Day19 (pdf--page248-262)

Part 1: What We Learned:

第二十章 (I could no longer hear distinct words)


Part 2: Q&A

1. What did John and Savannah talk about when Tim fell asleep?

They spoke of Tim’s condition, of skin cancer in general, the specifics of possible alternative treatments.

2. Where and why did Savannah invite John for dinner?

Savannah invited John for dinner in her house.

3. Did John and Savannah talk about the past? And did they go overboard?

Yes, they talked about the past. But they didn’t go overboard.

4. How did John feel when he found out that Savannah married Tim?

He was sad.

5. Do you think things changed between Savannah and John from this part?

The biggest change between Savannah and John was that they could not be together.

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