9 . adb device 报错could not read ok from ADB Server * failed to start daemon adb.exe: failed to check

之前adb 是可以正常使用的,突然今天:adb device 检测连接设备的时候,却提示

9 . adb device 报错could not read ok from ADB Server * failed to start daemon adb.exe: failed to check_第1张图片

could not read ok from ADB Server   : ADB 服务启动失败了,先考虑是不是adb 默认端口 5037 是否被占用

netstat -aon|findstr "5037"

9 . adb device 报错could not read ok from ADB Server * failed to start daemon adb.exe: failed to check_第2张图片

查看得知,adb端口号被12588占用了,我们来看看12588是什么程序: tasklist |findstr "12588"

经过查看是LdsMobileLink 占用了端口,杀掉进程就可以了,以下两种方式: 

taskkill /pid 4136 -t -f 

taskkill /f /t /im 名称.exe

杀掉进程之后,在检测连接设备状态信息, 就可以检测到了

9 . adb device 报错could not read ok from ADB Server * failed to start daemon adb.exe: failed to check_第3张图片
