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Monna小莫 2016-08-30 11:18:49

Top 10 Good Seeds


1. Caring for Self and Others vs. Harming Life

1.照顾自己和他人 vs. 伤害生命

• Tong Len (give and take)

• 施与受

• Eat vegetarian

• 素食

• Take care of your body:  do yoga, tai chi, etc.

• 照顾你的身体:练习瑜伽,太极等。

• Help others who are sick

• 帮助生病的人

• Protect small animals, insects

• 保护小动物,小虫子

• Make healthy snacks

• 制作健康的零食

• Smile

• 微笑

2. Generosity vs. Possessiveness

2. 慷慨 vs. 占有欲

• Share your food

• 分享你的食物

• Share your knowledge

• 分享你的知识

• Share your happiness

• 分享你的快乐

• Help others be comfortable

• 帮助他人自在舒适

• Give, give, give to others

• 给予,给予,给予他人

• Respect the property and space of others

• 尊重他人的财产和空间

• Expand the definition of “me”, functional and karmic

• 在功能上和业力上,扩大“我”的定义

• Give more than you receive

• 比起你所得到的,给出去更多

• Give protection

• 给予保护

3.  Respecting Relationships vs. Hurting others Relationships

3. 尊重关系 vs. 伤害他人的关系

• Choose friends and partners carefully, seek those with

a strong sense of integrity

• 谨慎地选择朋友和伴侣,找具有强烈诚信正直感的人

• Be dependable in your relationships and commitments

• 在你的关系以及承诺中可靠

• Keep your promises

• 信守承诺

• Respect other people’s relationships

• 尊重他人关系

• Befriend lonely or disliked people

• 与孤单或不受欢迎的人交朋友

• Act with the opposite sex as if your partner were right

by your side

• 与异性相处互动时,好像你的伴侣就在你身边

• Make special efforts to help couples stay together

• 做出特别的努力去帮助伴侣们在一起

• Be very happy when you see couples happy together.

• 当你看到伴侣们幸福相守时,感到无比快乐

4.  Integrity & Commitment vs. Dishonesty

4.  正直 & 承诺 vs. 不诚实

• Tell the truth with kindness

• 以善意的方式说出事实真相

• Make commitments you can keep

• 做你能够信守的承诺

• Keep all your promises

• 信守你所有的承诺

• Be strictly honest, what you say and what they think

you said should match

• 绝对诚实,你所说的话,与他人对你话语的想象应该相匹配

• Talk about things you “will” do only

• 只说你“会”去做的事

• Be humble

• 谦卑

• Help others be honest and have integrity

• 帮助他人诚实且正直

• Make sure impressions you give are consistent with what

you know to be true

• 确保你给他人的印象与你所知道的事实是一致的

• Be constant and dependable

• 忠实且可靠

5.  Harmony vs. Divisiveness

5. 和谐 vs. 分裂

• Bring people together

• 撮合人们在一起

• Praise others and connect people

• 赞扬他人,并且将他人相互连结

• Be happy when people get along

• 当人们相处愉快时感到开心

• Go out of your way to bring others together all day long

• 主动出击全天候促进他人和谐

• Create harmony wherever you go

• 无论你去何处,都创造和谐

• Avoid thinking maliciously about anyone.

• 避免对任何人怀有敌意的想法

6.  Sensitive and Kind speech vs. Harsh Speech

Speaking in a kind way

6.  敏感且善意的言语 vs. 刺耳的言语


• Be kind help people feel at ease

• 善意地帮助人们感觉自在

• Listen to what others have to say

• 倾听他人必须说的话

• Honestly compliment others

• 诚实地称赞他人

• Make others feel better with your words

• 用你的言语让他人感觉更好

• Be very sensitive of others around you

• 对你周围的人非常敏感

• Never treat others with arrogance

• 永不傲慢地对待他人

• Avoid rude or hurtful speech.


The main point here is to use your speech to bring peace of mind, joy and comfort to other peoples hearts rather than stirring them up.


I try to be particularly careful with my speech when I am tired. It is very helpful to be a meditator. You can stop yourself before you release the words.


7.  Words of Value vs. Useless Talk

7. 有价值的话语 vs. 无意义的交谈

• Share information that will help others

• 分享能够帮助他人的信息

• Talk about projects you really plan on doing

• 谈论你会真的计划去做的项目

• Do what you say you will do

• 做你说你会去做的事

• Always say something which is of benefit and real meaning to the people around you

• 总是说对你周围的人有益处和有真正意义的话。

• Avoid gossip, useless talk about sex, politics, people in the

news, etc.

• 避免闲谈、无用的关于性、政治,和新闻人物等的交谈。

• Teach and share the wisdom you have been given

• 教授以及分享你被给予的智慧

Talking too much about things that have no great meaning is the most common misuse of words. Why bother filling up your mind with useless bits of information. Wasting other people’s time is a very expensive seed to be planting in this busy world.


The result of this seed is having a mind that will never stop talking to you. It is a real pain to when you sit down to meditate only to find that you have a mind that wants to keep talking. That busy, talkative mind comes precisely as result of planting seeds of speaking uselessly. Sometimes to put others at ease we engage in small talk and that is not what I am talking about here. It’s the times when you just like to hear yourself talk. You are talking because you want to. You aren’t focused at all on what someone else needs. If someone is talking to you uselessly then try to listen attentively, try to learn something and when you can you excuse yourself. 


8.  Being Happy for Others vs. Jealousy & Envy

8.  为他人开心 vs. 嫉妒 & 羡慕

• Enjoy what you have

• 享受你所拥有的

• Be happy for the goodness of others

• 为他人的善良而开心

• Be happy for the success of others

• 为他人的成功而开心

• Be happy for the happiness others have

• 为他人享有的幸福而开心

• Take joy in the success of everyone around you

• 随喜你周围每一个人的成功

• Express your thanks on a constant basis to everyone

who supports you

• 持续不断地对每一个支持你的人表达你的谢意

• Stop comparing yourself to others

• 停止将自己与他人比较

9.  Empathy and Compassion vs. Ill-Will, Anger & Arrogance

9. 同理心和悲心 vs. 恶意、愤怒 & 傲慢

• Listen to the concerns of others as if they were

your best friend

• 倾听他人顾虑的事,就如同他们是你最好的朋友

• Be compassionate with anyone having problems

• 同情任何有困难的人

• Try to help others whenever you can

• 在任何你有能力的时刻,尝试去帮助他人

• Try to eliminate unhappiness of every kind, even for

people you don’t like

• 试着消除任何人的不快乐,甚至是你不喜欢的人。

• Respond with silence or kindness to insults

• 对侮辱报之以沉默或是善意

• Watch your mind for any trace of anger toward

another person.

• 观察你的意识是否对他人有任何一丝一毫的愤怒

• Be sensitive about whether what you are doing is

something that will impact in a healthy, positive way

on yourself and those around you

• 对你正在做的事情,是否会以一种健康、积极的方式影响你自己以及你周围的人,保持敏感。

• Think kind thoughts of others

• 对他人持有良善的念头

10.  Understanding Reality vs. Ignorance & Pride

10. 理解现实 vs. 无明 & 傲慢

• Spend time each day thinking, peacefully and with focus

about what is really important in your life:  whether your

priorities are in order, even (Especially) if you knew you were going to die tonight.

• 花时间每天平静地、专注地思考,在你的生命中什么是真正重要的:你的优先级是否井然有序,甚至(尤其)如果你知道自己今晚就会死亡。

• Reflect every few hours about where you really believe this

world, its people and events, could have come from.

• 每过几个小时去反省你真正相信的这个世界中,它的人事物,本来是从何而来的。

• Change your own seeds, train yourself in ethics and in the

forceful logic behind integrity, and then watch the gradual

change in your environment

• 改变你自己的种子,在道德操守,以及正直背后强有力的逻辑方面去培训自己,然后观察你所处环境的逐步改变。

• Understand how imprints work to create the world around

us; then act on this understanding by following the path of personal integrity

• 理解铭印如何运作,来创造出我们周遭的世界;随后通过遵从个人的诚信之道,基于对铭印的理解去采取行动。

• Take time to understand that, in terms of content, a positive or desirable result cannot ever come from a negative or

unethical cause

• 花时间去理解,就内容而言,一个正面或满意的结果不可能来自于一个负面或不道德的因。

• Listen to the suggestions of others, and learn to live without hope of recognition from others; rather, be generous in

giving praise.

• 聆听他人的建议,并学习不希冀他人的认可而生活;相反,不吝于赞扬他人。
