Image Captioning 经典论文合辑

Image Caption: Automatically describing the content of an image


Category:(by myself, you can read the survey for detail.)

  • CNN+RNN, with attention mechanisms
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • GAN
  • Compositional Architecture: Review Network, Guiding Network, RFNet (fusion)
  • Cross-domain: objects not present in training captions (out-of-domain/cross domain captioning) Peter Anderson  has some publications about this.  (Show, Adapt and Tell, Constrained Beam Search)
  • Stylized Caption: Senticap, StyleNet, SemStyle
  • Novel Object-based Image Captioning: NOC(Captioning Images wuth Diverse Objects), Neural Baby Talk
  • Diversity(句子的多样性问题)
  • Dense Caption: DenseCap
  • I
