对象拷贝,是我们在开发过程中,绕不开的过程,既存在于 Po、Dto、Do、Vo 各个表现层数据的转换,也存在于系统交互如序列化、反序列化。
Java 对象拷贝分为深拷贝和浅拷贝,目前常用的属性拷贝工具,包括 Apache 的 BeanUtils、Spring 的 BeanUtils、Cglib 的 BeanCopier、mapstruct 都是浅拷贝。
1.1 深拷贝
Serializable 序列化
实现 Cloneable 接口
JSON 序列化
1.2 浅拷贝
浅拷贝:对基本数据类型进行值传递,对引用数据类型进行引用传递般的拷贝称为浅拷贝。通过实现 Cloneabe 接口并重写 Object 类中的 clone()方法可以实现浅克隆。
目前常用的属性拷贝工具,包括 Apache 的 BeanUtils、Spring 的 BeanUtils、Cglib 的 BeanCopier、mapstruct。
Apache BeanUtils:BeanUtils 是 Apache commons 组件里面的成员,由 Apache 提供的一套开源 api,用于简化对 javaBean 的操作,能够对基本类型自动转换。
Spring BeanUtils:BeanUtils 是 spring 框架下自带的工具,在 org.springframework.beans 包下, spring 项目可以直接使用。
Cglib BeanCopier:cglib(Code Generation Library)是一个强大的、高性能、高质量的代码生成类库,BeanCopier 依托于 cglib 的字节码增强能力,动态生成实现类,完成对象的拷贝。
mapstruct:mapstruct 是一个 Java 注释处理器,用于生成类型安全的 bean 映射类,在构建时,根据注解生成实现类,完成对象拷贝。
2.1 原理分析
2.1.1 Apache BeanUtils
使用方式:BeanUtils.copyProperties(target, source);BeanUtils.copyProperties 对象拷贝的核心代码如下:
// 1.获取源对象的属性描述
PropertyDescriptor[] origDescriptors = this.getPropertyUtils().getPropertyDescriptors(orig);
PropertyDescriptor[] temp = origDescriptors;
int length = origDescriptors.length;
String name;
Object value;
// 2.循环获取源对象每个属性,设置目标对象属性值
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
PropertyDescriptor origDescriptor = temp[i];
name = origDescriptor.getName();
// 3.校验源对象字段可读切目标对象该字段可写
if (!"class".equals(name) && this.getPropertyUtils().isReadable(orig, name) && this.getPropertyUtils().isWriteable(dest, name)) {
try {
// 4.获取源对象字段值
value = this.getPropertyUtils().getSimpleProperty(orig, name);
// 5.拷贝属性
this.copyProperty(dest, name, value);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException var10) {
}// 1.获取源对象的属性描述PropertyDescriptor[] origDescriptors = this.getPropertyUtils().getPropertyDescriptors(orig);PropertyDescriptor[] temp = origDescriptors;int length = origDescriptors.length;String name;Object value;// 2.循环获取源对象每个属性,设置目标对象属性值for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {PropertyDescriptor origDescriptor = temp[i];name = origDescriptor.getName();// 3.校验源对象字段可读切目标对象该字段可写if (!"class".equals(name) && this.getPropertyUtils().isReadable(orig, name) && this.getPropertyUtils().isWriteable(dest, name)) { try {// 4.获取源对象字段值 value = this.getPropertyUtils().getSimpleProperty(orig, name);// 5.拷贝属性 this.copyProperty(dest, name, value); } catch (NoSuchMethodException var10) { } }}
校验来源类的字段是否可读 isReadable
校验目标类的字段是否可写 isWriteable
获取来源类的字段属性值 getSimpleProperty
获取目标类字段的类型 type,并进行类型转换
由于单字段拷贝时每个阶段都会调用 PropertyUtilsBean.getPropertyDescriptor 获取属性配置,而该方法通过 for 循环获取类的字段属性,严重影响拷贝效率。获取字段属性配置的核心代码如下:
PropertyDescriptor[] descriptors = this.getPropertyDescriptors(bean);
if (descriptors != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; ++i) {
if (name.equals(descriptors[i].getName())) {
return descriptors[i];
}PropertyDescriptor[] descriptors = this.getPropertyDescriptors(bean);if (descriptors != null) {for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; ++i) {if (name.equals(descriptors[i].getName())) {return descriptors[i];}}}
2.1.2 Spring BeanUtils
使用方式: BeanUtils.copyProperties(source, target);BeanUtils.copyProperties 核心代码如下:
PropertyDescriptor[] targetPds = getPropertyDescriptors(actualEditable);
ignoreList = ignoreProperties != null ? Arrays.asList(ignoreProperties) : null; PropertyDescriptor[] arr$ = targetPds;
int len$ = targetPds.length;
for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
PropertyDescriptor targetPd = arr$[i$];
Method writeMethod = targetPd.getWriteMethod();
if (writeMethod != null && (ignoreList == null || !ignoreList.contains(targetPd.getName()))) {
PropertyDescriptor sourcePd = getPropertyDescriptor(source.getClass(), targetPd.getName());
if (sourcePd != null) {
Method readMethod = sourcePd.getReadMethod();
if (readMethod != null && ClassUtils.isAssignable(writeMethod.getParameterTypes()[0], readMethod.getReturnType())) {
try {
if (!Modifier.isPublic(readMethod.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) {
Object value = readMethod.invoke(source);
if (!Modifier.isPublic(writeMethod.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) {
writeMethod.invoke(target, value);
} catch (Throwable var15) {
throw new FatalBeanException("Could not copy property '" + targetPd.getName() + "' from source to target", var15);
}PropertyDescriptor[] targetPds = getPropertyDescriptors(actualEditable);List
ignoreList = ignoreProperties != null ? Arrays.asList(ignoreProperties) : null;PropertyDescriptor[] arr$ = targetPds;int len$ = targetPds.length;for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) { PropertyDescriptor targetPd = arr$[i$]; Method writeMethod = targetPd.getWriteMethod(); if (writeMethod != null && (ignoreList == null || !ignoreList.contains(targetPd.getName()))) { PropertyDescriptor sourcePd = getPropertyDescriptor(source.getClass(), targetPd.getName()); if (sourcePd != null) { Method readMethod = sourcePd.getReadMethod(); if (readMethod != null && ClassUtils.isAssignable(writeMethod.getParameterTypes()[0], readMethod.getReturnType())) { try { if (!Modifier.isPublic(readMethod.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) { readMethod.setAccessible(true); } Object value = readMethod.invoke(source); if (!Modifier.isPublic(writeMethod.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) { writeMethod.setAccessible(true); } writeMethod.invoke(target, value); } catch (Throwable var15) { throw new FatalBeanException("Could not copy property '" + targetPd.getName() + "' from source to target", var15); } } } }}
与 Apache BeanUtils 的属性拷贝相比,Spring 通过 Map 缓存,避免了类的属性描述重复获取加载,通过懒加载,初次拷贝时加载所有属性描述。
2.1.3 Cglib BeanCopier
BeanCopier beanCopier = BeanCopier.create(AirDepartTask.class, AirDepartTaskDto.class, false);
beanCopier.copy(airDepartTask, airDepartTaskDto, null);
create 调用链如下:
BeanCopier.create-> BeanCopier.Generator.create-> AbstractClassGenerator.create->DefaultGeneratorStrategy.generate-> BeanCopier.Generator.generateClass
BeanCopier 通过 cglib 动态代理操作字节码,生成一个复制类,触发点为 BeanCopier.create
2.1.4 mapstruct
引入 pom 依赖
mapstruct 基于注解,构建时自动生成实现类,调用链如下:MappingProcessor.process -> MappingProcessor.processMapperElementsMapperCreationProcessor.process:生成实现类 MapperMapperRenderingProcessor:将实现类 mapper,写入文件,生成 impl 文件使用时需要声明转换接口,例如:
@Mapper(nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy = NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy.IGNORE)
public interface AirDepartTaskConvert {
AirDepartTaskConvert INSTANCE = getMapper(AirDepartTaskConvert.class);
AirDepartTaskDto convertToDto(AirDepartTask airDepartTask);
public class AirDepartTaskConvertImpl implements AirDepartTaskConvert {
public AirDepartTaskDto convertToDto(AirDepartTask airDepartTask) {
if ( airDepartTask == null ) {
return null;
AirDepartTaskDto airDepartTaskDto = new AirDepartTaskDto();
airDepartTaskDto.setId( airDepartTask.getId() );
airDepartTaskDto.setTaskId( airDepartTask.getTaskId() );
airDepartTaskDto.setPreTaskId( airDepartTask.getPreTaskId() );
list = airDepartTask.getTaskBeginNodeCodes(); if ( list != null ) {
airDepartTaskDto.setTaskBeginNodeCodes( new ArrayList
( list ) ); }
// 其他属性拷贝
airDepartTaskDto.setYn( airDepartTask.getYn() );
return airDepartTaskDto;
}public class AirDepartTaskConvertImpl implements AirDepartTaskConvert { @Override public AirDepartTaskDto convertToDto(AirDepartTask airDepartTask) { if ( airDepartTask == null ) { return null; } AirDepartTaskDto airDepartTaskDto = new AirDepartTaskDto(); airDepartTaskDto.setId( airDepartTask.getId() ); airDepartTaskDto.setTaskId( airDepartTask.getTaskId() ); airDepartTaskDto.setPreTaskId( airDepartTask.getPreTaskId() ); List
list = airDepartTask.getTaskBeginNodeCodes(); if ( list != null ) { airDepartTaskDto.setTaskBeginNodeCodes( new ArrayList ( list ) ); } // 其他属性拷贝 airDepartTaskDto.setYn( airDepartTask.getYn() ); return airDepartTaskDto; }}
2.2 性能对比
以航空业务系统中发货任务 po 到 dto 转换为例,随着拷贝数据量的增大,研究拷贝数据耗时情况
2.3 拷贝选型
整体情况下,Apache BeanUtils 的性能最差,日常使用过程中不建议使用
在数据规模不大的情况下,spring、cglib、mapstruct 差异不大,spring 框架下建议使用 spring 的 beanUtils,不需要额外引入依赖包
数据量大的情况下,建议使用 cglib 和 mapstruct
涉及大量数据转换,属性映射,格式转换的,建议使用 mapstruct
3.1 BeanCopier
使用时可以使用 map 缓存,减少同一类对象转换时,create 次数
* BeanCopier的缓存,避免频繁创建,高效复用
private static final ConcurrentHashMap
BEAN_COPIER_MAP_CACHE = new ConcurrentHashMap (); /**
* BeanCopier的copyBean,高性能推荐使用,增加缓存
* @param source 源文件的
* @param target 目标文件
public static void copyBean(Object source, Object target) {
String key = genKey(source.getClass(), target.getClass());
BeanCopier beanCopier;
if (BEAN_COPIER_MAP_CACHE.containsKey(key)) {
beanCopier = BEAN_COPIER_MAP_CACHE.get(key);
} else {
beanCopier = BeanCopier.create(source.getClass(), target.getClass(), false);
BEAN_COPIER_MAP_CACHE.put(key, beanCopier);
beanCopier.copy(source, target, null);
* 不同类型对象数据copylist
* @param sourceList
* @param targetClass
* @param
* @return
public static
List copyListProperties(List> sourceList, Class targetClass) throws Exception { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(sourceList)) {
list = new ArrayList (sourceList.size()); for (Object source : sourceList) {
T target = copyProperties(source, targetClass);
return list;
return Lists.newArrayList();
* 返回不同类型对象数据copy,使用此方法需注意不能覆盖默认的无参构造方法
* @param source
* @param targetClass
* @param
* @return
public static
T copyProperties(Object source, Class targetClass) throws Exception { T target = targetClass.newInstance();
copyBean(source, target);
return target;
* @param srcClazz 源class
* @param tgtClazz 目标class
* @return string
private static String genKey(Class> srcClazz, Class> tgtClazz) {
return srcClazz.getName() + tgtClazz.getName();
} /** * BeanCopier的缓存,避免频繁创建,高效复用 */ private static final ConcurrentHashMap
BEAN_COPIER_MAP_CACHE = new ConcurrentHashMap (); /** * BeanCopier的copyBean,高性能推荐使用,增加缓存 * * @param source 源文件的 * @param target 目标文件 */ public static void copyBean(Object source, Object target) { String key = genKey(source.getClass(), target.getClass()); BeanCopier beanCopier; if (BEAN_COPIER_MAP_CACHE.containsKey(key)) { beanCopier = BEAN_COPIER_MAP_CACHE.get(key); } else { beanCopier = BeanCopier.create(source.getClass(), target.getClass(), false); BEAN_COPIER_MAP_CACHE.put(key, beanCopier); } beanCopier.copy(source, target, null); } /** * 不同类型对象数据copylist * * @param sourceList * @param targetClass * @param * @return */ public static List copyListProperties(List> sourceList, Class targetClass) throws Exception { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(sourceList)) { List list = new ArrayList (sourceList.size()); for (Object source : sourceList) { T target = copyProperties(source, targetClass); list.add(target); } return list; } return Lists.newArrayList(); } /** * 返回不同类型对象数据copy,使用此方法需注意不能覆盖默认的无参构造方法 * * @param source * @param targetClass * @param * @return */ public static T copyProperties(Object source, Class targetClass) throws Exception { T target = targetClass.newInstance(); copyBean(source, target); return target; } /** * @param srcClazz 源class * @param tgtClazz 目标class * @return string */ private static String genKey(Class> srcClazz, Class> tgtClazz) { return srcClazz.getName() + tgtClazz.getName(); }
3.2 mapstruct
mapstruct 支持多种形式对象的映射,主要有下面几种
映射 map
@Mapper(nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy = NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy.IGNORE)
public interface AirDepartTaskConvert {
AirDepartTaskConvert INSTANCE = getMapper(AirDepartTaskConvert.class);
// a.基本映射
@Mapping(target = "createTime", source = "updateTime")
// b.映射表达式
@Mapping(target = "updateTimeStr", expression = "java(new SimpleDateFormat( \"yyyy-MM-dd\" ).format(airDepartTask.getCreateTime()))")
AirDepartTaskDto convertToDto(AirDepartTask airDepartTask);
public interface AddressMapper {
AddressMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(AddressMapper.class);
// c.多个对象映射到一个对象
@Mapping(source = "person.description", target = "description")
@Mapping(source = "address.houseNo", target = "houseNumber")
DeliveryAddressDto personAndAddressToDeliveryAddressDto(Person person, Address address);
public interface CarMapper {
// d.映射集合
integerSetToStringSet(Set integers); List
carsToCarDtos(List cars); CarDto carToCarDto(Car car);
// e.映射map
@MapMapping(valueDateFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy")
longDateMapToStringStringMap(Map source); // f.映射枚举
@ValueMapping(source = "EXTRA", target = "SPECIAL"),
@ValueMapping(source = "STANDARD", target = "DEFAULT"),
@ValueMapping(source = "NORMAL", target = "DEFAULT")
ExternalOrderType orderTypeToExternalOrderType(OrderType orderType);
// g.嵌套映射
@Mapping(target = "fish.kind", source = "fish.type")
@Mapping(target = "fish.name", ignore = true)
@Mapping(target = "ornament", source = "interior.ornament")
@Mapping(target = "material.materialType", source = "material")
@Mapping(target = "quality.report.organisation.name", source = "quality.report.organisationName")
FishTankDto map( FishTank source );
}@Mapper(nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy = NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy.IGNORE)public interface AirDepartTaskConvert { AirDepartTaskConvert INSTANCE = getMapper(AirDepartTaskConvert.class); // a.基本映射 @Mapping(target = "createTime", source = "updateTime") // b.映射表达式 @Mapping(target = "updateTimeStr", expression = "java(new SimpleDateFormat( \"yyyy-MM-dd\" ).format(airDepartTask.getCreateTime()))") AirDepartTaskDto convertToDto(AirDepartTask airDepartTask);}@Mapperpublic interface AddressMapper { AddressMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(AddressMapper.class); // c.多个对象映射到一个对象 @Mapping(source = "person.description", target = "description") @Mapping(source = "address.houseNo", target = "houseNumber") DeliveryAddressDto personAndAddressToDeliveryAddressDto(Person person, Address address);}@Mapperpublic interface CarMapper { // d.映射集合 Set
integerSetToStringSet(Set integers); List carsToCarDtos(List cars); CarDto carToCarDto(Car car); // e.映射map @MapMapping(valueDateFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy") Map longDateMapToStringStringMap(Map source); // f.映射枚举 @ValueMappings({ @ValueMapping(source = "EXTRA", target = "SPECIAL"), @ValueMapping(source = "STANDARD", target = "DEFAULT"), @ValueMapping(source = "NORMAL", target = "DEFAULT") }) ExternalOrderType orderTypeToExternalOrderType(OrderType orderType); // g.嵌套映射 @Mapping(target = "fish.kind", source = "fish.type") @Mapping(target = "fish.name", ignore = true) @Mapping(target = "ornament", source = "interior.ornament") @Mapping(target = "material.materialType", source = "material") @Mapping(target = "quality.report.organisation.name", source = "quality.report.organisationName") FishTankDto map( FishTank source );}