Pre-arrival Immigration Part 1

The Original Text

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Hello and welcome to the new International Student Prayer, rival immigration and programming orientation. My name is Vivian Yamaha, and I am the associate director for Intangible Student Services at Cranwell International Center. I had the International Student Services team, which is here to provide immigration and advising and other support to you during your time of Virginia Tech. An important part of our role is making sure that all students understand the F1 immigration rules.
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Our immigration workshops are designed to help you understand the F1 information information. The U series of five immigration workshops have been designed to introduce you to the requirements and regulations. You will need to know and understand as an F1 degree seeking student at Virginia Tech, each of them workshops and their associated quizzes will take anywhere from 7 minutes to 12 minutes To view. The quizzes will allow you up to 30 minutes to review and submit, and you have up to 5 chances to obtain the required score of 100% on each of the quizzes.
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Cranwell International Center is here to provide both immigration, advising and programmatic support to support your curriculum and cook curriculum success. While you’re here studying as a Virginia Tech student, what that means is that our office is here to provide both immigration advice and also provide a place for you to learn about us culture and provide access, to off campus experiences, events, programs and activities.
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From the immigration side, what are we here to provide and do for you as a student, First, Cranwell International Center. Specifically, International Student Services. Is made up of international student advisors. Also known as designated school officials and or DSO, our first priority is to help you as an F1 student maintain your immigration status as an office. Our second priority is to make sure the Virginia Tech as an institution, and Virginia. Tech students such as yourself comply with the US.
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Government’s immigration regulations and laws, And most important, our office is also here to give information. Help, and advice on various topics and issues you may encounter while you’re studying here as a student. Also, we are here to provide information and resources on immigration issues such as employment, both on and off campus, obtaining the F1 visa and questions you may have about travelling after you have entered the us.
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Cranwell as a whole, is also here to support you with any academic difficulties you may encounter while you’re studying here as a student, besides the various immigration issues that you may come upon, there may be some other legal concerns that you have. Our office is here to provide support. Annual referrals for those issues and concerns and questions as well.
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Cranwell International Center and our colleagues and student affairs and across the university are here to support you through any cultural and personal problems you may encounter as you are studying here, for the next 2, 3, 4, 5 years, a longer at Virginia Tech, often we get the question, who was Cromwell International Center here to support? And the answer is you. We are here to support all of the international students here at Virginia Tech, that includes all of our F.
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One undergraduate students are F1 and J, 1 graduate students and any students of Virginia Tech and other visa statuses who wish to become everybody’s myself and other staff at Cranwell International Center all have experienced studying and living outside the US. And, or coming to the US. As international students, we understand the difficulties you may experience while adjusting to a new academic and culture environment and worth here to support you.
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At Cranwell International Center, we use what is called a portfolio model in order to support all our F1 and J One international students. So what does that mean for you. It means that as a student at Virginia Tech, you have a dedicated international student advisor who works with either your college, such as the College of Agriculture and and Life Sciences, or works with a department inside the College of Engineering.
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The College of Engineering is divided amongst various international student advisors. And to find out who you are. Dedicated in chancellor. Student advisor is please visit our immigration services website or call or email our office to find out the name of your international student advisor. All of our enchanted student advisors are accessible by emailing us at international at V T. Dot, E, D, U, or calling our main line. At Cranwell International Center, we are open the same hours as other offices across the university.
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We are open Monday through Friday from 8 AM. To 5 PM, our office also offers dedicated walking hours that are available Mondays, Tuesdays. Thursdays and Fridays. Our office does not have walk in hours on Wednesdays. You may drop by our office on Monday and Thursday mornings between 10 AM M and 12 PM, or on and Fridays between 1 PM and 3 P.
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M, where you can see one of our international student advisors for any quick immigration questions. You may have these walking, advising sessions are usually short and last, anywhere from 5 to 8 minutes for any longer conversations or more difficult immigration situations you may encounter. We ask that you make an appointment with your dedicated international advisor to discuss this issue more in depth.
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After the ad drop deadline, in most semesters, you’re able to schedule an appointment with your dedicated international student advisor through Navigate, which is the university’s academic management software system. At times, the university, as well as Virginia Tech, will be closed for various holidays. Cranwell International Center is also closed for such things as staff training and, or attach us to orientation.
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When our international student advisors are not available, however, if there is ever a time when you have an immigration emergency, for example, you are unable to enter the us while you are the us us port of entry. Or if there’s a emergency with either yourself or another, a student, you can always reach out to Virginia Tech Police Department, nonemergency line, nemergency line at 5, 4, 0, 2, 3, Cy line at 5, 4, 0, 2, 3, 1. Six, 4, 1, 1. The the campus police will be able to reach out to or other staff member of Cranwell International Center, who can then provide assistance.
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This is the end of the introduction and the end of part one of our immigration workshops In order to access quiz 1 and other quizzes you will have after all of the immigration sessions, you will need to enter an individual unique code for each quiz. For part 1, the code is Q X 9, 8, 2, 7. 4, Once again, the code is Q, X. Nine, 8, 2, 7, 4. Thank you, and good luck on the rest of the immigration workshops. And once again, welcome to Virginia Tech.


  1. Who do the international student advisors in Cranwell advice?
    ☐ Undergraduate
    ☐ Master
    ☐ PhD
    ☑ All degree seeking F-1 and J-1 students
  2. How do you find out who your international student advisor is?
    ☐ 1) Review Cranwell’s Immigration Advising webpage after add/drop
    ☐ 2) Call Cranwell after add/drop deadline
    ☐ 3) Email Cranwell after add/drop
    ☐ 1) and 2)
    ☐ 2) and 3)
    ☑ 1), 2) and 3)
  3. What days are walk-in advising available at Cranwell?
    ☐ Tuesday and Thursdays
    ☐ Mondays and Fridays
    ☑ Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
    ☐ You can come in anytime for walk-in advising.
