


Independent learners

Key stage 1 learning habits , taking risks having a go, organisation, at home, reading to them , sharing book together, they reading to us. Comprehension. Talking to them. Book blog task. Completed book blog at home by themselves. Subject specialists. Board game. Greatest British bake . Time , watch old classical watch ,

Computing and IT.

Computer curriculum. One hour a week. Laptop keyboard, use mouse.

Internet safety , what information the kids share online.

Code of conduct

Digital awareness uk - parent session Monday 4 th of february2:45-4:15, crèche available.


Swimming lesson every week. Insure PE KITs at school every day. Everything named. Remove earrings and j

Swimming only aloud google after year three.

Art DT

year 2 only

Take risks, have fun, apron to school, stay at school whole year. Make sure Food allergies is up to date.

Performing art

New art studio. Music drama and dance. Sing dancing and acting . Year 2 play violin . Have a go session. Know more about instruments sign the at year 3.

French and Spainish

Working their independent thinking, having fun. Learning from mistakes . Different music dancing.


Personal needs. 45 mins session. Jigsaw .

Being me. Different level of sex education.
