[总结翻译] Brits calling for new referendum 英国民众要求重新全民公决

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According to Mashable, around a million people took to the streets in London on Saturday, calling for a new referendum. Protesters, wearing costumes and holding signs, rallied in front of Parliament. Earlier last week, more than four million people signed an online petition for revoking Article 50. To actually cast another vote on leaving the EU though, a number of requirements need to be met in the first place.

根据Mashable消息,上周六约一百万人走上伦敦街头要求重新全民公投。身着盛装并举着牌子的抗议者聚集到了国会门口。上周早先,四百多万人在网上签下了推翻 Article 50 的请愿书。但是如果真的再次为离开欧盟投票的话,是有一系列条件要满足的。


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