
ECO-5006A: Introductory EconometricsTake-Home Written Exercise 2We are provided with data on a random sample of 302 companies from a particular sectorin New York (NY) and we are interested in how employee salary is affected by some companycharacteristics. We have information on the following variables:avgsal : average employee salary in $sales : annual company sales in $employ : number of employees in the companynorth : =1 if company operates in North NY, =0 otherwisesouth : =1 if company operates in South NY, =0 otherwiseNote that Central NY is the base group. We start the analysis by specifying the followingMLR model:log(avgsali) = β0 + β1 log(salesi) + β3employi + β4employ2i + ui, i = 1, 2, . . . , 302Estimating this by OLS, we obtain the following estimated results (with t-stats in squarebrackets):log(\avgsali) = 7.34RSS = 35.649where RSS is the Residuals Sum of Squares from this regression.(a) Based on these results, interpret the estimated coefficient associated with log(sales) andtest for its statistical significance. In addition, interpret the estimated intercept.[15 marks]We now add dummy variables north and south, and estimating this model by OLS, we obtainthe following results (with t-stats 代做ECO-5006A、代写c/c++、代做Java,Pytin square brackets):log(\avgsali) = 7.36(b) Based on these results, interpret the estimated coefficients associated with variables northand south and test whether the two variables have a joint significant effect on log(avgsal).[25 marks](c) Is there statistical evidence of a quadratic relationship between log(avgsal) and the numberof employees in a company? In addition, holding the other variables constant, calculatethe approximate percentage change in average employee salary, if the number of employeesin a company changes by 10 employees, for (i) employ = 50 and (ii) employ = 150.[30 marks]TURN OVER1We now remove employees2from the model and add log(sales) × employ, the interactionterm between log(sales) and employ. Estimating this model by OLS we obtain (with t-statsin square brackets): (3)(d) Based on these results, is there statistical evidence that the effect of the number ofemployees on average employee salary depends on company sales? In addition, holdingthe other variables constant, calculate the approximate percentage change in averageemployee salary, if the number of employees in a company changes by 10 employees, for(i) sales=$2,000,000 and (ii) sales=$2,000,000,000. [30 marks]END OF PAPER2转自:http://www.3daixie.com/contents/11/3444.html
