3个反光柱的摆放规则:摆成一个直角三角形或者直线或其他特征 ,直角边不同即可,可以设置边的长度来作为附加特征。
talk is cheap, show your code.
if (reflector_combination_mode == 3 && reflectors_.size() == 3)
//log(Info, "reflectors_.size() = " + std::to_string(reflectors_.size()));
Reflector_pos item_j, item_k;
for (int i = 0; i < reflectors_.size(); i++)
Reflector_pos item_i = reflectors_[i];
//log(Info, "i = " + std::to_string(i));
switch (i)
case 0 :
//log(Info, "-------------------------vetex is 0 --------------------------");
item_j = reflectors_[1];
item_k = reflectors_[2];
case 1 :
//log(Info, "-------------------------vetex is 1 --------------------------");
item_j = reflectors_[0];
item_k = reflectors_[2];
case 2 :
//log(Info, "-------------------------vetex is 2 --------------------------");
item_j = reflectors_[0];
item_k = reflectors_[1];
double theta_1 = atan2(item_i.center_y - item_j.center_y, item_i.center_x - item_j.center_x);
//log(Info, "theta_1 is " + std::to_string(theta_1));
double theta_2 = atan2(item_i.center_y - item_k.center_y, item_i.center_x - item_k.center_x);
//log(Info, "theta_2 is " + std::to_string(theta_2));
//degree detect error is not less 20
double f_theta = fabs(theta_1 - theta_2);
//log(Info, "f_theta is " + std::to_string(f_theta));
//log(Info, "fabs(f_theta - M_PI/2) = " + std::to_string(fabs(f_theta - M_PI/2)) );
if (fabs(f_theta - M_PI/2) > M_PI/9) continue;
//log(Info, "i = " + std::to_string(i) + " satisfy condition");
//if satisfy condition (less 20) then
double x_ij = fabs(item_i.center_x - item_j.center_x);
double y_ij = fabs(item_i.center_y - item_j.center_y);
double distance_ij = sqrt(pow(x_ij, 2) + pow(y_ij, 2));
//log(Info, "distance_ij is = " + std::to_string(distance_ij));
double x_ik = fabs(item_i.center_x - item_k.center_x);
double y_ik = fabs(item_i.center_y - item_k.center_y);
double distance_ik = sqrt(pow(x_ik, 2) + pow(y_ik, 2));
//log(Info, "distance_ik is = " + std::to_string(distance_ik));
double long_distance = 0;
if (distance_ij > distance_ik)
//ij is the axis x
long_distance = distance_ij;
origin_theta = atan2(1, 0) - atan2(item_i.center_y - item_j.center_y, item_i.center_x - item_j.center_x);
//log(Info, "origin_theta = " + std::to_string(origin_theta));
//ik is the axis_x
long_distance = distance_ik;
origin_theta = atan2(1, 0) - atan2(item_i.center_y - item_k.center_y, item_i.center_x - item_k.center_x);
//log(Info, "origin_theta = " + std::to_string(origin_theta));
//the long side of right angle is even number;
if(round_int(long_distance) % 2 != 0) return;
//log(Info, "long_distance = " + std::to_string(long_distance));
origin_x = item_i.center_x;
origin_y = item_i.center_y;
//log(Info, "origin_x = " + std::to_string(origin_x));
//log(Info, "origin_y = " + std::to_string(origin_y));
double distance = sqrt(pow(origin_x, 2) + pow(origin_y, 2));
if (distance < 1.0) return;
cartographer_ros_msgs::LandmarkEntry reflector_LandMarkEntry;
reflector_LandMarkEntry.id = "landmark_1";
reflector_LandMarkEntry.tracking_from_landmark_transform.position.x = origin_x;
reflector_LandMarkEntry.tracking_from_landmark_transform.position.y = origin_y;
reflector_LandMarkEntry.tracking_from_landmark_transform.position.z = 0;
tf::Quaternion quat = tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(-1.0 * origin_theta);
reflector_LandMarkEntry.tracking_from_landmark_transform.orientation.x = quat.x();
reflector_LandMarkEntry.tracking_from_landmark_transform.orientation.y = quat.y();
reflector_LandMarkEntry.tracking_from_landmark_transform.orientation.z = quat.z();
reflector_LandMarkEntry.tracking_from_landmark_transform.orientation.w = quat.w();
reflector_LandMarkEntry.translation_weight = 1.0;
reflector_LandMarkEntry.rotation_weight = 1.0;
reflector_LandMarkEntry.type = "reflector_combined";
reflector_LandMarkList.header.frame_id = "car_laser";
reflector_LandMarkList.header.stamp = scan->header.stamp; //ros::Time::now();
<arg name="bag_filename" default="/home/~/Downloads/ros_bag//2021-07-07/2021-07-07-10-57-37.bag"/>
<param name="/use_sim_time" value="true" />
<param name="robot_description"
textfile="$(find cartographer_ros)/urdf/backpack_2d_laser_test.urdf" />
<node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher"
type="robot_state_publisher" />
<node pkg="laser_reflector_detect" type="laser_reflector_detect_node" name="laser_reflector_detect_node" output="screen" >
<rosparam file="$(find laser_reflector_detect)/param/laser_reflector_detect.yaml"/>
<node name="rviz" pkg="rviz" type="rviz" required="true"
args="-d $(find cartographer_ros)/configuration_files/demo_2d_okagv_laser_test.rviz" />
<node name="playbag" pkg="rosbag" type="play"
args="--clock -r 1 $(arg bag_filename)" />