回到夏天(我多想回到那个夏天) - 傲七爷/小田音乐社 - 单曲 - 网易云音乐
截图自 劈里啪啦 -- 黑马Mysql,仅学习使用
47. 基础-多表查询-表子查询_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
-- ------------------函数演示-----------------------
-- concat
select concat('Hello', ' MySQL');
-- lower
select lower('HEllo');
-- upper
select upper('HEllo');
-- lpad
select lpad('hello', 3, 'as');
select lpad('hello', 10, 'as');
-- rpad
select rpad('haha', 2, 'UVA');
select rpad('haha', 11, 'UVA');
-- trim
select trim(' haha ');
select trim(' Hello Mysql hahaha ');
-- substring
-- 索引从1开始
select substring('Hello, Man, MySQL haha', 1, 9);
-- 1.工号统一为5位数,不足5位前补0
update emp set workno = lpad(workno, 5, '0');
-- 数值函数
-- ceil
select ceil(1.5);
select ceil(1.1);
-- floor
select floor(1.1);
select floor(1.9);
-- mod
select mod(3, 4);
select mod(5, 4);
-- rand
select rand();
-- round
select round(2.345, 2);
select round(2.3495, 3);
select round(2.3495, 1);
-- 案例:通过数据库函数,生成一个六位随机验证码
-- 有bug,可能生成5位数,需要补0
select round(rand()*1000000, 0); #保留0位小数
-- rand()0~1随机数, round()四舍五入保留0位小数, lpad左填充
select lpad(round(rand()*1000000, 0), 6, '0');
-- 日期函数
-- curdate()
select curdate();
-- curtime()
select curtime();
-- now()
select now();
-- year, month, day
select year(now());
select month(now());
select day(now());
-- date_add()
select date_add(now(), interval 51 day);
select date_add(now(), interval 51 month);
select date_add(now(), interval 51 year);
-- datediff 前 - 后
select datediff('2023-9-1', '2023-7-11');
-- 案例:查询所有员工入职天数,并根据入职天数倒序排序
select name, datediff(curdate(), entrydate) from emp;
select name, datediff(curdate(), entrydate) as 'entrydays' from emp order by entrydays desc;
-- 流程控制函数
-- if
select if(true, 'ok', 'error');
select if(false, 'ok', 'error');
-- ifnull
select ifnull('ok', 'default');
select ifnull('', 'default');
select ifnull(null, 'default');
-- case when then else end
-- 查询emp表的员工姓名和工作地址
-- (如果地址是上海/北京 --> 一线城市,否则 --> 二线
(case workaddress when '北京' then '一线城市' when '上海' then '一线城市' else '二线城市' end)
from emp;
-- 案例:统计各个学员的成绩
-- >= 85,优秀
-- >= 60,及格
-- 否则,不及格
create table score(
id int comment 'ID',
name varchar(20) comment '姓名',
math int comment '数学',
english int comment '英语',
chinese int comment '语文'
) comment '学员成绩表';
insert into score(id,name,math,english,chinese) VALUES (1,'Tom',67,88,95),(2,'Rose',23,66,90),(3,'Jack',56,98,76);
(case when math >= 85 then '优秀' when math >= 60 then '及格' else '不及格' end) '数学',
(case when english >= 85 then '优秀' when english >= 60 then '及格' else '不及格' end) '英语',
(case when chinese >= 85 then '优秀' when chinese >= 60 then '及格' else '不及格' end) '语文'
from score;
-- 约束演示
create table user(
id int primary key auto_increment comment '主键',
name varchar(10) not null unique comment '姓名',
age int check (age > 0 && age <= 120) comment '年龄',
status char(1) default '1' comment '状态',
gender char(1) comment '性别'
) comment '用户表';
-- 插入数据
insert into user(name, age, status, gender)
insert into user(name, age, status, gender)
insert into user(name, age, status, gender)
values(null,19,'1','男'); #错误,非空
insert into user(name, age, status, gender)
values('Tom3',19,'1','男'); #错误,重复
insert into user(name, age, status, gender)
insert into user(name, age, status, gender)
values('Tom4',-1,'1','男'); #错误,无效值年龄
insert into user(name, age, status, gender)
values('Tom4',121,'1','男'); #错误,无效值年龄
insert into user(name, age, gender)
values('Tom5',120,'男'); #status采取默认值
use itheima;
select database();
create table dept(
id int auto_increment comment 'ID' primary key,
name varchar(50) not null comment '部门名称'
)comment '部门表';
insert into dept (id, name) values (1, '研发部'),(2, '市场部'),(3, '财务部'),(4, '销售部'),(5, '总经办');
rename table emp to emp2;
create table emp(
id int auto_increment comment 'ID' primary key,
name varchar(50) not null comment '姓名',
age int comment '年龄',
job varchar(20) comment '职位',
salary int comment '薪水',
entrydate date comment '入职时间',
managerid int comment '直属领导ID',
dept_id int comment '部门ID'
)comment '员工表';
insert into emp(id, name, age, job, salary, entrydate, managerid, dept_id) values
-- 添加外键
alter table emp add constraint fk_emp_dept_id foreign key (dept_id) references dept(id);
-- 删除外键
alter table emp drop foreign key fk_emp_dept_id;
create table dept(
id int auto_increment comment 'ID' primary key,
name varchar(50) not null comment '部门名称'
)comment '部门表';
insert into dept (id, name) values (1, '研发部'),(2, '市场部'),(3, '财务部'),(4, '销售部'),(5, '总经办');create table emp(
id int auto_increment comment 'ID' primary key,
name varchar(50) not null comment '姓名',
age int comment '年龄',
job varchar(20) comment '职位',
salary int comment '薪水',
entrydate date comment '入职时间',
managerid int comment '直属领导ID',
dept_id int comment '部门ID'
)comment '员工表';
insert into emp(id, name, age, job, salary, entrydate, managerid, dept_id) values
-- 外键的删除和更新行为
alter table emp add constraint fk_emp_dept_id foreign key (dept_id) references dept(id) on update cascade on delete cascade;
alter table emp add constraint fk_emp_dept_id foreign key (dept_id) references dept(id) on update set null on delete set null;
-- -----------多表关系 演示----------------
use itheima;
-- 多对多
create table student(
id int auto_increment primary key comment '主键ID',
name varchar(10) comment '姓名',
no varchar(10) comment '学号'
) comment '学生表';
insert into student values (null, '黛绮丝', '2000100101'),(null, '谢逊', '2000100102'),(null, '殷天正', '2000100103'),(null,'韦一笑','2000100104');
create table course(
id int auto_increment primary key comment '主键ID',
name varchar(10) comment '课程名称'
) comment '课程表';
insert into course values (null, 'Java'),(null,'PHP'),(null,'MySQL'),(null,'Hadoop');
-- 中间表 维护多对多关系
create table student_course(
id int auto_increment primary key comment '主键',
studentid int not null comment '学生ID',
courseid int not null comment '课程ID',
-- constraint 外键名 foreign key (外键字段) references 主表名(主表字段)
constraint fk_courseid foreign key (courseid) references course (id),
constraint fk_studentid foreign key (studentid) references student (id)
) comment '学生课程中间表';
insert into student_course values (null,1,1),(null,1,2),(null,1,3),(null,2,2),(null,2,3),(null,3,4);
右键中间表 -- 底部diagrams -- show visualization -- 查看多表关系的可视化界面
-- 一对一
create table tb_user(
id int auto_increment primary key comment '主键ID',
name varchar(10) comment '姓名',
age int comment '年龄',
gender char(1) comment '1: 男 , 2: 女',
phone char(11) comment '手机号'
) comment '用户基本信息表';
create table tb_user_edu(
id int auto_increment primary key comment '主键ID',
degree varchar(20) comment '学历',
major varchar(50) comment '专业',
primaryschool varchar(50) comment '小学',
middleschool varchar(50) comment '中学',
university varchar(50) comment '大学', # unique保证一对一
userid int unique comment '用户ID', # userid是外键,关联tb_user的主键
-- constraint 外键名 foreign key (外键字段) references 主表名(主表字段)
constraint fk_userid foreign key (userid) references tb_user(id)
) comment '用户教育信息表';
insert into tb_user(id,name,age,gender,phone) values
insert into tb_user_edu(id,degree,major,primaryschool,middleschool,university,userid) values
-- ------------------------------------> 多表查询 <--------------------------------------------
-- 准备数据
create table dept(
id int auto_increment comment 'ID' primary key,
name varchar(50) not null comment '部门名称'
)comment '部门表';
create table emp(
id int auto_increment comment 'ID' primary key,
name varchar(50) not null comment '姓名',
age int comment '年龄',
job varchar(20) comment '职位',
salary int comment '薪资',
entrydate date comment '入职时间',
managerid int comment '直属领导ID',
dept_id int comment '部门ID'
)comment '员工表';
-- 添加外键
-- constraint 外键名 foreign key (外键字段) references 主表名(主表字段)
alter table emp add constraint fk_emp_dept_id foreign key (dept_id) references dept(id);
INSERT INTO dept (id, name) VALUES (1, '研发部'), (2, '市场部'),(3, '财务部'), (4, '销售部'), (5, '总经办'), (6, '人事部');
INSERT INTO emp (id, name, age, job,salary, entrydate, managerid, dept_id) VALUES
(1, '金庸', 66, '总裁',20000, '2000-01-01', null,5),
(2, '张无忌', 20, '项目经理',12500, '2005-12-05', 1,1),
(3, '杨逍', 33, '开发', 8400,'2000-11-03', 2,1),
(4, '韦一笑', 48, '开发',11000, '2002-02-05', 2,1),
(5, '常遇春', 43, '开发',10500, '2004-09-07', 3,1),
(6, '小昭', 19, '程序员鼓励师',6600, '2004-10-12', 2,1),
(7, '灭绝', 60, '财务总监',8500, '2002-09-12', 1,3),
(8, '周芷若', 19, '会计',48000, '2006-06-02', 7,3),
(9, '丁敏君', 23, '出纳',5250, '2009-05-13', 7,3),
(10, '赵敏', 20, '市场部总监',12500, '2004-10-12', 1,2),
(11, '鹿杖客', 56, '职员',3750, '2006-10-03', 10,2),
(12, '鹤笔翁', 19, '职员',3750, '2007-05-09', 10,2),
(13, '方东白', 19, '职员',5500, '2009-02-12', 10,2),
(14, '张三丰', 88, '销售总监',14000, '2004-10-12', 1,4),
(15, '俞莲舟', 38, '销售',4600, '2004-10-12', 14,4),
(16, '宋远桥', 40, '销售',4600, '2004-10-12', 14,4),
(17, '陈友谅', 42, null,2000, '2011-10-12', 1,null);
-- 多表查询
select * from emp; #单表查询
select * from emp, dept; # 6 * 17 = 102 笛卡尔积
-- 消除笛卡尔积 无效字段
select * from emp, dept where emp.dept_id = dept.id;
use itheima;
-- 内连接演示
-- 1.查询每一个员工姓名,及关联的部门名称(隐式内连接)
-- 表结构:emp, dept
-- 连接条件:emp.dept_id = dept.id(外键)
select * from emp, dept where emp.dept_id = dept.id;
select emp.name, dept.name from emp, dept where emp.dept_id = dept.id;
select e.name, d.name from emp e, dept d where e.dept_id = d.id; #起别名
-- 2.查询每一个员工姓名,及关联的部门名称(显示内连接)--- INNER JOIN...ON...
select e.name, d.name from emp e inner join dept d on e.dept_id = d.id;
select e.name, d.name from emp e join dept d on e.dept_id = d.id;
-- 外连接演示
-- 1.查询emp表的所有数据,和对应的部门信息(左外连接)
-- 表结构:emp, dept
-- 连接条件:emp.dept_id = dept.id
select * from emp e left outer join dept d on e.dept_id = d.id;
select e.*, d.name from emp e left outer join dept d on e.dept_id = d.id;
select e.*, d.name from emp e left join dept d on e.dept_id = d.id;
-- 2.查询dept表的所有数据,和对应的员工信息(右外连接)
select d.*, e.* from emp e right join dept d on e.dept_id = d.id;
#用左外连接实现相同需求 ↓
select d.*, e.* from dept d left join emp e on e.dept_id = d.id;
-- 自连接
-- 1.查询员工 及其 所属领导的名字
-- 表结构:emp
select * from emp a, emp b where a.managerid = b.id;
select a.name, b.name from emp a, emp b where a.managerid = b.id;
-- 2.查询所有员工 emp 及其领导的名字 emp,如果员工没有领导,也需要查询出来
# 需完全包含左表 所以用 外连接
-- 表结构:emp a, emp b
select * from emp a left join emp b on a.managerid = b.id;
select a.name '员工', b.name '领导' from emp a left join emp b on a.managerid = b.id;
-- union all ,union
-- 1.薪资低于5000的员工,和年龄大于50岁的,全部查询出来
select * from emp e where salary < 5000
union all
select * from emp e where age > 50;
-- 合并后去重 去掉all(鹿杖客)
select * from emp e where salary < 5000
select * from emp e where age > 50;
-- 联合查询的 列数 需要一致,select后查询内容的列数要一样
select name, age, salary from emp e where salary < 5000
select name, age, salary from emp e where age > 50;
-- ------------------------ 子查询 --------------------------
-- 标量子查询
-- 1.查询“销售部”所有员工信息
-- a.查询“销售部“部门ID
select id from dept where name = '销售部';
-- b.根据销售部ID,查询员工信息
select * from emp where dept_id = 4;
-- 合二为一查询
select * from emp where dept_id = (select id from dept where name = '销售部');
-- 2.查询“方东白”之后入职的员工信息
select * from emp where entrydate > (select entrydate from emp where name = '方东白');
-- 列子查询
-- 1.查询”销售部”和“市场部”所有员工信息
-- a.销售部 和 市场部 部门ID
select id from dept where name = '销售部' or name = '市场部';
-- b.根据部门ID查询信息
select * from emp where dept_id in (select id from dept where name = '销售部' or name = '市场部');
-- 2.查询比财务部人工资都高的员工信息
-- a.所有财务部的人员工资
select id from dept where name = '财务部';
select salary from emp where dept_id = (select id from dept where name = '财务部');
-- b.比 财务部 所有人员工资高的员工信息
select * from emp where salary > all (select salary from emp where dept_id = (select id from dept where name = '财务部'));
-- 3.查询比研发部其中任一人工资高的员工信息
select * from emp where salary > any (select salary from emp where dept_id = (select id from dept where name = '研发部'));
-- 行子查询
-- 1.查询与“张无忌”的薪资及直属领导相同的员工信息
-- a.查询“张无忌”的薪资及直属领导
select salary, managerid from emp where name = '张无忌';
-- b.查询与“张无忌”薪资及直属领导相同的员工信息
select * from emp where salary = 12500 and managerid = 1;
select * from emp where (salary, managerid) = (12500, 1);
select * from emp where (salary, managerid) = (select salary, managerid from emp where name = '张无忌');
表 子查询,返回多行多列的数据
-- 表 子查询
-- 1.查询与“鹿杖客”,“宋远桥”的职位和薪资相同的员工信息
-- a.查询“鹿杖客” “宋远桥”的职位和薪资
select job, salary from emp where name = '鹿杖客' or name = '宋远桥';
-- b.查询他俩的职位和员工信息
select * from emp where (job, salary) in (select job, salary from emp where name = '鹿杖客' or name = '宋远桥');
-- 2.查询入职日期是“2006-01-01”后的员工信息和部门信息
-- a.入职日期 ... 之后的员工信息
select * from emp where entrydate > '2006-01-01';
-- b.查询这部分员工,对应的部门信息
# a中子查询的结果作为临时表存在 from(...)
select * from (select * from emp where entrydate > '2006-01-01') e left join dept d on e.dept_id = d.id;
select e.*, d.* from (select * from emp where entrydate > '2006-01-01') e left join dept d on e.dept_id = d.id;
use itheima;
-- ------------------> 多表查询案例 <-----------------------
create table salgrade(
grade int,
losal int, #low salary 下限
hisal int #hith salsary 上限
) comment '薪资等级表';
insert into salgrade values (1,0,3000); #等级1 0-3000
insert into salgrade values (2,3001,5000);
insert into salgrade values (3,5001,8000);
insert into salgrade values (4,8001,10000);
insert into salgrade values (5,10001,15000);
insert into salgrade values (6,15001,20000);
insert into salgrade values (7,20001,25000);
insert into salgrade values (8,25001,30000);
-- 1.查询员工姓名,年龄,职位,部门信息(隐式内连接)
-- emp, dept
-- 连接条件:emp.dept_id = dept.id
select * from emp e, dept d where e.dept_id = d.id;
select e.name, e.age, e.job, d.name from emp e, dept d where e.dept_id = d.id;
-- 2.查询年龄小于30岁的员工姓名,年龄,职位和部门信息(显式内连接)
select e.name, e.age, e.job, d.name from emp e join dept d on e.dept_id = d.id where e.age < 30;
-- 3.查询拥有员工的部门ID,部门名称
-- 哪些部门下有员工 -> 2个表的交集 -> 内连接
select d.id, d.name from emp e, dept d where e.dept_id = d.id;
# distinct 结果去重
select distinct d.id, d.name from emp e, dept d where e.dept_id = d.id;
-- 4.查询所有年龄大于40岁的员工,及其归属的部门名称;若未分配部门,也需要显示
# '陈友谅'没有部门, 也需要展示, 使用外连接
-- 表:emp, dept
-- 连接条件:emp.dept_id = dept.id
select e.*, d.name from emp e left join dept d on e.dept_id = d.id where e.age > 40;
-- 5.查询所有员工的工资等级
-- 表:emp, salgrade
-- 连接条件:emp.salary >= salgrade.losal and emp.salary <= salgrade.hisal
select e.name, e.salary, s.grade, s.losal, s.hisal from emp e, salgrade s where e.salary >= s.losal and e.salary <= s.hisal;
select e.name, e.salary, s.grade, s.losal, s.hisal from emp e, salgrade s where e.salary between s.losal and s.hisal;
右键选中的语句 Reformat code,格式化语句
-- 6.查询 “研发部” 所有员工的 信息 及 工资等级
-- 表:emp, salgrade, dppt
# 联查 n 张 表,至少有 n - 1个连接条件
-- 连接条件1:e.salary between s.losal and s.hisal
-- 连接条件2:e.dept_id = d.id
-- 查询条件:d.name = '研发部'
select e.*, s.grade
from emp e,
dept d,
salgrade s
where e.dept_id = d.id
and (e.salary between s.losal and s.hisal)
and d.name = '研发部';
-- 7.查询 “研发部” 员工 平均工资
-- 表:emp, dept
-- 连接条件:e.dept_id = d.id
# 平均用聚合函数 avg()
select avg(e.salary)
from emp e,
dept d
where e.dept_id = d.id
and d.name = '研发部';
-- 8.查询工资比 “灭绝” 高的员工信息
-- a.查询 ‘灭绝’ 的薪资
select salary
from emp
where name = '灭绝';
-- b.查询比 她 工资 高的员工数据
select *
from emp
where salary > 8500;
# 标量子查询
select *
from emp
where salary > (select salary from emp where name = '灭绝');
-- 9.查询比平均薪资高的员工信息
-- a.查询员工 平均薪资
select avg(salary)
from emp;
-- b.查询比 平均工资 高的员工信息
select *
from emp
where salary > (select avg(salary) from emp);
-- 10.查询低于本部门 平均工资 的员工信息
-- a.查询指定部门 平均工资
select avg(e1.salary)
from emp e1
where e1.dept_id = 1;
select avg(e1.salary)
from emp e1
where e1.dept_id = 2;
-- b.查询 低于 本部门 平均工资 的员工信息
# e2.dept_id 表示当前部门, e1
select *,
(select avg(e1.salary)
from emp e1
where e1.dept_id = e2.dept_id)
from emp e2
where e2.salary < (select avg(e1.salary) from emp e1 where e1.dept_id = e2.dept_id);
-- 11.查询所有部门信息,并统计部门的员工人数
# select后的子查询
select d.id, d.name, (select count(*) from emp e where e.dept_id = d.id) '人数'
from dept d;
select count(*)
from emp
where dept_id = 1;
-- 12.查询所有学生的选课情况,展示出学生名称,学号,课程名称
-- 表:student, course, student_course
# 学生与课程 多对多 中间表至少包含2个外键 分别关联两方主键
-- 连接条件:student.id = student_course.studentid, course.id = student_course.courseid
select s.name, s.no, c.name
from student s,
student_course sc,
course c
where s.id = sc.studentid #连接条件 消除无效笛卡尔积
and sc.courseid = c.id;
use itcast;
-- -------------------- 事务操作 ----------------------
-- 数据准备
create table account(
id int auto_increment primary key comment '主键ID',
name varchar(10) comment '姓名',
money int comment '余额'
) comment '账户表';
insert into account(id, name, money) values (null,'张三',2000),(null,'李四',2000);
-- 恢复数据
update account set money = 2000 where name = '张三' or name = '李四';
select @@autocommit; # 默认自动提交,返回1
set @@autocommit = 1; # 设置为0手动1自动提交
-- 转账操作
-- 1.查询张三账户余额
select * from account where name = '张三';
-- 2.将张三账户余额 - 1000
update account set money = money - 1000 where name = '张三';
-- 3.李四账户余额 + 1000
update account set money = money + 1000 where name = '李四';
-- 提交事务
-- 回滚事务
-- 方式二 ------------------------
start transaction; #开启事务, 手动控制
select * from account where name = '张三';
update account set money = money - 1000 where name = '张三';
update account set money = money + 1000 where name = '李四';
-- 提交事务
-- 回滚事务
(事务隔离级别 UP↑) (效率 DOWN↓)
提示:Windows -- cmd可以按上下键,快速切换历史指令
Read uncommitted -- 脏读 √
-- cmd一号
mysql -u root -p
use itcast;
set session transaction isolation level read uncommitted; #设置事务隔离级别
select * from account;
start transaction; #开启事务
select * from account;
-- cmd二号
mysql -u root -p
use itcast;
start transaction; #开启事务
update account set money = money - 1000 where name = '张三'; #修改字段
-- cmd一号
select * from account;
-- cmd二号
-- cmd一号
select * from account;
Read committed 脏读 -- ×
-- cmd 1
mysql -u root -p
use itcast;
set session transaction isolation level read committed; #设置隔离级别
start transaction; #开启事务
select * from account;
-- cmd 2
start transaction;
update account set money = money - 1000 where name = '张三';
-- cmd 1
select * from account; #未改变
-- cmd 2
commit; #提交后才能在cmd 1中查到变化
-- cmd 1
select * from account; #已改变
...... --> 55. 基础-事务-并发事务演示及隔离级别_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
mysql> insert into account(id, name, money) values (3,'大刀王五',2000);
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '3' for key 'account.PRIMARY' #插入报错重复已有
mysql> select * from account where id = 3;
Empty set (0.00 sec) #查询又说没有