

  • 基础
    • 【LangChain】LLM
    • 【LangChain】路由(Router)
    • 【LangChain】顺序(Sequential)




  • SimpleSequentialChain:顺序链最简单的形式,其中每个步骤都有一个单一的输入/输出,一个步骤的输出是下一步的输入。
  • SequentialChain:顺序链的更通用形式,允许多个输入/输出。



from langchain.llms import OpenAI
from langchain.chains import LLMChain
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate

# This is an LLMChain to write a synopsis given a title of a play.
llm = OpenAI(temperature=.7)
# 一个输入变量 title
template = """You are a playwright. Given the title of play, it is your job to write a synopsis for that title.

Title: {title}
Playwright: This is a synopsis for the above play:"""
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["title"], template=template)
# 得到一个chain
synopsis_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt_template)

# This is an LLMChain to write a review of a play given a synopsis.
llm = OpenAI(temperature=.7)
# 一个输入变量synopsis
template = """You are a play critic from the New York Times. Given the synopsis of play, it is your job to write a review for that play.

Play Synopsis:
Review from a New York Times play critic of the above play:"""
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["synopsis"], template=template)
# 得到一个Chain
review_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt_template)


# This is the overall chain where we run these two chains in sequence.
from langchain.chains import SimpleSequentialChain
overall_chain = SimpleSequentialChain(chains=[synopsis_chain, review_chain], verbose=True)


review = overall_chain.run("海滩日落时的悲剧")


    > Entering new SimpleSequentialChain chain...
    # 概要
	# 评论

    > Finished chain.

Sequential Chain



特别重要的是: 我们如何命名输入/输出变量名称。在上面的示例中,我们不必考虑这一点,因为我们只是将一个链的输出直接作为输入传递给下一个链,但在这里我们确实需要担心这一点,因为我们有多个输入。


# This is an LLMChain to write a synopsis given a title of a play and the era it is set in.
llm = OpenAI(temperature=.7)
template = """You are a playwright. Given the title of play and the era it is set in, it is your job to write a synopsis for that title.
# 这里定义了两个输入变量title和era,并定义一个输出变量:synopsis
Title: {title}
Era: {era}
Playwright: This is a synopsis for the above play:"""
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["title", "era"], template=template)
synopsis_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt_template, output_key="synopsis")


# This is an LLMChain to write a review of a play given a synopsis.
llm = OpenAI(temperature=.7)
template = """You are a play critic from the New York Times. Given the synopsis of play, it is your job to write a review for that play.
# 定义了一个输入变量:synopsis,输出变量:review
Play Synopsis:
Review from a New York Times play critic of the above play:"""
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["synopsis"], template=template)
review_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt_template, output_key="review")


overall_chain({"title":"Tragedy at sunset on the beach", "era": "Victorian England"})


    > Entering new SequentialChain chain...
    > Finished chain.

    {'title': 'Tragedy at sunset on the beach',
     'era': 'Victorian England',
     'synopsis': "xxxxxx",
     'review': "xxxxxxx"}


有时,我们希望传递一些上下文在链的每个步骤或链的后续部分中使用,但是维护输入/输出变量并将其链接在一起可能很快就会变得混乱。使用 SimpleMemory 是管理此问题并清理内存链的便捷方法。

例如,使用之前的剧作家 SequentialChain,假设您想要包含一些有关戏剧的日期、时间和地点的上下文,并使用生成的概要和评论创建一些社交媒体帖子文本。您可以将这些新的上下文变量添加为 input_variables,或者我们可以将 SimpleMemory 添加到链中来管理此上下文:

from langchain.chains import SequentialChain
from langchain.memory import SimpleMemory

llm = OpenAI(temperature=.7)
template = """You are a social media manager for a theater company.  Given the title of play, the era it is set in, the date,time and location, the synopsis of the play, and the review of the play, it is your job to write a social media post for that play.

Here is some context about the time and location of the play:
Date and Time: {time}
Location: {location}

Play Synopsis:
Review from a New York Times play critic of the above play:

Social Media Post:
# 这里使用多变量的方式
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["synopsis", "review", "time", "location"], template=template)
# 这个Chain使用的是多变量的方式
social_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt_template, output_key="social_post_text")

# 这个Chain使用的是SimpleMemory的方式
overall_chain = SequentialChain(
    memory=SimpleMemory(memories={"time": "December 25th, 8pm PST", "location": "Theater in the Park"}),
    chains=[synopsis_chain, review_chain, social_chain],
    input_variables=["era", "title"],
    # Here we return multiple variables

overall_chain({"title":"Tragedy at sunset on the beach", "era": "Victorian England"})


    > Entering new SequentialChain chain...
    > Finished chain.

    {'title': 'Tragedy at sunset on the beach',
     'era': 'Victorian England',
     'time': 'December 25th, 8pm PST',
     'location': 'Theater in the Park',
     'social_post_text': "\nSpend your Christmas night with us at Theater in the Park and experience the heartbreaking story of love and loss that is 'A Walk on the Beach'. Set in Victorian England, this romantic tragedy follows the story of Frances and Edward, a young couple whose love is tragically cut short. Don't miss this emotional and thought-provoking production that is sure to leave you in tears. #AWalkOnTheBeach #LoveAndLoss #TheaterInThePark #VictorianEngland"}



  1. 多个Chain,如何按顺序串起来:
  • SimpleSequentialChain:这种方式,输入、输出变量都只能是一个,也正因如此,所以上下游的Chain的输入输出变量名可以不一样。
  • SequentialChain:这种方式,允许有多个输入、输出变量。上下游的Chain的输入输出变量,要对应,不然传不下去。
  1. 顺序链中使用Memory,因为变量变多后,会在使用上造成混乱,故提供了Memory的方式,来避免这种混乱。


