英语干货丨如何做一次有效的英文演讲?Effective Presentation

Fay Huang, Marketing & Traning

Jul 7, 2018 · 6 min read





写演讲提纲 Presentation outline

写outline(大纲)的关键是保持简明扼要。一个简单的介绍之后,在主体写main points(要点)。在结尾时,给你的信息做summary(总结),并列出任何next steps(下面的步骤)。

比如你是CEO Jane的私人助理,CEO临时有事,让你代替他向LT(Leadership Team)们做一个汇报,你可以这样列大纲:

Introduction: There have been a number of recent changes in the company. Here's an update.

Main points:

1.    Acquisition of Smoot Computers

will complete by end of the year(点评:不需要被动时态)

will open new markets(点评:事实在前,影响在后)

2.    Sales:

increasing rapidly, especially Asia(点评:不需要be动词)

opening new office in Seoul, Korea

3.    New hires

CFO Mary Rickman

starts next week

Summary: Company's doing well.

Next step: Jane will give a more detailed update when she returns.



开场白Opening a presentation


1 Welcome.

2 Grab attention.

3 Offer a map.

4 Questions.

5 Practice.


Good morning. Thank you all for coming today.(Welcome)

I know that you're all anxious to know what's going on. I have some news.(Grab attention.)

First, I'm going to give an update on our recent acqusition.

Then I'll give you information about our sales growth in Asia.

Finally, I'll be talking our new CFO, Mary Rickman.(Offer a map)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them at any time.(Questions)

TIPS:Do your opening again and again until you remember it and it's perfect.



总结Concluding a presentation

做好总结至关重要,这是你的最后一次机会让听众记住演讲的要点,意味着你希望他们通过这次演讲带走些什么。首先,快速、简短的总结要点。然后,传递你的big finish(大收官),如果听众今天只能记住一件事,那么这件事就是big finish,一个好的方法就是next step(下一步计划)或an action item(一个行动项),注意强调关键点时,要放慢语速,表达清晰、坚定。之后,询问大家是否还有问题,最后感谢所有人的到来。

1 Summarize your key points

- Repeat the important ideas.

- Use two or three sentences.

2 Deliver your big finish

- Give one last thing to remember.

- State an action item.

3 Speak effectively

- Stress important ideas.

- Don't just look at your notes.


To summarize, we have a new CFO, sales are rising steadily and our merger with Smoot happens next month.(Summarize)

In conclusion, the company has been doing very well. Jane will give a more detailed update when she returns.(Big finish)

If you think of other questions, just send me an email. Thank you all for coming today.(Handle questions)



Useful expressions

1 对不确定的数量,使用a number of + plural noun + 复数动词(意思:许多)。注意,由于数量不明,所以使用不定冠词(a)。

A number of companies have merged lately.最近许多公司合并了。

2 对于确切的数量,使用 the number of + plural noun + 单数动词(意思:数量)。由于数量已知,故使用定冠词(the)。

The number of people in that company is tremendous.这家公司的员工人数巨大。

3 以下是一些谈论事物数量的其他方法。注意这些表达均后接单数动词。

Each of my colleagues has a different opinion regarding the merger.我的每一位同事对合并的看法都不同。

Every one of the board members was happy with the acquisition.每一位董事会成员都对收购很满意。

One of my colleagues has quit, another is thinking about it.我的一位同事辞职了,还有一位在考虑辞职。

4 你可以使用各种未来形式来预览你的要点。

I'll begin by giving a general update.我开始先谈一下大体的最新消息。

I'm going to finish by talking about new projects.我结束时会谈一下新项目。

-ing的形式听起来不太确定并且更友好。例如,I'll be discussing听起来比I will discuss更放松。

I'll be discussing our acquisition of Smoot Hawley. 我将讨论我们对斯姆特霍利的收购。

5 要告诉你的听众哪些不会被覆盖在你的演示中,用won't 或者not going to。注意在否定式后,用any而不是some。

However, I won't have any new financial information. 不过,我不会有任何新的财务信息。

6 词汇

pie chart饼状图

bar chart=bar graph柱状图

line chart条形图


7 在演示中,使用类似下面的表达完成不同事项的过渡。

The headquarters building is fairly old.That brings me to my next point.We're moving in July. 总部大楼非常旧了。这就是我接下来要说的事情,我们将在七月搬迁。

Let's move on to the organizational flowchart.


I'd like to draw your attention to the third column in this table.


I want to transition to the next topic – payroll.

我要转到下一个话题 - 工资表。

8 使用带有 as you 的表达,转到可能已经明显或清楚的事项。

As you may know, Clark is leaving in November.=You are probably hear that

你们可能知道,Clark 十一月将离开。

As you can see on this bar graph, sales are up, particularly in South America.


9 使用以下类似表达过渡到与前一事项形成对比的事项:

We share a common vision. However, we have different strategies.


The pie chart shows spending is down. On the other hand, you can see that sales have also decreased.


10 使用以下类似表达强调你要讲的下一事项的重要性:

Best of all, the program allows us to reward our best salespeople.=The best thing is,


Worse yet, sales are down for the third straight month.


We share a common vision, particularly with training.


11 表示趋势的介词

a) 使用 increasedecrease + by + number 谈论程度或数量变化。你也可以讲rise byfall by

Sales rose by 13 percent last year.

销售额去年上升了 13%。

Spending will decrease by $1.2 million over the next five years.

未来五年内,支出将减少 120 万美元。

b) 使用 to +数字,谈论变化至某具体数字。

Inventory increased to $200,000.

库存金额增加到 20 万美元。

c) 使用 from + 数字,确定改变之前的数字。

Inventory rose to $200,000 from $187,000.

库存金额从 18.7 万美元增加到 20 万美元。

d) 使用 remain steady + at hold steady + at谈论没有变化的具体数字。

Costs remain steady at $6.8 million.

成本稳定在 680 万美元。

Sales held steady at 370,000 units.

销售额稳定在 37 万件。

12 邀请问题


Are there any questions?(first question)


Does anyone have any other questions?(after the first question)




A. Yes, Harry?


B. Are we going to have any team-building activities?




If you think of other questions, just send me an email.




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