Thymeleaf + Layui+快速分页模板(含前后端代码)


Thymeleaf + Layui+快速分页模板(含前后端代码)_第1张图片

1. 首先是queryQrEx.html:



2. 1 分页类:

public class Page {   //所有类可以继承整个类

    private int page=1;  //第几页,默认第一页,否则如果没传值默认会变成0 ,(0-1)*20会变成-20导致查询报错
    private Integer limit;//每页多少条

2.2 统一返回值类(统一返回值有助于编写操作日志时返回接口的返回值,且layui表格的返回值也是这个类的格式)

import lombok.Data;

import java.util.List;

 * @author hewenjun
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2022/06/23 16:08
public class ReturnT {
    private Integer code; //默认值时0,因为Layui取table值时返回code不是0就会报错格式不正确
    private String msg;
    private Object data;
    private Integer count;
    private List result;

    public ReturnT(Integer code, String msg, Integer count, List result) { //返回code,msg,分页数据总条数, 分页数据
        this.code = code;
        this.msg = msg;
        this.count = count; = result;
    public ReturnT(Integer code) {
        this.code = code;
    public ReturnT(Integer code, String msg) {
        this.code = code;
        this.msg = msg;

    public ReturnT(int code, String msg, Object data) {
        this.code = code;
        this.msg = msg; = data;

    public static ReturnT error(){ return  new ReturnT(400); }
    public static ReturnT error(int code){ return  new ReturnT(code); }
    public static ReturnT error(String msg){
        return  new ReturnT(400, msg);
    public static ReturnT error(int code, String msg){
        return  new ReturnT(code, msg, msg);
    public static ReturnT error(String msg, Object data){
        return  new ReturnT(0, msg, data);

    public static ReturnT success(int code){ return  new ReturnT(code);  }
    public static ReturnT success(String msg){ return  new ReturnT(0, msg);  }
    public static ReturnT success(String msg, Object data){  return  new ReturnT(0, msg, data);  }
    public static ReturnT success(int code, String msg){  return  new ReturnT(code, msg);  }


2.3 实体类

public class Qr extends Page implements Serializable {
	private String leadid;
	private String createTime;

    private String trayNo;
    private String trayDate;//Tray日期

3. Controller

private QrService qrService;

@RequestMapping("/toQrEx") //跳转到demoHtm页面
    public ModelAndView toQrEx(Qr qrf, HttpServletRequest request){
        request.setAttribute("createTime", addDate(-1) + " ~ " + addDate(0)); //tray日期初始化
            return new ModelAndView("queryQrEx");

 @GetMapping("/getQrExcList") //----异常数据查询
    ReturnT getQrExcList(Qr qrf) {
        return qrService.getQrExcList(qrf);

	 * 功能:指定日期加上指定天数
	 * @param date
	 *            日期
	 * @param day
	 *            天数
	 * @return 返回相加后的日期
public static Date addDate(Date date, int day) {
		Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
		c.setTimeInMillis(getMillis(date) + ((long) day) * 24 * 3600 * 1000);
		return c.getTime();

//获取服务器当前时间 + 天数   ---》如果是当前日期之前的某天那就传 负数 例如前一天 -1
public static String addDate(int days) {
		Date d =  addDate(new Date(), days);
		DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(STR_YYYY_MM_DD);
		return df.format(d.getTime());

4. serviceImpl

public ReturnT getQrExcList(Qr ex) {
        if(null != ex.getLimit()){ //如果页面没有传limit那就不是表格查询,应该是导出所有,这时就不需要分页
            int currentPage = ex.getPage(); //如果是从数据页面点击异常数量跳转的page=0,因此需要赋值1,否则limit -20会报错
            ex.setPage((currentPage - 1) * ex.getLimit());

        List list = qrMapper.getQrExcList(ex);
        int count = qrMapper.getQrExcListCount(ex);
        return !list.isEmpty() ? new ReturnT(0, "获取成功", count, list) : ReturnT.error("无数据");

5. mapper

 String PUBLIC_IF=  " and tcpno = #{trayNo} " +
            " "
            + "    AND to_char(createTime,'YYYY-MM-DD') >= substring(#{createTime}, 0, 11)" //数据库中的时间10位之前即可,前台传的有空格所以是11
            + "    AND to_char(createTime,'YYYY-MM-DD') <= substring(#{createTime}, 14)"
            + " " 
		   +	 "   limit #{limit} offset #{page} ";
    List getQrExcList(Qr ex);

    @Select({"" })
    int getQrExcListCount(Qr qr);
