify random seed to randomize fault selection
  -fault_timeout <time_spec> Specify timeout to terminate a simulation run
  -fault_tw <start_time[:end_time]> Specify time window to apply fault
  -fault_type <arg>          Specify fault model type for simulation
  -fault_work <dir>          Specify directory to save fault run output
  -filemap                   Set options for certain files
  -forceelab                 Force ncelab to execute
  -formalbuildargs <string>  Pass arguments directly to formalbuild
  -formalverifierargs <string> Pass arguments directly to formalverifier
  -format <on|off>           Enables shorter compiling messages from ncsc_run
  -fsmdebug                  Extract FSM
  -g                         Turn on C debugging
  -gateloopwarn              Enable potential zero-delay gate loop warning
  -gb_list <arg>             file containing list of modules to be glassboxed
  -gcc_vers <vers>           4.4 or 4.1 Linux only
  -gdb                       Run ncsim under gdb
  -gdbelab                   Run ncelab under gdb
  -gdbpath <pathToGdb>       Use the provided gdb instead of what is shipped
  -gdbsh                     Force gdb to run under sh instead of user SHELL
  -genafile <file>           Generate an access file for PLI and TCL
  -genassert_synth_pragma    Enable generating assertions from synth pragma
  -generic <arg>             Associate value with top-level generic
  -genhref <file-name>       Generate an href permission file
  -gnoforce                  Assigns the value if default value not found
  -gnu                       Choose the GNU C and C++ compiler
  -gpg <arg>                 Assigns to all generics/params of this name
  -gui                       Invoke the Graphical User Interface
  -gverbose                  Logs the gpg activity to the ncelab logfile
  -h                         Print a minimal help message
  -hal                       Call hal instead of ncsim
  -halargs                   Pass options directly to hal
  -halsynth_detailcheck      Perform detailed check on unsynthesizable modules
  -halsynth_nxg              Enable NXG mode for halsynth
  -hdlvar <arg>              Specify an hdl.var file to be used
  -helpalias                 Show the different ways to enter an option
  -helpall                   Display all supported option
  -helpargs                  Print help for all the options in use
  -helpfileext               Show all the file types and their extensions
  -helphelp                  Print out all the options controlling help
  -helpncverilog             Show the ncverilog form of the options
  -helpshowmin               Show the minimum characters required for dash opt
  -helpshowsubject           Show all the subjects for -helpsubject
  -helpsubject <subject>     Display help on the specified subject
  -helpusage                 Print out the list of options along with usage
  -helpverbose               Show the verbose help text
  -helpwidth <width>         Set max width for help messages (def 89)
  -host <name>               Specifies the name of the emulator for xeDebug
  -href <file-name>          Use the given href file for the primary snapshot
  -hw                        Use ixcom to compile and process the design
  -hwperf_estimate           Enable detailed IXCOM speedup estimation
  -I<include dir>            Directory to search for C/C++ include files
  -ial [<configuration>]     Specifies configuration of IAL library
  -ida                       Enable all environment setting required for IDA
  -iedebug_info              generate IE info report in debug mode
  -ieee1364                  Report errors according to IEEE 1364 standards
  -ieinfo                    Generate AMS ieinfo report
  -ieinfo_driverload         Generate IE/CE driver load file
  -ieinfo_driverload_tcl <logfile> Redirect ieinfo driverload into a specified file
  -ieinfo_log <logfile>      Redirect ieinfo log into a specified file
  -ieinfo_probe              Generate AMS IE/CE probe tcl file
  -ieinfo_probe_tcl <logfile> Redirect ieinfo ie/ce probe into a specified file
  -ieinfo_summary            Generate AMS ieinfo report summary
  -iereport                  Generate interface element report
  -iev                       Run formalbuild, formalverifier -enterprise
  -ifv                       Run formalbuild, formalverifier on the snapshot
  -ignore_defexpr            Ignore default expressions on variable, signal...
  -ignore_extrachar          IGNORE extra characters present after the pragma 
  -ignore_missing_spice_port Flag for amsspice to ignore missing spice port
  -ignore_pragma <arg>       Ignore the specified pragma
  -ignore_spice_oomr         Ignore Spice OOMR
  -import                    Prepare this verilog design for import to VHDL
  -incdir <dirs>             Specify directories to search for `include files
  -incrbind <module-name>    Gives a top-level for the incremental partition
  -incrhasvhdl               Prepare primary snapshot to work with VHDL
  -incrpath <arg>            path of the primary instance in incremental
  -incrtop <module-name>     Specify top of incremental with -genhref
  -initbiopz                 Initialize boundary inout port to 'Z'
  -initbpx                   Initialize boundary ports to 'X'
  -initmem0                  Initialize all array variables to zero
  -initmem1                  Initialize all bits of array variables to one
  -initreg0                  Initialize all non-array variables to zero
  -initreg1                  Initialize all bits of non-array variables to one
  -initzero                  Enable zero initialization of time and integer
  -input <file>              Read TCL commands from file
  -insert <arg>              Specify string to be inserted after matching comp
  -inst_top <arg>            Specify the top-level instance for HAL analysis
  -intelligen                Configure generator to use intelligen
  -intermod_path             Make interconnects be multisource capable
  -iprof                     Enable instrumented profiling
  -iusld                     Prefix `ncroot`/tools/lib path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  -iusldno                   Disable the -iusld option
  -ixcomargs <string>        Pass arguments to ixcom
  -jrdrs                     Picks up JRDRS.def file for loading definitions
  -k <filename>              Set key file name
  -L<lib dir>                Directory to search for lib files
  -l <filename>              Set logfile name
  -l<libname>                archive or shared library to be linked in
  -layout <name>             Start Simvision with a layout
  -level <arg>               Specify levels in HAL analysis
  -lexpragma                 Enable lexical pragma processing
  -lib_binding               Defaults back to the IUS5.4 binding search order
  -libcell                   Mark all cells with `celldefine
  -libext <ext>              Specify extensions to be used for the -y search
  -libmap <arg>              Specify the library mapping file
  -libname <name>            Specify the name of a library to search
  -liborder                  Library search rule (see documentation)
  -librescan                 Library search rule (see documentation)
  -libverbose                Print verbose messages about instance binding
  -licqueue                  Queue simulation till license is available
  -linedebug                 Enable line debugging capabilities
  -linksysc <dynamic|static> Use (dynamic) or libsystemc_ar.a
  -lint_classify_file <arg>  Classification file for superlint flow
  -lint_filter_file <arg>    Filter file for superlint flow
  -lint_postprocess          Post processing option for superlint
  -lintpragma                Process lint pragma in the design
  -list                      Produce a VHDL source listing in specified file
  -load_refinement <arg>     Uses refinement file in IEV unreachability flow
  -loadcfc <lib>             Dynamically load a CFC application
  -loadfmi <lib>             Dynamically load an FMI library
  -loadpli1 <arg>            Specify the PLI1 library_name:boot_routine(s)
  -loadpli1sim <arg>         Specify the PLI1 library_name:boot_routine(s)
  -loadsc <lib>              Specify SystemC lib to be dynamically loaded
  -loadvhpi <lib>            Dynamically load a VHPI application
  -loadvpi <arg>             Specify the VPI library_name:boot_routines(s)
  -location                  Print the location of the installation
  -log_amsspice <logfile>    Place amsspice output into the specified logfile
  -log_hal <logfile>         Place the hal output into the specified logfile
  -log_iev <logfile>         Place the IEV output into the specified logfile
  -log_ifv <logfile>         Place the IFV output into the specified logfile
  -log_ixcom <logfile>       Place the ixcom output into specified logfile
  -log_ncelab <logfile>      Place the ncelab output into specified logfile
  -log_ncprotect <logfile>   Place the ncprotect output into specified logfile
  -log_ncsc_run <logfile>    Place the ncsc_run output into specified logfile
  -log_ncsim <logfile>       Place the ncsim output into the specified logfile
  -log_ncvhdl <logfile>      Place the ncvhdl output into specified logfile
  -log_ncvlog <logfile>      Place the ncvlog output into specified logfile
  -log_vhan <logfile>        Place the vhan output into specified logfile
  -log_vlan <logfile>        Place the vlan output into specified logfile
  -log_xedebug <logfile>     Place the xedebug output into specified logfile
  -loop_unroll_size <arg>    Specify the loop unroll limit for halsynth
  -loopsize <arg>            A loop greater than specified size is blackboxed
  -lp_sim_cmd <arg>          Dump simulation LP control commands to the file
  -lp_sim_info <arg>         Dumps problematic low power singals to a file
  -lpf_off                   Disable power intent modeling in low power formal
  -lps_1801 <file>           Specify an 1801 file for low power simulation
  -lps_alt_srr               Alternate save/restore pre-condition behavior
  -lps_ams_1801sim           Enable 1801 on analog blocks in AMS simulation
  -lps_ams_avref             Enable IE supply voltage access from analog
  -lps_ams_lsr               Enable level shifter rules in AMS LPS
  -lps_ams_relax_pdchk       Relax PD conflict check in AMS LPS
  -lps_ams_sim               Enable power intent on analog blocks in AMS
  -lps_analyze               Enable functionality for Power Estimation feature
  -lps_assign_ft_buf         Disable continuous assignment as feed through net
  -lps_blackboxmm            Treat all macro models as black boxes
  -lps_cellrtn_off           IGNORE modules in `celldefine for SRPG
  -lps_const_aon             Consider constant driver as always on
  -lps_cpf <file>            Specify a CPF file for low power simulation
  -lps_delayvar_corrupt      Enable corruption of delay variables
  -lps_dtrn_min              Use min slope for domain transition
  -lps_enum_rand_corrupt [<seed>] Random VHDL enum corruption based on seed
  -lps_enum_right            VHDL enum corruption with 'right value
  -lps_force_reapply         Reapply user forces after domain power up
  -lps_ft_graph              Enable bit-precise feedthrough infrastructure.
  -lps_implicit_pso          Enable implicit pso state for enumerated types
  -lps_implicitpso_char <value> Specify a implicit character enum value
  -lps_implicitpso_nonchar <value> Specify a non character enum value
  -lps_int_index_nocorrupt   Don't corrupt VHDL integers used as array index
  -lps_int_nocorrupt         Disable corruption of VHDL integer signals
  -lps_iso_off               Turn off port isolation
  -lps_iso_verbose           Enable information reporting for isolation
  -lps_isofilter_verbose     Report isolation filtering information
  -lps_isoruleopt_warn       Print Warning for Iso rule which is optimized
  -lps_lib_mfile <file>      Specify a file that includes a list of lib files
  -lps_lib_verbose <level>   Specify liberty information reporting
  -lps_log_verbose <logfile> Specify a log file for lps verbose output
  -lps_logfile <logfile>     Specify a log file for low power simulation
  -lps_model_verbose <level> Specify model information reporting
  -lps_modules_wildcard      Allow wildcarding in certain CPF module names
  -lps_mtrn_min              Use min latency for mode transition
  -lps_mvs                   Enable multi-voltage scaling (MVS) simulation
  -lps_no_xzshutoff          Don't corrupt domain when pso condition is X/Z
  -lps_notlp                 Turn OFF special treatment for top level ports
  -lps_off                   Turn off low power simulation
  -lps_pa_model_on           Enable Power aware model checking for CPF
  -lps_pmcheck_only          Power mode is for check only during simulation
  -lps_pmode                 Enable power mode simulation
  -lps_psn_verbose <level>   Specify a level of information reporting for PSN
  -lps_real_nocorrupt        Disables corruption of real variables
  -lps_relax_1801            Enable non-strict mode for 1801 reader
  -lps_rtn_full_lock         New retention lock model
  -lps_rtn_lock              Lock the retained reg value
  -lps_rtn_off               Turn off state retention
  -lps_sim_verbose <level>   Specify a level of sim information reporting
  -lps_simctrl_on            Enable runtime control over low power simulation
  -lps_spa_override          Allow set_port_attributes to override liberty
  -lps_srfilter_verbose      Debug sequential filter.
  -lps_srruleopt_warn        Print Warning for Ret rule which is optimized
  -lps_stdby_nowarn          Disable warning for standby mode input violation
  -lps_stime <time>          Specify a time to start low power simulation
  -lps_stl_off               Turn off state loss 
  -lps_upcase                Changes all identifiers to upper case in CPF file
  -lps_v10_ack               Enable old style ack port specification
  -lps_v10iso                Enable V1.0 isolation for 1801
  -lps_verbose <level>       Specify a level of information reporting
  -lps_verify                Enables automatic Low Power verification 
  -lps_vplan <file>          Generate a vplan for Low Power coverage 
  -lps_wreal_bport_corruption Enable power corruption on wreal boundary port
  -lps_wreal_corrupt_value   Specify corrupt value of wreal signals
  -lps_wreal_nocorrupt       Disables corruption of wreal signals
  -makelib <libpath[:logical]> Compile HDL files into specified library
  -makeprim                  Elaborate primary top into a primary snapshot
  -makeuvclib <libpath>      Precompile the selected UVC core into a directory
  -matchinst <instance>      Specify name of instance to match for -INSERT
  -max_tchk_errors <arg>     Specifies maximum number of timing violations
  -maxdelays                 Select maximum delays for simulation
  -mccodegen                 Enable parallel code generation
  -mccoreset <arg>           Specify the cores on which MC simulation will run
  -mcdump                    Do SHM dumping on separate process
  -mcfile <arg>              Specify instance partitions for MC simulation
  -mcmaxcores <arg>          Max number of cores multi-core codegen can use
  -mcmode <arg>              Invoke static partitioner. 
  -mcscore                   Spit out the report about partition balance
  -mcweight <arg>            Specify static partitioner weight mode.
  -mem_iprof                 Enable instrumented memory profiling
  -memdetail                 Information about memory usage in profile report
  -mindelays                 Select minimum delays for simulation
  -mixed_bus_opt             Prevent mixed bus on concats
  -mixesc                    Handle escaped identifiers in imported model
  -mkprimsnap                Make a primary snapshot
  -ml_ovm                    Enable multi lang OVM
  -ml_uvm                    Enable multi lang UVM
  -mlc                       Imply multi lang constraints
  -mltypemap_input <tclfile> Input file for mltypemap
  -mltypemap_tcl             Invoke mltypemap in interactive mode
  -modelincdir <dirlist>     Specify a list of directories separated by :
  -modelpath <string>        For Verilog-AMS, specify list of source files
  -msie_verbose              Print information about MSIE partition boundaries
  -msietopsok                Allows tops with same name from loaded primaries
  -multisource_int_delays    Make interconnect timing be multisource capable
  -multview                  Allows selection of arch/config for binding
  -namemap_mixgen            Do name mapping from VHDL generics to Vlog params
  -native                    Use the native C and C++ compiler
  -nbacount                  Enables NBA counting for VPI application
  -ncb_environment <arg>     Specify environment file to be loaded by Ncbrowse
  -ncb_file <arg>            File for Ncbrowse to load command line arguments
  -ncb_filter <arg>          Filter for report generation by Ncbrowse
  -ncb_format <arg>          Set the format of messages in the report
  -ncb_nodefaultenv          Prevent Ncbrowse from using default environment
  -ncb_order <arg>           Set the order in which items are shown
  -ncb_report <arg>          Specify the report file to be created by Ncbrowse
  -ncb_sortby <arg>          Specify a sort order to Ncbrowse for report
  -ncdebug                   Equivalent to -access +r
  -ncelab_args,<string>      Pass arguments to elaborator (ncsc_run compat)
  -ncelabargs <string>       Pass arguments to elaborator
  -ncelabexe <exe>           Specify elaborator with statically linked PLI
  -ncelabfile                File for generated elab options from import
  -ncerror <arg>             Increase the severity of a warning to an error
  -ncfatal <arg>             Increase the severity of a warn/error to fatal
  -nchierarchy <arg>         Specify hierarchy to start initialization from
  -ncinitialize <value>      Initialize variables in the design
  -nclibdirname <dir>        Specify directory name to store created library
  -nclibdirpath <path>       Relative path where libraries should be created
  -ncls_all                  Run ncls with the -all option
  -ncls_dep                  Run ncls with the -dep option
  -ncls_so                   Run ncls with the -source option
  -ncls_ss                   Run ncls with the -snapshot option
  -ncprotect_file <file_name> Pass arguments from a file to ncprotect
  -ncsc_msgs <on|off>        Tell ncsc to run ncsc messages on or off
  -ncsc_runargs <string>     Pass arguments to ncsc_run
  -ncshare                   Reuse any available view with NCUID
  -ncsim_args,<string>       Pass arguments to simulator.  (ncsc_run compat)
  -ncsimargs <string>        Pass arguments to simulator
  -ncsimexe <exe>            Specify simulator with statically linked PLI
  -ncsimfile                 File for generated sim options from import
  -ncuid <arg>               Specify a unique ID for this invocation
  -ncvhdl_args,<string>      Pass arguments to VHDL parser (ncsc_run compat)
  -ncvhdlargs <string>       Pass arguments to VHDL parser
  -ncvlog_args,<string>      Pass arguments to Verilog parser(ncsc_run compat)
  -ncvlogargs <string>       Pass arguments to Verilog parser
  -neg_verbose               Verbose mode for negative delays adjustment
  -negdelay                  Adjust for negative delays
  -nettype_port_relax        Relax nettype port compatability checking
  -neverwarn                 Disable printing of all warning messages
  -no_cross_def_bind         Suppress cross-language default binding
  -no_design_facts           Do not generate design facts during structural
  -no_sdfa_header            Do not print the SDF annotation header
  -no_tchk_msg               Turn off timing check warnings
  -no_tchk_xgen              Turn off X-generation in VITAL timing checks
  -no_vpd_msg                Turn off VITAL pathdelay warnings
  -no_vpd_xgen               Turn off X-generation in VITAL pathdelays
  -noassert                  Disable PSL and SystemVerilog assertions
  -noassert_synth_pragma     Disable generating assertions from synth pragma
  -noautosdf                 Suppress automatic SDF annotation
  -nobinding                 Skip instances of unit given as argument
  -nobuiltin                 Do not use any built-in IEEE operators
  -nocheck <arg>             checks and categories not to be performed
  -nocifcheck                Disables constraint checking in VDA functions
  -nocopyright               Suppress printing of copyright banner
  -nodeadcode                Turn off dead code optimization
  -nodefbopen                No default binding for open binding indication
  -nodep                     Do not create dependencies
  -nodistcomp                Option used to turn distributed compilation off
  -noedg                     Turn off the EDG front-end for NC-SC
  -noelab                    Disable the invocation of ncelab
  -noesp                     Disable edge-sensitive iopath delays
  -nohal                     Disables the generation of HAL checks 
  -nohalcheck                Do not run lint checks (disable halcheck engine)
  -nohalstruct               Do not run structural checks
  -nohalsynth                Do not run synthesizability checks
  -noievlic                  IEV must not be added in the promotion order
  -noipd                     Ignore interconnect delays
  -nokey                     Suppress generation of the default keyfile
  -nolibcell                 Disable tagging library modules as cells
  -nolicpromote              Do not use a mixed language license
  -nolicsuspend              Disable suspending licenses for SIGTSTP
  -noline                    Do not locate source line on errors
  -nolink                    Copy the source files when using 5x structure
  -nolog                     Suppress generation of the default logfile
  -nomempack                 Do not pack memories
  -nomxindr                  Do not generate NOMXINDR error; split net instead
  -noneg_tchk                Ignore negative numbers for SETUPHOLD & RECREM
  -nonotifier                Ignore notifiers in timing checks
  -nontcglitch               Suppress delayed net glitch suppression message
  -noparamerr                Do not flag setting undefined parameters as error
  -nopragmas                 Ignore HDL pragmas such as translate_off
  -nopragmawarn              Disable pragma related warning messages.
  -nopreelab                 No preprocess phase to be run for MSIE
  -noprimupdate              Disable the update for the primary snapshot
  -norebuild                 Do not rebuild ncelab and ncsim
  -noremovescratch           Do not remove the sub scratch directory for sim
  -nortis                    Disable retain input sense
  -norundbg                  When attaching gdb to the exec do not execute run
  -noscsynceverydelta        Turn Delta cycle accuracy off
  -noscv                     Turn off linking of the CVE and SCV libraries
  -nosdfstats_log            Disable SDF annotation statistics logging
  -nosearch                  Skip library search for units not found
  -nosncomp                  Do not compile Specman input files
  -nosource                  Do not check source file timestamps in update
  -nospecify                 Suppress timing information from specify blocks
  -nostdout                  Turn off output to screen (terminal)
  -nosuptran                 Turn off new tran supply support
  -notefile <arg>            File containing messages to be reported as note
  -notimezeroasrtmsg         Suppress printing of time zero assert messages
  -notimingchecks            Do not execute timing checks
  -notlm                     Do not include tlm or tlm2 headers or libraries
  -noupdate                  Disable the default update mode
  -novic                     Turn off linking of the VIC libraries
  -novitalaccl               Turn off VITAL acceleration
  -novitalcheck              Suppress VITAL compliance checking
  -nowarn <arg>              Disable printing of the specified warning
  -noxilinxaccl              Turn off Xilinx acceleration
  -ntc_level <level>         Select NTC algorithm 1 or 2 (default is 2)
  -ntc_neglim                Move negative limit of invalid NTC windows
  -ntc_path                  Verify pathdelay containing NTC delay is larger
  -ntc_poslim                Move positive limit of invalid NTC window
  -ntc_tolerance <arg>       Specify tolerance value for NTC timing window
  -ntc_verbose               Display verbose information about NTC process
  -ntcnotchks                Generate NTC delay while removing timing checks
  -O0                        Optimize to level 0
  -O1                        Optimize to level 1
  -O2                        Optimize to level 2
  -O3                        Optimize to level 3
  -o_ext <ext>               Override extensions for object files
  -objext <ext>              Add extensions to object files
  -olddeposit                The old way of doing deposits to wires
  -omicheckinglevel <level>  Specify OMI checking level {Min, Std, Max}
  -override_precision        Override the timescale precision in Verilog
  -override_timescale        Override the timescale directives in Verilog
  +overwrite                 Allow overwriting of prep files
  -overwrite                 Overwrite existing config file of same name
  -ovl [<configuration>]     Specifies configuration of OVL library
  -ovm                       Turn on support for the OVM library
  -ovmhome <dir>             Location to look for the OVM install
  -ovmlinedebug              Enable line debugging capabilities of OVM
  -ovmnoautocompile          Do not auto compile the OVM packages
  -ovmtest <testName>        Specify the test class name
  -ovmtop <testName>         Specify the top test class name
  -ovp <CPU core>            Allow simulation of given OVP model
  -ovphome <OVP install root directory> Specify location of OVP installation
  -parseinfo  <args>         Enable information about `include and `define
  -partialdesign             Allow elaboration of partially-defined design
  -password                  Prompt for sim passwd for SimVis walkup connect
  -pathpulse                 Set pulse limits according to PATHPULSE$
  -pathtran                  Kill pathdelays touching multiple tran gates
  -perflog <arg>             Writes performance statistics in specified file
  -perfstat                  Writes performance statistics in ncperfstat.out
  -pli_export                Export symbols from loadpli, loadvpi
  -plimapfile <arg>          Specify VPI and/or PLI mapping file(s)
  -plinooptwarn              Suppress PLI messages caused by limited access
  -plinowarn                 Do not print PLI warning and error messages
  -pliverbose                Print information for PLI/VPI task registration
  -plusarg_save              Force all user defined plus options to be saved
  -ppdb <dbase>              Invoke the post-processing environment
  -ppe                       Enter post-processing mode
  -pragma                    Enable pragma processing
  -precompiled_headers <on|off> Use precompiled headers.  Only with gcc 4.1
  -prefix_ncsim <arg>        Add arguments to before ncsim execution
  -prep                      Run irun in -prep mode
  -prep_name <script name>   Set the prep mode script name
  -preserve                  Preserves resolution of single-driver sigs
  -prffile                   Specify the Specman profiler report for profiler
  -primbind                  Bind to primary snapshots automatically
  -primhrefupdate            Enable the automatic elaboration of the primary
  -primincrpathok            Disable the INCRPATH check in incremental elab
  -primlibdir <dir>          Specify directory of primary irun command
  -primname <name>[@<dir>]   Specify the name of the primary irun command
  -primparallelelab          Elaborate primaries in parallel
  -primparamsok              Ignore overrides of primary param/generic values
  -primsnap <snapshot-name>  Use the given snapshot as a primary partition
  -primtop <module-name>     Specify top of primary partition with -genhref
  -primvhdlcompat            Prepare primary snapshot to work with VHDL
  -print_hdl_precision       Prints VHDL timescale.
  -printspecs                Have ncsc_run print out the spec file
  -processor <cpunum>        Set a processor's CPU affinity
  -prof_interval <arg>       Set iprof memory sampling interval
  -prof_mem_callgraph        Enable the callgraph in memory profiler
  -prof_mem_dump_before_mem_exhaust Dump db before memory exhaustion in mem profiler
  -prof_work <dir>           Set root iprof database directory
  -profile                   Generate a run-time profile of the design
  -profoutput <file>         Specify an output file for profiling data
  -profthread                Allow threaded processes to profile
  -prompt                    Prompts to select arch/config/view for entity/mod
  -propdir <dir>             Specify directory to consider when searching
  -propfile <file>           Unsupported use -propfile_vlog|vhdl|sc
  -propfile_sc <file>        File containing PSL/Covergroup verification code
  -propfile_vhdl <file>      File containing PSL/Covergroup verification code
  -propfile_vlog <file>      File containing PSL/Covergroup verification code
  -propsc_ext <ext>          Specify extensions to consider when searching
  -propspath <arg>           Specify analog occurrence property database file
  -propvhdl_ext <ext>        Specify extensions to consider when searching
  -propvlog_ext <ext>        Specify extensions to consider when searching
  -pulse_e <arg>             Set percentage of delay for pulse error limit
  -pulse_int_e <arg>         Set percent delay for pulse error limit
  -pulse_int_r <arg>         Set percent delay for pulse reject limit
  -pulse_r <arg>             Set percentage of delay for pulse reject limit
  -purecov                   Instrument ncsim code with purecov
  -purecovelab               Instrument ncelab with purecov
  -purify                    Instrument ncsim code with purify
  -purifyelab                Instrument ncelab with purify
  -Q                         Quiet mode, with banner and command line
  -q                         Suppress informational messages(i.e., Quiet mode)
  -quantify                  Instrument ncsim code with quantify
  -quantifyelab              Instrument ncelab with quantify
  -R                         Simulate using the last ncelab generated snapshot
  -r <snapshot name>         Force simulation using snapshot
  -races                     Run zero-delay race condition checks 
  -randwarn                  Enable all SV randomize failure warnings
  -read_lib <arg>            Enable DFT, scanchain check using *.lib synthesis
  -read_tlf <arg>            Enable DFT, scanchain check using *.tlf synthesis
  -rebuild                   Rebuild the ncelab and ncsim that are to be used
  -redirect <path>           Specify directory to store prep files
  -redmem                    Use reduced memory image size
  -reflib <libpath[:logical]> Add the library to the list of libraries searched
  -refuvclib <libpath>       Use the preprocessed UVC library
  -relax                     Enable relaxed VHDL interpretation
  -replay                    Enable the simulation coverage generation
  -rmkeyword <keyword>       Specify list of keywords to be removed
  -rnm_coerce <default|detailed|none|off|on> specify RNM coercion type
  -rnm_package               Compile Real Number Modeling Packages
  -rnm_relax                 Non-compliant IEEE 1800 usage for RNM
  -rnm_tech                  Enable Real Number Modeling(RNM) elaboration mode
  -rulefile <arg>            file for loading definitions of categories checks
  -rulelib <arg>             A shared library containing user-defined checks
  -rules_checked             Print details of the checks
  -rules_list                Print all the rules present in HAL
  -run                       Begin simulation automatically
  -rvf_alias_covers          Generate covers for read-write tests
  -rvf_aliasaddrgapinblock <arg> Address to use for gap in block alias cover
  -rvf_aliasaddroutsideblock <arg> Address to use for outside block alias cover
  -rvf_aliasaddrvalidinblockprimary <arg> Address to use for valid in block alias cover
  -rvf_aliasaddrvalidinblocksecondary <arg> Secondary address for valid in block alias
  -rvf_aliasseed <arg>       Seed value for generation of alias covers
  -rvf_check <arg>           Specify check to run for register validation
  -rvf_compcsv <file>        Specify Vendor Extensions CSV file
  -rvf_init_gap <arg>        Specify check initial gap for register validation
  -rvf_input <file>          Specify IPXACT Component XML file
  -rvf_inxml <file>          Specify no VE IPXACT Component XML file
  -rvf_middle_gap <arg>      Specify check middle gap for register validation
  -rvf_nomirror              Disable nc_mirror generation for register flow
  -rvf_vpm                   Generate vsif for register checks distribution
  -s                         Load snapshot and go to the interactive prompt
  -savechoice <arg>          Specify name of file in which to save bindings
  -savedependency            Save link dependency information
  -saveenv                   Save the shell environment variables
  -savevpconfig <arg>        Save current virtual design configuration
  -sc_main                   Run with an sc_main entry point
  -sc_main_stacksize <arg>   Set SystemC sc_main() stack size
  -sc_thread_stacksize <arg> Set SystemC SC_THREAD stack size
  -scAllowSCFromPLI          Allow SystemC from PLI
  -scautoshell SYSTEMC|HDL|VERILOG|VHDL Automatically generate shell modules
  -scconfig <arg>            Specify SystemC parameter configuration file
  -scConvertWarn             Turn on X/Z -> 0 data conversion warnings
  -sccreateviewables         Create ncsc_viewable objs inserted by ncsc_wizard
  -scdependency <arg>        Specify link dependency information
  -scDisableDynamicHierarchy Disable Dynamic Hierarchy in designs with SystemC
  -scdumpstatictop           Dump SystemC code from config file
  -scerror <arg>             Increases the severity of a warning to an error
  -scfatal <arg>             Increases the severity of a warn/error to a fatal
  -scgafap <args>            Either +on +off or +auto
  -scinitbidirtoz            Initialize connected inout ports to Z state
  -scNoDestructorsInElab     Do not run destructors during elaboration
  -scope_discipline <scope>  Specify one scope based discipline
  -scparameter <arg>         Associates values with top level SystemC params
  -scprocessorder <arg>      Allow System C process order to vary
  -scprofcount               Enable SystemC dynamic activity count
  -scregisterproberecordall <arg> Turn recording all sc_register changes on/off
  -screlaxparam              Allow ncsc_get_param from end_of_construction
  -scsynceverydelta <on|off> Turn Delta cycle accuracy on
  -sctestlink                Perform SystemC test link
  -sctlmcheck                Enable TLM2 Checks and Information messages
  -sctlmdbname <dbname>      Specify TLM transaction database name
  -sctlmmmap <mmap>          Mem map file for SystemC TLM performance analysis
  -sctlmnodata               Exclude data from tlm output
  -sctlmperf                 Enable SystemC TLM performance analysis
  -sctlmrecord               Enable SystemC TLM tracing mode
  -sctop <top>               Specify SystemC module name to be the top level
  -scupdate                  update SystemC design units used in the design
  -scv                       Turn on linking of the CVE and SCV libraries
  -scverbosity <arg>         Specify SystemC reporting verbosity
  -sdf_cmd_file <file>       Specify file of SDF annotation commands
  -sdf_file <arg>            Specify the SDF annotation file
  -sdf_no_warnings           Do not report SDF warnings
  -sdf_nocheck_celltype      Do not check the accuracy of CELLTYPE field
  -sdf_nopathedge            Ignore edge specifier in SDF IOPATHS
  -sdf_nopulse               Ignore SDF pulse information
  -sdf_orig_dir              Store compiled SDF in same dir as original
  -sdf_precision <arg>       Specify precision which SDF data will be modified
  -sdf_simtime               Allow SDF annotation during simulation
  -sdf_specpp                Use PATHPULSE parameters in specify block
  -sdf_verbose               Include detailed information in SDF log file
  -sdf_worstcase_rounding    Truncate SDF min delays, round max
  -sdfdir <dir>              Specify directory to be used for SDF compile
  -sdfstats <arg>            Write SDF annotation statistics to the given file
  -seed <seed>               Set the seed value for SystemVerilog and Specman
  -sem2009                   Scheduling semantics from LRM 2009
  -seq_udp_delay <arg>       Specify a constant delay for sequential UDPs
  -set_eto_pulse             Set ETO pulse value to non-X
  -setdiscipline <scope>     Set discipline for a specified scope.
  -shortreal                 Enables shortreal parsing
  -show_forces               Turn on support for force -show
  -showtoptype               Show the type of the top level design unit
  -signal_complete_check     Enable completeness check flow
  -signal_complete_list <arg> Specify signal list for completeness flow
  -simcompatible_ams <arg>   Specify compatibility language hspice or spectre
  -simincfile <arg>          Number of files after which overwriting begins
  -simlogsize <arg>          Specifies the simulation file size limit in MB
  -simprofile                Generate a run-time profile of the design
  -simvisargs <string>       Quoted string of SimVision command-line arguments
  -smartlib                  Specifies multiple library compilation in OIC
  -smartorder                Order-independent compilation (OIC) for VHDL
  -smartscript <script>      Specifies the OIC compilation script output file
  -snapshot <name>           Generate snapshot with specified name
  -snchecknames              Warn if a Specman reference name does not exist
  -sncompargs <string>       Pass arguments to "e" compiler
  -sndefine <arg>            Define an e preprocessor directive
  -sndyn                     If the stage has C code compile it into a dynlib
  -sndynload <file(s)>       Load given e files after loading a saved snapshot
  -sndynname <name>          Name of the dynamic lib C/C++ for active snstage
  -sndynnow                  Have irun load specman libraries with RTLD_NOW
  -snfliheader <fileName>    Have specman create a FLI header file
  -snglobalcompargs <string> Pass arguments to all "e" compiler commands
  -snheader <fileName>       Have specman create a header file
  -snheaderargs <string>     Pass arguments to snheader generation phase
  -snini <ini>               Specify Specman initialization file
  -snload <file>             Load e files before HDL access generation
  -snlogappend               Append the log from saved snapshot to current log
  -snnoauto                  Do not calculate a language adapter
  -snpath <path>             Append the options value to SPECMAN_PATH env var
  -snprerun <cmds>           Execute Specman precommands before simulation
  -snpresv                   Compile verilog files before Specman header files
  -snprofileargs <arg>       Arguments for the specman profiler
  -snprofilecpu              Tell specman to run its profiler
  -snprofilemem              Tell specman memory profiler to run
  -snquiet                   Run Specman compile in quiet mode
  -snrebuild                 Force the recompilation of the e input files
  -snrecord [<value>]        Specify Specman record directory
  -snreplay [<value>]        Set where Specman will read recorded data from
  -snsc                      Specify SystemC agent for Specman
  -snseed <seed>             Pass seed value to Specman
  -snset <arg>               Set command to pass to Specman
  -snshlib <libpath>         Use the provided precompiled e library
  -snstage <stagename>       Compile e files as a staged compile
  -snstubelab                Generate stubs via ncelab
  -snsv                      Specify SystemVerilog agent for Specman
  -snsvdpi                   Automate SV_DPI Support
  -sntimescale <arg>         Specify the time scale for specman delays
  -snupdate                  Just update the e code
  -snvhdl                    Specify VHDL agent for Specman
  -snvlog                    Specify Verilog agent for Specman
  -solver <arg>              Specify solver to be used
  -sparsearray <arg>         Make 1-D array with more than <N> elements sparse
  -spec <specfile>           Specify an alternative spec file
  -specificunit              Compile only the specified unit from source file
  -spectre_argfile_spp <arg> Run Spectre parser with '-spp' option (spp on)
  -spectre_args <arg>        introduce options to be used by spectre
  -spectre_e                 Run Spectre parser with '-E' option
  -spectre_spp               Run Spectre parser with '-spp' option
  -specview                  Invoke the Specview Graphical User Interface
  -spice_ext <ext>           Override extensions for SPICE sources
  -spicetop                  Trigger SPICE-on-Top flow.
  -sprofile                  Generate a VHDL source profile
  -stacksize <arg>           Maximum size for the PLI stack
  -stats                     Print counts of the error/warning messages issued
  -status                    Print out the runtime statistics after step
  -stdout_options            Print invocation options to stdout
  -stop_on_build_error       Exit with error status when tool encounters error
  -stpcheck                  Enables printing of warning message
  -structural                Check Structural Connectivity
  -superlint                 Run superlinting flow in single step
  -sv                        Force SystemVerilog compilation
  -sv_lib <lib>              Dynamically load a DPI library
  -sv_root <path>            Specify root path for "sv_lib" switch
  -svperf <up>               Enable SystemVerilog UniquePriority performance
  -svrnc <option>            Set SystemVerilog constraints options
  -svseed <seed>             Set SystemVerilog default RNG seed
  -swdeveloper               Use VSP software developer licenses
  -syncall <on|off>          Synchronize all compatible signals & transactions
  -sysc                      SystemC is present
  -systemc_args <args>       List of arguments to sc_main
  -sysv                      Enables the support for SystemVerilog Data Types
  -sysv2005                  Only enable SV-2005 and earlier keywords
  -sysv2009                  Only enable SV-2009 and earlier keywords
  -sysv_ext <ext>            Override extensions for SystemVerilog sources
  -target <stage>            Stop at or redo the given compile stage
  -testcoverage <arg>        Enables test coverage calculation
  -tfile <file>              Specify a timing file
  -tfverbose                 Enables verbose mode for timing file matching.
  -timescale <arg>           Set default timescale on Verilog modules
  -timeunit_case             Prints time units from std.textio in upper case
  -tlm2                      Deprecated. Has no effect
  -tlmcpu <CPU core>         Allow TLM CPU aware debugging
  -top <lib.cell:view>       Specify the top-level unit
  -topic <category|option>   Lists all ncsc_run option in a group or more info
  -tranmin                   Choose min delay if multiple iopath arc collapse
  -transport_int_delays      Make interconnect timing be multisource capable
  -turbo                     Enable turbo mode
  -typdelays                 Select typical delays for simulation
  -u                         Convert identifiers to uppercase
  -ultrasim_args <arg>       introduce options to be used by ultrasim
  -unadorned_class_chk       Enable certain checking for class scope operators
  -unbuffered                Do not buffer output
  -unclockedsva              Unclocked assertion support in SystemVerilog
  -uptodate_messages         Print module name for up-to-date modules
  -use_cm                    Use VerilogAMS CM for VHDLSpice Connection
  -use_last_ie               use last ie when wildcard scope conflict
  -use_new_dumpports         IUS 14.1: enable new $dumpports implementation
  -usearch <arg>             Specify the priority list of VHDL architectures
  -usechoice <arg>           Specify name of file from which to read bindings.
  -useconf <arg>             Specify the priority list of VHDL configurations
  -uselicense <arg>          Colon delimited mnemonics to select license
  -usesctimeunit <on|off>    Turn SystemC time resolution mode on/off
  -useview <arg>             Specify the priority list of Verilog views
  -uvc_patch <file>          Patch file for OIG elements
  -uvm                       Turn on support for the UVM library
  -uvmaccess                 Enable uvm debug APIS
  -uvmexthome <dir>          Location for UVM extensions
  -uvmhome <dir>             Location to look for the UVM install
  -uvmlinedebug              Enable line debugging capabilities of UVM
  -uvmnoautocompile          Do not auto compile the UVM packages
  -uvmnocdnsextra            Do not automatically compile the uvm cdns extras
  -uvmnoloaddpi              Do not automatically load or compile uvm dpi code
  -uvmpackagename            Specify UVM package name

