英语口语学习笔记DAY 8


补:Language exchange: 英语角

Highway robbery: charging too much money, overpriced.

Pay through the nose: pay a lot or too much for sth.

Do the math: figure out how much sth will cost, calculate.

补: you do the math! 这事不是很明显吗?

Not break the bank: not be too expensive, to be cheap.

My  treat: I'll pay.

Nothing to write home about: nothing special, not very good.

No great shakes: not very good.

By a long shot: by far, by a large amount.

补: sth is a long shot. 某事很难实现

Cross that bridge when we come to it: make a decision when needed and not before.

Call it a day: finish an activity for the day, stop doing sth.

For birds: lousy, worthless.

$64000 question: the most important question, a question that is very important but difficult to answer.

Fork over: give, usually unwillingly, pay.

Empty-handed :with nothing;without a gift.

补:come prepared有备而来

Hit a snag: meet some difficulty.

Part with: Give up sth valuable; give with reluctance.

Make the big bucks: make a lot of money; be well-paid.

Have up one's sleeve: habe sth secret in development or ready to use. =have a card up one's sleeve, have an ace up one's sleeve.

Go out on the town: go out and have fun for the evening (usually at bars, restaurant or clubs).

Up for: be interested in; be ready to.

Paint the town red: go out and enjoy oneself (often by drinking a lot).

On the warpath: very angry.

Wishful thinking: thinking hopefully, not realistically, about sth.

Do your dirty work: do an unpleasant task for sb.

Have some nerve: behave in a bold or disrespectful way.

Common courtesy: thoughtfulness, polite behavior.

Wake up and smell the coffee: be realistic.

Ancient history: the past, sth that is finished.

Get over it: deal with the reality that sth is fine, recover from an upsetting event.

Bent over backwards: make great effort for sb

This is the thanks I get: this is how you thank me for all I've done for you.

Lover's spat: an argument between a couple

Knockout: a beautiful woman

Set sb up with sb: introduce sb to a friend or acquaintance for the purpose of dating. =fix sb up sb

A match made in heaven: an ideal couple, a very good fit between two people or organizations.


Fancy-plain dress

Shiny-dull floorboard

Sharp-dull knife

Straight-crooked path

Shoulder length  Wavy, Curly, Mustache

Infant, toddler, middle-aged, senior citizen/elderly person

Physically challenged, vision impaired, hearing impaired

Courthouse, city hall, meter maid, fire alarm box, sidewalk, parking meter, sewer, fire hydrant, trash container, newsstand, traffic light/signal, intersection, crosswalk, pedestrian, curb (马路牙子), parking garage, public telephone, street sign, manhole,motorcycle, street vendor, drive-through window.

Travel agency, hair salon, hardware store, health club, jewelry store, laundromat, maternity shop, nail salon, motel.

Barber shop(理发店), child-care/day-care center, cleaners/dry cleaners(干洗店), car dealership, clinic, convenience store, copy center, delicatessen/deli, drug store/pharmacy, flower shop/florist, department store, electronics store, eye-care center/optician, gas station/service station, donut shop, fast-food restaurant.

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