SAP So10 长文本 生成传输请求

百度了这个问题没找到,然后去bing 搜了下,英文答案。简单copy下。。。



1. 通过se78 传输



GO to SE78---->Stores as Text--->Standard Text->Double click on ST>Give the Name of the Standard Text on the right side of the screen--->Click on Truck ( Transport ) It will ask for the req no. Use this req for transportation.


refer SAP Note 65253 - SO10 Transport of standard texts.

Create the transport request manually (SE01):

In SE01 create a Transport request by selecting workbench request. And then run the program RSTXTRAN

R3TR TEXT text object, name, ID, language

Texts which can be edited using SO10 always have "Text" as the text object.
